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58 on the spot! I'm a plastic bag!

Peaceful and upright emotions are always lacking in appeal.

After the first extreme remarks appeared, a large number of black Yang Chi comments appeared in the film reviews related to "Flaming Wolf Castle".

Except for some fans who are out of love and hate, most of the audience's comments about Yang Chi are well-founded, sobering, thought-provoking, and convincing.

Even Yang Chi's true fans couldn't organize a strong rebuttal after watching him play the young castle master Lin Xuan.

Facts speak louder than words!

Therefore, the comments related to Yang Chi are almost all one-sided slaughter. The audience's consensus on this subconscious actor is that "he became famous at a young age, his mentality was inflated, and he lost his original intention."

The reviews are insightful enough and deadly enough.

It's just a small episode outside the play...

Outside the studio building, Yang Chi's shameful speech was recorded and posted online.

This made some viewers who had not watched "Flaming Wolf Castle" become interested in Yang Chi and expressed their willingness to pay attention to this person and continue to observe his subsequent development. It also made some people start to pay attention to "Zhang Guangmu" who was mentioned by Yang Chi.

When Zhang Guangmu is mentioned, the topic becomes much more interesting.

Audiences who have followed "Flaming Wolf Castle" have mixed praise and criticism for his role as "Tianguang", which has caused great controversy!

People who like Zhang Guangmu feel that every operation he performs in the film is almost perfect. Any scene taken alone will be a hit.

People who don't like Zhang Guangmu think that he is just a middle-aged boy. If he hadn't been lucky enough, a blind cat met a dead mouse, developed a magical weapon of fire by chance, and happened to crack the secret room code, it would have been impossible to reach this level.

That last step.

"Yang Chi, a scumbag, also said he wanted to teach Brother Mu. Is he worthy?"

"Although I don't think Yang Chi is good, I just can't bear to see you bragging about a newcomer like this. Are you pretending to be loyal? Are you deliberately trying to trick others?"

"Indeed, I quite like Zhang Guangmu as an actor, but when I see how hard you guys are bragging about him, I can't help but want to play devil's advocate."

"If Zhang Guangmu is really that awesome, how come he's not even a Seven Star?"

"One thing to say, Mu Zai is indeed not on this year's list of Seven Stars, but he is unlucky. In order to get his first supporting role, he traveled almost all over the world and spent most of his time. Otherwise, he could still be

Let’s fight for it!”

"Don't waste your breath talking about things that have never happened. There are no what-ifs in the world, right? After all, if Yang Chi had performed better and worked harder back then, maybe he would also be a member of the Seven Stars Club, and he is now

You won’t end up being ruined!”

"Let's discuss the matter! Don't make random inferences! We will only discuss the plot and characters of "Flaming Wolf Castle" here. It would be meaningless to express irrelevant opinions!"

"The character Tianguang... is really well created. I feel like I won't forget it at least for the next few years."

"He is a representative figure who has truly climbed from the bottom to the top of the pyramid! The production team didn't show any concern at all!"

"Tianguang: I can get to this point only because of reading!"

"Otherwise, how can we say that knowledge changes destiny?"

"Tianguang is indeed powerful, I don't deny it, but in the last scene, he said that he wanted to use Flame Wolf Castle as a testing ground, which is obviously a tragic ending, right? According to the normal laws of historical development, if he does that, he will become an enemy of all those who have vested interests!


"I'm afraid it's too naive to want a good ending after tampering with someone else's cake. Director Sun Yanwu has been in the industry for many years and is very experienced. He just finished it there at the speed of light, which makes it more or less memorable."

"Wolf controllers are the upper class of the old class, and users of fire artifacts are the new rich. Zhang Guangmu relied on the latter to rise to the top. His policies will eliminate the privileges of the new rich... I don't think his end will be good."

"Hahaha, you who live in a world without demons understand it again? Flame Wolf Castle is an extraordinary world! Do you know what it means when great power belongs to individuals? Skylight + blood thorn, it is a tiger lying down for me! It is a dragon coiling up for me! I

Just ask, who dares to stab them in front of them? Just fire Wushuang and be done!"

"Didn't he say it all in the play? Even if the experiment fails, it doesn't matter. It can be used as a reference for those who come after us. It is equivalent to a success in a certain sense!"

“The only thing humanity can learn from history is – humanity can’t learn lessons from history!”

"Compared with Yang Chi's crotch-stretching performance, Zhang Guangmu is simply a smart young man with upright roots and upright views. Although he has a tragic background, he has a kind and compassionate heart. Even though he later reached a high position through personal struggle

, and still haven’t forgotten our roots, and still want to restore peace to the world, what kind of great subconscious is this?”

"You're exaggerating, it's making me feel uncomfortable! I'm going to rewrite "Flaming Wolf Castle" right now to see if this newcomer is as awesome as you say!"

Controversy is often accompanied by heat.

Amid the intense interactions and disputes among the audience, the popularity of "Flaming Wolf Castle" gradually went out of the circle. Some viewers who did not like to watch the ending of the movie were so inspired that they began to watch the show one after another.

Zhang Guangmu put down his arms, looked at the wooden ceiling, felt the crampedness of the room, and cheered up: "Mooncakes! We will move to a new home soon!"

"Keep on holding on!"

The orange cat lazily turned around, gave him a look like "What are you crazy about?", then lay down in the cat's nest, closed its eyelids, fell asleep for a second, and purred weakly.

After eating and sleeping, you are as comfortable as a piglet.

Ah this...

Zhang Guangmu looked around.

Although this aspen wood cabin does not have air leakage from all sides, it is too small and does not even have a bathroom. You have to go to public facilities to wash up, which is very troublesome.

For ordinary citizens of the empire, if they want to move into a pine house with its own bathroom, it will cost one thousand dragon guilders - if a person does not spend a dime on ordinary days and is willing to work hard, he can save it in ten months.

That's enough money.

But living in a world of flowers, who can live without spending money?

For a guy who can really save money to that extent with his willpower, what other things can he do that can't make a lot of money?

Closer to home, Zhang Guangmu definitely couldn’t afford the money.


If he can be promoted to a two-star subconscious actor certified by the empire, among the many new benefits, there will be a free new pine wood house to live in without spending half a dime!

After Zhang Guangmu thought wildly for a while, he collected his thoughts and randomly pulled out a copy of "Robinson Crusoe" from the bookshelf.

"My personal evaluation of the drama "Flaming Wolf Castle" is similar to that of "Endless Food Bag", so..."

Theoretically, you should be able to get two ability points.

The second point last time was obtained after reading the audience’s follow-up comments.

This time, there was no reaction from the "Book of Interpretation." Even though Zhang Guangmu wanted to turn over the book in his hand, it remained motionless, as steady as a mooncake.

What's going on?

Isn’t it possible that even this hard-earned money is wasted?

Zhang Guangmu shook his head.

This is not the case.

There is a delay in the production of Golden Finger, which was confirmed after the filming of the first part was completed.

Then just wait!

Zhang Guangmu jumped out of bed and performed a set of imperial body-building techniques. After that, his energy and blood were active, his mind was refreshed, and his body felt comfortable. He returned to the bed and sat cross-legged, trying to meditate.

Three minutes later, he opened his eyes.

"Before Boss Zhao helps to pick up new plays, there seems to be nothing to do..."

However, both Chu Fan and Li Xiaoxiao suggested that Zhang Guangmu watch as few subliminal movies as possible when turning on the "Volume King Mode"...

So Zhang Guangmu threw his helmet aside, shook his black jade bracelet, opened his personal terminal, and clicked on the group search function.

Keywords: Changhe Guangmu, Zhang Guangmu, fans, shoumu people, Changhe's second generation, Tianguang, inventor of the flame artifact, the new king of Yanlang Castle.


The search results came out.

This is a new group called [Tianguang Camp]. It doesn’t have many members, but it has already opened super members. The group name is a noble and conspicuous bright red.

Applications for Membership!

"This group is a support group for the subconscious actor Zhang Guangmu. It aims to gather five fans who are qualified, ethical, moral, cultivated, and socially responsible. To join the group, you need to answer ten preset questions, and the accuracy rate reaches 100%.

Only those over 90 can join the group.”

"Note: The special preset question bank for this group is generated based on Zhang Guangmu's interpretation in "Endless Food Bag" and "Flaming Wolf Castle". The questions encountered when applying to join the group may be different each time."

Zhang Guangmul was happy when he saw these two pieces of news.


"Isn't it just to answer questions? I am a good answerer, why are I afraid of this?"

"Come! Let the storm come more violently!"

Question 1: Why did Zhang Guangmu, the second-generation controller of the Changhe Survivor Camp, jump into the endless food bag? Please profile or analyze it from an objective and subjective perspective!

Isn’t this a score-giving question?

Zhang Guangmu sneered disdainfully and only spent thirty seconds typing out the answer.


Then it is judged as "wrong answer".

Zhang Guangmu jumped up from the bed and typed with dissatisfaction: "What the hell? How could it be wrong! I was at the scene!"

"This is my standard answer!"

The other party replied in a tone that looked like a joke: "I was also there at the time!"

"I am that plastic bag."

After a while, the artificial intelligence responsible for the group entrance assessment said two more sentences, which completely convinced Zhang Guangmu.

"Objective perspective: The Endless Food Bag is a bottomless pit that sucks blood. Only the emergence of a voluntarily sacrificed host can crush the end of hunger and allow people to live a happy life again."

"Subjective perspective: Zhang Guangmu is not a saint, but a man who values ​​credibility above all else. After he took over Zhao Zhengrong's position, he personally promised to feed everyone. He sacrificed himself and entered

The endless food bag is to fulfill its promise."

Seeing this answer, Zhang Guangmu's whole body went numb.

At first, I just wanted to appear holy in front of others...

However, what this standard answer says does seem to make sense.

"Well, that's right. That's what I thought at the time."

After whispering for a while, Zhang Guangmu replied with a stiff tongue: "I just answered wrong on purpose, just to test you. Come on, next question!"

This chapter has been completed!
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