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813 Raiding Purgatory! Wu Ran left

In [Xuanyan Realm], Zhang Guangmu took full advantage of the home field advantage of the Second Generation of Taiqing Zongxian, marched all the way, crushed all enemies, dominated the world, and helped other earth warriors attract the firepower from the civilization-seizing side.


Under this situation, Wu Ran, Lin An and others have developed quite well. Their personal strength and the power under their command have not been too short, and they have even shown the potential to become the masters of the main world.

As a person involved, Zhang Guangmu could only hear the demon gangs scolding the staff of the Seizing Civilization production team every three days.

"Shabi field control team! What are you doing against Zhang Guangmu? Is it useful?"

"A bunch of guys who are just eating corpses! They simply regard war between super civilizations as child's play! They all should be dragged out and shot ten thousand times!"

"It did target a lonely person! Why not use the energy spent on Zhang Guangmu to target other people earlier!"

This is not to say that the audience of Seizing Civilization will all use the idioms of the earth. The main reason is that this subliminal movie world relying on the essence of Linghui's black technology system is really incredible. Any barrage or speech can be translated simultaneously in real time, and the credibility can be guaranteed.

, Ya, Da.

Absolutely authentic, without any out-of-context and semantic tampering!

Zhang Guangmu was originally enjoying the excitement, but suddenly found that the speeches of the audience on Earth suddenly turned sad.

A group of little white dumplings with abstract noodle tears on their faces conveyed the news of Wu Ran's death to Zhang Guangmu in different tones and methods.

Wu Ran, who had the titles of "Perfect Subconscious Actor" and "Destiny-Defying God", died suddenly.

From what the novices said, Wu Ran died tragically and tragically.

He fought until the last moment and did not live up to everyone's expectations, but...

If you want to kill the thief, you will be unable to save him.

In Zhang Guangmu's view, Wu Ran's death was not sudden, but inevitable.

In the endless sea, the "Fate-defying Kitchen Team" is so popular that it can be called the number one thorn in the side of the Civilization Production Team and a thorn in the flesh.

The information on the major cadres of the Fate-defying Kitchen Group has also been thoroughly revealed a long time ago.

This time, it was "credited" to the field control team that provided off-site assistance. Among the forces that jointly took action to seize civilization, the strongest man Calhess, who was reincarnated from the Navier multiverse, was only an inconspicuous one.

——After all, Karl Hess has been reduced to a dog by Zhang Guangmu. He has no vision, so he can only lower his head and pretend to be a master, supporting the scene from the side.

With intelligence crushing + multi-party encirclement and suppression, as well as the assistance of a third party [mysterious strong man], [Tianzun] Wu Ran received a lunch, which is not surprising at all.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.]

All right.

From Zhang Guangmu’s perspective, the [Mysterious Powerful Man] is not mysterious at all.

Although the specific reason is not known, the mysterious [webmaster] of the Zhutian Transfer Station did participate in this joint strangulation operation to seize civilization.

"Zhang Guangmu of the Endless Sea is the clone of [Empress Tianguang] who has independent will and ideas." This trap created by false intelligence, after trapping the Civilization Control Team, caused the [Webmaster] of the Heavens Transfer Station to stumble and fall.

Come in.

From this point of view, [Webmaster]'s end may not be a bad thing. If you can seize the opportunity well, you might be able to catch them all in one go.

In addition to [Yes] and [No], there is a third option.

That is [put on hold].

Psychological games are like stew, they need to be simmered slowly.

Hang him and endure him.

After making the decision, Zhang Guangmu took up Wang Shangqing's words: "Tianguang Kitchen Group's current basic medical care is pretty good, but top medicinal and medical talents like [Master of Medicinal Diet] Jiang Ling, who have the title of God of Cooking, are exactly what we need."


"And... I admire her character of making decisions and then acting."

This is a random excuse.

Tang Lanshan was more direct. Her eyes were locked on Jiang Ling for a while, and she didn't even bother to find a reason. She said decisively: "I agree too! I want to help her!"

From Jiang Ling, Tang Lanshan had a vague sense of intimacy.

As the saying goes, the compatibility between people is so wonderful.

Moreover, Tang Lanshan is willing to believe that Jiang Ling's arrival is the guidance of fate.

Seeing the three people expressing their opinions one after another, the young time traveler Wang Yu cleared his throat. He was about to say something, but was directly interrupted by Wang Shangqing: "Okay! Since everyone agrees, it's decided!"

"[Master of Medicinal Diet], Jiang Ling, welcome to join the Tianguang Kitchen Team!"

"From now on, your friends are our friends."

"Your enemy is our enemy!"

Whether there will be chaos in the endless sea or not, [Destiny Kitchen Team] has the final say.

Wu Ran, who can almost be regarded as the uncrowned king [Fate-Defying Heavenly Lord], has died. In just one week, the entire sea of ​​purgatory has turned into a mess.

The group of forces that reluctantly united under the guidance of the Civilization Control Team originally had competing interests and even had quarrels with each other. They had no idea how to write the word "unity".

But now, after losing their common strongest enemy, they instantly became a mess.

Using "internal strife" to describe the conflicts and struggles between these gangs is too shallow.

They attacked each other, and gradually became jealous. They almost regarded each other as sworn enemies, and almost went to pieces.

Even if the field control team tried to mediate, resolve the deadlock, and reunite them, it would not help.

[Voice of the Heart], which is always invincible in most situations, suffered another setback after Zhang Guangmu’s [Fake Script Tips·Tianguang Limited Edition].

The method of script prompts disguised as inner voices is indeed useful, but it also requires timing.

The three factors of [interest], [hatred], and [ambition] combined together cannot be shaken by just [voice].

Originally, the Tianguang Kitchen Team had Tang Lanshan, the Darling of the Sea, who was good at divination, and Zhang Guangmu, who had almost mastered all the charts, pointed out the flaws. Along the way, there were no strategies or tactics.

Any problems occurred.

After entering the Sea of ​​Purgatory, the Tianguang Kitchen Team fished in troubled waters and defeated them one by one. They constantly encountered powerful enemies, defeated them in battle, defeated them, and absorbed them. They became stronger and stronger day by day, and their momentum gradually grew.

At the same time, the [Supreme Cuisine Secret Society] also recruited many elite individuals whose cooking groups were wiped out, and its reputation continued to increase.

The remnants of the old era were either dead or disabled. They either suffered heavy casualties or lost their fighting spirit and were successfully recruited by Zhang Guangmu.

Judging from this development trend, it won’t take long for Tianguang Kitchen Group to completely conquer the Sea of ​​Purgatory!

In the process of conquering this most difficult sea area, no one is the enemy of Tianguang Kitchen Team!

Even if the staff of the field control team who seized civilization racked their brains and smoked from the top of their heads in panic, it was difficult to reverse the situation. They could not organize the previous offensive against [Tianzun] Wu Ran again, and could only pin their hopes on

The warriors who are in the game, such as Karl Hess, the commander of the transit station in the heavens.

It is worth mentioning that……

At noon on the seventh day after entering the Sea of ​​Purgatory, Zhang Guangmu and his party once again "accidentally encountered" Zhang Baimu who was seriously injured.

Zhang Baimu, whose revenge failed, almost lost the ability to move and drifted on the sea for three days and three nights. If Luo Zuan had not given up, he might have been buried under the sea by now.

The Tianguang Kitchen Fleet accepted Zhang Baimu and Luo Zuan who had fled.

Because of his serious injuries, Zhang Baimu had to recuperate for a long time.

Looking at this situation, he will have to eat free food at Tianguang Kitchen Group for at least several years before he can recover.

At first, there were some people who didn't like him and gossiped in private. However, under the methods of Zhang Guangmu, Tang Lanshan, Jiang Ling and Wang Shangqing, this rhythm gradually disappeared.

On this day, Zhang Baimu finally woke up from his coma.

He proved with practical actions that his serious injuries were not worthless.

Struggling to tear open the skin on his palm, Zhang Baimu took out the precious information hidden in the flesh and blood - it was a suicide note from [Tianzun] Wu Ran.

It was actually a note left casually using kelp as paper.

Although it was stained with blood, since there was only one sentence, the handwriting was still clear and it was not difficult to understand.

——"Don't get close to the man who has a heterosexual child."

This is obviously the advice given by [Tianzun] Wu Ran to the survivors of [Fate-Resisting Kitchen Team].

It even has a simple drawing on it.

Several straight lines replace the torso to form a standard stick figure.

A large circle replaces the human face, an upturned arc represents the mouth, and two small circles dyed one gold and one silver respectively replace the eyes.

Behind the stick figure, a huge figure was reflected on the ground.

Zhang Guangmu thinks this painting is quite cute.

It seems that senior Wu Ran is also an optimistic and cheerful person at heart...

To the end of his life, he still had the leisure to look for paint to add color to his simple drawings.

This chapter has been completed!
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