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Chapter 660 659 Sixth Generation Bai Xiaosheng 'Sword Like Prison'!

Chapter 660 659 Sixth Generation Bai Xiaosheng · "Sword Like Prison"!

Boss Cao has always been this virtuous. He cares more about "the harmony of spirit and charm" than the similarity in form.

He felt that it was very impressive to say this, so he blurted it out without thinking.

Looking online, the reactions of the fake audience and the real audience, as well as Cao Guan’s impulsive speech, are indeed very fruitful.

As a person involved, Zhang Guangmu also felt that the title "Crazy Lord" sounded very interesting, and thought that this new title sounded much more powerful than "Shining Qiji". His expression did not change, but he really liked it in his heart.

From this point of view, Boss Cao still has some merits.

Cao Guan's evaluation of Zhang Guangmu made the world of "Sword, Vanity Fair" suddenly agitate.

Both the live audience of the Golden Autumn Sword Festival and the viewers of the online live broadcast were in an uproar.

This person actually compared Zhang Guangmu to the three ancient Sword Kings of Heaven, Earth, and Man!

To be honest, Cao Guan's evaluation of Zhang Guangmu was simply ridiculously high!

After a rational analysis, does Zhang Guangmu deserve such a high reputation?

After saying such irresponsible words, shouldn't Cao Guan reflect deeply on himself?

To put it bluntly, when the strength is not enough to match the title, it fails to fulfill the wild words and thus fails to recover. It seems to be a natural development.

Conspiracy theorists even began to wonder whether Cao Guan was trying to kill Zhang Guangmu.

The problem is...

Judging from his tone, it doesn't sound like it.

Cao Guan's admiration for Zhang Guangmu was beyond words, and he was extremely sincere.

No matter what, as the general person in charge of the [Golden Autumn Sword Festival], Cao Guan’s speech is quite powerful.

You must know that Cao Guan’s ancestors Cao Zhong, Cao Chao, Cao Mengxi, Cao Shenji, Cao Yi and Cao Qiuxian were the first six generations of [Bai Xiaosheng] in the ancient world!

"Jianghu Shenjian", "Swordsman Chronicles", "Sword List" and other works are all written by the heroes of the Cao family!

The Cao family has been passed down for centuries and is best at discovering swordsmanship talents and has a remarkable record in this field.

There is an old saying: "When a swordsman encounters the Cao family, it is like a thousand-mile horse encountering Bole."

Taking into account Cao Guan's social status and the credibility accumulated by his ancestors, his evaluation of Zhang Guangmu has more reference value than [Seven Swords Star].

After hearing what Cao Guan said, the swordsman was immediately moved.

These pure and sincere swordsmen were originally pleased to see Zhang Guangmu's ability. After hearing Cao Guan's evaluation, they wanted to go to the Yi Sword Platform immediately and use all their strength to have a good fight with Zhang Guangmu.

Leave a name in history!

Some swordsmen were hesitant and had difficulty making decisions. Although he had the approval of Cao Guan and the acquiescence of Demon Emperor Sword Lin An, Zhang Guangmu was still a fledgling newcomer, and his record was only to kill the Feihong traitor Shi Lie.

Defeating him doesn't bring enough benefits. It's just the icing on the cake and cannot produce any qualitative change.

If you lose, you will be embarrassed. In a short period of time, your reputation will be greatly damaged, your personal property will be reduced, and your sect will be dragged down.

At their level, they must be cautious in every battle and think twice before making a move.

No matter what, Zhang Guangmu has proven his ability by killing Shi Lie and forcing Lin Chimou back.

Coupled with Cao Guan's endorsement, no one now dares to show disdain towards Zhang Guangmu anymore.

After resorting to the simplest and most effective words and using the classic and efficient provoking method in an understatement, Zhang Guangmu finally got what he wanted.

Zhang Guangmu used Yang Mou, and they only had two options: [give in] and [be tough]!

The elders of the nineteen top sword sects had different expressions, and they all secretly cursed in their hearts that there were so many lunatics and fanatics who broke the rules this year, but they could only bite the bullet and make a tough response.

After all, Zhang Guangmu promised in advance that he would not use his flying ability. If he said it to this extent and did not respond, after today, the reputations of the major sects would have plummeted, and they would be criticized from behind. Many people present had this problem.

There needs to be an extra label of [coward].

By that time, the dragons and snakes from the Secondary Swordsmanship League, the Development Swordsmanship Alliance and the underground black swords world, who have been coveting the top 20 factions in the top league, are afraid that they will be like sharks smelling blood and pounce on them and bite them.


Fortunately, in every top sword sect, there are always a few disciples who are excellent in swordsmanship but not so good in reputation.

Here, some people are born with this temperament.

Some people are acquired, specially trained to serve as white gloves for the sect and do some shady things.

Because what Zhang Guangmu said was a bit excessive, the swordsman masters from the Nineteenth Sect were all ruthless characters with "flawed character".

They were strong enough, and most of them didn't particularly care about reputation. After getting approval from their own talkers, they all went to the Yijian Stage.

These people either had gloomy expressions or pulled out their swords with a smile on their faces.

They had no intention of discussing "morality" with Zhang Guangmu. They each found their own positions and looked like they were going to launch a siege.

After all, it was Zhang Guangmu himself who told them to "come together", and these angry swordsmen were not afraid of telling the truth.

Little did they know that such a response was exactly what Zhang Guangmu wanted!

It didn’t take long to get the [Phantom Sword]. Although it has many abilities, fighting with cold weapons is ultimately its weak link.

[Sword Skill 2] can only be said to be good, not excellent, and it is even harder to reach the ceiling of the first echelon.

Here, Zhang Guangmu outsmarted the crowd and used clever methods to make them fall into the trap he had set early.

If they really have to fight one by one and play a wheel battle, Zhang Guangmu may not have the last laugh.

After all, in the world of "Sword, Vanity Fair", his body hardware is really stretched, and he is not proud of his physical fitness.

Although the biggest advantage of [Phantom Sword] is that it has abundant sword energy and extremely fast recovery speed, the advantages from the spirit sword are offset by the physical shortcomings, making it difficult for Zhang Guangmu to fight for a long time.

Instead, it’s a group fight…

To put it bluntly, Zhang Guangmu stands out in this world. His strongest point is his ability to fight in groups!

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!…

Nineteen famous representatives of the Sword Sect drew their swords one after another, but little did they know that in Zhang Guangmu's eyes, each of them was just a chess piece!

How can the chess players be hurt when the chess pieces attack each other?

"Let's get started!"

This group of swordsmen lived up to their label of "flawed character". Before the lingering sound of Zhang Guangmu's words had completely dissipated, they all rushed over to kill them.

The swords and shadows clashed, and blood was immediately visible.

The on-site commentary that usually performs simultaneous high-intensity analysis when watching Yi Jian and Wen Jian is also numb. I can't tell whose sword fell on whose body. I can only know that Zhang Guangmu is walking on the swordsmen's blades, making moves.

It's a dangerous move, and every step is startling.

Everyone's eyes widened, feeling that this arrogant guy could still maintain a high level of concentration, but he was surrounded by nineteen swordsmen with good skills. He couldn't tell when he could remove it in one go, and he was stabbed to death by random swordsmen.


The nineteen swordsmen from various major sects were unfamiliar with their cooperation at first, and Zhang Guangmu instantly killed several of them. However, as time passed, the cooperation of this group of people gradually became tacit, and they were able to use various types of long, medium, and close swordsmanship.

Cheng Ling's sword skills were combined and matched with each other, and the sword energy of each department was roaring like a thunderous wind. Even the audience outside the venue couldn't help but hold their breath and break into a cold sweat for Zhang Guangmu.

In the audience, Chu Fan could clearly feel that most people present did not think highly of Zhang Guangmu, and their biggest expectation for him was to lose beautifully.

Those who are more vicious have already begun to discuss how long Zhang Guangmu can last before dying.

When Chu Fan was about to scratch his sleeves, Lin Zitong next to him suddenly shouted in shock: "Master, be careful!"

He noticed that the three swordsmen who were fighting on the Yijian Stage each activated their spiritual sword skills and launched fatal killing moves against Zhang Guangmu from behind, above his head and from his feet.

Lin Zitong's reminder was still a little slow. As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Guangmu had successfully defused these attacks by dodging and blocking.


Lin Zitong breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes flickered, and she said uncertainly: "Master should be able to win, right?"

When they first met in the park, the set of swordsmanship Zhang Guangmu demonstrated to Lin Zitong left a profound mark deep in his heart.

Sensibility made Lin Zitong think that Zhang Guangmu would win this battle.

Rationally, he felt that his master might be a little too trusting.

People often say that there is only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

The first time Zhang Guangmu appeared in the eyes of the world, he had to single-handedly challenge nineteen factions!

No matter how this battle ends, he fully deserves the title of [Mad Lord]!


Li Xiaoxiao looked at Yijiantai intently and said in a deep voice: "I'm going to change my tactics!"

He had fought two rounds in a row before, especially the one with Lin Chimou, where his internal organs were injured by the force of the Thunder Sword, and now he could feel his mouth full of blood whenever he spoke.

Even so, Li Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, not wanting to miss this swordsmanship feast.

Facts have proven that an expert is an expert.

Li Xiaoxiao’s judgment was not wrong.

On the high platform, Zhang Guangmu drove away the enemies with one sword, but did not take advantage of the situation to pursue them. He only threw the [Phantom Sword] into the air.

His eyes were cold and his voice was clear: "The sword is like a prison!"

In an instant, hundreds of fog swords suddenly appeared and fell from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the nineteen swordsmen on the Yijian Stage were unable to dodge, and were transformed into hedgehogs one after another and nailed to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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