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Chapter 15 Dead End

Li Ting was a famous young man in Baodi, Zhongdu. He was well-known in the local area because he was proficient in riding and shooting, and he was easy on money and good at giving.

In the third year of Da'an, the imperial court signed a military emergency in Zhongdu, and even the local Baojia was not spared. Li Ting was only seventeen years old, so he led the young men from four villages to join the army, and he immediately became a Pu Chaan, that is, a captain of fifty.

Over the past two years, the imperial court continued to lose battles. Most of the young men who accompanied Li Ting on the expedition died in battle. Li Ting's subordinates changed batch after batch, but they were all fierce and rough soldiers. Li Ting relied on his own skills and ruthlessness to defeat the enemy.

The harsh tactics were used to forcefully suppress many tough soldiers into submission, which was truly outstanding.

Li Ting felt that he was a stranger under the emperor's feet. He always thought highly of himself and did not take the bumpkins who had been fighting in the trenches for a long time in his eyes. Besides, his position in Puchan was higher than that of other leaders of the defeated troops. He was willing to come.

When I visited Junhe, I was just remembering the friendship of fighting side by side that day. It was almost condescending.

Who would have known that I, Li Ting, am thinking about friendship, but this Guo Liulang is such a loser that he dares to talk nonsense and speak contemptuously at me? Is this guy provoking or cursing?

Simply ignorant!

"Death to your mother!" Li Ting was furious and immediately started to fight.

Everyone was in an uproar, but Guo Ning was calm.

He even deliberately raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Why, you haven't thought about the important matter of life and death? Then when death is imminent, won't you die in confusion?"

This is obviously adding fuel to the fire.

"I..." Veins appeared on Li Ting's forehead, and he drew the sword with his backhand.

Li Ting was also a capable fighter, and Guo Ning was still injured after all, so he was probably no match for him. So several men around him were flustered and hurriedly went up to dissuade him. The room became a mess.

"Do you still remember what we have experienced in the past few years?"

In the noisy room, Guo Ning's nonchalant voice seemed unusually clear.

He said: "In the army formation that day, if you had listened to the random commands of those generals who were like pigs and dogs, you would have died immediately! Later, from Wushabao to Badgerzui, and even Huihe Fort, Juyongguan, and Migukou battlefield, everyone

If we collide head-on with a large group of Mongolian cavalry, we will die immediately! The army is defeated, and we live in Hebei, without food and clothing, and there are many diseases. If we have less luck, we will die immediately!"

"Damn, in this world, it's easier to die than to live!" Someone in the room couldn't help but curse.

"Isn't it like that?" Someone sighed in response.

"When the imperial court began to rescue the defeated troops and reorganize the army, people with ulterior motives started to do whatever they wanted..." At this point, Guo Ning smiled bitterly: "Yao Shier and other companions around me did stupid things because of my gullibility and carelessness. As a result,

If someone plots against you, you will die immediately! But if you think about it carefully, what can you do if you return to the court? The court only cares about us for our lives. We still have to follow those stupid pig-like generals to fight with the Mongols.

When a man fights... Needless to say, the result is immediate death!"

Guo Ning confessed so frankly, which surprised Li Ting.

He angrily let go of the hand holding the knife, stood there and said: "It is indeed a stupid thing! Extremely stupid!"

Monk Luo touched his bare scalp and reconciled with a smile: "So, it's better to just sit back and relax. How comfortable is it to drink a big bowl of wine and eat a big piece of meat all day long?"

"Master Huifeng, how long do you think you can feel comfortable?" Guo Ning asked: "In the past three years, the battlefield between the imperial court and the Mongols has retreated from the boundary trench to Xuande County. I dare to say that the next battlefield will be in Hebei.

Here we are! A few months later, thousands of troops and horses rushed in, blocking out the sky. We ants showed their heads for a moment... no, even if we didn't show our heads, even if we were crawling in the soil, we only needed iron hooves

If you step on it, you will die immediately!"

Guo Ning glanced at Wang Shixian who was sitting by the door, and continued: "Some people may think that if we can't fight, then we can't surrender? But what if we surrender? Those of us with humble status are the best in the Great Jin Army.

, with the materials used to fill the gullies, with the Mongolians, they can achieve success and enjoy wealth and wealth?"

Wang Shixian laughed dryly.

"You have all seen the ferocity of the Mongolian army. The soldiers who surrendered to the Mongols on Yehuling and other battlefields must be between two and three hundred thousand, right? In the three prefectures of Chang, Huan and Fu, the people who were plundered by the Mongols into the grasslands were between two and three hundred thousand.

There must be, right? Among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, how many are outstanding? Are there three or five? Where are our brothers, our relatives, our parents, wives, and children?"

Guo Ning raised his voice and said sternly: "The vast majority of them are working as slaves and are being bullied by the Mongols! Their final fate is still death!"

What Guo Ning said is not a new idea or a new principle. Everyone present has been living in Hebei for a long time, and they have thought about it more or less. However, these contents are related to everyone's most painful memories, so most people subconsciously regard them deeply.

Hiding it, not wanting to think too much.

At this time, when Guo Ning said this, it was like opening a bloody scar. Every word and every sentence was like a sharp knife that dug out the heart, digging out all the painful experiences that everyone in the room wanted to forget.

For a moment, everyone's blood surged, and the atmosphere in the room felt like a volcano about to erupt.

Li Ting felt many figures shaking in front of him. They were all his old friends, and they were all dead people whose bones were buried inside and outside the boundary trench.

I said that day that I would bring everyone back to Zhongdu safely!

The results of it?

Li Ting gritted his teeth and his eyes turned red.

He shouted loudly: "According to you, Rokuro, no matter what happens, everyone will die! Everyone must die! What else can you say? Let's wipe our necks now and have a good time!"

Guo Ning suddenly slapped the table: "But what I can't understand is right here!"

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Li Ting: "You, Li Er, the capital of Zhongdu, are outstanding in bows and horses, and are unparalleled in bravery. You are always at the vanguard when large armies are fighting. I still remember that you once led more than ten strong men into and out of the enemy's formation three times, and you fought hard in the face of adversity.

Hundreds of Mongolian cavalry, soldiers and soldiers watching all shouted in admiration, and some even burst into tears."

He then pointed to Monk Luo: "Master Huifeng is extremely brave and unafraid in the face of danger. He is also a compassionate, affectionate and righteous person. In the army that day, many injured soldiers and fleeing people relied on Master Huifeng for rescue. When they arrived in Hebei

From now on, the master still hates evil and often robs the rich and saves the poor."

His finger then turned to Wang Shixian: "Brother Shixian is a smart man who is very good at business. No matter you deal with Jurchens, Bohai people, Khitan people, Xi people, or Han people, you can do it with ease, and you can establish yourself in the prosperous land of Anzhou.

We wandering ghosts need more or less your help."

After finishing speaking, Wang Shixian was followed by Monk Luo's junior brother Pei Ruhai, then Li Ting's younger brother Li Yun, and Guo Ning stood in the center of the room, pointing out each person one by one, telling them about their deeds or outstanding talents.

After all, Guo Ning was the one who won everyone's admiration by fighting on the battlefield. No matter how bad his mood was before, when Guo Ning praised him in person like this, everyone's faces lit up. Even Li Ting puffed up his chest and felt proud.

Guo Ning's next words once again pushed everyone's emotions to the bottom: "Everyone here is a talented person. But in today's world, we have to die! There is only one way to die for us!


Li Ting vaguely understood Guo Ning's thoughts.

That was something he had never thought about before, but at this moment, he suddenly thought about it, and he felt a sense of joy.

Before Guo Ning finished speaking, Li Ting spat fiercely and sneered: "Most of the famous generals in the Kingdom of Jin are stupid and cowardly. They will not die. Out of a hundred officials in the Kingdom of Jin, ninety-nine out of a hundred are corrupt and indulgent."

They will not die if they commit rape. The leaders of the Mongolian army are all as cruel as tigers and wolves, but they will not die. But we, the people, have to die? Why?"

"So, I have been thinking about this matter for a long time." Guo Ning looked around at everyone again: "Li Erlang, can you figure it out? Master Huifeng, what about you? Brother Shixian?"

Looking around, there were some with burning eyes, some with sneers, some with sad expressions, and some with confusion, but no one answered Guo Ning's question.

For some unknown reason, the room fell into silence. Occasionally, the sounds of friends talking and laughing outside came into the room through the window lattice, but it added a strange pressure to the room.

After a while, someone suddenly spoke.

"Guo Liulang, you said a few days ago that you should make some preparations before the autumn is over and the horses are fat... Could it be that this is the preparation?"

The speaker was Wang Shixian who had been sitting at the door.

Guo Ning smiled and said: "Brother Shixian, what do you think I am preparing for?"

Wang Shixian was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice: "I heard what Liulang said just now. I heard it familiarly. After searching for a while, I suddenly remembered that King Chen once said that death is also a death now, and death is also a big plan. Waiting for death... Hehe, Liulang, don't do it.

It’s my fault to say so bluntly, that road is also a dead end.”

Although this guy is an ancient Wang, he is not an old pawn. He comes from a wealthy family and had studied seriously in his early years. Judging from his pale and worried look, he seems to have mustered up the courage to play against Guo Ning.

It was not easy for him, and he seemed to be frightened by the path he told.

Guo Ning laughed.

Most of the border warriors were vulgar and illiterate. Most of the people in the room could not understand the conversation between Guo Ning and Wang Shixian. They thought it was like playing riddles. Only Monk Luo looked a little more serious and sat upright on the bed with his legs crossed, while Li Ting was breathing heavily.

, staring at Guo Ning.

Amidst laughter, Guo Ning shook his head: "I have said so much today, not to make everyone die. Brother Shixian, don't worry about it. Even if there is a dead end in front of you, there is still a way to survive in death.


"Which way?"

Guo Ning clapped his hands and raised his voice: "Ahan, where are the things I asked you to take?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone pushed the door open outside.

The door was blocked by where Wang Shixian was sitting, so he quickly stood up.

Lu Han came in holding the pen, ink and paper that had been prepared. He glared at Wang Shixian when he entered the door.

This little lady heard everything outside the door! She is irritating me!

Wang Shixian laughed dryly again.

Guo Ning took the pen and ink and spread out a roll of white paper on the desk. He held the pen in his hand like flying dots and said with a smile: "Everyone, please come and take a look."

This chapter has been completed!
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