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Chapter 129 Who (Part 2)

The servants did not hesitate, and pulled the horses to go out.

Just outside Donghua Gate, in front of the Introspection Department in Xuanhua Gate, he chopped off his head with a knife and took it back bloody to watch.

Hu Shahu just sneered a few times, picked up the head and threw it to the roadside.

This servant who serves as a detective is an old man who has followed Hu Shahu for many years. He would say this out of loyalty. But at this moment, no matter how good your starting point is, if you make such remarks in public, you will definitely die.

He also didn't want to think about the reason why so many soldiers followed Hu Shahu? Is it because they were all loyal to Marshal Zhizhong?

Of course not. Everyone's loyalty was initially maintained by Hu Shahu's soft and hard tactics, but now it is maintained by his own imagination that he can seize Zhongdu with overwhelming force, and that glory and wealth can be achieved at his fingertips.

At this time, if Hu Shahu wavers a little bit, and everyone breaks away from their fanatical imagination, so many party members and troops will immediately fall apart!

The fools like Pu Xian's team, Wugu Lunduola and Temoye lost. They lost really fast, so the enemy troops marched straight in.

But the number of enemies cannot be very large. There is no military force that the court can dispatch around Zhongdu. No matter who comes, as long as I defeat them in one battle, I can regain the confidence and morale that those idiots have lost.

!The advantage is still with me!

Hu Shahu ordered in a deep voice: "All the archers are on the city. There are three hundred people stationed at Xuanhua Gate and Donghua Gate. Look at my flag and shoot! Use all the iron artillery on the city top!"

"As you command!"

"The spearmen, swordsmen, and shieldmen form a formation, with the swordsmen and shieldmen protecting the two wings, and the spearmen in the center. The cavalry is on standby behind, and the soldiers follow me to fight!"

"As you command!"

"Send people to inform the troops stationed in Daxing Mansion, Arsenal and other places. Don't worry, everything will continue as usual! Since there is a provocation by the cockroach thieves, I will kill them all! This is a small matter, very simple!"

"As you command!"

Hu Shahu's words were well coordinated. He put on his armor, stood with his sword in hand, and said with a solemn expression: "After defeating the enemy in front of you, no matter how glorious and rich you are, you will have whatever you want! If you can't defeat them, I will kill you losers first!"

In the brief moment when he was allocating his troops, the thunderous sounds of armor weapons clashing and footsteps hitting the ground became louder and louder, and the army that had continuously defeated Hu Shahu's troops came surging like a roiling giant wave!

There was no need for Hu Shahu to mobilize any more, and the generals and commanders on both sides were speechless to each other.

When the two armies were fighting to the death, all the soldiers shouted at the same time: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Amidst the wild shouts, countless arrows crackled across the air, like a prelude to a dense attack, and a forest of spears and spears immediately collided together.

At the front of both sides were a group of soldiers who were skilled in combat and extremely brave. They shouted wildly to encourage their fighting spirit, unleashed all the strength in their arms, and let their hearts pump as much blood as possible to support them.

Strike with all your strength.

And the spears and spears they held collided with each other, launching short and intensive blocks and collisions, and then they pierced into the flesh and blood and penetrated the body.

The soldiers in the front row died almost immediately. Their high-pitched shouts of killing suddenly disappeared, just like boiling molten iron poured into a pool and suddenly solidified. Then the soldiers in the back row, or pushing the dead in the front row,

Or step over the fallen corpse and stand in front of the enemy.

The person who arrived at Donghua Gate was Li Ting, who served as the vanguard of the entire army. With the help of his cavalry, he broke through the obstacles of several scattered soldiers, and then received support from the infantry coming from behind. By this time, the total number of infantry and cavalry was

More than four hundred people.

He was so courageous. With more than 400 people, he poured directly through Xuanhua Gate. They launched an attack on the enemy troops waiting in front of Donghua Gate in the area between the two gates, which was as narrow as a urn city!

Since ancient times, soldiers have been brave. Although Li Ting's troops have only been assembled and trained for half a year, his temperament has been completely implemented in every one of his troops. This troops is like the brave and fearless rangers in Zhongdu.

, I have always fought when I encountered an enemy, and I don’t know what fear is.

The reputation of the ranger is as big as the sky! Even if you are afraid, you must show that you are not afraid and show ten times the arrogance to scare the enemy!

Half of the trusted subordinates that Li Ting brought to the Junhe camp that day had other arrangements under the leadership of his younger brother Li Yun. Now there are more than ten people who remain in the army under the jurisdiction of the capital. These more than ten people are all crazy.

Yelling indiscriminately, he rushed to the front of his troops.

Li Ting's deputy, Wang Shuwang, held a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, squatting and advancing forward. When he got close to the enemy, he suddenly stood up with a roar and slashed with his knife.

The straight-backed long knife he used was a good thing that he got these days. It had a straight blade and a single edge, and was well-forged. The thickness of the back of the knife was comparable to that of a battle axe, and it could easily break through armor when slashed with great force.

An officer of the Armed Guards was shouting commands when he suddenly encountered an enemy and hurriedly waved his sword to block.

When Wang Shuwang slashed with all his strength, the officer's saber was cut into two pieces, his helmet was cut into two pieces, and the entire face from the forehead to the bridge of the nose to the chin was also split open. The entire head was like an open pod.


This officer obviously had a very high status. The surrounding armed guards and soldiers all exclaimed, and the queue was instantly in chaos.

Wang Shuwang laughed, immediately crouched on the ground, and retreated from the clashing spears.

Unexpectedly, several spearmen were furious because of the officer's death in the battle. They did not care about the enemy in front of them, and instead pointed their spears and iron spears at the ground.

Wang Shuwang bent over and arched his back, his movements were a little slower, and the shield could not protect his whole body. Everyone watched as he was stabbed by five or six spears one after another.

One bullet stabbed his throat, causing blood to spurt out from his mouth and nose. Several more bullets stabbed his back and lower abdomen. The long spear tip passed directly through his body. He subconsciously reached out to grab the sword.

He shouted twice, twitched and died.

Several soldiers of the armed guards who assassinated Wang Shuwang were immediately killed by Wang Shuwang's men. The fighting on both sides became more and more fierce, and the number of casualties rose to a terrifying level.

This is a rare and fierce battle for both sides.

After all, Hu Shahu was a veteran general in the Jin Dynasty. His headquarters and the armed guards themselves were elite troops that the Jin Dynasty valued highly and considered to have field combat capabilities.

And all of Li Ting's subordinates have died once, or even more than once! These ants should have died in Northern Xinjiang, should have died in Yehuling, and should have died on the way to Hebei when they fled.

Well... Since you didn't die at that time, and you made a lot of money every extra day you lived, what do you care about now?

During the fighting, people kept being stabbed, chopped, and hit by arrows flying overhead. Some people kept shouting and screaming in pain. But no one wavered, and everyone continued to fight.


Behind the array of the armed guards, the violent roar of Hu Shahu kept coming: "Behead those who retreat! Behead those who retreat! Where is the iron artillery? Throw down the iron artillery!"

Following his order, the arrows in the air stopped for a moment, and then continued to roar loudly.

It seemed that no other sounds could be heard. Between the high city walls, there was only a thunderous roar. Even the soldiers of the armed guards on the opposite side were stunned. For a moment, they didn't know what happened. The broken iron pieces activated by gunpowder swept across like a torrential rain, sweeping down a large area of ​​Li Ting's men.

Dozens of people screamed at the same time.

One of Li Ting's ears began to bleed. There seemed to be a sharp scream lingering in his mind, but he couldn't hear what the people around him were shouting.

A servant just pushed him to the ground and protected him with his body, but half of his head was ripped off by the flying iron pieces, and all the red and white metal fell on Li Ting.

Li Ting pushed away the body of the slave. He couldn't hear anything, but it didn't stop him from shouting with a knife: "Don't retreat, kill me!"

Outside Xuanhua Gate, Guo Ning and Jing Anmin's troops had gotten rid of the entanglement and quickly followed up.

Although the people of Jing'an also came from a defeated army, they had not seen such a fierce battle for a long time, so they were a little surprised: "Liu Lang, do you want Li Ting's troops to retreat? Wait a minute?"

"You can be angry, but you can't vent it! At this time, no one can retreat!"

Guo Ning turned over and dismounted, threw away the iron gun, held the iron bone flower in his hand, and weighed the weight: "Send two teams of people to look along the left and right sides of the city gate, looking for a shortcut to the city. But there are results, and the people are safe. Brother, you should immediately bring someone to follow you and take down the tower!"

"Where are you Mukuro?"

"Hundreds of armored knights are here. I will take charge of our headquarters. Master Huifeng will also lead our troops, and we will all go into battle!"


"Xin Si Crying Qi Lu": ...the iron cannon, its sound is as loud as a thunderbolt... its shape is like a melon, made of pig iron, two inches thick... was injured by the Jin people with the iron cannon, and his head was struck by a thunderbolt. Broken, half missing.


This chapter has been completed!
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