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Chapter 209: Defeat (Part 1)

Wen Qian is not young, but he is still in good health and has rich battlefield experience. Although he is not an extremely outstanding player, he will not be easily overwhelmed by a Mongolian war slave.

However, in the past two years, due to a lot of troubles, his hair began to thin, and his eyebrows fell out a lot. When the two armies clashed with each other in front of the formation, sweat flowed and soaked into his eyes through his eyebrows, which immediately made him

My eyes were sore and I couldn't help blinking.

"Kill!" Qian Buhua seized this opportunity, held the gun in both hands, and stabbed forward.

Now it was Wen Qian's turn and he couldn't react in time. Fortunately, the man next to him swooped over, used his shield to block it, and swung the gun blade away. The sword and shield man next to Qian Buhua immediately followed up, slashing at Meng with his sword.

From the body.

There was a clanking sound, and the blade bounced off the shoulder armor, but Xicong staggered a few steps, and before he could twist his waist to block, the sword shield hand swung the knife and slashed again, this time hitting Xin Cong's face, sending him flying.

A piece of neck protector and a large piece of flesh.

Wen Qian didn't care about rescuing his subordinates. He stepped back continuously, swinging his spear at the same time to avoid the jabs. He took a few steps back and bumped into another soldier on his back. Wen Qian took the opportunity to stand firm and regain his footing.

Don’t spend money and stick to it.

As the fire flashed, his subordinate was slashed by the enemy one after another. His trachea was probably cut off quickly, so he didn't scream in pain, only the hissing sound of air or blood flow.

This subtle sound was drowned in the horrifying shouts of hundreds of people. In the narrow and changeable corridor terrain under the towering rocks, spears stabbed desperately, and straight knives waved wildly, as if cutting light and shadow. In an instant

Dozens of corpses lay on the ground.

Both armies are very good at fighting. Every soldier is the best in the army, with outstanding combat experience and skills. But I have to admit that the Mongolian war slaves seem to be more cruel and fierce.

Perhaps they suffered too much humiliation in the Mongolian army, so they released all the fury in their hearts on the battlefield.

At this time, Huga led hundreds of people and climbed up from the steeper area on the side of the slope. They also poured into the battlefield and started slashing and killing.

Wen Qian's troops became increasingly clumsy on the left and right, unable to support themselves against the enemy, and retreated into the depths of the reef in embarrassment.

Now that the situation has opened up in the front, Naminfu and several Mongolian households also started to take action. Because it was an attack from above, the Mongolians dismounted their horses and wore their own broad-rimmed hoods. Batu Lu in the team, who dared to

The dead warrior held his long sword in front, and his followers followed behind him with torches. They surged up the slope on foot like a huge rolling wave.

The roar of the Mongols rolled through the reefs and was distorted into a sharp roar by the harsh rocks and narrow passages.

As Wen Qian hurried back, his ears were filled with this horrible sound. He gasped and shouted loudly to an officer. The officer was also frightened by the roar and could not hear Wen Qian's voice for a while.

He spoke with a confused expression on his blood-stained face.

Wen Qian cursed, grabbed the officer's shoulders and shook him hard, pointed to a high place and said, "That's it! Throw down the fireball! Hurry up!"

The officer quickly took out the bone whistle from his waist and blew it hard.

As soon as the bone whistle sounded, dozens of black spherical objects were suddenly thrown out from the top of the densely packed reef.

Each of the spherical objects was as big as two people hugging each other, but they were not very heavy. They carried little bits of firelight, were blown crookedly in the air by the sea breeze, and would bounce back when they landed on the ground.

At the same time, the flame suddenly shot up, igniting the entire sphere and illuminating the surrounding area.

It turned out to be balls made of hay bundles.

In the army, hay is readily available, as are firewood and grease.

Weapons made of hay, firewood, grease and other materials are called fireballs. They are commonly used in the army and are easy to purchase. Previously, Guo Ning used fireballs to break through the hijacking of King Wanyan Xun in Suning, Hejian.

Wu Yanwei could set up a car formation to defend himself.

Wen Qian rushed to the slope to help defend. He stayed in front and delayed for a while, while his companions acted quickly behind him and made dozens of fireballs.

At this time, these fireballs fell from high places, some burned fiercely in the gaps between the rocks, and some rolled along the slopes.

Unfortunately, the danger posed by the fireball to the attacker is not great.

The Mongolian army war slaves among the rocks are themselves good players in the Jin army. How can they not be familiar with these weapons?

Many people with spears and spears stretched out their spears and directly blocked the fireball. Even if the fireball burned violently and blocked the way forward, it would only be a temporary hindrance. The hay burned quickly, so be patient and wait.

That is, even if the smoke is choking, it can be tolerated.

Some of the brave ones even used gun barrels to lift the fireball and threw it behind the rocks, causing their companions to laugh wildly.

And those fireballs rolling along the slope had no obvious effect.

Ordinary people or civilians would be panicked when they saw the sudden surge of flames, but the Mongols would not. They had fought with Dajin for many years and were well-informed, so they dispersed the queue very calmly and let the fire ignite.

The ball keeps rolling.

The loose ball of grass continued to accelerate, and instantly crossed the Mongolian queue, crackling, dragging out lines of igniting fire, and went downwards.

At this time, the sound of arrows breaking through the wind was heard in the air again. It was the war slaves who were drawing their bows to shoot at the top of the reef.

A man was about to push down the second fireball, but was shot in the face. A large cluster of arrows penetrated into his brain from between his eyes. He screamed and fell from a height, and his body hit Wen Wen.

In front of Qian, the stench of blood and feces and urine rose up at the same time.

Wen Qian and others continued to retreat, stepping over the corpses, passing through the reef community, and gradually retreated towards the pier at the highest point of the slope.

"General, this is useless!" the officer who blew the bone whistle trembled: "The Mongols are catching up!"

Wen Qian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said calmly: "We'll see again later."

Their line of sight has been blocked by the rocks, and they can't actually see anything.

The companions on the left and right looked at a loss, but they didn’t know what to do, so they could only follow Wen Qian quickly. Looking towards the direction of the pier, a group of strong men arrived with simple spears and spears. The leader said in a loud voice: "Wen Du.

General, can you drive back the Mongols?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Wen Qian opened his mouth, and when he was about to say a few words to encourage morale, he suddenly burst into laughter.

He said: "Listen."

Below the slope, the sound of horses neighing wildly could be heard.

The leader of the strong men listened attentively and did not know why. But the soldiers around Wen Qian all smiled happily: "It's burning! Their horses were frightened!"

Seeing that the Mongolian army had an advantage on the slope, they immediately mobilized hundreds of elite troops to dismount and attack on foot.

Because of the urgent military situation, a large number of war horses were not taken away, but gathered below the slope under the supervision of herdsmen.

Horses are very keen animals. Their sense of smell and hearing are very superior, and they can perceive danger extremely quickly. An ordinary horse needs a long period of training to fully adapt to the noisy and dangerous battlefield, and at least be willing to listen to the rider.

Take command instead of running wildly based on instinct.

Therefore, the Mongolian army obviously has millions of good horses. When they attacked the northern border herding station of the Kingdom of Jin last year and the year before last, they still captured hundreds of thousands of horses as a major result. This is all because the truly well-trained war horses are nowhere to be found.

They are all strategic materials.

But at this moment, dozens of huge fireballs rolled in from the high slopes, bringing huge heat and pungent smell, as well as the unique crackling sound of burning firewood...

Every Mongolian is the best rider. If the riders were there, they would probably be able to calm the nervous horses. But now, the riders are not here, and the horses' increasingly urgent neighing has never been responded to by the riders...

The fireball was getting closer and closer, and the horses were finally frightened. They jumped and neighed, became confused, and began to bite the reins tied together, trying to run away. They bit their companions, trying to leave the depression where the horses gathered,

He would even raise his upper body and hit the whip-wielding slave with his iron hooves.

In an instant, the fireball hit several horses. The burning grease stuck to the horses, causing them to scream in agony. This sound fell into the ears of the other horses, immediately increasing their frenzy tenfold.


Naminfu and others who were halfway up the climb saw this situation.

Several Mongolians simply ignored the battle and ran downwards.

Naminfu cursed in anger.

He knew very well that the war slaves led by Qian Buhua and Hu Ga in front had already gained an advantage. At this time, with one hard attack, they might be able to occupy the entire high ground and then open a gap in the enemy's defense circle.

This will definitely be an achievement greatly appreciated by the fourth prince.


As a member of a hundred households, it is inevitable to weigh two aspects in some matters.

What was disturbed and set on fire below were precious war horses! If something happened to those horses, the entire household would not be able to bear the responsibility!

If there are no horses, how can we fight the next war? The Mongols are a nation on horseback, and they simply cannot imagine the situation without their war horses. And the horses are the friends and family of the Mongols, and they cannot bear to lose their horses.

The fate of being burned by fire!

"Half of us go back to put out the fire! The rest continue to follow me!" Naminfu made up his mind.

But as soon as he finished speaking, many Mongolians turned around and left, just like the ebbing tide.

This situation was immediately seen by the war slaves on the high slope. In the night, they could not see the specific troop deployment. They only knew one thing: "The Mongolian gentlemen have retreated!"

This chapter has been completed!
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