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574 [Ancestral Spirits] and [The Cow of the Underworld] in the long history

From Zhang Guangmu's point of view, Long Xiaofan originally seemed to want to make money through the big bosses of the Yakuza organization to set up his own occult laboratory, and that was it.

The so-called "miracle" is nothing more than Long Xiaofan, as the "leader" of the "Yam Luo Sect", using the power of golden fingers to deceive believers by "predicting the trajectory of life".

Long Xiaofan simply does not have the ability to resurrect the dead!


The people of Yingzhou, who are very good at it, could start a sect and deceive a large number of people by using the method of "altering pictures to deceive" and taking a random "floating" photo, even in the era of extreme evil.

Long Xiaofan followed the locals and relied on his golden finger skills to start a business from scratch. Zhang Guangmu was not surprised to achieve this level.

After all, Long Xiaofan is also the real "Haoyue", and unlike Xiao Qian, who has not retired from the industry for many years, he makes a movie almost every year to maintain a sense of drama. Even if his strength has deteriorated compared to his heyday, it has not deteriorated too much.

Various clues indicate that in the world of "King of Hell's Perspective", the struggle between decent people and villains should have been carried out and unfolded in the "ancient urban background of the 21st century"!

This is normal and logical.

After all, the 22nd century is the global "Age of Nuclear Implications".

Various stories at this time point, from realism to fantasy, fantasy, and fairy tales, have been filmed over and over again by directors hundreds of years ago.

When it comes to ancient movies, people talk about the "pre-nuclear afterglow era" of the 21st century.

Many directors who pursue a "sense of the times" like to arrange their favorite stories in this background.

Just now...

Zhang Guangmu looked at the [Dark Qi] lingering on his fingertips and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He had a vague feeling that director Takada Kisa seemed to be planning to do something to prove himself.

"The King of Hell's Perspective" is probably not a simple urban supernatural and wit-fighting film.

Suddenly, Zhang Guangmu noticed that the number of little white dumplings spinning for him seemed to be more than before.

Listening to the speeches of this group of young people, it seems that the plots of Long Xiaofan, Yang Chi and some other important characters have just been completed at this moment.

The director no longer provides guidance, and the audience relies on their personal preferences to switch perspectives and watch the movie from other perspectives.

At this time, Zhang Guangmu suddenly felt that the world in front of him suddenly solidified, as if he had turned into a spider in amber, unable to move at all.

Obviously, this is the "time passage method" that directors have used more and more frequently recently.

In a daze, Zhang Guangmu felt his vision change, and he gradually floated up, overlooking the earth and ocean from a high place.

He noticed that Yingzhou was covered with a translucent black curtain, as if it was covered by a strange-shaped black bowl.

People outside can't get in, and people inside can't get out.

In the chaotic world, a soft female voice suddenly sounded.

"The gas named 'Dark Qi' by [Xuanxian] Zhang Guangmu suddenly appeared, and the world changed as a result."

"The black curtain shrouded Yingzhou and isolated it from the rest of the world."

"People from outside countries have tried every means, but they can't get through this layer of darkness and enter Yingzhou."

"Since then, Yingzhou has turned into the underworld."

"Disasters have come to the world, and war and death can be seen everywhere."

"Catastrophes bring suffering to people, but they also create opportunities for heroes to stand out!"

"Three years have passed since the day when the underworld energy was born!"

"Today, for people living in Yingzhou, the 'world' has a smaller definition."

"The three major forces of [Chonghuang], [Dongye], and [God's Throne] carve up the world!"

"Countless heroes stand out in the chaos of war!"

"When the achievements of [Wushuang Divine Throne·Zhang Guangmu], [Vicious Evil Dragon·Yang Chi] and others were being sung in the underworld, the darlings of fate also quietly awakened new power to summon [ancestral spirits] from the long river of history.

The power of!"

"Although the [ancestral spirits] have lost most of their memories and wisdom during their lives, their power has grown exponentially with the incense, faith and ghostly power provided by their descendants, and they have shown ghost-like powers.

Strong strength!"

Shenzuo District, Fengdu City.

Commercial Street.

Zhang Guangmu was holding milk ice cream in his hand and looking at the street where no one was walking around, he felt that the production team was really having fun.

Three years ago, when I was in college, my character template was 1.8 meters tall.

Myself three years later...

Even without a measuring stick, Zhang Guangmu came to the conclusion that he was about 1.95 meters tall now, relying only on some reference objects in his field of vision, with tight and powerful muscles all over his body.

With such a figure, although he is a little thin compared to Zhao Zhengrong, it is definitely enough to play professional basketball.

Having said that, this is also the first time in Zhang Guangmu's life that he has been given a role of this height.

No matter who you look at, it feels condescending, which is also quite novel and interesting.

Zhang Guangmu noticed that all the people walking on the road were carrying self-defense swords, as if they were always wary of strangers around them.

Such behavior is completely understandable.

Based on the false memories in his mind, Zhang Guangmu knew that in terms of compatibility with underworld energy, there was no difference between humans and animals such as cats, dogs, and mice.

In the past three years, many people and small animals have been deformed due to excessive absorption of underworld energy, becoming monsters, losing their minds, and killing people everywhere.

Although the living environment of the main characters continues the previous urban background, the pace of life and habits are completely different.

For example, in terms of “food”!


The tangy aroma hits your face.

A stern-looking hedgehog-headed boy came to Zhang Guangmu with a steaming portion of roast beef.

In the three years since Yingzhou was forced to isolate itself from the world and turned into something like a dark fairy tale version of Peach Blossom Land, the price of food has continued to increase several times.

Most people are considered good if they can eat two meals of rice a day.

When the disaster struck, the fishery and animal husbandry industries were hardest hit. Although all major forces provided support, the prices of fish and other meats skyrocketed, and only a few people could enjoy them regularly.

Pedestrians on the commercial street either can only smell the aroma and drool, or they can only take off the [Plasma Gas Bottle] or [Plasma Balloon] they carry with them and spend money to satisfy their cravings in a nearby restaurant.

Although it is a bit weird to eat roast beef on the street, Zhang Guangmu will not have any negative emotions because of it.

He kept walking at his original pace, grabbed the stone chopsticks given by Luo Zuan, picked up a piece of beef that had been grilled until cooked, and put it into his mouth.

It's tender, juicy, delicious and chewy, without adding any seasonings such as salt, pepper and black pepper sauce. It's just the taste of the ingredients itself that makes people intoxicated.

After taking one gulp, Zhang Guangmu stopped.

He took out his chopsticks like flying, and destroyed half the plate of beef in three strokes, five divided by two.

“Tastes good!”

After receiving the positive comments, Luo Zuan immediately responded: "This is the [Cow of the Underworld] specially cultivated in the secret base of our Xuanxian Group."

"Beef that has absorbed the underworld energy can absorb the softened underworld energy after being simply grilled and cooked, and then eaten directly."

"It can enhance physical strength and nourish qi and blood, but it is gentler. The side effects are much weaker than directly absorbing the underworld energy."

Zhang Guangmu named the cold black air flow "Netherworld Air". Three years later, this name spread and was generally recognized by people.

This is the result deduced by superintelligent life based on the behavior of subconscious actors.

Zhang Guangmu attached great importance to the study of underworld energy and made sufficient preparations. As a result, the power of the Xuanxian Group expanded greatly, and the "Bulls of the Underworld" also came into being.

Sitting on one third of Yingzhou and becoming stronger by eating food, is there anything more exciting than this?

Zhang Guangmu was very satisfied with this.

It's just that he was a little concerned about the word "favourites of fate" mentioned by the narrator.

If there was no word "we", Zhang Guangmu would automatically replace "Fate's Beloved" with "Long Xiaofan" in his mind.

Since the word "we" is included, this part of the narration is particularly worthy of further study.

This chapter has been completed!
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