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Chapter 157: Putting Grain (1)

Guo Ning looked behind him and pointed: "Ma Bao!"

"The end is here!"

"Take your headquarters and occupy the fort. Arrange the entire army and inventory the supplies in the fort. Well, make a list for me as soon as possible."

Ma Bao said excitedly: "Yes!"

At this time, more and more ships were entering the port, and many people and horses were walking on the tidal flats and circling in and out of the mud. The situation was inevitably a bit chaotic.

According to the original plan, Monk Luo's troops should be the first to land ashore. However, Monk Luo's troops were equipped with slightly more cavalry and baggage, and due to the previous dispatch of the fleet on the sea, they were pushed back, so he simply led his troops on the seawall.

Rest at a high place and wait until all the subsequent baggage has arrived before setting out again.

On the contrary, Ma Bao's troops were mainly composed of lightly-armed infantry, and most of the supplies were carried by the soldiers, so they had already gathered all the personnel and were ready to go out at any time.

Aruhan was lying on the beach, squinting slightly, but he saw hundreds of soldiers acting immediately upon hearing the order.

Among them, there were hundreds of infantrymen carrying bulging leather bags behind their backs, which obviously contained a large number of arrows. As they walked, they took out their bows wrapped in oilcloth and oilpaper from their waists, and helped each other to string them.

There were hundreds of infantrymen armed with swords and spears, and carrying huge wooden shields or round iron shields behind their backs. Both swords, spears and shields were of excellent quality.

Aruhan has some insight and knows that an army with such equipment is definitely not an ordinary army. If such an army goes to the fort, if the remaining men in the fort dare to resist, they will be killed immediately.

Fortunately, there were still a few companions patrolling on the other side of the reef. Aruhan secretly turned around and gestured to the other side. Finally, someone was smart enough to rush back to report the news.

From the port to Tunpu, it is five or six miles, and Ma Bao's troops will arrive in a moment.

Guo Ning squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the fort. Ma Bao was indeed an experienced officer. He detached a team of 100 men and circled around the outskirts of the fort. Then he personally led thirty or fifty soldiers over the damaged wall and rushed straight in.

After entering the fort, the archers then climbed to the high points inside and outside the fort, stretched their bows and set arrows as a deterrent.

It seems that there are not many people in this fort, and there is no preparation for war at all. At first, there were some chickens and dogs and children crying, but it soon calmed down.

After another half moment, a soldier ran back panting from the direction of Tunbao, holding a list in his hands.

Guo Ning took it and took a look, thinking that Ma Bao was lazy. There were only a few strokes and three to five lines in the list. It didn't look like the family fortune of Meng'an Mooke Tunbao, but it looked like a poor man who was about to sell his son or daughter in the famine years.


Looking at the soldier again, he also had a look of dissatisfaction on his face. It turned out that Ma Bao's troops were veterans of attacking forts and forts in the mountainous area north of Zhuozhou. Generally speaking, it was a good job to be among the first to enter the city. Look at this soldier.

His expression shows that there is really nothing to gain in this camp.

Guo Ning asked again: "When entering the fort, are there any casualties?"

The soldier curled his lips: "A group of soldiers who were about to starve to death immediately knelt down and surrendered when they saw us... We knocked down a few and frightened them, but we didn't kill anyone."

Guo Ning looked at Aruhan again and couldn't help but laugh twice.

"In that case...get up, take your people, and go to the seawall to help!"

Aruhan kowtowed twice and got up with mud all over his body. He called his companions and ran towards the seawall without daring to ask Guo Ning's whereabouts.

After a while, Yi La Chucai hurried over: "Jie Shuai, that group of people..."

Guo Ning waved back, handed the list to Yila Chucai, and whispered: "Haicang Town didn't know we were coming, they didn't receive the document, and there was no food in their fort. There was no food in the fort."

, not enough to consume a thousand soldiers for one day.”


"After the imperial edict was issued, we sent people to go to Shandong together, right?"

"Yes. The one who conveyed the edict on behalf of the imperial court is a foreign accountant from the Internal Affairs Bureau, named Zhao He. The person we sent to accompany him is Yang Chengzhi."

"I remember that he is from your mother's clan. He was very helpful when we were at the Xijunhe camp. He was accompanied by five capable guards."

Although Guo Ning acts violently, he also has an extremely cautious side.

Earlier when he was training troops at the Xijunhe camp, he sent Du Shisheng, Li Yun, Qiu Huiluo, Wang Shixian and other important figures to Zhongdu City and Baodi County to pave the way for subsequent matters. This time

After being appointed as the military governor of Dinghai Navy, Guo Ning also sent people to the front line.

He originally wanted Yi Ya Chu Cai or Du Shi Sheng to take action, but Yi Ya Chu Cai didn't care about anything, and there were so many trivial matters in the army that he couldn't get rid of them for a moment. And Du Shi Sheng wanted to maintain his relationship with Xu Ding in the army.

The secret collusion and coordination of commercial gains in Zhigu Village and other places.

As for the rest of the generals... from Monk Luo on down, all of them are ferocious and rebellious. If they are released easily, not only will it be detrimental to the harmony of the place, but they will also get into a fight with the undercover of the valet's bureau on the way.

Only Jing Anmin can act alone, but he is a dignified deputy envoy, has a high status in the entire team, and is not allowed to go out.

Therefore, the person who finally took on this responsibility was Yang Chengzhi, the assistant who moved Chu Cai.

Guo Ning gave him a general position and asked him to accompany the people in the bureau, flatter him a little along the way, and also have a general look at the situation inside and outside Laizhou, and report the news through letters.

After pondering for a moment, Guo Ning frowned and said: "I have read the letter he sent back, and now that I think about it, there is nothing wrong with it, but why..."

According to Yang Chengzhi's letter, he arrived in Laizhou ten days ago and met with Lu Jun, the temporary observer judge of Laizhou affairs. Although Lu Jun was old, he was quite famous in Laizhou. His father, Lu Boda,

He once served as Hanlin and Taichang Qing. He once bought land to support his studies and was regarded as a good minister of the Sejong Dynasty.

Lu Jun received the edict at that time and promised to immediately notify the local magistrate of Laizhou under the Dinghai Navy and the various forces of Meng'an Muke and the town defense army, so that they could prepare to welcome the new Jiedushi, and asked them to build forts along the coast.

The port prepares military supplies in advance.

Now that things were going well in Laizhou, Yang Chengzhi went to Yidu and met with the general manager of the Shandong East Road Army and Horses Department and the Shandong Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Wanyan Salara.

Wanyan Salara was promoted from Ding Haijun Jiedushi, and was Guo Ning's predecessor and superior. However, half a month ago, this prince led 20,000 troops to the north of Zhongdu Qinwang, and ended up leaving Yidu for more than a hundred miles.

, they were attacked by Mongolian light cavalry in Bincang area. They lost many troops and retreated to Yidu in embarrassment.

This man was also one of the Jurchen veterans in the dynasty, and it was inevitable that he would win the battle; or he might have lost the battle and was in a bad mood. Zhao He, who was in the nearby bureau, saw him and handed over the documents. Yang Chengzhi saw him for several days, but did not receive a reply.

, it’s still running out of money right now.

It’s not like Guo Ning has never killed famous ministers and generals with higher status. He doesn’t care about a mere Wanyan Salara. What’s more, according to the current situation, the Mongolian army will come to Shandong sooner or later. By then, the court’s style

and rules, all will be lost.

The trouble is food.

When Guo Ning left Zhongdu Road, the amount of rice in the local area was more than a thousand dollars, and Xu Ding was crying and shouting everywhere to collect it for military needs. Therefore, the amount of grain carried by the fleet was not sufficient. After consumption at sea, it was now only enough for the headquarters.

Eat for five days.

I thought that after arriving in Laizhou, I could calmly arrange and replenish the supplies. Who knew that I would encounter such a situation after landing?

The Jurchens were so desperate in their plans. This was the first thing that was unexpected. The Laizhou locality had no measures to prepare military supplies. This was the second thing that was unexpected. The garrison in Laizhou didn't even know that the new Jiedushi was leading the army.

This is the third piece of upcoming news that I didn’t expect.

It shouldn’t be like this. Laizhou is where the military governor of Dinghai Navy is stationed. Are the locals crazy, stupid, or have they taken the courage to do so and not flatter the new military governor?

What is hidden in this?

In the current situation, even if the fleet transfers to Xiyou Town, another port three mountains to the north, it will be too late. It will take at least two more days to reorganize the troops, board the ship and disembark. What if the same situation happens in Xiyou Town?

Haicang Town is generally weird, but Guo Ning's troops are about to run out of food.

The army must not go without food for a day. No matter how loyal the soldiers are, once they have no food, they will flee and riot. If Guo Ning wants to avoid this situation, he must send troops to plunder the people's food reserves.

The newly-appointed Dinghaijun Jiedushi plowed grass and valleys in his jurisdiction as soon as he took office? If he really did this, it would not only cause severe disturbance to the local area, but also a blow to his own reputation. It would also add variables to his future foothold in Laizhou.


Perhaps, there are people in Laizhou who want to see such a situation?

"How does Jieshuai plan to respond?"

"It's about a hundred miles from here to Ye County, where Laizhou is governed. I plan to carry two hundred Qingqi and go straight to the heart of the country to control the situation. What does Jin Qing think?"

"With Lang Jun's bravery, Laizhou is hard to find an opponent for. But..."

Yi La Chucai smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Lang Jun, you are now a commander-in-chief. Taking risks at every turn is not what a general should do. Besides, since there are people here plotting against us, how can we know that there is no back-up plan? This move

It’s too dangerous, it’s too dangerous.”

"Hey!" Guo Ning rolled his eyes: "Then what do we do?"

When the two of them were talking about this, the gang leader who had landed earlier had already started cooking rice. As the smoke rose, the smell of burning firewood and the aroma of cooked dry food drifted with the sea breeze and was also blown here.


Yi La Chucai's eyes lit up: "I have an idea."

"you say."

"Mou Ke here is in a very difficult situation, isn't it? The people here who originally had all households were also hungry and could not support themselves, so they all went to seek refuge in the salt fields to the west of Haicang Town, right?"

"According to what Aruhan said, it is indeed the case."

"Then let's put food out."


This chapter has been completed!
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