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Chapter 671 [Crazy Monarch Bone] [Martial Arts (Jun)]!

Chapter 671 [Crazy King Bone]·[Martial Arts (Jun)]!

Zhang Guangmu, who had made enough mental preparations in advance, felt a sharp pain exploding in his back almost as soon as the plan started to be implemented.

Yes, Zhang Guangmu thinks that the word "explosion" is very accurate when used to describe the pain in his body at this moment.

He felt as if someone had stuffed a ton of dynamite into his spine and then detonated it without hesitation.

In an instant, the cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, and tail vertebrae seemed to be broken into countless pieces. Zhang Guangmu felt as if he had scooped up a ladle of hot oil, poured it directly on his spine, and then poured it on top.

Sprinkle a handful of chili powder and salt and pepper.

There is no exaggeration in the above description.

With Zhang Guangmu's ability to control himself and endure pain, he almost rolled his eyes when the severe pain hit him, veins burst out on his forehead and neck, and his handsome face looked a bit ferocious at this moment.

The pounding heart pumped out a large amount of blood, which instantly propped up the capillaries, making Zhang Guangmu's whole body look like a ripe crab, red.

Zhang Guangmu could barely endure such pain.

After all, it was self-inflicted, and Zhang Guangmu finally withstood this painful test by virtue of his rich experience in enduring hardship despite already having psychological expectations.


The most difficult part of casting the [Sword Bone] was how Zhang Guangmu could endure the pain while maintaining his sanity, using the most delicate techniques to forge his spine into a "sword" while maintaining its activity and normal functions.

It must be admitted that this is a very difficult job.

In order to ensure accuracy, Zhang Guangmu could not use anesthetics, nor could he block some pain nerves - he had to obtain first-hand experimental data through his own body's feedback.

Pain is also a kind of information.


The severe pain almost blurred Zhang Guangmu's consciousness, and he wanted to fall asleep immediately.

Fortunately, after [Imperial Forging Technique 23], Zhang Guangmu, who had reached the stage of [Forging the Sun God], had a stronger mental will than before and persevered.


The sound of fried pork ribs kept ringing in his ears, and the thick aroma of cumin barbecue lingered between his nose. Zhang Guangmu knew that this was an illusion caused by the stimulation of the sword's energy.

He has no distractions and concentrates on his work.

Time passed by minute by minute.

One minute...

five minutes...

Ten minutes...

Zhang Guangmu, who persisted for twenty-three minutes in this state where seconds seemed like years, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the sweat dripping from all over his body had completely soaked his clothes and futon. As a result, a lot of water in his body had evaporated, and he was in a state of severe dehydration.

If it weren't for the sword energy provided by Mirage Sword and Sword Net to assist in maintaining the operation of the major organs of the body, Zhang Guangmu suspected that he would faint immediately and die in his sleep.

After quickly drinking a few glasses of water to quench his thirst, Zhang Guangmu took two bottles of glucose saline from the medical kit and poured them directly into his stomach as functional drinks. His physical condition gradually began to recover.


Zhang Guangmu closed his eyes slightly and carefully felt the changes in the spine - several physiological curvatures of the spine have remained in their original state, and even the normal human functions have been perfectly preserved.

At this time, light from nowhere fell on the skin of Zhang Guangmu's back, illuminating his spine as white as jade and emitting a faint light through his muscles and skin.

Zhang Guangmu suddenly had a realization - his spine was regarded by heaven and earth as a [not-sharp bone curved sword], an unorthodox spiritual sword similar to the Golden Snake Sword and the Wu Hook.

"Just call it... [Crazy King Bone]."

In addition to his identity as [Swordsman], he also has a sub-class called [Swordsmith].

As the forger of the [Mad Lord Bone Sword], Zhang Guangmu seemed to have another self talking in his mind.

[This spiritual sword hidden deep in the spine is my first work, and it is also a masterpiece that is not inferior to the Mirage Sword!]

【It can give the swordsman two abilities.】

[One is to summon a hard dense bone shield at any time to resist attacks. 】

[The second is the passive ability. Those who hold this sword can obtain the body's self-healing ability several times that of ordinary people. 】

[Perhaps, I have a strong talent as a swordsmith...]

Obviously, the two major functions of [Crazy Lord Bone Sword] are derived from the "hardness" of bones and the "hematopoietic function" of bone marrow, which is logical and quite scientific.


Like most swordsmiths, Zhang Guangmu knew this but didn't know why.

Why can the forged spiritual sword possess extraordinary power as vast as stars?

don't know!

At this time, the narration voice of the vicissitudes and wanton young man suddenly sounded.

"Zhang Guangmu suddenly had a strange feeling - the sword is the spirit of all things in this world, and humans are just a group of intelligent people who serve the sword."

"At this moment, this mad king naturally understood two things."

"① If you want to cast spiritual swords with different attributes, you only need to put in the materials of the corresponding categories."

"②, the greater your reputation as a swordsmith, the higher the grade of materials used when making swords, and the higher grade spiritual swords you can smelt!"

"As for forging techniques?"

"Those can only be the icing on the cake, and are not important in this world."

Zhang Guangmu didn't know what to say.

He even had some doubts that as a rookie swordsmith, he was able to refine a spiritual sword like the [Mad Lord Bone Sword] which was not inferior to the [Phantom Sword] purely because his record was strong enough, his reputation was big enough, and he was favored by others.

gained wide recognition from people.

Theoretically speaking, such a reputation was limited to the status of [Swordsman] and would not be of much help to [Swordsmith], but Zhang Guangmu thought about it and felt relieved.

The material used to make the sword this time is the spinal bone of the [Fourth Sword Emperor Mad Lord] - how many sword-making materials in the world are more advanced than this?

I’m afraid I won’t be able to find a few!

No matter what, at this point, "Nightmare Project" comes to a perfect ending!

Zhang Guangmu was a little lucky that he didn't rely on others, so he had a steady hand and was relatively well prepared.

The process of "smelting sword bones and using one's body to make a sword" can be regarded as a success without any danger.

Zhang Guangmu's body changes fed back to the Nightmare Sword Gu hidden in the air, making him even more powerful.

In just a few breaths, the Nightmare Sword Gu completely devoured the remaining parts of the [Wind Domain Sword].

After absorbing all the essence of [Wind Domain Sword], the sword network was updated and officially upgraded to version 2.0.

From now on, Zhang Guangmu will be able to control water and wind at the same time with his arms and fingers.

The combined use of water and wind sword energy has many advantages. Now...

The first benefit Zhang Guangmu felt was that he could directly dry clothes soaked in sweat and make them crisp and new without wrinkles.

Refining sword bones is essentially "internalizing extraordinary power".

This matter may not mean much to other people, but to Zhang Guangmu, it is very important.

Because it represents that Zhang Guangmu in this world is no longer an ordinary person purely relying on external forces, but an extraordinary person who is truly recognized by Brother Shu!

Zhang Guangmu reached out his hand, the wind and clouds gathered together, and a blue book appeared in his palm.

In the personal information, in the achievement column, there is a piece of data that has not been touched for a long time and has quietly changed.


【Martial Arts (Jun)】!

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