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842 Tianyan City Negotiating Talents Abound in Changhe City

Li Yan and his army were coming with force, but Zhang Guangmu looked calm and said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything."

Seeing this, Li Xiaoxiao's nervousness immediately disappeared: "Then I will notify all departments and make preparations in advance."

He didn't know when he started to realize that he admired Zhang Guangmu.

Just this emotion, Li Xiaoxiao has always hidden it deep in her heart and never showed it at all.

He had a blind trust in Zhang Guangmu, and he immediately felt relieved when he heard this calm tone.

After a simple exchange, Li Xiaoxiao took action efficiently.

This time, Chang He and Li Yan may not really fight, and they may even become temporary allies. However, as time goes by, they will never be able to continue to live in peace.

Li Xiaoxiao knew that Zhang Guangmu's ambition was to conquer the beginning of time, eliminate the monsters, let mankind stand at the top of the food chain again, and become the first person to achieve unification in the history of this planet.

The Lord of Taichu was destined to be a lonely man with few followers. He could only have ministers, subordinates, and vassals under his command, and he would not have any allies who could keep pace with him.

Half an hour later.

[All-rounder] Li Yan's musketry regiment was stationed near the outskirts of Changhe City, and he himself, with only a few tricksters and sharpshooters, came to meet with Zhang Guangmu.

Li Yan, who was once famous for his "One Man Protects a City", is indeed a bold artist.

Li Yan has many talents under his command.

In addition to the well-trained sharpshooters, although he does not have a team of deviants around him, he also has loyal deviants as personal guards. However, unlike Changhe City, the power of the deviators must be dispersed and cannot form a certain scale.


This time the Changhe diplomat is Zhao Zhengrong.

Boss Zhao has a calm and resolute personality, a sharp edge, and a gentle and delicate heart hidden under his fierce and brave appearance. He is the most suitable person for this position.

In this way, under the leadership of Zhao Zhengrong, Li Yan and his party visited the unclassified institutions and attractions in Changhe City, and finally met Zhang Guangmu.

At the banquet, there was a lot of people drinking and drinking, and the atmosphere showed a bit of false harmony, even giving people the illusion that the Li and Zhang family were close.

When he was full of wine and food, Li Yan wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then suddenly said: "Although Tianyan City is also vigorously developing farming and animal husbandry, the number of controllers is scarce, and they cannot look at each other. In terms of abundant materials,

Far inferior to Changhe City."

"This is really enviable."

The development speed of Changhe City is unique among the many survivor forces in Dongzhou. Li Yan has known for a long time that there must be a reason for this, and has launched an investigation and research early on.

He can analyze and learn the advantages and specialties of other forces through intellectual activities, adapt them to local conditions, and with slight improvements, he can directly apply them to his own Tianyan City.

However, the two core competitiveness of Changhe City are completely impossible to imitate.

The relevant information has been collected long ago and clearly presented to everyone, but Li Yan has no way to start!

Because these two major advantages fundamentally come from the Trickster itself!

The two people who support the unique characteristics and core appeal of the Changhe series are [Lord of the Changhe] Zhang Guangmu and [Soul Master] Jiang Jiuxiao!

Bribery and coaxing are impossible.

They are all senior members of the Changhe ruling group, and they cannot offer higher conditions at all.

Speaking of this, Li Yan stared at Zhang Guangmu intently and said: "Tianyan City has been troubled by the [Law of Exclusion] problem for more than a year, and countless manpower and material resources have been invested, but it has not been solved."

"Even if the deceivers lead a team to travel and fight in all directions, they must lead their own teams, keep a distance, and cannot get too close."

"I came here this time hoping to learn advanced experience from Changhe City and get your help."

"We can look out for each other and fight together for the rejuvenation of humanity!"

This is just testing with language.

After all, Li Yan never considered the possibility that Zhang Guangmu would directly agree to share the profits and weaken himself as soon as he opened his mouth.

He just wanted to see Zhang Guangmu's reaction.

Is it contempt and disdain filled with confidence?

Is it a combination of weakness and weakness?

Or is it anger stemming from incompetence?

Li Yan's tone was very well controlled. Regardless of the content, at least his tone was quite polite - he knew very well that he was testing rather than provoking.

You know, the top tricksters of the Changhe series can ignore the limit of lifespan.

This was actually even more difficult for him to understand.

But Li Yan knows very well that this point cannot be used as an argument.

If the temptation is overdone, it becomes greedy and provocative, which can easily lead to resentment and disgust. It is even impossible for both parties to directly fight each other and kill each other.

"You mean to ask me to share the method of [Episodegia Immunity] to Tianyan City for free?"

Zhang Guangmu's reaction was not what Li Yan expected.

No contempt, no weakness, no anger.

Zhang Guangmu just looked at Li Yan up and down with a strange expression, and said in a serious tone: "Changhe City's [Delirium Immunity] is not a method, but an advanced application that relies on [Occult Power·Soul]."

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.]

"This ability can suppress and weaken the phenomenon of epilepsy to a certain extent, but every time its holder uses the ability, it will also cost the life of the person."

"So, I reject your suggestion of sharing the [Epilepsy Exemption] for free."

This is exactly what happened.

Jiang Jiuxiao's [Power of the Strange Monster Soul] is very powerful and can be said to weaken the power of life, but it is ultimately derived from the mysterious monster, and every time it is used, one must endure its side effects.

Without Zhang Guangmu's logistical support and help in replenishing his lifespan, he might have died five months ago.

Hearing this, Li Yan was speechless. Faced with this unconventional response, he didn't know how to speak for a moment.


Zhang Guangmu is too candid!

It's obviously the highest level of encrypted information, but is it really okay to just say it like this?

Although he had already identified Jiang Jiuxiao through various clues, this was not the reason for Zhang Guangmu to speak openly and honestly.

Under normal circumstances, at this moment, Zhang Guangmu should have taken the initiative and let the five hundred swordsmen and axe-men chop his group into pulp.

But Zhang Guangmu didn't have the slightest intention to kill. It was more like he was simply describing an objective fact and chatting about what the weather was like today.

"Free is not enough, so what if we are willing to pay a price?"

Li Yan's thoughts were like lightning, and he changed the subject with the same sincerity in his expression and tone: "Changhe and Tianyan, if they are combined, they will benefit both, and if they separate, they will be harmed."

"I am willing to provide two musket production lines and provide a full set of production raw materials. I can even promise that any new products developed in the future will be shared with Changhe City."

There are only four musket production lines in Tianyan City. Li Yan can be said to be quite sincere and directly gave up half of his family fortune.

Of course, his sincerity only belongs to himself.

Even if you don't stand from Zhang Guangmu's perspective, but just stand from a neutral perspective, such conditions are not enough.

After finishing speaking, Li Yan observed Zhang Guangmu's expression nervously, trying to discern his attitude from the changes in his expression.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

Zhang Guangmu didn't show any emotion at all, he just held a cup of tea and sipped it calmly.

Judging from his attitude, it seems that he hopes that Li Yan can offer more conditions.

But Li Yan's conditions were already the bottom line, and it was impossible to offer more.

Vaguely, Li Yan realized that it was no longer feasible to count on peaceful negotiations to resolve the issue.


Looking around, he just glanced and saw many powerful trolls who could be named.

[Swordsman] Li Xiaoxiao, [Dean] Zhao Zhengrong, the former [Pinghua City’s strongest human being] Chu Fan...

[Soul Master] Jiang Jiuxiao, [Death Artist] Nalan Yuan, [Butcher] Ma Wu...

Whether new or old, Changhe City is full of talents and heroes.

If we really want to go to war with them, can Tianyan City win?

If Li Yan is given enough development time and space, he can still have some confidence.

But now...

The expansion of Changhe's forces has squeezed out Tianyan's living space, leaving Li Yan with almost no place to settle.

This chapter has been completed!
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