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597 Hit and kill Sanada! Kowtow for mercy!

"Sanada Team] Move closer to me and retreat with me!"

Summoner Shiro Sanada had an active mind. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately reacted: "The Chinese Art of War book says: If you keep the green hills, you will not have to worry about having no firewood!"

"Ancestor Yukimura! Escort me to escape!"

Sanada Yukimura, known as the number one soldier of the Yingzhou Warring States Period, was wounded by the enemy with random gunshots in the last battle of his life, and finally his head was cut off by the enemy general and he died.

Sanada Shiro, who summoned him, kept yelling about cutting off other people's heads all day long.

Therefore, he always lies down like a monk ringing the bell for a day.

Yukimura Sanada obeyed his summoner, but he didn't completely obey his orders.

This state is just like the relationship between Ben Longman and Hannibal Baca.

As a summoner, in most cases, it is not an easy thing to get the recognition of one's ancestors.

Even though he didn't like his summoner, the ancestral spirit Sanada Yukimura still guarded Sanada Shirou, trying to take him out of this place.

Takeda Sasuke's reaction speed is a little slower, but he is not a stubborn person.

Seeing that Yanagi Yozo and Yagyu Soyan died in battle, Zhang Guangmu massacred everyone, and his own morale collapsed, he felt that the battle was about to be lost.

The reason why he didn't run away immediately was because Takeda Sasuke saw that the Xuan Xian group was rich and had enough dark energy to squander it, so he wanted a piece of the pie. He couldn't control the greed in his heart, so he hesitated and held on.

Lucky mentality.

Now, seeing the Sanada team starting to withdraw from the battlefield, Takeda Sasuke also reacted immediately.


Before giving the order, he felt as if another self began to speak in his mind.

Even if you lose, you still have to take a piece of meat from the Xuanxian group!】

Even death will make Zhang Guangmu feel heartbroken!】

When he thought of this, Takeda Sasuke immediately slapped himself.


The slap was loud.

"Idiot! How can you think like this! Life is the most precious wealth! I can never die here!"

After beating himself awake, Takeda Sasuke, who had a palm print on his face, shouted loudly: "The Takeda Army formed a rectangular formation and broke out to the west!"

"As long as there is life left, there is hope of a comeback!"

Originally, the Chonghuang Alliance was not of the same mind. When the situation became slightly unfavorable, two of the forces began to make plans for themselves.

At this time, Yang Chi, as the nominal commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, had to sadly admit that the current war situation had taken a turn for the worse, and I was afraid that the situation could no longer be restored!

The Chonghuang soldiers scrambled to escape, hating their parents for missing two legs. Their faces were full of panic, and they rolled and crawled in all directions.

Where is the supervising team that specializes in killing deserters?

They are the fastest runners!

In fact, many Yingzhou soldiers have the mentality of "If you can't outrun the enemy, you'll be fine. As long as you can outrun your teammates, you'll survive." They secretly give their comrades around them black guns and stab them in the back, in order to buy time for themselves.

Under the wise command of Zhang Guangmu, the soldiers of the Xuanxian group were very good at beating up drowned dogs. At this time, they were all yelling and making all kinds of strange roars.

As for the Chonghuang Alliance, which was being hunted all the way, their morale had completely dropped to zero.

Seeing this scene, Sanada Shirou was stunned.

The strategic retreat turned into a complete rout, and the Allied Forces fell into the predicament of fighting each other. The ugly sight of the soldiers dragging each other back made Sanada Shiro feel cold.

He knew that he was doomed.

Even if he barely escapes, he will have to live in Zhang Guangmu's shadow for the rest of his life, and may be caught out at any time to settle the score.

At this time, Sanada Shirou noticed that Takeda Sasuke came from behind and was running in the front position like him.

The opponent's ancestral spirit, Kai no Tiger, Takeda Shingen, was the number one strategist of the Yingzhou Warring States Period during his lifetime. He had his own way of training and leading troops to fight. He once captured Shinano and defeated the Oda Tokugawa coalition in the Battle of Mikatahara.

Quite a "martial arts" person.

Under the command of Takeda Shingen, the Takeda Army's performance during the escape journey was obviously much better than that of the Sanada Group.

Although the Takeda Army still looks messy, like refugees fleeing from natural disasters in ancient times, at least they have not plotted against each other, and there are relatively few cases of killing each other.


These differences no longer make any sense.

Feeling Sanada Shirou's gaze, Takeda Sasuke's face turned red immediately, veins popped out on his forehead, and he yelled angrily: "You coward! A selfish devil!"

"Damn untouchable blood, without any spirit of bushido! You are simply a shame to Yingzhou!"

Sanada Shiro frowned and rolled his eyes wildly. While thinking about how to get the other party to back him up, he retorted casually as if he was the first to complain: "You actually accuse me?"

"If you didn't follow and escape, the Chonghuang Alliance Army would not have retreated into a rout!"

He thought that as the first escapee to make such shameless remarks, he would be severely scolded by the other party, but Sanada Shirou suddenly found that the other party did not refute him at all.

Takeda Sasuke looked in the direction behind him, with an expression of overt fear on his face.

Following Takeda Sasuke's gaze and turning his face instinctively, Sanada Shiro saw a fierce warrior who was covered in blood and looked like an evil ghost.

From about five meters away, he could feel a suffocating, terrifying and bloody aura coming from the other party.

There was a hint of joking and cruelty in the other party's cold and ruthless eyes.

Not the shining Qiji] Zhang Guangmu, who is it?


Sanada Shiro was so frightened that he felt that the hair on the back of his head was standing up, and his calves seemed to be cramping.

He instinctively showed a pleading expression, and his eyes also changed from cunning and cunning to as pitiful as a little pet in an instant.

It is a pity that Zhang Guangmu did not give him a chance to leave his last words.

Before Sanada Shiro could say anything, Zhang Guangmu pinched his head, pushed him down hard, and smashed his head with his knee.


Brains splattered everywhere.

Sanada Shiro died tragically, and his body lay limp on the ground.

Almost at the same time that Zhang Guangmu killed Sanada Shirou with one knee, the ancestral spirit Yingzhou's first soldier, Sanada Yukimura, was also strangled by the white-robed young man who followed closely and Hannibal Baka.

Seeing this scene, Takeda Zuosuke calculated the speed difference between himself and Zhang Guangmu, and sadly realized that before he could escape to the chariot, he would be overtaken and beaten to a pulp!

After realizing this, Takeda Zuosuke did not run away, he immediately stood firm, turned around, knelt on the ground with a thud, spoke quickly, and begged Zhang Guangmu for mercy: "Xuanxian, the great Xuanxian!


"I am on the wrong team and trying to make an enemy of you, the noble one, is the biggest mistake of my life!"

As he spoke, Takeda Zuosuke "Peng Peng" kowtowed twice.

He exerted so much force that his head was bruised and bloody.

Takeda Sasuke, who tried to defect before the battle, had a strong desire to survive and immediately lowered his attitude to the lowest level.

Many young white dumplings despise him, thinking that this person lacks backbone and is embarrassing.


After all, Takeda Sasuke's performance made some viewers feel pity.

They thought that since Takeda Sasuke had surrendered, it seemed not impossible to accept him.

This can increase the high-end combat power of the Xuan Xian Group and make it easier to take over the remaining strength of the Takeda Army. It is a wise approach.

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