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Chapter 636 635 Cao Guan's new drama! 'Sword, Vanity Fair'

Chapter 636 635 Cao Guan’s new drama! "Sword, Vanity Fair"

For Zhang Guangmu, this multiple-choice question had only one option from the beginning.

I defeated my boss and ran to the space station to do the test. In addition to wanting to get the extra allowance for high-level extraordinary beings, wasn't it just for this moment?



If you are so strong, why do you keep a low profile and act like a pig?

From this point of view, Zhang Guangmu felt that the words of Comrade Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, "If wealth does not return to its hometown, it is like walking at night in brocade clothes" that really spoke to his heart.

Zhang Guangmu's reaction was so fast that it took Li Zhou a moment to react.

"It doesn't matter if you're anonymous...ah...publicly?"

Li Zhou, who had already prepared several persuasive strategies, suddenly came to his senses and beamed with joy: "Great!"

What do you mean by one’s own?!

Zhang Guangmu is indeed a good brother. He is different from other charming bitches at the national level. He stands out as reliable!

Not only did he guess with his super intelligence that the Extraordinary Club was assigned a special talent discovery target task, he also stepped forward and was even willing to sacrifice some of his personal privacy for this purpose.

When Li Zhou tried to persuade those monster-like transcendental beings at the state level before, he failed to achieve any results with his words, which almost made him depressed.

Zhang Guangmu’s reaction is simply touching!

Li Zhou, who finally got an easy performance, came to Zhang Guangmu's side, sat down nearby, winked and said, "I'll find a way to get you some discounts for this banquet."

"It's impossible to reimburse everything. The people above are not fools."

"It's still okay to reimburse 50%."

At this point, Li Zhou's face became solemn, and he changed the subject with a serious look: "Last time we fought against [Chiyou], you didn't use your full strength, right?"

You know, Zhang Guangmu has not yet demonstrated the combination of [Skylight Flame] and sword skills!

Or rather...

In fact, he has already done this, but he has never shown it to others.

Zhang Guangmu smiled and was noncommittal.

As long as my acting skills are good enough, no one can tell that I am trying my best!

If we don’t tell ourselves, who would know that we have tried our best?

The master's style must be maintained well, and the strong man's posture must be stable!


Classmate Li Xiaoxiao from [Dongliang Level] was holding a piece of cake and recalling the previous battle between Zhang Guangmu and [Chi You]. While fighting Yourong Yan, he also felt very embarrassed.

At the banquet table, people were drinking and drinking, each enjoying his or her own favorite food and drinks.

Li Zhou got himself a piece of Dongpo meat. This time he came here with full confidence, and his voice was much louder than before: "There is good news."

"I have helped all members on the [Infinity Battleship] apply for safe places!"

Having said this, he picked up his chopsticks and turned them around on his thumb: "Including moon cakes!"

Normal people can see that Li Zhou was deliberately trying to make friends with Zhang Guangmu.

But he is very smart and does not hide his thoughts at all. He gives the benefit that Zhang Guangmu cares about most as soon as he takes action!

Zhang Guangmu smiled and toasted Li Zhou with a glass of wine.

There may be very few powerful supernatural beings of the mysterious system who seek revenge on society, or perhaps not a few at all, but what if they are encountered?

This is equivalent to an extra layer of insurance.

Because the leader of the Extraordinary Club was present, everyone also talked about a lot of topics related to extraordinary power.

As of today, other members of the Infinity battleship can vaguely detect some invisible things in the air, but they have not been able to awaken to the extraordinary. The current level of awakening ranges from 7% to 64%.

Before the filming of "The Most Dangerous Road to the Emperor in History" begins, there is a high probability that there will only be three extraordinary beings on board the Infinity: Zhang Guangmu, Yue Cake, and Li Xiaoxiao.

After hearing about the strange and extraordinary abilities, Cao Guan, who had been a quiet audience, was so inspired that he put down his chopsticks and directly used the black jade bracelet to summon a virtual keyboard and started typing.

Holding a glass of low-alcohol wine, Li Zhou, who was slightly tipsy, tilted his head and asked Zhang Guangmu coldly: "Are you willing to fight for the civilization of the earth at this critical moment?"

He came here today with questions.

This is the last question of today.

Zhang Guangmu drank the remaining Huadiao in the glass in one gulp. Although his words smelled of alcohol, his eyes were clear and his tone was firm: "It is my duty!"

Listening to Li Zhou's tone, [taking over] civilization seems to be more difficult than expected.


No matter how many times he asked, Zhang Guangmu's answer was the same.

Before time travel, he was an earthling.

After time travel, he is still a human on Earth.

For more than a thousand years, Zhang Guangmu has been living on this blue planet.

Children of flower growers tend to have a feeling of being unable to leave their homeland.

Even if there is the slightest chance, Zhang Guangmu will not give up this beautiful planet and choose to escape.

These four striking words made Li Zhou laugh out loud: "Hahahaha! Good! Very good!"

"I won't come home until I'm drunk today!"

As he spoke, he started to have a drink with the people at the table, and soon he was so drunk that he lay on the table and fell asleep.

At this time, the band specially invited by Zhang Guangmu entered the room at the right time and started playing music.

"Hey! It's the Brilliant Star Band!"

As one of today's protagonists, Chu Fan shook his hand and the orange juice in the cup spilled on himself. He also appeared unaware: "The last time I went to their concert was six years ago!"

"Although I really want to support them these years, I have been busy with work and have no time at all!"

Mr. Chu Ba staggered up to Zhang Guangmu and gave him a hug. His eyes were so moved that his eyes turned red: "Brother Guang, you're sorry for bothering me!"

Although the Brilliant Star Band is not a first-line band, it is still somewhat famous. The key is that they are Chu Fan's favorites. Every time they release an album, Chu Fan never misses it.

It was obviously because of Zhang Guangmu that these people arrived at the scene today.

Zhang Guangmu responded with a smile: "You're welcome! Who among us is following whom?"

Although the band sang the weird "Happy Birthday to You", the atmosphere gradually heated up, and Chu Fan was so excited that he didn't know where to put his hands.

As everyone gradually blended into the atmosphere, Zhang Guangmu quietly came to Jiang Ling's side, poked the alchemist's shoulder, and thrust a black-covered thread-bound book into her hand.

"Thank you, Captain...ah! It's "Baopuzi"!"

Jiang Ling casually flipped through this ancient book. After reading two pages, his eyes suddenly lit up: "I have long wanted to learn Ge Hong's water alchemy technique, but I have never been able to find a way to get started!"

"This word is so familiar..."

"Brother, thank you for your hard work!"

Zhang Guangmu shook his head: "It's not a rare and unique book, just like it."

This "Baopuzi" didn't cost a single dragon shield. Zhang Guangmu used the privilege of a four-star subconscious actor to memorize it by rote in the Imperial Ancient Books Library, and wrote it down silently after returning home.

Jiang Ling is very sensitive to handwriting and can tell at a glance that every word in the book was written by Zhang Guangmu himself.

After all, he is also the supreme leader of the Infinity battleship. Zhang Guangmu knows that managers are most afraid of favoring one over another.

Looking at the situation now, everyone seems to be very satisfied.

Does it mean that you are doing well?

Suddenly, the black jade bracelet vibrated slightly. Zhang Guangmu stuffed a piece of fruit milk cake into his mouth, chewing it while checking the changes in personal information.

"Name: Zhang Guangmu."

"Occupation: [Subconscious Actor]"

"Special talents: [Martial arts side, country-level transcendent person, flame of sky light], the amount of additional allowances you can enjoy is - 400 dragon shields per month."

"Minimum monthly repayment: 400 dragon shields."

Based on past experience, the recommended salary range for Samsung subconscious actors is between 300 and 500.

When he saw the subsidy amount, Zhang Guangmu immediately realized that it was calculated based on the average recommended salary for Samsung Subconscious actors.

At this point, the balance of payments is completely balanced!

Before Zhang Guangmu could be happy for a long time, Cao Guan, who had finished typing on the keyboard next to him, came over and said mysteriously: "Brother Guangmu, I have worked hard, racked my brains, and forgot to eat and sleep during this period, and finally wrote a piece similar to "Secret Assignment"

", a new script as interesting as "The Perspective of the King of Hell"!"


Boss Cao is different from his senior Qian Yiyuan in that he has limited pursuit of artistry and is essentially a fun-loving person.

Rationality and logic were not considered by Cao Guan.

When he writes scripts, he only pursues the three words "interesting".

When Zhang Guangmu heard this, he also became interested: "What are you going to name it?"

Cao Guan smiled slightly, stood up, looked around the table with a stern look on his face, bowed slightly, and then said in a slow and slightly unbeatable tone: "My recent masterpiece, its title is - "Sword, Vanity Fair", sincerely

Everyone is invited to participate!”

This chapter has been completed!
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