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Chapter 647

In fact, Zhang Guangmu himself didn't feel much of the severe pain that Chu Fan mentioned.

After all, after "Sword, Vanity Fair" was launched, not much time passed in total from the first scene of "First Meeting in the Park" to "Reunion of Feihong".

The walking speed of a normal adult is about 5 to 8 kilometers per hour, and the distance from the park to Feihong Base is about 30 kilometers. Although Zhang Guangmu has difficulty in moving, he has more than two hundred years of "Imperial Body Forging Technique" attainments at his side.

The physical distribution and breath adjustment during the journey are probably unique in the world.

While asking for directions, he swayed slowly over with a walking stick. The pain caused by the sword wound only occurred twice.

Although the alien sword energy remaining in the spine will somewhat affect the movement when acting as a demon, but...

It's probably the same as "I feel itchy after not being spanked for three days." After calming down, Zhang Guangmu even wanted to laugh a little, feeling a little bit like remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet.

The ancients said that "the fists never leave the hands, and the songs never leave the mouth." This [pain tolerance] ability did not originate from the "Book of Deductions". Zhang Guangmu would worry that this natural ability would gradually deteriorate over time unless he occasionally looked back at his previous feelings.


Even though the noobs scolded director Cao Guan so much, Zhang Guangmu felt that Boss Cao could barely be considered a good friend.

When it comes to intensity, we mean intensity! We will never be polite where we shouldn’t be polite just because we care about each other’s friendship!

How did Chu Fan know this?

He just felt sorry for Zhang Guangmu, who was still able to smile even though he was suffering such hardships. Such a temperament and magnanimity were really heart-wrenching. He held no reservations at that moment and directly held the spirit sword in his hand, using all his abilities.

Swish! Swish! Swish!...

I saw Chu Fan with a serious expression, holding the [Rainbow Sword] tightly, and across the empty thorn, in an instant, seven rainbow lights swayed out from the spiritual sword, turning into an elliptical light group like a gummy candy.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, colorful light spots adhered to Zhang Guangmu's spine. He looked cute, but in the next blink of an eye, traces of blood appeared. At first glance, he looked like a ferocious centipede.


Zhang Guangmu opened his mouth and breathed out a mouthful of white mist. A smile appeared in his eyes: "It is indeed quite effective. Thank you for your hard work."

Chu Fan, who was sweating profusely, was obviously exhausted and almost collapsed on the ground, but he still gasped and said firmly: "It's not hard, it's just easy!"

Zhang Guangmu thought Mr. Chu Ba’s reaction was quite interesting.

If it weren't for the trembling hand that could hardly hold the spiritual sword and the beads of sweat that fell to the floor and broke into eight petals, he would really believe it.


Thinking about it carefully, people who have similar topics to me seem to have this kind of virtue?

Even if you don't take into account the internal members of the Infinity battleship, they all have some similarities.

Wang Shangqing, Ma Wu, Yue Yiji, Yang Chi...

Either you have a tough head or you have a tough mouth.

Or both.

"Real people don't show their faces..."

Lin Zhitong, who rushed to the medical room and witnessed Chu Fan's entire treatment process, was a little surprised: "It is said that Master Feihong is a mascot with no ability. Today, it seems that this evaluation is biased."

In Lin Zhitong's view, although Chu Fan is good-looking, but because of this, he gives people the impression that he has no ability at first glance. He has never proven himself in the top swordsmanship league, and is not popular among outsiders.

It's not that good, I didn't expect him to have such ability.

"Remote healing spirit sword user..."

Lin Zhitong took a deep look at Chu Fan: "With this kind of accuracy and strength, he is definitely the auxiliary swordsman that the [Asking Sword] masters are competing for!"

With such ability and being reduced to such a state, it can only be said that Chu Fan is also a talented person.

However, as soon as he thought about it, he realized that Chu Fan most likely had some sect complex and was unwilling to give up Feihong and affiliate himself with other forces. Apart from Li Xiaoxiao, he didn't have any powerful swordsmen in his family, so he became like this.

Lin Zhitong was not a sect leader. She was focused on learning skills from Zhang Guangmu. She didn't bother to care about talents or lack thereof. After obediently offering the prepared six rituals and practicing meditation, she stayed by Zhang Guangmu's side, as quietly as she could. Like a little mute.

After Zhang Guangmu gave Lin Zitong a "well-behaved" comment, he pretended that the boy didn't exist and started chatting with Chu Fan all over the place.

After [Imperial Forging Technique 21], Zhang Guangmu's ability to multi-task became more and more proficient, like instinct, without any effort at all. While chatting with Chu Fan, he was also studying the newly acquired treasure spirit sword in depth.

Judging from the current situation, in the world of "Sword, Vanity Fair", the spirit sword is the cornerstone of everything, the "marrow" and "soul" of the plot, and everything else is the icing on the cake.

If you want to do well in this world, you must understand the spiritual sword thoroughly.

Zhang Guangmu, who has been in all kinds of weird and bizarre worlds, has rich experience. It didn't take much time to gain some experience.

The [Phantom Sword] offered by the little apprentice Lin Zitong who was tricked here is indeed a high-end item with many mysteries in it.

Zhang Guangmu had already made several plans to restore his mobility when he was in the park. Now that he had obtained the [Phantom Sword], he immediately selected the more efficient one among them and began to implement it.

Control the [Phantom Sword], regard it as your own [external mounting organ], and drive the sword element force in it to assist in controlling some body organs, temporarily connect damaged nerves, and combine the water sword element force with blood and neurites. Combining with touch to control the body's operation!

This matter is quite troublesome and a difficult project, but Zhang Guangmu has enough patience.

During the chat, a faint blue light appeared on the [Phantom Sword] sword, and it could be seen clearly through the scabbard.

Although Chu Fan and Lin Zhitong couldn't tell, at this time, some novices who had turned off the immersive viewing mode noticed from the background data that Zhang Guangmu could move his toes.

Seeing the shimmering blue light in the room, Chu Fan took a breath, and immediately clapped his hands, overjoyed: "This... such strong control, such a high degree of fit!"

In this world, the spiritual sword is everything!

The swordsmanship that has evolved to the extreme has not withdrawn from the historical trend with the development of science and technology, but has made the swordsmanship league competition professional and standardized.

In this world, only swordsman is the most respected profession!

Fame, wealth, status!

Everything is taken with the sword!

After Zhang Guangmu got the [Phantom Sword], he was able to initially master the sword's power in less than an hour, showing its strong potential.

This reminded Chu Fan of Zhang Guangmu's previous promise, and his ambition to revive Feihong Glory gradually revived.

"Normally, it takes about three months for a qualified swordsman to form an initial tacit understanding with the spirit sword."

Chu Fan bit his finger and looked at Zhang Guangmu with burning eyes: "If it were you, one month would be enough to reach the level of [Sword Controlling]!"

The so-called [Sword Controlling] is a realm that does not exist on paper. It is only spread by word of mouth in the swordsman circle. It refers to the level at which swordsmen can freely control the spirit sword to fight without suffering backlash.

No matter how awesome a swordsman is, if he gets a new spiritual sword and doesn't have enough time to break it in, and he can't reach the level of [sword control], he is still a loser. He can't display even one percent of his skills. He is worse than the one holding a fire stick.

The three gangsters and villains don't produce much.

Chu Fan sat upright and looked at Zhang Guangmu: "With your talent and talent, joining Feihong is really an insult to your talent. I can't take advantage of you."

"In this case, how about I recruit a disciple as your master, and you can freely learn all the secret swordsmanship of the sect, and you will be known as [Elder Brother Feihong's direct descendant] to the outside world, how about that?"

Zhang Guangmu smiled and nodded slightly: "Everything is decided by the head brother."

Chu Fan's eyebrows were filled with joy, and he felt so happy that he wished he could drink a bowl of Erguotou immediately and get drunk.


Even if Zhang Guangmu is willing, it will be [Jin Qiu Yijian] in ten days, and there is simply no time!

Lin Zhitong was also a somewhat clever young man. She could see Chu Fan's thoughts at a glance and immediately sneered: "Who are you looking down on!"

"My master only needs seven days!"

This number was based on the past performance of Lin Zhitong, his biological father [Demon Emperor Sword] Lin An.

Zhang Guangmu did not comment on the two people's statements, but continued to study, analyze and understand the secrets hidden in [Phantom Sword].


The sound in his stomach made Chu Fan realize that the sun was setting and night had fallen.

"Wait a moment, I'm going to cook! I'll cook steamed sea bass and garlic chicken steak. The main dish will be scallion noodles. Let's have a few drinks today!"

Mr. Chu Ba, who was about to cook himself, was blocked by someone before he could leave the medical room.

"Stop thinking about cooking, just be a starving ghost!"

This chapter has been completed!
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