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83 Three out

The protagonist Li Shisan is accompanied by Xiao Jinquan and Li Fengling, while Zhang Guangmu and Zhao Zhengrong form a temporary team.

Without any external interference, the overall combat power of Zhang Guangmu's team obviously crushed Li Shisan's side.

Zhang Guangmu even believed that anyone between him and Zhao Zhengrong could kill each other in 1V3 without any injuries.

Unfortunately, the world view setting of "Secret Job" is not that simple.

In this bizarre world, there are supernatural powers.

In the previous written test answering session, many people used their points to redeem some so-called "learning items".

For example, the sweet potato mine that Nalan Yuan wanted to use to hold someone back before he died, or the bulletproof prop that he used to buy his life with Zhang Guangmu.

Those items appeared out of thin air and were controlled by the people who answered the questions.

Although Zhao Zhengrong did receive script tips from the production team during the question-and-answer session, most of the time, he relied on props redeemed for credits to pass the level.

Previously, in order to repay Zhang Guangmu's favor, he consumed the only one-time speed-increasing item. Now that it was time to show his strength, he had lost some details.

As for Li Shisan, they were all fully armed.

Xiao Jinquan was holding a crossbow in his hand, and Li Fengling was holding something similar to a blowgun in his mouth. As for the plot protagonist Li Shisan, he might as well just be like Zhang Guangmu, holding a gun in his hand and pointing the black hole at the muzzle.

Aiming in the direction of Zhao Zhengrong.

Although Li Shisan was a little angry because his identity as a reborn person was exposed before, and he wanted to kill Zhang Guangmu immediately, but now that he failed to persuade Zhao Zhengrong, he immediately adjusted his thinking.

"Kill Zhao Zhengrong first! Zhang Guangmu only has three bullets in his gun, so there is nothing to fear!"

Having said this, Li Shisan opened the safety without hesitation and pulled the trigger towards Zhao Zhengrong.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The protagonist of the plot has plenty of bullets. He does not skimp on ammunition at all, maintains a steady rhythm, and shoots wildly at Zhao Zhengrong.

His shooting skills were not very accurate. Compared with Zhang Guangmu, he seemed to be far behind. He fired six shots in a row, but only two of them hit Zhao Zhengrong by chance.

Bang! Bang!

Two strange sounds of metal clashing sounded on Zhao Zhengrong's body.

Li Shisan was stunned, his eyes full of confusion.

As the challenger of the second round, he had an information advantage from the beginning. From the first question-answering session, he had been paying attention to what the outstanding performers exchanged during the rest session.

After all, in the rest exchange session after each round of homework, the three random items refreshed by different answerers are all different.

Some people are lucky, like Li Shisan himself, and can spend credits to exchange for many powerful items.

Some people are unlucky, just like Zhang Guangmu...

Thinking of this, Li Shisan almost died laughing.

Zhang Guangmu's luck seemed to have been exhausted when he was reincarnated. He could be called a non-chief. He saved a lot of credits but never got anything good.

It can only be said that people and their physiques cannot be generalized.

For some people, one hundred credits can be exchanged for three or four extraordinary items that can reverse the situation.

For a certain person, one hundred credits can only be exchanged for loneliness.

As for Zhao Zhengrong...

According to Li Shisan's calculations, when Zhao Zhengrong went to rescue Zhang Guangmu, he should have used the last props on his body, and there would be no protective props left!

If this person really had something to protect himself, he wouldn't have been so bloody by the sweet potato mine just now!


The truth is that although Zhao Zhengrong managed to pass the written examination, he consumed a lot of credits in that process, which made him financially strapped. Later, he spent them all on Zhang Guangmu, and he no longer had any extraordinary protective items!

Li Shisan's eyes flashed, and he noticed Zhang Guangmu, who was approaching quickly with the help of Zhao Zhengrong's cover.

At the same time, he also noticed the chocolate-like thing held in Zhao Zhengrong's hand.

"This guy Zhang Guangmu actually handed over precious protective items to others?"

"He can obviously shoot from a safe place from a distance, but in order to ensure the hit rate, he is actively closing the distance!"

After noticing this, Li Shisan felt angry for no reason in his heart.

Compared with Zhang Guangmu, he boasted that he had all the plans, but he lacked the courage to go all out.

If they were in someone else's shoes, Li Shisan felt that he would never make the same decision as Zhang Guangmu.

Even if you sell Zhao Zhengrong to consume the enemy's ammunition, it is still worth it!

To know……

Zhao Zhengrong's motive for killing Zhang Guangmu was sufficient, but even under such circumstances, Zhang Guangmu still had to hand over precious self-defense props to Zhao Zhengrong...

Simply incredible!

Li Shisan couldn't understand Zhang Guangmu's thinking.

But now that the situation was urgent, Zhang Guangmu had already released the safety of the firearm, closed one eye, and aimed at the black hole of the muzzle.

Li Shisan, who noticed this, felt a little panicked.

However, the next moment, he regained his composure.

"Come on! Hit me!"

In addition to body armor and a bulletproof helmet, Li Shisan also has other extraordinary bulletproof props that can form a bulletproof energy film similar to that on Zhao Zhengrong.

Taking two bullets will not break the defense at all!

On the other hand, Li Fengling and Xiao Jinquan were beside them...

Although these two people are both smart, with good knowledge reserve, calculation ability and emergency decision-making ability, compared with Zhang Guangmu, they are not in the same dimension at all, and they are not prophetic rebirths. In the previous question-answering session,

Too many credits were consumed in the game, and there were no physical protection items at all.

Especially Li Fengling...

This guy, who appears to be a beautiful girl who mysteriously transferred to another school, is actually a professional killer. Although his knowledge is not bad, compared with genuine academic masters like Xiao Jinquan and Zhang Guangmu, there is still a big gap.

In order not to die during the question-answering session, she did not hesitate to use a large number of credits to exchange for anti-obliteration items. There were no defensive items at all. They were very crispy and could definitely be killed by one touch!

Therefore, the blowgun Li Fengling is holding in her hand is not the one she redeemed from the secret homework with credits!

That thing was originally one of her killing tools. It was filled with poison that could seal the throat when it sees blood. As long as it could break a little bit of skin, it could kill the enemy instantly in just one breath!

——This is one of the pieces of information Li Shisan obtained the last time he cleared the Secret Job Competition.

The poison of the blow dart in Li Fengling's hand is far better than the blue poison Liu Xueyu applied on the dagger. It is a high-tech product. If it appears in the redemption list of the secret workbook, it will probably take a lot of points to redeem it!

Zhao Zhengrong is very fierce, but he is only human after all, and unlike Li Shisan who has taken the universal antidote in advance, as long as he is hit by this blow dart, he will die suddenly!

Bang! Bang!

Li Shisan quickly pulled the trigger again and was lucky enough to achieve one of two results.

This time, he noticed that the piece of "chocolate" in Zhao Zhengrong's hand suddenly melted and evaporated a small amount.

"Kill Zhao Zhengrong first! Then deal with Zhang Guangmu!"

Li Shisan's starry eyes were full of madness, and his handsome face was filled with a ferocious look.

He shouted loudly: "Props for long-range attack and defense have energy limits!"

"There isn't much left of the 'chocolate' in his hand!"

"With just a few more hits, the energy in the defensive items will be exhausted and Zhao Zhengrong will be completely killed!"

Now Li Shisan could only sigh, fortunately he had put enough distance before he completely broke his face.

Otherwise, how would you have the time to say these words?

He was about to be caught in someone's hand and crushed alive like a chicken!

Although Li Shisan is proud of his unarmed fighting ability, he still retains a trace of rationality after all.

The body bones of young people have not yet fully developed, and their weight is an absolute disadvantage. Unless there is a weapon with enough lethality at hand, if they fight adults with fists and kicks, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

not to mention……

A macho man like Zhao Zhengrong would make people feel numb just by looking at him from a distance. No matter how proud Li Shisan was, he was not cerebral palsy after all, and he would not play the trick of shaking a tree like a cricket.

Wrestling with a big man like Zhao Zhengrong who has no shortcomings in strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance, etc. and is determined and not afraid of pain?

That's just an egg hitting a rock, and you're going to die!

Even if you use special extraordinary props to temporarily have the same physical condition as the opponent, you will not be able to adapt to the new strength, speed and size immediately.


The sense of oppression that seems to be inherent in Zhao Zhengrong is really terrible!

Even though Li Shisan thought he was brave and unafraid of all challenges, he still felt that it was too stupid to fight with the opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

Unless it was really unavoidable, Li Shisan would never want to play a hand-to-hand fighting game with Zhao Zhengrong.

In just a few words, Zhao Zhengrong was already halfway through the sprint.

Like a tank, he brought up a gust of wind during his movements, which was so oppressive that Xiao Jinquan and Li Fengling, who were trying hard to aim, broke into cold sweat on their foreheads and their hands trembled slightly.

"Stop aiming! Quick! Kill him!"

Li Shisan raised his voice to full volume, but it was not to give orders to two unreliable companions.

After all, no one is truly trustworthy in this situation.

He did this, but suddenly felt a little unconfident.

If there is no way to kill Zhao Zhengrong directly in the first wave of battle...

Maybe Zhao Zhengrong will be allowed to disrupt the formation, and then Zhang Guangmu will take advantage of the opportunity to harvest it, and his team will be wiped out directly?

If he takes the opportunity to fake his death, by then, it may be a civil war between Zhang Guangmu and Zhao Zhengrong...

Wait until the two of them have exhausted each other's strength and trump cards, and then take the opportunity to make a comeback?


Li Shisan couldn't accept that ending!

He is a reborn person, a son of destiny who has already won once!

He could never accept himself falling in such a place!

Therefore, Li Shisan roared so loudly just to attract Zhang Guangmu's attention.

If Zhang Guangmu can be allowed to waste all three bullets on him, then his goal will be achieved!

This is by no means a selfless contribution.

It's not a team spirit either.

Just because he has a big and cold heart and made the right choice at the critical moment!


Zhang Guangmu clearly heard his voice, but turned a deaf ear.

The black hole's muzzle instantly locked Li Fengling, who was the greatest threat.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

call out!

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and crossbow arrows shot out of the air.

The eldest son of the Xiao family opened his eyes as wide as a pair of copper bells. He was breathing rapidly, his heart was beating wildly, his face was blood red, and his teeth were clenching. He waited until Zhao Zhengrong was in front of him, and then finally buckled down.

The trigger of the crossbow was moved.

Xiao Jinquan aimed for a long time, and his momentum building and forward movement were so long that Li Shisan wanted to shoot him directly. In the end, he finally completed his mission.

Because of Li Shisan's several bullets, Xiao Jinquan's crossbow bolt not only shattered Zhao Zhengrong's defense props, but also directly melted the chocolate in his hand, and even embedded it directly in Zhao Zhengrong's body.

The majestic xiphoid process of the manubrium of the sternum.


Bright red blood drops spattered, and the smell of blood spread all over Xiao Jinquan's face.

The next moment, an iron fist the size of a bowl was branded on the side of his face.

The punch was thrown out, the wind roared, and the power that Pei Mo could not control directly shattered half of Xiao Jinquan's skull.


The eldest son of the Xiao family remained silent and was punched into the playground ground by Zhao Zhengrong like a green onion.

Blood was pouring out of his eyes and nostrils crazily, and blood clots were spurting out of his mouth. His feet and hands were twitching unconsciously. It was obvious that he had completely lost the ability to take care of himself.

Regardless of whether his injuries can be saved...

In this secret homework competition, he has been completely eliminated!

And Li Fengling...

This mysterious transfer student is like a killer lurking in the dark.

She obviously has a beautiful face, is youthful and beautiful, and will be the focus of attention from boys her age wherever she goes, but when she enters the assassination state, her presence is incredibly low.


Zhang Guangmu did not ignore her.

When Zhang Guangmu's three bullets poured into her heart and kidneys in a square shape, she used her last strength to blow out the deadly poisonous arrows by pumping her cheeks.


A blow dart as small as a hair needle and soaked in venom suddenly tore into the sky and landed on the triceps of Zhao Zhengrong's right arm.

The deadly poison that seals the throat with blood can kill a towering man like Boss Zhao in just an instant.

The venom drained all his life force, leaving him like a sculpture, still shaking his fists, frozen in place.

There are no last words.

The poison of this blow dart was so strong that with just one breath, Zhao Zhengrong's breathing and heartbeat were completely stopped.


The dead Boss Zhao did not collapse weakly.

Even in death, he remained standing.

At the moment of death, Zhao Zhengrong was different from Tang Lanshan who refused to rest in peace.

He just lowered his head, closed his eyes tightly, and a vague emotion of relief could be seen on his face.

There is no pain, no despair, only relief.

At this point, three people are out.

This time in the secret homework competition, only two people were left.

Zhang Guangmu quickly came to Boss Zhao.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots were heard from the direction of the protagonist Li Shisan.

The bullet was not aimed at Zhang Guangmu.

Two blood flowers bloomed on the heads of Li Fengling and Xiao Jinquan.

Li Shisan himself had considered the possibility of faking his own death, so that he would not leave others the same opportunity.

"Last hitting is a good habit."

Li Shisan smiled and pointed the gun at Zhang Guangmu, then deflected the angle and suddenly pulled the trigger.


A bloody hole appeared between Zhao Zhengrong's eyebrows, and his body collapsed to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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