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Chapter 197 Iron Cavalry (Part 1)

Lu Han stopped and looked at Guo Ning.

She said: "I will make steamed cakes for you to eat tomorrow... I also have honey, which is also very sweet."

Guo Ning laughed heartily, waved his hand vigorously, and headed back towards the military camp.

When the two of them were young, they ate together in the same kitchen at the border fort in Changzhou and experienced many wars together. They didn't know how many times they had said this to each other, or to other companions.

Guo Ning went to the battlefield for the first time when he was thirteen years old. Before going out with a knife, he told Lu Han to be careful. He had been making some shameless jokes just a moment ago, but when he suddenly said this, Lu Han was


Lu Han also made steamed cakes for Guo Ning to eat that day. But there was no honey at that time, not to mention honey, not even brown sugar or brown sugar.

The war is so cruel. As years and years pass by, the more the two of them experience, the more they realize that life or death is a matter of fate. Sometimes it has little to do with being careful or not.

The two of them were only half-children back then, and the old soldiers in Changzhou were more experienced and more careful than they were. However, after a few big battles, all the living people were turned into blood and mud and submerged.

The soil and the military forts are like a hundred.

Even if Guo Ning's status gradually changes, Lu Han's status will also rise. But when the sword comes, who will recognize you as an official? The Marshal, Dutong, Dujian, Ten Thousand Households of the Great Jin Kingdom, even one

He could run away faster than one, and many died on the battlefield in those years.

The war is coming, and such wishes are just wishes.

Lu Han, on the other hand, wanted to say something to Guo Ning, but he couldn't. The two of them were so familiar with each other that if they had to explain some things clearly, it would seem like they were deliberately trying to be different.

I heard from Zhao Jue that in the past few days, Guo Ning often stayed up late at night and got up at dawn.

Lu Han could tell that Guo Ning had obviously lost weight, his eyes were bloodshot, and his mustache was a little messy.

Lu Han also knew that when he walked out of the stable, passed the military camp, and talked and laughed with the soldiers, he would be in high spirits and confident. Otherwise, he would not be able to give the soldiers confidence, and he would not be able to lead them through life and death.


These days, unrelated outsiders think that Guo Ning has become a high-ranking official and that wealth and wealth are expected. But Lu Han can see clearly that in Guo Ning's eyes, there is no wealth at all.

Those official positions and power only continued to put more pressure on Guo Ning's shoulders. And Guo Ning, burdened with such pressure, became stronger, more ferocious, and more intimidating.

Although the soldiers were very affectionate towards Guo Ning, that was because the old soldiers from Northern Xinjiang were still there. When the people in Laizhou mentioned Guo Ning, many of them did not even dare to breathe. After all, Guo Ning killed so many people that he promised

What was given to the people has not yet been achieved.

There is nothing we can do about that.

Ever since Guo Ning was attacked in Tangbojian, Hebei, and Lu Han's eldest brother Lu Su died, Guo Ning has become a spinning top that never stops, and he always seems to be being whipped by a whip, and is forced to do nothing even for a second.

Stop, I am dancing on the edge of a knife every day, seemingly running rampant, but walking on thin ice.

When you are alone, you can act as happily as you want, but you will die. How can you do this when there are ten people counting on you? What about a hundred people? What about a thousand people? What about ten thousand or even more people? When a certain level is clearly in vain

In front of us, if we can't cross it, will everyone fall into the abyss?

Even if Guo Zhongyuan wins the battle in Yidu, there is no guarantee of victory here in Laizhou. After all, everything will be decided on the battlefield. How will the final battle end? Lu Han knows that Guo Ning has expectations, but

I can't say I'm sure.

Lu Han almost never attended the military meetings convened by Guo Ning, but all of Guo Ning's decisions would not be hidden from Lu Han.

So Lu Han also understood why Guo Ning suddenly said this.

This time, there was one difference between the killing field and the previous ones. That is, the guard in charge of Haicang Town was not Guo Ning himself.

The elite troops led by Guo Ning are intended to be used at the most critical moments. Most of the time, they will recharge their batteries until the time comes.

Prior to this, the defense of Haicang Town will be handed over to Wang Shixian, while the guard general of Ye County and the surrounding fortresses will be Jing'an Min. As for the Sanshan Port area of ​​Xiyou Town, the guard general will be Hao Duan.

Because of Guo Zhongyuan's victory, the Mongols thought that the elite of Guo Ning's headquarters was in Yidu. Therefore, the main energy of the Mongolian army must be placed on intercepting Guo Ning's headquarters in the field.

However, precisely because Guo Zhongyuan's troops were transferred to Yidu, the forces used by the Ding navy to defend fortresses in various places became increasingly weak.

This is the most dangerous part of Guo Ning's plan. Even if the Mongols only contribute one or two forces to attack the military fortress, with their power to sweep across the Central Plains, compared to Laizhou, they would be like Mount Tai. Not to mention the Ding Navy.

Are the troops still divided thinly?

The prerequisite for Guo Ning's troops to win is not only the successful disguise of Guo Zhongyuan's troops, but also the ability of Jing'an Min, Wang Shixian and others to defend the military fortress they are responsible for and create opportunities for Guo Ning.

Can they do it?

Can Haicang Town hold on? Can the military forts across Laizhou hold on? No one is 100% sure.

After setting up this battle plan, Guo Ning even privately suggested that Lu Han and others board the ship at sea just in case. But this proposal was sternly rejected by Lu Han.

Lu Han told Guo Ning that she would definitely stay in Haicang Town to stabilize the hearts of the defenders.

She and everyone in Haicang Town will try their best to persist until Guo Ning finds the opportunity to win.

Watching Guo Ning walk away, Lu Han turned around and came out of the main entrance of Tunbao, Haicang Town.

The main gate was ajar. According to the public, there were still more than a hundred soldiers staying behind. Lu Han often went to the fort once in a while to clean up. There was a general guarding the door, and this general was Zhao Jue's right hand man.

Subordinates have always been cautious and meticulous.

The generals of the Ding Navy all know that the Mongolian army attaches great importance to tongue-picking and torture, and strives to grasp the true and false situation in the army. Therefore, even the ordinary officers and soldiers on the side cannot know the true situation of Guo Ning's troops. In order to cover it up, everyone from top to bottom

It took a lot of effort.

After leaving the main gate and walking for a while, he crossed the narrow road between the high walls of the military forts on both sides. Standing on the edge of the high ground, Lu Han suddenly saw Wang Shixian stepping up to a pier next to the trench and shouting loudly, his men

After hearing the order, he ran forward and sounded the gongs hanging nearby.

Most of the people who are busy building forts at the moment have no military training and are a mix of smart, stupid, strong and weak. If you want to manage them well, there is a prerequisite, which is that the simpler the orders, the better.

When Wang Shixian handed over tasks every day, he tried his best to break down the day's projects into the smallest projects. In addition, there was only one military order that the people needed to remember, which was that once the gong gave a warning, everyone should put down what they were doing.

, rushed back to the camp at full speed to assemble.

At this time, the gong was indeed ringing loudly. Within Lu Han's sight, there were countless figures as small as ants. He was confused at first, but then he realized and went to his home in the camp. There was inevitably a panic on the way. Some people bumped into each other and trampled on each other. By the time the officer arrived

He came over and whipped him wildly, and then he stopped.

Outside the trench, far away from the camp, a group of strong men were building a garrison. They immediately threw away their tools and ran back.

Several soldiers who were supposed to be stationed at this garrison ran with him at first. After running a few steps, one soldier turned back to the half-built garrison and climbed to the top to look out.

Then he took out two small red and yellow triangular flags from behind and waved them toward his camp.

After shaking for a few times, a soldier from the direction of the camp took out a flag of the same size and waved it, and a wisp of smoke suddenly rose. The soldier then climbed down the garrison on his hands and knees and chased his companions.

This time, a new flag language has been implemented in the army. Different flag colors and different shaking methods can accurately express the enemy's situation. If you are not familiar with it at first, it will be troublesome, but now everyone is familiar with it.


For example, Wang Shixian is very familiar with flag language.

His face twitched a few times and he snorted coldly: "Alejinchi from the Mongolian army headquarters, one hundred people and two hundred horses, came quickly enough!"

This chapter has been completed!
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