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Chapter 261 We are not qualified to issue

And they naturally know all this, and it is indispensable for Zhang Yicheng's full support. Without Zhang Yicheng's full support, their son would probably still be a trainee director. Although he is not bad in the director's field, which one

Parents would like to see their son work so hard but not see anything in return!

Now they feel even more that it was a very correct decision to hand their son over to Zhang Yicheng. Although Huang Yilin is indeed very tired, Huang Yilin's father feels that this is a good training. What if a man doesn't endure hardship?

Can become a tool

"Hehe, but even so, there is no need to work so hard!" Zhang Yicheng leaned on the chair and said, it is still comfortable here.

"Didn't you say so? It's going to be released in the summer. How can we catch up if we don't work hard!" Huang Yilin said angrily.

"That's true!" Zhang Yicheng smiled and nodded. That's true. If you don't work hard, even if you can catch up with the summer season, it will be at the end of the summer season. Everyone knows that the biggest source of box office in the summer season is those students.

There is money, but students as a class do not have their own stable source of income. They basically live on the fixed living expenses or pocket money provided by their families, and this money has a quota. Once it is spent, it will be gone.

, if it comes late, it will be tragic. Some people can’t watch it even if they want to, because they have no money, so it is best to release it in the middle and early stages of the summer season. Of course, it will not be released later.

It's not bad, at least it's much better than other schedules.

William was a little reserved next to him. Although he was an overseas Chinese and had been educated by Americans since he was a child. He was different from the dull managers in China, but he was not bold enough to talk to the boss like this. Obviously, this Huang Yilin

The relationship with the boss is not simple. Just like the rumors in the company, the two of them are classmates with Yang Guang, a popular artist under the company. They have a very good relationship, so they made an appointment to enter the entertainment industry together. The two of them were the first to join

He is the super veteran of the company. Although they only joined the company one year earlier than him, just this one year is enough to distinguish them.

"The main reason why I came back this time is for this matter. The filming of "Thirty-day Love" has been completed, and now we have to wait for its release!" Zhang Yicheng said, "What I am thinking about is the issue of distribution. I don't want others to do it.

Release "Thirty-three Days of Love"!"

In the film industry, the box office dividend is about 40% to 50% for the movie, 10% to 20% for the distributor, and about 40% for the producer, that is, the film company!

For Zhang Yicheng, he knows that "Thirty-day Love" will definitely be a dark horse in the box office in the future, and of course he will not be happy to let others distribute it. Why should he take away 10% or 20% of his box office for no reason?

For this money, Zhang Yicheng might as well issue it himself!

"But boss, according to some domestic regulations, our company does not have such qualifications!" William said at the side. In order to manage Tianlan Film and Television well during this period, he still put a lot of effort into checking some information, and tried his best to

Let yourself know more about the entertainment industry. Although when it comes to management companies, all industries are actually similar, but each industry has its own special features, and the entertainment industry is the special among the special. You cannot use general terms at all.

To manage the industry, if you want to manage, you must first understand. Only after understanding can you manage well.

Zhang Yicheng nodded. Indeed, according to the regulations of the China State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, if you want to have the right to issue, the first thing is that the registered capital must not be less than 500,000 yuan. This can be ignored. Zhang Yicheng will not even have this capital, and

Just one, you have to have released at least two movies or TV series. This is the biggest problem. Zhang Yicheng has always felt that this is quite cheating. If their company really has distribution experience, why wait until now? This is a contradiction in nature.

Setting, you must have experience in issuance before you can apply for an issuance company, but if you don’t apply for an issuance company, how can you have the authority to issue!

This point made Zhang Yicheng almost get involved himself, and finally came to the helpless conclusion that he was simply encouraging black households and encouraging himself to publish!

Moreover, Zhang Yicheng's company has only been established for more than a year. How can it have the experience of distributing two movies or two TV series? Counting the last one "Destined to Love You", in fact, the release of "Destined to Love You"

Chai Zhiping is doing most of the work. She is relatively experienced in this aspect, and Zhang Yicheng is also hands-off. Even if "Destined to Love You" is added, it is not enough.

This makes Zhang Yicheng very confused!

"Yes, because our company has no issuance qualifications so far, and it does not have the qualifications to apply for issuance, I decided to simply acquire a company with issuance qualifications!" Zhang Yicheng said

When William and Huang Yilin heard this, their expressions suddenly calmed down. Zhang Yicheng was planning to do something big!

This would not have been possible in the early years. Those who were qualified for issuance at that time must have been state-owned enterprises. As private enterprises, they were not qualified.

But all this changed in 2003. In 2003, Beijing Bona Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd., Beijing New Picture Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Golden Palm Film and Television Production Company, Guangdong Dahe Film Co., Ltd., Chengdu Eying Film and Television Culture Communication Company,

Beijing Alliance Entertainment Media Investment Co., Ltd. and China Huayi Audio and Video Industrial Co., Ltd. have obtained domestic distribution qualifications for domestic films, which has changed the distribution pattern of domestic films in China that has long been controlled by state-owned enterprises. Previously, private companies only had the qualifications to be distribution agents.

Among them is Lao Mouzi’s Beijing New Picture Company, which everyone is familiar with. After these companies have obtained approval for issuance qualifications, subsequent approvals will not be as strict as in the early stage. It should be said that the early stage is not strict at all, but

I didn’t give you a chance at all, and I finally let you go. As for being an agent for more than two movies and TV series, this is no problem for these companies that have been working as agents for distribution for many years. There is no problem at all.

Not really. Only companies like Zhang Yicheng's Tianlan Entertainment, which were founded in a very short time and are expanding very fast, are likely to encounter such a troubling thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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