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786【Search from the Heavens】【Through the Mirror】!

To this day, the Xiaobai Tuan who are still in the Xuanyan world are all Zhang Guangmu's die-hard fans.

After the bad news came, they showed more confidence than Zhang Guangmu himself.

"What kind of rotten fish is [Prehistoric Realm]? It is simply a shame for the main world. It is the worst among the seven main worlds. Just quit! A world where the top powerhouses will starve to death without eating for three days. I especially

I’m almost dying of laughter!”

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Faced with the demon dumplings who were in a carnival, the novice dumplings did not hesitate to use the move of speaking harshly: "We are not interested in occupying this kind of overworld."

"Taking a step back, the [Xuan Yan Realm], which is also the main world, has long been occupied by Zhang Hao!"

"The score now is one to one, who is afraid of whom? Haha!"

A black demon dumpling said angrily: "You don't have as many top warriors as we do! Now we are suppressing them in all directions!"

"According to the deduction results of the super quantum calculation block group, the defeat rate of the Earth side has floated to 73%!"

A taciturn little Bai Tuan suddenly said: "Mu Shen created the method of [travel] and it is almost successful!"

Upon hearing these words, the devil dumplings completed a seamless switch from eyes shining to dull in an instant.

No matter what you say, the audience on Earth can reply with "We have Zhang Guangmu", making them extremely unhappy.


Is Zhang Guangmu about to succeed?

The audience stationed in the Xuan Yan Realm quickly switched their perspectives and locked their cameras on Zhang Guangmu.

The Earth and the Seizing Civilization are obviously determined to kill each other. No matter who wins, the other will not be better off.

Now it's actually a situation where both sides are afraid of fighting a wolf. Both sides are bluffing, and neither side has much confidence.

Noisy and quarreling, scolding and scolding, in fact, no one can come up with anything useful.

But Zhang Guangmu...

During this period, Zhang Guangmu once entrusted Bai Yue and Jin Ning to help bring some plane coordinate anchors from the heavens transfer station, hoping to try to reproduce the [fixed-point travel device] he had made before.

The sudden increase in the number of dumplings around him did not affect Zhang Guangmu's experimental state.

Zhang Guangmu rubbed a small piece of bright golden bone with his fingertips, and said as if muttering to himself: "Using the golden skeleton left by [Evil Head] Long Hong as the material, after spending about ten years of hard work, I

You are sure to travel to a small world."

Hearing this, the demon dumplings were ecstatic.

The small world has no use!

This is a typical case of looking in the wrong direction. The harder you work, the more you fail!

The noobs were scurrying around Zhang Guangmu's head, trying to transcend the dimensional barriers and give correct information.

Unfortunately, everyone knows that this is a useless effort.


Zhang Guangmu's eyes moved slightly and he changed the subject: "Bai Yue and Jin Neck travel all over the world and have extensive knowledge. I heard them say that in addition to the main world, even the so-called high demon and high martial worlds have their upper limit locked by the environment.

, extraordinary individuals can only reach the seventh or eighth level at most."

"Although each small world has its own characteristics, in the final analysis, they are all useless."

"It's a pity to throw it away, and it's tasteless to eat."

Not to mention whether "The Heavens" will be completed ten years later, even if everything goes well, it doesn't mean much.

Fortunately, Zhang Guangmu accumulated enough experience and accumulated a lot of experience. After breaking through the initial hurdle, the time-travel research finally started smoothly.

[Shinto] The ninth level itself has some idealistic attributes.

This kind of idealism cannot achieve "what you think is what you get", but it can help Zhang Guangmu reduce a lot of troubles and skip many "bottlenecks".

Seemingly struggling for a while, Zhang Guangmu looked down at the mooncake in his arms and said with a leisurely expression: "After becoming the master of Xuanyan Realm, I will have endless lifespan. As long as I stay here, I will be immortal."

"But... this is too boring."

"I don't want to be like the ninth-level monks of the old era, sleeping for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years."

The orange cat blinked its big watery eyes and tilted its little head: "Meow?"

His own pet owner always has a cold attitude in front of outsiders, but occasionally does some neurotic things in private.

Speaking of which, she hasn't been nervous for a long time. She thought she had recovered on her own, but she didn't expect that this state would still switch intermittently...

"I plan to make a schedule for myself in the near future."

Zhang Guangmu gently stroked the soft flesh balls on Moon Cake's paws: "I spent ten thousand years studying ways to travel to other main worlds."

As we all know, people are different, and even for the same concept, they may have opposite perceptions.

As the Lord of the Xuanyan Realm, Zhang Guangmu believes that the "short-term trip" is something he will do in the next ten thousand years. Is it reasonable?

Time flies.

half year later.

On the floating mountain, in front of Zhang Guangmu, a strange wave occurred, and a mirror-like silvery substance appeared in front of him.

Looking intently, this silver-white mirror reflects a scene that is very different from the Xuan Yan Realm!

——On the dirty and dilapidated streets, blazing fires, a wolf-headed warrior wearing heavy armor, shooting arrows with a bow, tried to kill the evil dragon lingering in the sky, but it was in vain, the arrow fell on the dragon scales, and only emitted

The soft tinkling sound was completely unable to break through the defense.

Obviously, this is a picture from another world!

"Dragon subspecies? It looks like it's grown up, but it only has strength between the fifth and sixth levels. It looks arrogant, and it probably thinks that no one is its opponent."

Zhang Guangmu reached out his finger and tapped it lightly on the silver-white round mirror. After feeling it carefully, he concluded: "It is indeed a small world, and it is also a small world at the level of [demon]. The upper limit of extraordinary individuals is the sixth level."

Although Zhang Guangmu could embark on a journey to another world with just a thought, he did not do so. He just shook his head and continued to explore.

The three thousand small worlds in "Heavens" are all springboards, and the battlefield is ultimately in the seven main worlds.

The silver round mirror is like a dream bubble, and the picture suddenly shatters.

Seeing this scene, the assistant on the set of Seizing Civilization, who was closely monitoring Zhang Guangmu's every move, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately! At best, it's just the same as [Zi Xiao] and [Yu Sword] in the background settings, creating a guy similar to [Evil Head] Long Hong, sneaking into a small world on the verge of destruction."

"She hasn't been able to reach the main world yet!"

The staff of the field control team wiped away the cold sweat and prayed silently, hoping that Zhang Guangmu would fail again and continue to fail until the completion of "Zhu Tian"!

Zhang Guangmu's personal ability is too strong and is a variable that is difficult to estimate!

They absolutely do not want to see Zhang Guangmu successfully intervene in the struggles of other main worlds.


After dispelling the [Traveling Mirror] anchoring the small world, Zhang Guangmu breathed a sigh of relief and said with bright eyes: "I control Xuanyan and have unlimited resources in my hands. The Taiqing Sect's support alone can allow me to carry out this process once a day.

【Search in the Heavens】.”

This chapter has been completed!
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