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Chapter 175 Jinan (1)

Generally speaking, the geographical center of the east and west roads in Shandong is the central and southern Shandong mountainous area formed by Mount Tai, Lushan, Yishan, Mengshan and other mountains. The economic center of Shandong is the half ring surrounding the central and southern mountainous area of ​​​​Shandong.

It is a plain area. In this area, there are dense cities and streets, and there are many products such as salt, silk, porcelain, medicinal materials, etc.

After the Mongolian army broke into Hebei, many military states located in the northwest of this semi-circular area have recently become the front line against the Mongolian army. This front line relies on the fork of the Yellow River in Jeju, passes through Yangshanbo, ends at Beiqing River and ends at the sea.

Dongping Prefecture, Jinan Prefecture, and Yidu Prefecture are key military nodes.

Among these three nodes, Dongping Prefecture and Yidu Prefecture are the places where heavy troops are gathered on the east and west routes of Shandong respectively. Jinan Prefecture is located between Dongping and Yidu, 300 miles away from both places, and itself blocks Mount Tai to the south.

, can be called a place where the elbows and armpits are heavy.

Considering that the Shandong Road plain area surrounds the mountains of central and southern Shandong, Jinan Prefecture is located in the center of this semi-annular plain and is the hub of the two roads.

At the same time, Jinan Prefecture is also the most densely populated and economically developed among the many prefectures on the east and west routes of Shandong. According to figures from the Taihe period, the number of households in Jinan was as many as 300,000, which was three times that of Dongping and Yidu, occupying the entire

One-sixth of Shandong. Its military potential and strategic support are second to none in Shandong.

Therefore, there is nothing to criticize about Guo Ning's military arrangements for Wanyan Salara. The current major enemy of the Jin Kingdom is the Mongolian army, not the mountain rebels such as Yang An'er. Use elite troops to control Dongping, Jinan, and Yidu

The three places are indeed a proper way to resist the Mongolian army and maintain the two roads in Shandong.

Since the Mongolian army broke into Hebei, although they crossed dozens of military prefectures, most of the cities they easily defeated in the past few months were the more desolate cities in Hebei.

Guo Ning is a veteran himself, and he knows very well what the cities in Hebei, known as the border areas, are like. After several years of conscription and transfer, the number of strong men in those cities is seriously insufficient, and they have long become empty cities. Now that the leaders of the defeated troops can be used

The governor actually held power, and the Mongolian army was devastating, not to mention.

As for the Jing, Cang and other prefectures along the Cao River, their transportation and transit functions far exceeded their defensive functions, and they could not become an obstacle to the Mongolian army.

When Guo Ning led his troops south to Laizhou, the Mongolian army further expanded its control area. However, such important towns as Zhending, Daming, Yidu, Dongping, and Jinan, which had been operated for many years and could be called the golden city, were also attacked by the Mongols.

Despite being harassed by the military's light cavalry, it is always safe.

After all, the Mongolian army is good at detours, surprise attacks, and field battles, but not good at attacking cities.

They raided across the two rivers, killing people as much as they wanted, plundering gold and silk, children, sheep, livestock, cattle and horses, and burning down houses and villages. To a certain extent, this was precisely to force the main force of the Jin army to leave the cover of important towns and launch field battles.

.After winning the field battle, the Mongols were able to take advantage of the situation and attack the city.

After several successes, the Jin army commanders in various places were afraid of the enemy and did not dare to attack again. Therefore, the Mongolian army had no special achievements in the past month. Except for the fall of the Lianghe military state, the front line between the Jin army and the Mongolian army

It's almost stable.

But why was Jinan Mansion lost?

Wanyan Salara was in charge of two armies in Shandong, and the Army Command Division in his hand to suppress and defend the armies had at least 40,000 troops. If he had fully increased the number of troops in the months after the Mongolian army invaded, he would have included all the general officers of the army.

It is not difficult for the government's grain-shooting army, prison army and inspection department soldiers to expand to 80,000.

With such a large force, Wanyan Sala had the courage to threaten Guo Ning and the confidence to treat Yang An'er and Liu Erzu's troops as if they were nothing.

But with such a large force stationed in a famous fortified city, how could they lose Jinan Prefecture?

The biggest problem with the three node defense lines of Dongping, Jinan, and Yidu is that because the plain area is in a semi-ring shape, the three nodes have horizontal connections but no depth.

In other words, if any one of the three nodes is cut off, the two roads in Shandong will be cut off. Once the horizontal defense is broken through, the entire territory will be threatened everywhere.

Among the three nodes, Jinan, which is in the middle and is the transportation hub of the entire Shandong Lianglu Road, is the most important one. Jinan Yidu, Shandong Lianglu, the second prefecture outside Jinan Prefecture, Sanjie Town, four defenses, and twelve

Most of the governorates and hundreds of counties will face the front of the Mongolian army!

Each of these generals of the imperial court can be more reliable!

Guo Ning suppressed the anger in his heart and launched a military report.

Since he fought against Tuo Lei in Tangbojian, Hebei Province, he has immediately devoted all his energy to Zhongdu and to grabbing benefits from the Dajin court. At this time, everything is roughly settled, and he will come back to see Dajin and Dajin.

The fighting process in Mongolia was just shocking.

It turns out that after Genghis Khan divided his troops into three groups and went south, the main force of his headquarters was so powerful that he defeated and defeated the three prefectures in succession.

Immediately, Marshal Pucha Ali, the right supervisor of the army, led his army to resist. However, although he was experienced in the battlefield, he was no match for Genghis Khan. In just one battle, his elite troops were defeated.

Genghis Khan took the defeated troops as the vanguard and entered Hejian Mansion.

At this time, the imperial court ordered soldiers and horses from all over the country to work hard for the king, so soldiers and horses from all the important towns marched by land and water, passing through Jingzhou and heading to Zhongdu. Genghis Khan's troops used Hejian Mansion as their base, enjoying the favor, scenery, and offerings.

, Cang and other states had a large amount of savings in canal canal warehouses, and they were encircled and detoured on both sides of the Yuhe River.

This kind of high-speed maneuvering, large-scale advance and large-retreat tactics was like crushing the Jin army, which was becoming increasingly dull and dull. In just one month, the Mongolian army continuously defeated the Sixth Army of the imperial court, almost leaving Zhongdu as an isolated city.

This made Zuo Cheng, who was in charge of the military at that time, Wanyan Gang, feel deeply pressured, so he rushed Hu Shahu, who was stationed in Zhongdu, to go out to meet the enemy, which resulted in a major coup.

At the same time as the coup in Zhongdu, the main force of the Mongolian army swept through Xiong, Ba, Mo, An and other states, completely destroying the Jin Kingdom's military presence in northern Hebei. Guo Ning's old acquaintance Shan Hang died at this time.

After the coup in Zhongdu ended, the new emperor tried his best to integrate the military and political affairs in Zhongdu with the intention of fighting against Mongolia. However, Genghis Khan abandoned Zhongdu and went south again.

At this time, the weather was cool in autumn, and the Mongolian army became even more ferocious. They broke through Shen, Ji, En, Ci and other prefectures, and besieged Daming Mansion.

Continue to go south and capture Kai, Hua, Jun, Wei and other prefectures, threatening Xiangzhou on the one hand and Kaifeng Prefecture of Nanjing on the other.

Xiangzhou is where the Zhangde Army Jiedu Envoy is stationed. The current Emperor of the Jin Dynasty went to Zhongdu alone to inherit the throne. Except for the eldest son Shouzhong, who was originally in Zhongdu, his family members are all in Xiangzhou... This place must not be missed.

Kaifeng Prefecture in Nanjing is the center of the southern territory of Daijin. Half of the country's tax revenue depends on Nanjing Road. This place is really dependent on the country's destiny and must not be missed.

As a result, half of the world was shaken, and the imperial court issued edicts one after another, including Jingzhaofu Road, Shandong West Road and other places, all of which mobilized troops to rescue.

The reason why Wanyan Sala forced Guo Ning to go to Yidu was because he was in Jeju, and all the troops in Dongping were moved. There were some gaps in the original solid defense lines of Dongping, Jinan, and Yidu, which needed to be filled in time.

But his intention was too late.

In the process of moving south, the Mongolian army constantly gathered local surrenderers, and became increasingly aware of the dangerous terrain of the Jin Kingdom and the mobilization of troops and horses. Their tactics for long-distance attacks became increasingly unpredictable.

When the various Jin armies focused their attention on the danger of the Yellow River, Genghis Khan led his army to turn back to Daimyo in just two days and headed southeast.

Thirty thousand Mongolian troops were divided into six groups and crossed the Beiqing River in just one night.

Jinan's garrison has a large number of troops, but in recent days they have only heard of fighting in Kai, Hua and other states hundreds of miles away and along the Yellow River, so they are inevitably slacking off.

In front of the Sixth Route Mongolian Army, there were many surrendered troops who claimed to be Bozhou and Enzhou's defeated troops. They easily gained the city gate, and the main force of the Mongolian army arrived immediately and broke into the city to set fire and kill.

Two days before and after.

The great city fell, tens of thousands of troops and horses were overturned, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed, and countless grains, materials, and ordnance became the trophies of the Mongols. And the defense lines covering the front lines of the two Shandong roads were broken through.


So Wanyan Salara sent envoys again, and he quickly admitted his failure and pinched his nose to identify the murderer of Aotun Zhongxiao. All because Jinan was lost, most of Shandong's doors were opened.

The current situation is that Wanyan Salara is no longer in charge of Shandong. Only the commander-in-chief of Shandong in Yidu and the military envoy of Dinghai who just controlled Laizhou are left. Now they are both facing powerful enemies and it is time to unite.

Got warm.

But even if we stick together, can we get warmth?

The Mongolian army is based in Jinan, and it is only more than 550 miles from Laizhou. This is not a safe distance!

What's more, the man who led the army to capture Jinan was not an ordinary Mongolian general, but Genghis Khan himself!

Seeing that Guo Ning had read the military report, Wanyan Niangu carefully took out another document.

This one was Wanyan Salara’s own handwriting, and its content was indeed polite, saying that the situation was dangerous and the two places had to watch and help each other.

Guo Ning handed both documents to Yi La Chucai and asked Wanyan Niangu to rest assured with a smile. We are all loyal ministers of Dai Jin. At this time, we naturally have to support each other.

After talking back and forth for a long time, he ordered Yila Chucai to write a reply with a pen and use the seal himself. Wanyan Niangu then bowed deeply, saluted and left.

Hearing his footsteps walking away, Guo Ning's smile disappeared and his face turned livid.

He stood up straight and tightened the handle of the knife at his waist. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Urgently send a message to Ye County, summon the people of Jing'an, Qiu Huiluo, and Hao Duan come back for a military meeting."


"Urgent message to Chuchen Town, Jiaoshui County, and Laiyang County. Summon Luo Monk, Han Xuan, and Ma Bao to come back for military discussion."


"The Chinese army beats drums and summons Wang Shixian, Li Ting and other generals for discussion!"



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