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Chapter 169 Fire (Part 1)

Brother Gao Yang was sitting in the hall, watching with several of his subordinates the servants in front of the hall practicing.

Yesterday, Xu Ruxian's plan was decided, and he immediately assigned his subordinates and dispatched troops and generals. Gao Yangge's Zhuangzi was at Chenhudian, a traffic artery in the north of Ye County, so he shouldered a particularly heavy responsibility and returned overnight to gather his young men.

He has hundreds of servants who practice intensively every autumn harvest season. Brother Gao Yang himself has been a soldier, and there are dozens of veterans as the backbone of the servants. On this basis, the number has expanded to hundreds and dozens of people, all of whom are very fierce.


Brother Gao Yang also treated them very generously, spending a lot of money on food, clothing and housing. The training was carried out according to the military laws of the old soldiers in the army. Therefore, more than a hundred people gathered at this time, which seemed to be imposing orders and prohibitions.

The reason for doing this is not only because of Gao Yangge's fierce and martial character, but also because of the situation.

In Laizhou, most of the households and tenants of a powerful family like Xu Ruxian were local people who had fled to the mountains. These people were forced to flee to the mountains due to the imperial court's rounds of grain expropriation and conscription, and because there were no people in the mountains.

With savings, they had to gather in groups and go down the mountain to plunder. When the imperial court sent troops to conquer and killed most of the people who fled, the remaining people persisted for several years, and finally had to come down the mountain one after another and continue to be good citizens.

They lost their land, so they fled angrily. A few years later, when they returned to their hometown, they still had no land.

Not only that, with the excuse of suppressing bandits, local wealth has been redistributed. The Jurchens' high-ranking officials and nobles have eaten one piece, and the government subordinates have eaten one piece. The original powerful families died under the crazy uprising of the people.

A batch. But in the end, the leaders of the bandits in the mountains suddenly changed and took their place, still wanting to eat a piece.

It turns out that people who are also rebels are also divided into three, six or nine. The big leaders of the rebellion can eat meat wherever they go, while the little people below, even if they indulge for a while, are eventually bullied and squeezed out of their wealth.

However, after all, the big bosses are not comparable to ordinary landlords. They know that although their families are full, natural disasters have continued for several years, and the pressure from the court remains the same, and the people are still struggling on the verge of poverty and death...

I don’t know when, but there will be another war in Shandong!

At that time, will the big bosses coerce the people and continue to rebel, or will they stand with the court and kill a handful of rebellious ants? Brother Gao Yang has not thought about it so carefully, but no matter what choice he makes, he must have a knife at hand.


Fortunately, Brother Gao Yang came from a scoundrel background and often secretly did dirty work for a few wealthy people. His strength was particularly strong, so he felt reassured at the moment.

He watched the drill for a while and said to his companions: "The queue seems to have relaxed a little, but I don't know how the martial arts are?"

All the companions said: "Ahem, Brother Gao, just check it out. We don't dare to relax in terms of martial arts. These men have been practicing for a long time, and when they fight, they are no worse than the officers and soldiers."

Brother Gao Yang nodded: "That's it... everyone has worked hard these days! However, now is the time to do big things, so don't relax. Kill five sheep and two pigs in a while, so that everyone will be full and have pancakes.

If you take enough care, the porridge won’t be too thin! Let the villagers come and be full, and then we can raise the army!”

Several companions on the side said: "Brother Gao, please don't worry. In fact, Ye County is very empty at this time. We old soldiers can easily capture two or three thousand villagers with two to three thousand villagers. What's more, there are so many powerful people in Laizhou this time."

Do it together? It’s not difficult to gather 20,000 to 30,000 people! Even if we are against Guo Ning from Haicang Town, we are not afraid!"

Brother Gao Yang remembered something again:

"In addition, arrange a few fast-talking people to listen to my orders and make noise together! Well, let's just say that the new Jiedushi will have to increase the military beard and mercenary money ten times! And those Jurchens... tell them,

The cow head tax will also be charged ten times!”

"It has been arranged long ago, and they all look honest. When the time comes, they will stand here, here, and there. As soon as Brother Gao opens your mouth, they will respond immediately, which will definitely make people convinced!"


Brother Gao Yang himself is an expert in singing opera with Xu Ruxian. He is very experienced in inspiring the people. Seeing the dedication of his companions, he nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and the sunlight was shining on Brother Gao Yang, making him a little hot. He returned to the hall, turned his head and looked at the hundreds of swords and guns, and more than ten sets of armors neatly arranged in the hall.

This was specially given to him by Xu Ruxian to enhance his strength.

I heard from Xu Ruxian that the backbone of Guo Ning's troops were a group of people who had retreated to Hebei from the border trench armies in the north. They were all old soldiers who were accustomed to fighting. That's why they were able to rampage across Hebei and Zhongdu and create such a huge momentum.

Never underestimate it.

But among the heroes of Shandong, there are also many veterans. During the Nine-Road Conquest of the Song Dynasty, more than 200,000 troops were signed in Shandong alone. They fought in Henan, Huaibei and other places, killing the people of the Song Dynasty to the point of pissing...

Who hasn’t fought a war? Who hasn’t seen blood?

Back then, Brother Gao Yang followed the army and fought fiercely with the Song people in Shuyang, Qingkou and other places. It was a battlefield with tens of thousands of people and blood flowed everywhere! Why, Guo Ning had fought with the Mongols, compared to us who fought with them.

Did the people of Song Dynasty fight more skillfully?

Hey, the Mongols haven't come to Shandong yet. If they come, Brother Gao Yang doesn't mind having knowledge.

Just as I was thinking this, there was a sudden cry: "It's on fire! It's on fire!"

Brother Gao Yang was startled and ran out of the hall: "What's wrong? Where is the fire?"

I saw thick black smoke rising behind the eaves, in the north and south, and someone shouted: "The granary is on fire! The stable is on fire! It's almost burning to my house! The fire is burning badly! Put out the fire quickly!"

Along with the shouting, chaos broke out inside and outside Chen Hu's store. Even the private soldiers lined up with weapons in the hall were a little shaken when they heard the shouting. Some even threw away their weapons and tried to rush out to put out the fire.

The granary and stable to the west of Chen Hu's store are important places for hoarding supplies. Most of the wealth that Brother Gao Yang has exploited over the years has been replaced by grain and horses. In the entire Chen Hu's store, except for Brother Gao Yang's own

The secretly dug cellar under the bed is the most important.

Brother Gao Yang was so confused that he reluctantly shouted: "Don't panic! I didn't give the order, who dares to move!"

The private soldiers quickly lined up and stood still.

Brother Gao Yang walked twice in front of the hall, pointed at a companion and said: "Take fifty people to put out the fire! Especially the small warehouse in the granary where the money is... you must keep it!"

The companion responded and went.

But after a while, the noise in the direction of the fire was still there, and several people shouted: "The fire is too fierce! It has burned through the roof! It has burned to the other side of the street! Help! Help!"

Brother Gao Yang quickly pointed to another person: "You, take fifty more people! Collect water basins and ladles along the way, don't go empty-handed!"

The man agreed repeatedly and ran away.

Brother Gao Yang sent out hundreds of people twice, but it seemed that there were still dozens of people who were worried about their own situation, so they followed the two teams out. The number of people in the courtyard suddenly decreased by half, and the originally impressive queue became

It was sparse. The remaining people looked around, feeling very uneasy.

Brother Gao Yang walked around twice more, and suddenly felt something strange. He turned around and said to another companion: "No, the granary is to the south, and the stable is to the north. They are separated by a street! It was so early in the morning, and no one was getting up at both ends.

The stove was on fire, why did it start burning at the same time? I'm afraid someone deliberately caused trouble and caused chaos!"

Hearing what he said, the companion suddenly reacted: "Damn it, Lao Gao, those people shouting about fire are not our people!"

"What?" Brother Gao Yang listened quickly.

This method of incitement was originally crude, but after he regained his composure, he immediately heard the flaw.

And at this moment, he suddenly noticed that there were not only the sounds of panic and shouting in the air, but also a dull sound. The sound sounded like muffled thunder in the distance, and then, it got closer and closer!

Brother Gao Yang's eyes suddenly widened, and he grabbed his companion's lapel: "No! Call Shi Laosan, Bo Laowu and the others to come back!"

Then he raised his voice and shouted: "Put on your armor! Grab your swords and guns! There's a fight!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire courtyard wall made of adobe bricks in front of the courtyard collapsed, stirring up a half-day high cloud of dust. The dust obscured the sight and made people choke and breathless.

Dozens of private soldiers staying not far from the courtyard wall were coughing and shouting, and dozens of war horses galloped out of the smoke. The knights on the horses were armed with swords and guns, and they killed everyone on sight.

"Get back! Get back and form a formation!" A close subordinate of Brother Gao Yang shouted repeatedly.

Some people shouted in the direction where the horses were running: "Where did the heroes come from! We also came down from Mount Tai! It's Xu Ruxian from Laiyang and his group! Heroes, please don't..."

What greeted them were sharp arrows.

Several leaders were shot on their backs one after another, and some of the braver ones were immediately chopped down and stabbed to death. Blood sprayed all over the sky, suppressing the dust. When the others saw this situation, they immediately cried for their fathers and called their mothers for their mothers.

, several people threw away their weapons and ran around in the courtyard.

Doesn’t it mean that those who practice unremittingly? Doesn’t it mean that those who fight are no worse than the officers and soldiers?

After only a few years of comfortable life, people's hearts have become corrupt! These dogs are eating my wine and meat, taking the money I gave them, and making lies about me. Look, what kind of soldiers have they trained? How can these people do it?

A war? After a few leaders died, it became loose. What would it do if we put it on a battlefield where a large army is fighting?

This...isn't this still the same thief look as before?

Brother Gao Yang held a knife in one hand and grabbed a tabletop with the other. He was running into the courtyard, intending to command the resistance. Seeing this situation, he suddenly lost his temper and was filled with frustration.

While he was in a daze, the cavalrymen leaped like dragons and ran past him. He raised his sword and just took a stance when he felt a sharp pain on the top of his head.

In his field of vision, the ground suddenly rushed closer, and then his eyes were filled with bright red.

He tried to use his arms to support his body, but all his strength was quickly lost. At first, his fingers could twitch twice, and soon they could no longer move. The bright red in front of his eyes gradually faded and turned into pitch black.

Before losing consciousness, he heard a loud voice saying: "Hold on to the Sa family! No leader is left, kill them all, and then go to the next family!"


This chapter has been completed!
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