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620 Zhang Guangmu: No one understands radiation better than me!

Zhang Guangmu held the landline phone with one hand, turned sideways with a smile, and looked at the sea level and the sunset in the distance.

He seemed to completely ignore Yang Chi's "one-minute countdown death notice", and every word he spoke was filled with overflowing joy: "Block those nuclear bombs..."

"Why should I block?"

[Infinity Battleship Code] - As long as I have no morals, no one can morally kidnap me!

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu tried hard to hold back his smile and gently touched the air in front of him with his free fingers.

The next moment, the trophy [King of Hell's Contact Lenses] looted from Long Xiaofan transcended the shackles of space, was extracted from the underworld, and fell into his hands.

Zhang Guangmu played with the contact lens and said with great interest: "Yang Chi, are you too naive?"

"Who do you think I am?"


"Whether those Yingzhou people are dead or alive, what does it have to do with me?"

"Why should I save them?"

Once all ninety-nine mushroom bombs explode, not to mention Yingzhou, even other countries in the world will be affected by radiation.

The entire planet's ecological cycle will suffer irreversible damage!

If radiation neutralization technology does not develop fast enough, this move may harm future generations of mankind for thousands of years, with endless legacies!

Being scolded?

Does Yang care about this?


Even if people all over the world poke his spine and scold him, he won't take it to heart.

As long as Zhang Guangmu can be defeated...

Nothing else matters!


After listening to Zhang Guangmu's words, Yang Chi was stunned.


He is a leader of a Yakuza organization, not a charity organization.

Why do I subconsciously think that Zhang Guangmu is a good person?

Why is this?

Who secretly modified his memory?

At this time, Zhang Guangmu once again performed the classic Sichuan Opera face-changing stunt.

His tone turned colder by the second, as if the ice came from the Nine Netherworld, exuding the chill that penetrated the bone marrow: "It would be better to say that I am happy to see the outcome of this matter."

"I should really thank you for saving me a lot of time."

After Zhang Guangmu looked up and down [King of Hell's Contact Lenses], he nodded slightly: "I see."

"It has no use value anymore."

The next moment, he crushed the contact lens directly.

In an instant, gleaming rays of light gathered in Zhang Guangmu's eyes, making his eyes even deeper and darker.

Zhang Guangmu turned around, faced the phone, and said in an arrogant tone: "Those who believe in me will have eternal life!"

"Those who don't believe in me will be in the eighteenth level of hell and suffer for eternity!"

"I only need to save those devout people who are loyal to me, that's enough."

The villain's speech made Yang Chi fall into self-doubt on the spot, and he didn't know how to reply for a while.

Luo Zuan, Jiang Ling, Shalia and other cadres who stayed beside Zhang Guangmu, as well as Zhang Jiao, Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang and other ancestors seemed to have something to say, but at this time, it was not easy to interrupt Zhang Guangmu.

At the critical moment, they finally chose to believe Zhang Guangmu's judgment.

At this time, the calm and indifferent voice of the ancestor Ying Zheng suddenly came from the microphone: "Zhang Guangmu, your talent is even far superior to that of Yang Chi."

"My capacity is enough to tolerate your existence."


"There is no such thing as [regret medicine] in the world."

"Rest in peace."

"Zhang Guangmu, I will remember this name."

Unlike Yang Chi who wanted to defeat Zhang Guangmu, although Ying Zheng had the same goal as Yang Chi and made a plan to use nuclear bombs to bomb Yingzhou in the underworld and took action decisively, his reasons were completely different.

One is to test the power of nuclear bombs.

If the power of nuclear weapons is as powerful as what is depicted in words, pictures, and videos, then after the Qin Dynasty comes back, the core national policy will naturally be skewed.

Ying Zheng will vigorously support scientific research and promote the social status of scientists, allowing them to obtain wealth, fame, social status second only to the emperor, and everything that makes others envious.

Just like the soldiers of the old Qin Dynasty, they can realize any dream by gaining military exploits through fighting on the battlefield.


After all the creatures on Yingzhou are wiped out and the follow-up finishing work is taken care of, the supernatural power of [ancestral spirits] and [underworld energy] will be exclusively owned by Da Qin!

[Monopoly] is a good concept, and Ying Zheng plans to try it.


A sharp electric sound sounded, and the communication was forcibly interrupted by an external force.

Because, ninety-nine nuclear bombs have been officially detonated!

Originally, the Xuanxian group's air defense capabilities were unable to intercept all of these, not even one third.

Zhang Guangmu simply issued an order for the Xuanxian group to give up resistance.

In an instant, ninety-nine mushroom clouds steamed up!

With the explosion point as the core, the huge fireball suddenly expanded, releasing a terrifying shock wave that shattered glass, street lights, and car windows. And this was just the beginning.

The vacuum layer formed by the shock wave destroyed all the buildings on the surface.

Subsequently, the atmosphere quickly refilled, and the land was torn apart by violent force.

At this point, the sewer is like a broken blood vessel, broken apart root by root, and the sputtered "blood" sublimates smoothly, and even the process of turning into smoke does not exist!

The Yingzhou people within a three-kilometer radius of each explosion center were directly shattered into pieces by the super strong shock wave, turned into fine carbon powder particles all over the sky, and then burned up.

Pedestrians or people hiding in houses within a ten-kilometer radius were quickly dried by the light and heat radiation, turning into pitch-black silhouettes that were plastered on the ground.

This is much bigger than the [Three Thousand Demon Tribulation] scene in "Martial Arts Diary"!

If Zhang Jiao hadn't immediately put up a barrier of sand and thunder, I'm afraid this beachfront villa would have turned into nothingness immediately.

Facing the nuclear impact that was temporarily isolated outside the thunder and sand barrier, Luo Zuan showed fear on his face and his breathing became rapid.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said calmly: "Our members of the Xuanxian group received the news fifty seconds in advance, used the [Xuanxian Teleportation Network], and hid in the nearest air raid shelters and shelters."

The best defense facility is naturally the shelter, but the number of those things is limited and cannot accommodate all members of the Xuanxian Group.


Luo Zuan gritted his teeth: "According to the news sent back by our scientists through the [Xuanxian Teleport Network], the underground air-raid shelters can only last for five minutes, and shelters with certain explosion-proof properties cannot last too long. At most, one

Hours later, it will be completely melted!”

The spiky-headed boy could not wait to drag Zhang Guangmu into [Shelter Zero], which has the highest defense level.

But Luo Zuan knew very well that even [Shelter Zero] could not survive a nuclear explosion of this magnitude for long.

The red-haired girl next to her, Jiang Ling, widened her eyes and was not afraid of being blinded. Her tone was both excited and regretful: "Explosion! Destruction! Rebirth! This is similar to alchemy..."

"By inactivating the toxicity of some medicinal materials and using wonderful chemical reactions, new substances can be created!"

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu turned his face sideways and glanced at Jiang Ling in surprise.

Birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups.

My own team, the medical team and the fortune teller are good friends, so [spirituality] and [sixth sense] have also improved?

This Guliang actually thought of going together with me!

"don’t worry!"

The ancestor spirit Zhang Jiao gasped and said with difficulty: "At least... I can... protect... the lord!"

When Comrade Zhou Yu, who has always been competitive all his life, heard this, he instinctively continued: "Not only can I protect the Lord, I can even save more than 60% of the members of the Xuanxian Group!"

The ancestral spirit Zhuge Liang touched the golden seven-star light belt on his neck and said in a faint tone: "Have you underestimated my lord's ability too much?"

After the words fell, everyone looked at Zhang Guangmu.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Zhang Guangmu's lips raised slightly: "Mr. Wolong is right."

"Today, I have surpassed the limits that [human beings] can define and have become the ultimate immortal creature!"

Ninety-nine mushroom clouds bloomed on the underworld and transformed into Yingzhou, turning into brilliant fireworks!

Zhang Guangmu is too familiar with that violent, uncontrolled chain fission power!

Not to mention the accumulation of past experience, in this world alone, he had used the [Radiation Summoning] ritual before, and when summoning Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang, he used similar power.

With the Heart of Hell as the hardware foundation, [Imperial Forging Technique 21], [Acting Skill 6], and [Control 3] can all help Zhang Guangmu understand and control this power to a certain extent.

"What can a mere nuclear explosion do to me?"

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Guangmu put his right hand on the dragon-shaped belt casually, and took the initiative to reach out of the sand barrier with his claw-shaped left hand: "No one understands radiation better than me!"


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