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Chapter 223 Long-awaited (1)

The headquarters of the Mongolian army, the six thousand households placed on the left and right wings by Tuo Lei, were dispatched earlier than Tuo Lei expected.

This is also a helpless move.

The Red Horse Prince Consort commanded the troops from the front to fight with Tiefu Tu. He seemed to be calm and unhurried, but in fact he had killed several centurions in a row who were not trying their best. In this way, he intimidated the entire army and squeezed out the last bit of physical strength from the soldiers.

No matter how hard and hardworking the Mongolians are, they are still human beings!

Including the Chiju Prince Consort's headquarters, they galloped day and night, and attacked the city two days and nights. Now they had another fierce battle, and they were already exhausted. The soldiers were facing Tiefutu with swords and guns, but they were beaten at every turn.

It was broken to pieces; but the majesty of riding horses and galloping and shooting bows and arrows could not be maintained for long.

Shooting a bow consumes a lot of energy. Considering that the enemy is wearing heavy armor and we all use heavy bows and arrows, it is not much easier than fighting face to face. And shooting accurately on the battlefield where thousands of troops are rushing forward

, the consumption of energy is even more astonishing.

The subordinates of the Red Horse Prince Consort have neither physical strength nor energy. Just like the wave of arrows that caused huge damage to the enemy... it was just one wave. The Red Horse Prince Consort led the knights to fight and retreat, but there was no one.

A second wave can be sent out.

Most outsiders don't understand this situation. Even if they watch the situation change with their own eyes, they will only think that the Red Horse Prince Consort is fighting and retreating to lure the enemy, and is following the routine used by the Mongolian army.

But Tuo Lei understood it, and Nayan of the several Qianhu households around him also understood it. Chiju Prince Consort was not the kind of person who would wantonly bully his subordinates. He killed his subordinates repeatedly as a warning because the remaining soldiers of the four Qianhu households had done their best.

Even if you try your best, you really can't hold on for long.

Maybe if we delay for a moment longer, the retreat will turn into collapse, and those Tiefutu who continued to charge despite the rain of arrows will rush into the crowd and kill them again!

Who can bear such a loss?

The tow mine can only dispatch six thousand households on both wings in advance and put them into the battlefield. In this way, the battlefield will be farther away from the location of the tow mine and closer to the Haicang Town camp.

However, there's no big problem.

Tuo Lei let out a sigh and murmured: "Fortunately... we have already led Tie Fu Tu out."

As long as this enemy army leaves the Haicang Town camp, once the two wings of fine cavalry are thrown into the battlefield, they will definitely be able to encircle and annihilate them.

Since Tuo Lei left Weizhou, there have been many twists and turns throughout the battle. The recent Tiefutu assault almost frightened Tuo Lei. But in the end, everything was not much different from what he had imagined.

Tuo Lei's command made no mistakes. As long as we can encircle and destroy the enemy, we will win this battle.

And it was still a big victory, a big victory enough to boast in front of Father Khan!

This is the Tie Fu Tu, an elite force that the Jurchens have boasted about for a long time but have never seen! Such a troop is worthy of the courage of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops. Annihilating this enemy army is ten times better than annihilating it.

, a hundred times the ordinary Jin Army, no matter how high the price is, it is still worth it.

What's more, after capturing them, the seizure of armor and horses alone can already make up for the previous losses.

What's more, among the enemy cavalry, there might be Guo Ning!

With a dilapidated fort and a group of iron pagoda cavalry, four thousand-household Mongolian troops were beaten into this state. Guo Ning was indeed quite capable.

But how could he, a small officer from the Jin Kingdom, interrupt the rise of the Great Mongolia? No matter how powerful he was, he was just a small stone on the path of the Mongolian army. He couldn't stand a kick.


Six thousand families of cavalry galloped forward, and the formation spread out for several miles to the north and south sides. The men were as strong as tigers, and the horses were as angry as dragons. The ground shook, and murderous intent shot into the sky.

These six thousand households come from the four Nylon Mongolian tribes of Ba'alin, Changshiwuti, Nagaqin and Hetajin.

Before Genghis Khan went to conquer the Naiman tribe, he first established sixty-five thousand households, and these six thousand households were among them. This is not the recruitment and surrender of Zhedieer, Tuosahhe, Kuokuochu and others after the establishment of the Great Mongolia.

Qianhu formed by the rebels, but the real elite of the Mongolian headquarters!

In every previous battle, they had achieved a crushing victory, destroying dozens of cities in the Jin Kingdom and killing hundreds of thousands of people in the Jin Kingdom!

The cavalry of these six thousand households was originally about 4,000. Although they were damaged in the long battle, but with the war slaves they brought with them after entering the Central Plains, the number increased to 6,740. They galloped.

In the battle, no one is their opponent! Not even Tie Futu!

Tuo Lei began to look forward to catching Guo Ning.

I remember Guo Ning said that he was not a Jurchen, but a Han.

The Han people did a lot to serve the Jurchens, but the Jurchens are all cowardly and incompetent fools, not even a bit inferior to the Mongols. So, if I capture Guo Ning and he is willing to surrender, should I give him a chance? Haha,

Maybe if I get this person to work for me, it will be like my father Khan getting a farewell?

The world is so vast, and the Mongols’ road of conquest is endless, and the more warriors who follow the Golden Family, the better. Who knows what will happen in the future...

Just as he was thinking of this, Na Ke'er who was beside Tuo Lei hesitated and said: "Fourth Prince, look to the west! The enemy army is getting closer and closer!"

Tuo Lei turned around and looked around, his good mood suddenly gone by half.

The size of this army is obviously larger than what was said before. There are cavalry in front of the army in a wide front, and behind the cavalry there are a series of flags, as if they can't see the side at a glance. And the smoke and dust stirred up in the sky when they march, it is like a mountain.

An army of ten thousand people.

Moreover, they are approaching!

Is this really a large army that can fight? If there are really tens of thousands of Jin troops entering the battlefield, I am afraid that I will have to withdraw two or three of the six thousand households before I can rest assured.

But how can the navy have such power? They are probably bluffing and deceiving me, right?

Tuo Lei hesitated for a moment.

He asked in a deep voice: "Who is the leader of Aljinchi who is responsible for exploring the west?"

A strong man emerged from the crowd and knelt on the ground.

"Seven lashes and we'll investigate again immediately!"

Na Ke'er whipped him and hit him, but the strong man lay still, letting the skin on his back be torn open. After seven whips, he jumped up and rode away.

Tuo Lei thought about it for a while, but he was still uneasy and looked around again.

Many Qianhu Nayan had already led troops to the east. He could only point to one Baihu who he thought was experienced in fighting: "Na Minfu, you take your own Baihu and I will give you another three hundred. No,

Five hundred Batuers. You set up defenses along the glue. If the enemy crosses the river, you are responsible for driving them back. If you do, I will give you an additional five hundred slaves and a hundred good horses!"

Na Minfu was overjoyed and went off with his troops.

After dragging the thunder and driving the horses back, let's look at the situation where the main cavalry force in the east is encircling and annihilating Tiefutu.

The distance between the troops and horses to the west is still far away. The Jurchens' marching speed has never been commendable, so there is no need to panic.

On the main battlefield to the east, the cavalry from both sides has quickly approached. This is the top priority and the key!

The fight between two cavalry teams is undoubtedly the most ornamental scene in the war. War horses of various colors gallop across the vast land, splashing gray dust, and then red blood mist explodes everywhere, coupled with the sound of swords, guns and the sky.

The cold light reflected from the arrow. Such a beautiful scene is the blooming of life and death at the same time. Every Mongolian will never tire of it!

Tuo Lei clenched his fists, waiting for the riding battle to begin, feeling that the blood in his body was about to boil.

But for some reason, a strange feeling of irritability slowly developed, as if I had missed something or neglected something.

What? What exactly?

Tuo Lei suddenly regretted that he should not have sent the Red Horse Prince Consort to the front. As a young commander who was leading an army for the first time, he needed reliable friends to stay by his side to discuss matters and constantly check for omissions, instead of acting like a hound.

Running far away with tongue out.

But what are the flaws in the arrangement in front of me?

Tiefutu, who dared to rush and fight fiercely in the east, was about to be surrounded. The army in the west was still far away, and Na Minfu had brought five hundred elite troops to set up defenses along the river. Even if there was an accident, they could withstand it for a while.

And I am in the middle of the command, making arrangements at any time...

Everything is fine, no problem. What am I worried about?

Tuo Lei looked around, and his friends noticed that the fourth prince looked a little dazed, and quickly responded with an attentive smile. Since his father Khan won the title of Genghis Khan, Tuo Lei was used to seeing this kind of smiling face, even if there were two or three hundred people.

They were all laughing, but he didn't take it to heart at all.


Two to three hundred people?

I came here with ten thousand people. When I attacked the fortress a few days ago, I kept my team of six thousand people motionless... But in the past short moment, the Red Horse Prince Consort led his people away, and six people on the left and right wings left.

Qianhu left, and Naminfu left with five hundred Batuer. So, are there only two or three hundred people left around him now?

Is it a little thin?

Tu Lei's thoughts were suddenly interrupted. He vaguely heard the sound of hoofbeats, but it was not his own cavalry.

It seemed to come from the north? The sound was suddenly covered up by the sound of the ocean tide and could no longer be heard.

Tou Lei Po Ma looked to the north, which was the direction towards the sea. The sea in the Kingdom of Jin was larger than the sea on the grassland. It could not be seen to the edge at a glance, and the scale of the tidal flats on the seaside was also much larger.

Tuo Lei had already sent people to explore the area. The area was full of muddy tidal flats that were impossible to step on. If one were not careful, even people and horses would fall into it. The tidal flats were covered with grass as tall as a person and strange-looking salt wormwood.

, and there are a lot of sand and stones that can easily hurt horses' hooves. Not to mention people and horses, probably only crabs and fish can live there.

What could possibly be wrong with that place?

Tuo Lei chuckled twice.

He said to himself: Maybe, the enemy can still grow out of the beach?

As if in response to the towing thunder, at this moment, a bright red flag was raised from the dense grass, and then was blown by the sea breeze, and spread out loudly. Following the flag, one after another

There are many cavalrymen!

They emerged from the grassy beach without warning, then quickly ran out and gathered into a charging formation.

A tall knight in the lead saw the white banner held high by Tuo Lei's command not far away, Tuo Lei with a strange look on his face, and Na Ke'er and Batu'er clustering around him.

So he laughed.


Hahaha, one update in the morning... I will be very busy during the day and afternoon today, so I have to get up early to type...


This chapter has been completed!
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