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Chapter 682 Chapter 681

Chapter 682 681 Ancestor Worship at Yuanguan Mountain·Bloodbath of the Demon Sect

Feihong base.

The shutter was clicked by the cameramen, and the white light flashed at high frequency, which stung Zhang Guangmu and felt a little uncomfortable in his eyes.

Resisting the urge to rub his eyes, Zhang Guangmu turned his head and looked around him, but unexpectedly found...

Whether it was Chu Fan, Li Xiaoxiao or Tang Lanshan, they all looked calm and unblinking.

I heard that many artists, celebrities and public figures will undergo training to keep their eyes open for a long time under strong light to avoid being caught by unscrupulous reporters. Then they start with a picture, the content is completely edited, it is directly "Shock! Famous"

Character XX looked in pain during a public interview and was suspected of suffering from an incurable disease." Soft article.

From this point of view, the idol baggage of my friends is quite heavy.

In his busy schedule, Zhang Guangmu still found time to have some fun with brainstorming. After all, Chu Fan and Tang Lanshan, two people who are good at diplomacy, were in front of him, and Li Xiaoxiao was beside him to spread the firepower.

But he couldn't be happy for long before a microphone hit his face.

"Mad Lord, I heard that the "Red Lotus Sword Technique" you obtained was incomplete. Lin Chimou, the son of the Demon Emperor Sword, obtained the other half of the sword technique inheritance. Is this rumor true?"

"The latest research results from Roxas Laboratory show that powerful swordsmen who die in certain specific environments can still use the vibration of sword energy to simulate pronunciation and communicate with living people. Recently, this research has been denounced as fake by many experts

.Do you think the soul really exists?"

"Why did Mad Lord only want to challenge Lin An from the Demon Sect, but kept silent about the Taoist Sword Emperor Zhao Zhengrong and the Buddhist Sword Emperor Qiaoman? Could it be that as a 'Sword Immortal' who has practiced the "Red Lotus Sword Technique", even you

, and you’re not sure about challenging those two?”

"Historical records state that the Styx Sword Emperor has a very majestic appearance, while the Sea Burial Sword Emperor is ugly. The latter killed the Ghost Sword Sect out of jealousy and wanted to cut off the Styx inheritance to vent his hatred. Excuse me, let's talk about appearance alone.

In terms of value, compared with the Styx Sword Emperor and Feihong leader Chu Fan, which one is higher and which one is lower?"

The last reporter to speak confused everyone.

Zhang Guangmu looked at this man in surprise.

Looking at the identity plate on the opponent's chest, he is a gold-medal reporter from Brokeback TV Station, and he is backed by the Longyang Sword Sect. No wonder he can ask such outrageous questions.

Zhang Guangmu ignored these off-topic guys.

Facing the camera, he just responded seriously.

"Although it is somewhat different from the rumors, but..."

"I do have half of "Red Lotus Sword Technique" in my hands."

"I heard that the other half fell into the hands of the Demon Sect Prince Lin Chimou?"

"I hope he will be mentally prepared in advance after seeing today's news."

"I have some obsessive-compulsive disorder and like complete things."

Really hammered!

Everyone present looked like they understood instantly, and they figured out a lot of things in an instant.

——Zhang Guangmu, who has obtained half of the Red Lotus Sword Technique, although he is not as outrageous as the legendary immortal and can torture the Sword Emperor at will, he is more able to endure loneliness, is relatively low-key, and has been practicing in seclusion.

Exit customs.

Lin Chimou, who got the other half of "Red Lotus Sword Art", is more arrogant and impetuous, and kills people everywhere to show off his skills.

Make a decision!

All the reporters were flushed with excitement and their blood was boiling.

They thought that if they came today, they would be able to make some insinuations and get some news related to "Red Lotus Sword Technique", but they didn't expect Zhang Guangmu to be so upright!

As soon as this mad king came up, he told the "truth" that everyone wanted to hear most, and also threatened to fight against the demon sect.

Although Zhang Guangmu did not say it so straightforwardly, in the final analysis, what he said meant, "I plan to kill the Demon Sect and snatch the other half of "Red Lotus Sword Technique" from Lin Chimou."

Li Xiaoxiao ignored the reporters frantically calling and looked at Zhang Guangmu with a strange look.

If others don't know, how can he not know?

The so-called "Red Lotus Sword Technique" is basically a set of strange sword techniques that Zhang Guangmu created by working overtime these days.

It's just that the situation is a little out of control now, which makes Li Xiaoxiao a little worried.

The benefits are exciting!

The more true the rumors about "Red Lotus Sword Technique" become, the more people will covet it overtly and covertly, and the greater the pressure on Zhang Guangmu will be!

Li Xiaoxiao didn't know why Zhang Guangmu did this, but he believed in the other party's wisdom and character.


During this period, Li Xiaoxiao didn't know why, but she always felt like there was a heavy haze hanging over her heart. There would often be a voice in her mind expressing fear and uneasiness, as if a catastrophic disaster was about to come.

Li Xiaoxiao would rather make a mistake than do nothing!

From this perspective, his behavior is somewhat similar to Zhang Guangmu's.

Looking at the reactions of the reporters present, Zhang Guangmu knew that through the pens of these professionals, the doubts of swordsmen from all major sects about "Red Lotus Sword Art" should be reduced to a minimum.

Rumors, plans, bait...

In addition to taking the initiative to steal the camera, Zhang Guangmu also wanted to lure the snake out of the hole and force out those opponents who were hiding.

At least, we can take this opportunity to force other leading actors to passively accept the move.

In the worst case, it can also disrupt the development rhythm of the plot protagonist.

Kill multiple birds with one stone.

Having achieved his goal, Zhang Guangmu did not stop and immediately turned around and left.

A crowd of reporters tried to keep up.

At this time Tang Lanshan stood up.

"Dear journalist friends."

She stopped some of the journalists above her and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Guang has informed me and the leader in advance about the "Red Lotus Sword Technique" issue."

"We will give everyone a satisfactory answer at the [Yuanguan Mountain Ancestor Worship] ceremony tomorrow night."

During Feihong's heyday, there used to be such an ancestor worship ceremony every few years.

This activity is equivalent to the Buddhism’s [Water and Land Dojo], [Wuzhi Dazhai], Taoism’s [Luotian Dajiao], and the Demonic sect’s [Quiren Xuantan]. The forms are different, but the essence is exactly the same.

It claims to be worshiping ancestors, but in fact, worshiping ancestors is just a facade. The Feihong Sect invites heroes from all over the world to participate in the ceremony, which is also a way to communicate with the outside world to show the strength, heritage and development prospects of the sect.

Feihong has been in decline for a long time, and talents have been replaced by generations. Li Xiaoxiao, who is alone and unable to support himself, has finally returned to his former glory. After careful calculation, [Original Guanshan Ancestor Worship] has not been held for decades. Now that the old thing is brought up again, it feels strange for a while.

It is also normal.

Without taking the spirit sword into account, the level of technological development in this world is approximately the level of the earth in the first half of the 21st century.

Here, news travels extremely fast.

After Feihong held a press conference, within an hour, the entire planet began to look forward to the [Yuan Guan Mountain Ancestor Worship] ceremony tomorrow night.

For the "Red Lotus Sword Technique", it is impossible for the major sects to miss this ceremony, and at least a few inner sect elites will be sent to the ceremony.

At that time, will the major factions work together to carve up the cake and distribute the benefits, or will they break up and kill each other until their blood flows like rivers?

No one dares to lie about the final outcome of this matter until the dust settles.

It is worth mentioning that...

Lin Chimou, one of the protagonists of the "Red Lotus Sword Technique" incident, the reaction of the Demon Sect he belongs to is completely different from that of the friendly Feihong Sect!

The Momen did not hold any press conference, nor did they conduct any joint interviews with Lao Shizi.

What bullshit "Red Lotus Sword Technique"?

Don't ask, you just haven't heard of it.

Take a stand?

What attitude do you express?

Throughout the ages, why do demons need to explain their actions to the world?

When Sword Emperor Lin An disappeared without a trace, the Demon Sect still showed such a tough posture...

The major factions also expressed understandingly that there was no need to talk about this matter.

Twelve hours later, the Demon Sect was massacred with blood, and the entire station became a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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