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Chapter 628 627 [Using Sword] Upgrade! Points credited!

Chapter 628 627 [Sword Controlling]·Improvement! Points received!

Zhang Guangmu felt that he had long been used to being watched.

Anyway, I am thick-skinned and have no pressure.

After all, he is not like the embarrassed Xiaoxiao brother who turned red in the face. One look at his virtue shows that he has never seen anything big in the world.

After listening to Li Zhou's brief explanation, Zhang Guangmu took what was said to be [Scientific Bigu Pill] and drank it without any courtesy.

Gulu! Gulu! Gulu...

The texture is thick and the taste is single, with only a slight salty taste.

It feels like noodle soup with added salt.

Li Zhou quickly asked: "How is it? Do you feel it?"

Zhang Guangmu has such strong control over his body that he doesn't even need to think about it carefully. He immediately gives the answer: "It was absorbed directly without digestion. I feel more energetic."

In fact, he originally wanted to say that it felt like drinking a large cup of coffee dripped with essential oil and strong tea, and he felt very powerful at the moment.

But Zhang Guangmu then thought about it, Li Zhou was kind-hearted and brought out high-tech products to entertain him. In this way, he was somewhat avenged with some kindness, so he simply gave up his wonderful metaphor.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Guangmu gently turned his wrist, and a little orange fire bloomed at his fingertips. The color of the flame changed rapidly, turning into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

The power of the colorful flames in this hand is not highlighted, but it is indeed quite bluffing at first glance.

"Hahaha! Okay! As expected of you! You really have endless potential!"

Li Zhou looked happy and spoke very quickly: "Because it can only be transformed with Linghui Essence for the time being, the cost of [Dark Blue Nutritional Cream] is very expensive. Each tube costs about thirty dragon shields."

"But this time it's free!"

"Eat as much as you can, it's all on me!"

For this part of consumption, as the club's minister, Li Zhou could actually find the Royal Academy of Sciences and go through the [talent training special project] reimbursement channel. In this way, he could just sell Zhang Guangmu a favor.

After speaking, Li Zhou warmly entertained everyone on the Infinity battleship: "You're welcome, please eat as much as you can!"

"The amount of [Dark Blue Nutrient Paste] that can be digested and absorbed for the first time can also be roughly assessed on the progress of your awakening!"

The host is so hospitable, and with Zhang Guangmu taking the lead, others will naturally not be polite to him.

The results of taking [Dark Blue Nutritional Cream] will come out quickly.

Chu Fan felt full immediately after taking one tube. He covered his mouth and tried his best to suppress the burps. He said he couldn't take the second tube.

It can only be said that in this regard, Chu Ba always never disappoints.

Tang Lanshan and Luo Zuan performed slightly better, both taking two tubes of [Dark Blue Nutrient Cream].

And the petite red-haired girl Jiang Ling actually took three tubes just like the burly man Zhao Zhengrong.

Li Xiaoxiao with a pretty girl face...

This time, perhaps because of the presence of an "outsider" like Li Zhou, he rarely pretended to be a gentleman.

The poor prince Li Xiaoxiao did not pour dark blue nutritional ointment into his mouth.

He just coldly held one hand upside down, pointed his right hand together like a sword, slowly raised it, and pulled it gently sideways.


The wind howls!

The shadow of the sword crosses the sky!

The sword that was inseparable from Li Xiaoxiao took off its sheath, and without anyone holding it, he cut off five tubes of [Dark Blue Nutritional Ointment].

The flowing [Scientific Bigu Pill] was not wasted, but was sucked into the flying sword.


Li Xiaoxiao's cheeks bulged and she quickly covered her mouth, not daring to say the sexy words she had prepared.

Originally he wanted to steal the limelight, but now he straightened his hips.

"Such an extraordinary ability is not like [Metal Control], it should be [Sword Control], right?"

Zhang Guangmu looked at Li Xiaoxiao with a smile.

The good brother held on for a while, but finally couldn't resist. He covered his mouth and looked like he might have morning sickness at any time.

Seeing this, Zhang Guangmu gradually realized that the flying sword controlled by Li Xiaoxiao was like a living creature. If the flying sword "ate", it was equivalent to being eaten by Li Xiaoxiao.

The energy and nutrients of the five tubes of dark blue nutritional ointment seemed to be transferred to Li Xiaoxiao's body simultaneously.

As for the mooncakes…

At first glance, the paper record of the head of the household, Zero Zero Two, is similar to that of Chu Fan.

She drank a tube of it in a dignified manner, then jumped onto Zhang Guangmu's shoulder with a look of disgust on her face, and went back to eat her own salt-free version of foie gras filled with crispy dried fish.

Although the stuffed dumplings obviously didn't try their best, only a few people on the Infinity battleship were more concerned about it.

According to Zhang Guangmu, the mooncake itself is a genetically mutated [immortal cat], and coupled with the awakening of the dual-system extraordinary abilities of ice and fire, no matter how you look at it, the potential cannot be only this small.

Since cats cannot eat too much salty food, Zhang Guangmu did not force her to eat more under the banner of "for your own good".

After all, Deep Blue Nutritional Cream is specially designed for humans.

After awakening the extraordinary power, Mooncake’s body cells were insufficiently nourished?

It doesn't matter!

Dried fish, cooked egg yolks, canned liver, and yogurt are all you can eat!

We have dragon shields!

Not short of money!


Do you still have more than 43,000 yuan to pay off your medical loan?

Zhang Guangmu said that only the minimum repayment is required every month, and there is no pressure at all!


Is paying off debt more important than raising fat piglets?


Finally, it was Zhang Guangmu himself.

He emptied thirteen tubes of [Dark Blue Nutrient Cream] in one go before he finally felt full and stopped eating.

Zhang Guangmu, who was already full, pretended to be unsatisfied, causing others to subconsciously feel that he "didn't want to take advantage of his friends and deliberately suppressed his appetite."

This number is quite outrageous, more than Mr. Chu Ba and the Xiaoxiao brothers combined.

Li Zhou, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but admire and congratulated: "This is an expression of unlimited potential!"

"The first time I ate this, I swallowed nine tubes, and then I lost my appetite for several days."

People who awaken early are like this. Whatever they say will give people the feeling of showing off.

As he said this, Li Zhou suddenly discovered that Zhang Guangmu's character was really good.

When such interests were related, he actually put himself in the shoes of his friend.

Probably, it was because Zhang Guangmu got to know Li Xiaoxiao early and knew that the lives of the princes and princesses were not easy and they were also strapped for money, so he was so considerate, right?

Thinking of this, Li Zhou suddenly felt a little guilty.

Li Zhou thought that if he had made it clear that this consumption could be reimbursed, Zhang Guangmu might be able to eat a few more tubes, so that he would not be stuck in a state of half-starvation.

It's too late to say this now.

More and more club members were watching, and Li Zhou couldn't turn around and explain.

He planned to make up for Zhang Guangmu in other ways.

Zhang Guangmu rubbed his stomach, looking 70% full, and said nonchalantly: "I feel pretty good."

In fact, this is pure nonsense.

He felt like he was about to burst into his throat.

I can't wait to read the hair care chapter of "Imperial Bodybuilding Technique" immediately to relieve my appetite.

In fact, Zhang Guangmu knew very well that his extraordinary fire power was at the same level as Li Xiaoxiao. Five tubes of dark blue nutritional ointment would probably make him vomit.

The extra eight tubes you eat are 100% due to [Imperial Strengthening Technique 21].

This contains a rather simple truth - strong people consume a lot on weekdays and have a particularly large appetite.

Zhang Guangmu has a strong body. Even if he fails to awaken his extraordinary power, he still has the strength to beat most extraordinary people.

After taking thirteen tubes of [Scientific Bigu Pill], the benefits are immediately apparent.

Zhang Guangmu felt hot all over his body, and every cell seemed to be full of power.

An invisible and qualityless flame surged through his limbs and bones.

They flow in the blood, pass through the skin, nerves, organs, muscles, and bones, and soak into every organ. They quickly temper Zhang Guangmu's body, making Zhang Guangmu's already powerful body even stronger.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was full of vigorous energy, and he was full of energy and energy, with inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy!


Zhang Guangmu snapped his fingers, and a ball of flame dyed snow-white appeared on his palm.


The biggest gains and transformations are still focused on extraordinary power!

Although the lower limit of the flame's temperature has not changed, it is still 36.7 degrees Celsius, but its upper limit has soared to 3,000 degrees Celsius!

Just listening to the numbers, 3000 seems not worth mentioning.

In fact, what is this concept?

The temperature of the flame that Zhang Guangmu can create is already more than half the surface temperature of the sun. Even if there is a steel wall in front of him, it can be completely burned into iron vapor!

In ancient times, this was a truly magical method.

Feeling the growth of his abilities, Zhang Guangmu felt happy.

The accumulation in the past is all meaningful!

They are gradually coming to fruition!

At this time, Zhang Guangmu suddenly felt a familiar feeling.


The feeling of having available ability points arrive in your account!

This chapter has been completed!
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