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804 [Script Prompt Skylight Limited Edition] Victory!

Zhang Guangmu looked at Wang Shangqing, as if he didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and said in a leisurely tone: "At least Wang Yuqing is also a chef with the title of God of Cooking. He can make his way out of the Sea of ​​Purgatory."

"The treatment at the water table and Dahe are a bit different, so it would be more appropriate to start directly as a chef."

It sounded quite human, but in fact he was still thinking about other things, and his focus was not on the scene at all.

However, looking at Wang Shangqing, Zhang Guangmu thought of an interesting thing.

During that period of "Second Life" that was like an illusion, Zhang Guangmu had very little contact with directors such as Qian Yiyuan, Cao Guan, Sun Yanwu, Zhou Mo, Meng Lingrui, and Yang Lehan.

The relationship between subconscious actors and directors is somewhat similar to that of extraordinary cooks and diners in The Endless Sea. They promote each other, check for omissions and improve their skills, but they are limited to official business and lack some private friendship and friendship.


After all, there are still fundamental differences.

Wang Shangqing didn't know that Zhang Guangmu was wandering here. After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said, "That's fine! Lest people say that our Tianguang Kitchen Team doesn't know people well and doesn't know how to employ people."

Now, with the steps down, Wang Yuqing was instantly shaken.

At least you don't have to start working as a waiter or a waiter. If you start directly as a chef, you won't be looked down upon and treated as a lowly.

As long as you stay in Tianguang Kitchen Group, you will have countless opportunities to challenge Wang Shangqing.

What's more, Wang Yuqing has already guessed some of the benefits of Tianguang Kitchen Group - many chefs who can cook alone seem to be qualified to let Zhang Guangmu taste his own dishes and give suggestions for improvement.

Otherwise, why would this team of cooks, who were originally composed of accessories and oil bottles except Wang Shangqing, now have so many chefs who have touched the extraordinary realm?

As a diner, Zhang Guangmu is definitely on the same level as [President]!

The [President]’s appearance fee is high, and he needs to complete tasks or pay for something of sufficient value, such as top-quality ingredients, a cooking skills training manual, or a cooking experience record.

If I can gain trust in Tianguang Kitchen Group and receive equal treatment...

Wang Yuqing's heart was pounding, and she tried hard to suppress her emotional changes, but her breathing became somewhat rapid after all.

By then, the speed of my progress...

Just look at Wang Shangqing today and you will know!

Not long after joining the [Supreme Cuisine Secret Society], Wang Yuqing gradually realized that although he had foresight, compared with those real monsters, his talent and obsession with cooking were inferior.


This gambling fight with Wang Shangqing was partly out of self-confidence, believing that hard work would not be in vain and sweat would not let me down. On the other hand, it was just to fight for a moment and not to lose face.

Join Tianguang Kitchen Group?

Considering the super benefits of "Zhang Guangmu Tasting", it doesn't seem so hard to accept...

At this moment, he suddenly felt as if another self began to speak in his mind.

[We agreed to invite Zhang Guangmu to join the Supreme Cuisine Secret Society, but now it’s me who has been roped into the Tianguang Kitchen Group?]

【Wang Yuqing, Wang Yuqing! How can you be so decadent!】

[It’s not terrible to lose to the enemy, but it’s terrible to be unable to recover from the fall and never be able to muster the courage to challenge the enemy again!]

【How can a man live in depression for a long time under others? 】

Some interference from her heart helped Wang Yuqing regain her composure.

A lot of resources have been poured into this warrior who conquered civilization. He has undergone professional training, and his subconscious mind and comprehensive abilities have been molded according to the established template.

In fact, many elite warriors who conquer civilization possess similar three characteristics.

First, pursue strength and constantly desire progress!

Second, full of ambition, always trying to become the overlord of the world and rule the world!

Third, be willing to listen to your own voice and respect your inner choices.

The first two points are the common behavioral motivations of warriors who seize civilization. They first have a goal, and then they find reasons for their actions.

As for the third point...

That is the control backdoor left by the seizure of civilization, used to deal with emergencies. Only a very small number of warriors are completely uncontrollable by the [voice] disguised as the script prompts.

Those who have a rebellious mentality like the [Prehistoric Territory] Territory Lord are a minority among the minority. Even if the other warriors who seize civilization are in conflict, they will seriously think about the truth mentioned in [Voice of the Heart] and analyze it carefully.

It is worth mentioning that……

Today, Zhang Guangmu has a ninth-level life realm. As long as he is willing, he can generate endless thoughts in an instant, split a second into millions of parts, and slowly understand all emergencies, study all goals, and analyze all changes in situations.

the essence of.

Originally, Wang Yuqing's mood changed very quickly. Even a person with strong observation skills and strong brain power could only vaguely feel that something was wrong, but could not explain the reason.

Zhang Guangmu, however, perfectly grasped the changes.

Without waiting for Wang Yuqing to give a reply, Zhang Guangmu chuckled and said something confusing: "The usual tricks of the [Devil from Beyond]."

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"Although I can't find their bodies, the technical content of this method is not too high, and I can use it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Guangmu's thoughts began to change, and his food energy vibrated, resonating with the improved and adapted structural model of [Original Sin Magic].

Buzz buzz...

The fortress trembled slightly, the waves rolled, and the water surged.

Zhang Guangmu took action directly and started fighting against the civilization control group!

This is……

A game at the level of voices!

Wang Yuqing was about to refuse, but another voice of his own suddenly sounded in his mind.

【I used to think that everyone was like me when I was a child, able to taste feasts prepared by top chefs at any time. 】

[Only after I came to this era did I know...]

【I was wrong.】

【No matter what era, there is a gap between poverty and wealth.】

[The "prepared cuisine" created by my father allows most people to taste delicious food above the standard. 】

[To be honest, it is an excellent invention that has made a huge contribution to the world.]

【Let the suffering people taste the taste of happiness at a low cost.】

【Let tired and tired people regain their physical strength and nourish their spirits with delicious food.】

【Is this what he pursues? 】

After hearing this, Wang Yuqing felt that he had some signs of split personality.

He subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Wang Shangqing with a complicated expression.

【If you want to deny a person, you must first understand him completely.】

[No matter what era, this iron law will never be wrong - only after investigation and evidence collection can you have enough say!]


Humans find their own voices particularly unpleasant.

Scientific basis: The sound waves produced by inflating the lungs and vibrating the vocal cords will present completely different timbres after being conducted through ear cartilage and air conduction!

Under normal circumstances, when a human opens his mouth, the sound is transmitted to his or her eardrum through flesh, flesh, and cartilage.

When human voices are recorded and played back by third-party instruments, most people will find their voices somewhat unpleasant and unfamiliar.

This is because the sound transmission medium has changed.

The voice given by the field control team perfectly replicated Wang Yuqing’s voice.

Zhang Guangmu, on the other hand, slightly beautified Wang Yuqing's voice and did a little bit of "tuning work".


After Wang Yuqing struggled for a while, he took a deep breath: "Chef..."

"Then, I'll join."

The two voices represent different choices.

After all, he chose to trust the gentle and calm voice of an elegant young man, rather than the slightly resentful voice of a male duck in the stage of voice change.

Wang Yuqing's decision also means that [Yuqing Kitchen Group] is officially merged into [Tianguang Kitchen Group], which greatly increases the latter's strength and foundation.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Guangmu's lips raised slightly.

This round of confrontation is the victory of [Script Tips·Skylight Limited Edition]!

After making the decision, Wang Yuqing's eyes flickered between Zhang Guangmu and Wang Shangqing. His eyes flickered, as if he was still engaged in a psychological struggle.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Have you ever heard of the name 'Karhes'?"

This chapter has been completed!
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