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784【Immortality】【Immortal】!【Time Traveling】Means of Creation

In the setting of "Zhutian", the barriers between worlds are extremely strong.

Except for the anomaly [All Heavens Transfer Station], it is almost impossible to travel through it at will.

If you want to do this, you must pay a price that even the ninth level cannot bear.

The most typical example is [Maha]!

As the first generation of border crossers at the transit station, [Maha] collected the ransom money, left the transit station, and gained freedom while the stationmaster had not yet learned the cold-bloodedness of capitalists and was immature.


Even [Maha], who is also a ninth-level transcendent, has not been able to find a way to freely travel to other worlds after spending countless years!

In other words, he failed to find a way other than giving up all existing advantages and completely reincarnating into another world.

In the end, [Maha] died tragically in the hands of Zhang Guangmu just to trade the so-called [Time Travel Key] from the webmaster.

It is evident how difficult it is to reach out to other worlds while ensuring one's own advantages.

Zhang Guangmu believes that even if the [All Heavens Transfer Station] wants to send people to various worlds, although the price is small, it must have been paid.

Otherwise, the webmaster would not be so mean to the border crossers and set the punishment for mission failure so high.

This is called "cost transfer", transferring the risks that should be borne by oneself to the workers under his control, which is probably a required lesson for every ugly capitalist.

Now, after Zhang Guangmu became the master of Xuanyan Realm, he instinctively realized something - it was a piece of privileged information.

After becoming the [World Lord], Zhang Guangmu gained the all-weather protection of the will of the world.

Zhang Guangmu, who was blessed by heaven, gained eternal life in the Xuanyan Realm, and...

No one can kill or seal him in any way.

At the same time, the [World Separator] outside the Xuan Yan Realm has become tougher and its thickness has doubled.

Although the difficulty for outsiders to invade the Xuan Yan Realm has doubled, the difficulty for Zhang Guangmu to break through this layer of cage and reach other worlds has also increased.

After becoming the [Boundary Lord], Zhang Guangmu did not feel proud or even a little bit happy. Instead, he frowned slightly and said, "It's troublesome."

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[Cannot be killed or sealed in the Mysterious Flame Realm] This privilege may be quite good for other Realm Masters, it is an extra layer of protection, but for me, it is the icing on the cake and has little meaning.

After all, the special nature of the Xuan Yan Realm limits the number of ninth-level extraordinary beings to seven, and six of them are obedient to Zhang Guangmu's orders.

Such changes make Zhang Guangmu's plan even more difficult.


Where there is a will, there is a way. Zhang Guangmu believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will eventually be able to create an opportunity to break the situation!

[Zi Xiao], who is now serving under his command, and [Yu Jian], who has fallen, didn't work together to create the unique point of [Evil Head] Long Hong?

The little white dumplings don’t think so.

After collectively praising and affirming the fruits of Zhang Guangmu's labor, the noobs cut their screens one after another, locked their perspectives to other worlds, and no longer paid attention to things in the Xuanyan Realm.

If you think about it for a moment, you will know...

Let alone Zhang Guangmu, any human on earth with a normal mind would have managed to reach the highest point of the world and successfully obtain the constant state of [Eternal Life] + [Immortality]. He would have to enjoy it for at least hundreds of thousands of years.


It is only natural to lose the spirit of hard work and positivity.

It’s amazing to be able to maintain high morale and keep working hard.

Only a few demon dumplings who took over civilization are really left behind.

As enemies, they were wary of Zhang Guangmu, worried that this guy might do something wrong again.

Although it sounds like a bit of persecution paranoia, these demon dumplings are indeed right.

This time, when Zhang Guangmu was looking for the underlying logic of his behavioral motivations, he did not use the rhetoric of "乐子人".

When Bai Yue and Jin Ning asked "Why are you so interested in other worlds?" Zhang Guangmu just replied meaningfully, "Because the road is ahead."

When you are strong enough, it becomes easier to find the motivation to do something for yourself.

Zhang Guangmu could even say the opposite of this sentence.

"There is no road ahead! So...I want to open up a new road with my own hands!" Rhetoric such as this also makes people feel very reasonable and cannot find any flaws.

Zhang Guangmu's reply fell into the ears of Bai Yue and Jin Jing, and was naturally understood to mean that although his head teacher/sister was invincible in the Xuanyan world, he could not forcibly untie his relationship with the transfer stations in the heavens.

I want to go to other worlds to find a way.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade. By analogy, maybe it is possible to move towards a higher level?

After hearing these words, the few civilized spectators who stayed in the Xuanyan Realm felt that their suspicions had been confirmed, and they felt increasingly depressed and aggrieved.

On the one hand, they are proud of their foresight; on the other hand, they hope that all Zhang Guangmu's efforts will be in vain and that he will give up completely after several failed attempts at time travel!

In the blink of an eye, a full month has passed since [Xuanyan Realm] recognized its master.


A violent explosion sounded on the top of Floating Mountain.

Zhang Guangmu wiped away the dark cracks in front of his eyes that seemed to be imprinted in the air with his bare hands.

"The one thousand one hundred and sixty-second time travel experiment failed."

Although he failed, Zhang Guangmu's eyes became brighter: "I have accumulated some experience and eliminated a wrong factor, and I am one step closer to success!"

Customize the plan, collect experimental materials, and conduct research.

It sounds like a few simple steps, but it is extremely difficult to put them into practice.

If Zhang Guangmu hadn't used the [Tianguang Store] every day to rent out a huge amount of idle brainpower, even as a ninth-level transcendent, he wouldn't have been able to achieve such efficiency.

Zhang Guangmu's only purpose now is to travel to the other six major worlds in "Heavens".

It is impossible to go to the transfer station. Although Zhang Guangmu has a high level, but if he wants to sign a contract with the so-called station master, it will be equivalent to giving up his freedom and life to others, and maybe fighting for civilization.

work to earn a living.

If this road doesn't work, there are other ways to go.

1. Wait for the arrival of other [reincarnators] like Long Hong who have their own signs, and then explore opportunities in the new world.

2. Become a [reincarnated person] yourself.

Zhang Guangmu is not ready to wait and see, let alone give up everything he has.

The status of other main worlds will never be higher than the [Xuanyan Realm]. Once the extraordinary path reaches the top, it will be the same level as myself now.

The small wasteland world of "Doomsday Storm" is also developing well. It has now become a "new module" of [Tianguang Store]. Users of the Shenli Platform have given rave reviews to this, saying that working in the secret realm of the wasteland game is very important for improving "

"Skylight Points" yield rate is of great benefit.

The Xuan Yan Realm is also completely under Zhang Guangmu's control. There are as many talents as stars and rich materials, which is a big help.

There are two worlds, one big and one small. It is impossible to just give up.


What Zhang Guangmu plans to take is the third path - to create his own means of [travel] and descend to other main worlds!

But now it seems that the difficulty is a bit higher than 100 million.

This chapter has been completed!
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