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Chapter 184: Playing Chess (Part 2)

After retreating into the back hall, Guo Ning walked slowly and continued to think.

This pattern of gathering people to discuss major matters started when all the ministries were settled and all the ministries gathered in Zhigu Village. Earlier, Guo Ning had only a few soldiers, so there was no need to go to such trouble. He could decide all the big things with one word.

If there was a fight, it would be him who would be the first to fight, with his own life on the line. Regardless of success or failure, his own life would be the balance, so what else could others say?

I had the joy then, but now I have the pressure now.

Now the Guo Ning family has made great achievements. In just two months, his subordinates have grown from a defeated army of more than 2,000 to more than 5,000 troops, and nearly 10,000 people including the old and small battalions. In the past few days,

, this number swelled to nearly 80,000 soldiers and civilians, and actually controlled several cities.

The wealth and lives of so many people depend on Guo Ning's decision. If he makes a mistake, blood will flow in rivers. How can he not be cautious? Guo Ning has been delaying in moving troops because of this consideration.

Not only Guo Ning himself, but all the generals were also a little hesitant.

The most powerful ability of the Mongolian army is their long-distance attack and high-speed advance and retreat. The most important thing to fight against the Mongolian army is to break through the fog of the battlefield and grasp the true intentions and position of the Mongolian army. This point was discussed by everyone present at the military meeting.

They are all veterans, and all of them have dealt with the Mongolian army, so they all know it.

It is impossible for Guo Ning's troops to guard the coast of Laizhou and not to wait for the Mongolian army to retreat.

The Mongolian troops were attacking and harassing each other, and the force they were carrying was getting bigger and bigger. If they attacked several cities with confidence and boldness, there was no reason why they would not be able to capture them. Wanyan Salara's side would not be able to withstand it for long, and the same was true for Guo Ning's troops.

When two armies face each other, it's like playing chess; in the fight for victory, both sides have to make moves.

But if you want to make a correct move, you must understand the opponent's thoughts and movements. Where the main force of the Mongolian army is and what they want to do cannot be deciphered just from the few troublemaking generals.

Therefore, it is inevitable to scare the snake away, or to cast stones to ask for directions.

The problem is that the snake of the Mongolian army is too powerful. If you are not careful, if you use a stick to scare the snake, you will be eaten by the snake.

On the Mongolian army's side, those surrendered generals who looked like wolves and tigers were probably decoys. But on Guo Ning's side, the one who went out to alert the enemy was not a decoy.

Who will be the bait?

Who has the confidence to say that I can detect the movements of the Mongolian army and then retreat safely in front of the Mongolian army?

Everyone is old enough to fight. No one dares to say such nonsense, and no one will believe it.

A few months ago, the Mongolian army was forced back in Tangboli, Hebei Province. It was a miracle that could not be repeated at the right time and place. When everyone talked about it afterwards, we also knew that if the Mongolians did not take the initiative to retreat, but insisted on fighting to the end.

If so, our side will end up with either a tragic victory or a tragic defeat, with inevitable casualties.

Needless to say, a disastrous defeat, but a disastrous victory is also meaningless.

Such a victory would bring no real benefits, and it would be impossible for everyone to cause trouble in the middle, and there would be no power to support the emperor, let alone the prestige of the naval commander.

At that time, Guo Ning's troops only had this strength. When the Mongols invaded, they had to fight for their lives, and everyone fought tooth and nail.

As Guo Ning said to the people before, everyone is willing to die and dare to fight with their lives, so they have a chance to survive. But now, the people have obtained their fields and hope for the future, so they may be willing to fight for it.

Pin, where are the generals?

They are no longer the little people they were before, they have all become commanders... Are they still willing to take on such a task?

Thinking of this, Guo Ning was a little frustrated.

He once again recalled the sneak attack in Wudian on the border, and recalled Yao Shier, Gao Kezhong, Lu Su and others. Those few were close confidants who would never leave him in the most difficult times. If they were alive today,

Guo Ning will definitely entrust them with important tasks, and they will definitely go through fire and water for Guo Ning without hesitation.

After their deaths, although Guo Ning formed a large-scale team, can the cohesion of this team be able to cope with the situation of a powerful enemy? Guo Ning hopes that the army and the people will become an unbreakable copper pea, let alone

What about the common people? Can military lieutenants and generals have that kind of consciousness?

Some things cannot be solved by the head coach exuding a domineering spirit. After all, this is a recently established military group. Guo Ning must gradually adapt to the new situation, and the generals must also gradually adapt.

Their mentality will face tests, but Guo Ning cannot force them, they have to adjust on their own.

Guo Ning paced back and forth in the hall.

Seeing him deep in thought, the guards did not dare to disturb him. The central army and the rear camp were very quiet, and they only occasionally heard children crying... It was not a big deal, but the children Guo Ning gathered were studying as usual and were literate.

Or my writing progress is slow and I am being scolded by my husband.

It's a pity that those children are still young.

After walking around for a while, Guo Ning summoned Zhao Xin and ordered: "Send out all the scout cavalry and guards with good riding skills. Don't worry about the local officials in Weizhou and Yidu. Scatter as far away as possible."

To the west, close to the area controlled by the Mongolian army, no matter whether there is military information or not, report twice a day...no, three reports."

Xin Zhao took the order and went out. As soon as he stepped out of the tent, he almost bumped into a powerful figure.

It turned out that Li Ting left and came back.

"Li Erlang, do you have any advice?" Guo Ning asked.

Li Ting raised his arms and shouted: "Damn, I've thought about it. Even if it's a bait, you have to take a bite to know what the Mongolians are doing behind you. Guo Liu, give me three hundred fine horses, and I'll go to Zizhou to do it."

Make some noise! ​​The Mongols let some dogs out, and I chopped off their heads!"

Guo Ning laughed loudly: "Li Er, don't be impatient..."

Before he finished speaking, the sunlight at the entrance of the tent was blocked by someone. The light suddenly dimmed, and then brightened again. It turned out that Monk Luo came in. He was huge and blocked half of the tent door.

"Master is here too? Please sit down." Guo Ning asked with a smile, "Master, what do you have to say?"

Monk Luo said in a deep voice: "Let's go to Sa's house!"


"To determine the movement of the Mongolian army, what's the use of just staring at those surrendered generals?" Monk Luo rummaged through the hall, found the map, rolled up his sleeves and gestured: "I will lead a team of elite cavalry and go around.

Traveling to Boxing, we passed Gaoyuan and walked along the Beiqing River to Jiyang. If we ran into the Mongolian army, we would be surprised. If we didn't, I would go to the foot of Jinan City and smash two bricks down! I'm sure to scare them.

Temujin jumped!"

"Monk, you are seeking death! Don't you want to come back?" Li Ting was speechless.

Monk Luo smiled and said: "Then the people in charge of the fleet must cheer up! We have so many ships parked here at the port. Let the fleet go along the Beiqing River to meet Sajia!"

He said so loudly, and someone outside laughed again: "Master, I got a different idea."

It turned out that Wang Shixian and Qiu Huiluo came in. Since his trip to Zhigu Village, Guo Ning handed over the management of his fleet to Wang Shixian, while Qiu Huiluo also took care of some chores.

It was a pity that this ancient man couldn't swim, so he fainted when he got on the boat and vomited to the point of blackness. As a result, after two months, he felt like walking on flat ground on the boat, and he looked quite good.

Monk Luo's eyes widened: "Why did Sajia get so confused?"

"It's just to find out the background of the Mongols, why bother? I can just take dozens of fast boats, and some capable people, and go along the Beiqing River to Jinan, that's all."


Just as he was thinking about how to refute Wang Shixian, the tent door swung and Jing Anmin came back.

Jing Anmin looked at these items in the tent.

It turned out that except for Han Xuan, Hao Duan, and Ma Bao who were sitting in the local area, all the commanders who had just participated in the military meeting were here. An expression of relief suddenly appeared on his face: "Sure enough, you guys

, all have ideas!”

Guo Ning raised his forehead and smiled: "Brother Anmin, come on, come and sit down. What do you have to say?"

"I have heard Xu Jin talk about the surrounding terrain in the past few days. It is said that in the south of Zichuan, past Xuguan, there is a dangerous road surrounded by mountains, which can lead to Tai'an Prefecture. If we..."

Just as Jing Anmin was about to explain in detail, Li Ting said to Wang Shixian: "I only need to move Chu Cai to assassinate him. Do you think he will come?"

Before he finished speaking, Yi La Chucai also walked in. He must have been walking in a hurry and was sweating profusely. As soon as he entered the tent, he said: "Jie Shuai, I suddenly thought of a plan. If I want to scare the snake, we don't have to use us."

The troops and horses of our headquarters..."

It was clear that a powerful enemy was at hand, but everyone couldn't help but laugh.


This chapter has been completed!
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