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Chapter 152: The Dumbfounding Zhang Yicheng

Sky Blue Entertainment is hiring!

This news caused some waves in the entertainment industry, but it was not a big one. Sky Blue Entertainment is also a company that has just emerged recently, and it is not recruiting artists, but agents. To be precise, it should be said that it is agents.

assistant, not agent

Because the management contracts of Tianlan Entertainment’s artists are still in the hands of Zhang Yicheng, and the newly recruited agents do the work of agents, and the company pays them wages, but does not participate in the sharing. This is the case in South Korea.

In fact, it’s quite common

After hearing that Tianlan Entertainment was recruiting people, many well-informed people immediately came to the door. Although Tianlan Entertainment is not a big company, it is like this these days. If you don't work hard this year, you will work hard to find a job tomorrow.

It is the uncle who is doing the work, and it is the grandson who is doing the work!

In addition to agent assistants, there are also various personnel including stylists, bodyguards, drivers, etc. Tianlan Entertainment is also recruiting in full swing. From this time on, Tianlan Entertainment has truly established itself as a large company.

Promising weather for success!

A basketball court at Beijing University of Science and Technology is bustling with people. As long as it doesn't rain every day, there are basically many people around here.

Beside the basketball court, there is a young girl wearing a simple and elegant white dress, with a box of mineral water beside her. It seems that this is the characteristic of the basketball court, the water seller, but I don’t know what

At that time, the mineral water this girl brought was completely sold out.

Among the people selling water next to the basketball court, there are both men and women, but as long as a girl is there, the boys' business will not be very good, and if this girl is there, then everyone else will have no business unless they wait for her.

Sold out, but fortunately, this girl usually only brings one and a half boxes. Even if it is sold out, it will not continue to be sold. People who come here to sell water are usually students with poor conditions, in order to make some money.

Pocket money or subsidy for living expenses

What makes other students selling water speechless the most is that they all need to hawk, but that girl often just stops there, and within ten minutes, the water is sold out.

Then this girl would always stand quietly and look at the active boys on the field.

Zhang Yicheng rushed left and right on the field, unstoppable, and soon ended the attack with a goal. Zhang Yicheng walked off the field and said a few words to a substitute on the side. Zhang Yicheng changed positions with him and walked off the field.

, walked to the sidelines, smiled and said to the girl selling water: "Why are your water sold out again today? Didn't you agree to leave one bottle for me?"

That girl, who is it if she isn’t Ling Fei?

Ever since Ling Fei was cut off from her family's source of income, Ling Fei had to start a business through hard work and become self-reliant.

She would occasionally come here to sell water. Although the water sold by Ling Fei was twice as high as that sold at the canteen, it was still sold out. Zhang Yicheng often made fun of her, which made other seniors selling water feel embarrassed.


"They snatched it so fast, I didn't even have time to save a bottle for you!" Ling Fei said as usual, as if the person being said was not herself.

"But there is another bottle here." Ling Fei took a bottle from the side, but before she finished speaking, Zhang Yicheng snatched it and drank it in big gulps. Zhang Yicheng, who had been playing on the court for half an hour, was already thirsty.

No more

"But, that's what I drank!" Ling Fei thought with a blush. Before she could finish her sentence, she was snatched away by Zhang Yicheng. Now she couldn't say the next sentence.

"I'm not telling you, how long will you continue to fight with your parents?" Zhang Yicheng sat down on the ground and asked.

"Do you think I'm just a child playing house? That's why you're fighting with them now?" Ling Fei glanced at Zhang Yicheng dissatisfied and said, as if Zhang Yicheng had insulted her.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Yicheng looked at Ling Fei with a "Isn't it?"

, a little girl who ran away from home out of anger, but in his opinion, there was really nothing wrong with her!

"Humph!" Ling Fei snorted and looked away. Zhang Yicheng always spoke like this. He was different from others. Others always tried to please themselves, or simply used some extreme method to attract her attention. But Zhang Yicheng never

It won't be like this, but what Zhang Yicheng says sometimes is really speechless and makes people want to roll their eyes.

Zhang Yicheng can completely imagine Ling Fei's stubbornness!

Ling Fei's personality is completely soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Although she looks very indifferent and peaceful from the outside, only those who have been in contact with her for a long time know that she will never look back on something she believes in.

This is very similar to Zhang Yicheng. Zhang Yicheng is also the same. On the outside, he may seem easy to talk to, but he is actually a very stubborn person. Once he decides something, it is difficult to change it unless he can come up with a reason to convince him.

Looking at Ling Fei's little head turned away, her snow-white neck is particularly dazzling in the sun. Even if she looks sideways, Ling Fei's little face looks particularly beautiful.

As if aware of Zhang Yicheng's gaze, she suddenly remembered the bottle of mineral water she drank just now. Two red clouds suddenly appeared on Ling Fei's snow-white face. She turned around and looked at Zhang Yicheng fiercely and said: "Look

What are you looking at!"

"Look at the beauties. They are so beautiful. It would be a waste not to look at them!" Zhang Yicheng said with a smile.

Ling Fei was dumbfounded by Zhang Yicheng's words. They were obviously teasing words, but Zhang Yicheng's eyes were as clear as water, without a trace of evil in them. She couldn't do anything to get angry. She simply couldn't do anything to him. Sometimes she felt that Zhang Yicheng

He is very mature, something that is not found among all teenagers, but sometimes, I feel that Zhang Yicheng is extremely childish, which sometimes makes people dumbfounded.

Seeing the dumbfounded expression on Ling Fei's face, Zhang Yicheng's eyes showed a bit of smile, which became stronger and stronger. He immediately smiled and said: "Okay, haven't you sold out all the water? Come with me, my secretary

Ah, we have work!"

"Work? What work? It's not working time now!" Ling Fei was a little dizzy by Zhang Yicheng's jumping thinking.

"You'll know when we get there. The worst we can do is pay you overtime!" Zhang Yicheng naturally took Ling Fei's little hand and walked out of the school.

"Go on, it's like I love money!"

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