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Chapter 135 Cutting (Part 2)

From Xuanyaomen to Donghuamen, most of the security tasks on both sides of the street for more than ten miles were given to Hao Duan and Ma Bao, the second generals under Jing'anmin. Guo Ning's troops gathered at Donghuamen and Xuanhua

A small urn between the gates.

Han Xuan, with some officers, was selecting prisoners, and urgently selected manpower to add to the army. But there were not many wanted people, and the ratio of prisoners and veterans was roughly maintained at half and half. After replenishing one team, he sent out another team.

Some go to Gongchenmen, and some go across the palace city to Xihuamen and Da'anmen.

The soldiers who were about to set off gathered in groups. Some were busy sorting out the captured armor, swords and guns, picking out a few auxiliary weapons that did not need to be dealt with uniformly, such as hammers, daggers, hand axes, etc., and carrying them directly in their arms.

Here, some people brag about their heroic deeds to their companions. When they get excited, they draw their swords and make gestures, but they only attract laughter from their companions.

Some soldiers who had gone through a fierce battle were extremely tired and sat or lay down to rest.

The air was filled with a strong stench of sweat and blood, and corpses were piled in the open space below the city, but the soldiers did not care.

Some people simply rested on the corpse and snored comfortably; some people insisted on staying awake, taking off their armor, and let the doctors who were temporarily arrested help treat the wounds.

The doctor had a long beard with five locks and looked like a famous doctor, but he probably rarely fought in battles and was not specialized in dealing with stab wounds. Seeing that the soldier's wounds were very miserable and the blood loss was severe, I couldn't help but panic and sprinkled the powder on him.

My hands are shaking.

Before the bandage was finished, he saw the injured man's head tilted down. The doctor's face turned pale. He hurriedly stretched out his hand to check the patient's breathing and made sure that the injured man was asleep and not dead, so he felt relieved.

Seeing this situation, Guo Ning felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

He carefully recalled that it turned out to be Cheng'an or the early years of Taihe, when Lu Han's father first arrived at Usha Castle. He remembered that it was autumn, and the grass and trees on the border withered. The troops heading for the grassland withdrew to the castle, and everyone was injured, while Lu Han

Han's father was also as busy as the doctor in front of him, which attracted many people's anger.

Later, the battles with the enemies in the north failed repeatedly, and the doctors in Usha Castle saw more and more dead people and broken limbs, and they became more and more stoic.

Guo Ning laughed twice and felt that his eyelids were drooping, and he began to feel sleepy.

He was also extremely tired. Since that day when he launched an uprising in Pinglu Village, he led his troops to run around, clashed with the enemy many times, and killed dozens of enemy troops. Although he was lucky not to be seriously injured, his physical strength was exhausted.

Completely exhausted. At the same time, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, as the initiator and executor of this bold action, he also undertook mental pressure that ordinary people could not imagine.

By this time, the overall situation has finally been decided; once people relax, they can no longer hold on.

There were still sounds of fighting in various parts of Zhongdu City. An army from nowhere suddenly appeared and was wiping out the rebels with great fanfare.

The soldiers who were watching from a high place were very vigilant. Jing'an people also specially dispatched a team of archers to climb to the city. Everyone brought strong bows and crossbows collected from the arsenal.

Actually no need to.

The real battle is over, and what is still going on is just a show.

In Zhongdu City, I don't know how many people paid attention to the battle at Donghua Gate. At this moment, Hu Shahu's failure was already known to everyone.

The emperor who was supposed to be in control of the court died, and Zuo Cheng Wanyan Gang, who was supposed to be in charge of powerful force, also died.

Hu Shahu, who was regarded by everyone as a fierce dog under Wan Yan Gang's command, went crazy and bit his owner to death. He also tried to knock over the tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans in the house. Then he also died.

As a result, there were suddenly fewer diners around the dining table.

Although the table is shaking a little, the dishes on the table are still there. Who can eat? Who deserves to eat?

Many people are eager to give it a try, but they dare not take action. Because they do not have a high status or are not in the closest circle of big shots in the DPRK, it is still unclear who has the final say on the rules at the dinner table in the future.

Therefore, many people can only spend their energy on capturing the remaining members of Hu Shahu.

At the very least, Hu Shahu must be a heinous thief. No matter which force in the court, it is necessary to cut off the thief first, so that he can ensure his qualifications to speak in the future, and then he can look forward to the day when he can cut meat on the dinner table with a knife.

As a result, the guests Guo Ning was waiting for didn't arrive, and the city became extremely noisy.

On that day, those who were ordered by the emperor to take charge of the defense of Zhongdu City included, in addition to the Wuwei Army, Daxing Prefecture, Police Patrol Yuan, Gongweizhi, Weijie Army, Guards and Qin Army and other departments.

In addition, Zhongdu City itself has many subordinates of Jurchen nobles, Hezha Meng'an and Hezha Mouke, as well as Zhongdu Road Military Command General Office and other military command institutions.

There were so many yamen officials with stacked beds and huts, so many soldiers and generals. When Hu Shahu entered the city, he had not seen many of them, but now they all sprung up. They were all so brave that they killed the rest of Hu Shahu's troops and made them cry.

Father calls mother.

Listening to the reports from the soldiers on the city tower, it seemed that there were still some places where internal strife broke out among the loyal and brave soldiers. The reason was that Hu Shahu had not enough followers and the heads he had chopped off were not enough to distribute.

It was very quiet in Donghuamen, but there was noisy in all directions.

Various roars crossed the palace wall and penetrated into Guo Ning's ears. The sounds were either joyful, angry, sharp, or crazy, just like a group of demons dancing wildly. Even though Guo Ning had expected it, he still felt a little dizzy.

He took off the weapon from his waist, placed the iron bone flower in front of him, and pierced the golden knife into the ground. Then he rested his forehead on his hand, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

The position where he sat was under the tower of Xuanhua Gate, with his back against the door opening.

Ni Yi held the military flag high and led several followers to guard Guo Ning. They all stood up straight with their heads held high and their chests held high.

Zhao Jue fell asleep next to Ni Yi.

Just then, the enemy at Donghua Gate was about to throw an iron cannon. Zhao Jue rushed forward desperately and fired two arrows in the chaos, killing two soldiers. This prevented the iron cannon from being thrown towards Guo Ning.

.But Zhao Jue rushed too far and was hit by the explosion and fell to the ground. Although he did not suffer serious trauma, he remained drowsy.

When the soldiers came in and out of Donghua Gate, they all tiptoed for fear of disturbing their commander-in-chief, so Guo Ning slept comfortably for nearly an hour.

While he was sleeping, many officials-looking people slowly gathered from various streets.

Dozens of hundreds of glances glanced at Guo Ning, who was sleeping with his head down. They saw the weapons in front of him, still stained with blood. They also saw those who controlled the area from the city gate to the palace, whose origins were unknown but extremely fierce.

The soldiers saw the traces of extremely brutal fighting along the way and the pile of corpses that had not yet been disposed of in the city gate cave.

The officials occasionally whispered and asked each other a few questions, but no one dared to speak loudly and only stood cautiously dozens of steps away.

Some people were pushed forward a few steps by the people behind them, and hurriedly curled back and squeezed back into the crowd. Some people noticed that Guo Ning's eyebrows were trembling, probably because he was about to wake up, so they knelt down in fear, and some people adjusted their facial expressions in advance.

Show a flattering smile.

Guo Ning rubbed his eyes and ignored these officials.

He was still sitting, only looking left and right.

By this time, it was already afternoon.

There were troops entering the city from the direction of Changui Gate to the west of the city and Huicheng Gate to the north.

At least two to three thousand people walked eastward along the side street to the Huixianfang area, and then turned south. As they gradually approached Donghua Gate, the knights in the front group raised their flags.

The soldier who was in charge of looking out from the tower hurriedly came down and reported: "This is Marshal Youdu Superintendent Hu Gaoqi."

Guo Ning said in a deep voice: "Let them stop!"

Immediately, a row of arrows shot down from the top of the city tower, piercing the ground directly in front of Shuhu Gaoqi's knights.

The knights yelled and cursed, but did not dare to move forward.

After a while, the knights separated, and the mighty-looking Shuhu Gaoqi, wearing a helmet and carrying armor, appeared in the queue.

At the same time, in the direction of Xuanyao Gate in the east of the city, Miao Daorun and Zhang Rou rode horses in front, guiding a carriage in. The carriage slowly stopped in front of Xuanhua Gate and got off the carriage.

A middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe and dusty with travels appeared.

The middle-aged man was not outstanding in appearance and had no power at all. However, there was a commotion among the petty officials waiting outside.

Someone whispered: "It's King Sheng! King Sheng has actually entered the capital!"

Immediately, some people left the crowd and rushed to various places to report the news. Immediately afterwards, there were cars and horses behind, and several more convoys with armored soldiers appeared.

People in the crowd pointed and said: "This is the chariot of King Yue! That is King Kui! The one behind is King Huo!"

Guo Ning didn't know who these inner clan clan kings were at all. He looked at them with some boredom, then turned to look in the direction of Shu Hu Gao Qi.

But Wanyan Congjia knew it clearly. King Yonggong of Yue and King Yongsheng of Kui were both sons of Emperor Shizong and uncles of Emperor Zhangzong, and were very prestigious members of the clan; while King Huo Congyi was the biological second son of Emperor Xianzong.

Congjia's half-brother.

Okay, great, it's all here now.

Long time no see, do you miss me?

Wanyan Congjia just sneered.

After a while, many people outside said: "Tu Dan Youcheng is here! Master Tu Dan is here!"

These words were passed from person to person, and the voice spread loudly into the inner circle, and many people were immediately in awe.

Then more people said: "There are also Xu Shenjun, the commander of Pu Sandu, who came with Mr. Tu Dan! There is also Mr. Zhang, the crown prince's Taibao, Mr. Zhang, the doctor of Zuo Jianyi, Mr. San, the servant of the State of Shen, and Mr. Zhong

Mr. Bishulu, the envoy to the capital and police...are all here!"

Wanyan Congjia subconsciously took half a step, then stopped and stood firm.

Guo Ning only yawned, and the soldiers behind him did not move at all.


This chapter has been completed!
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