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Chapter 243 The Old Pawn (1)

When the people boarded the ship, Monk Luo kept holding an iron rod and stood watching, as majestic as the Vajra Bodhisattva.

Zhao Xuan and Monk Luo had been sitting side by side for several years. Looking at his face, he lowered his voice and said, "Would you like to sit down for a while?"

Monk Luo shook his head: "Don't worry, wait until everyone gets on the boat."

That day, Guo Ning assigned the Tiefutu knights to charge into three formations. Monk Luo led the last formation, which was also the one with the heaviest pressure. After a fight, two toes on his left foot were cut off by a heavy arrow and he was seriously injured.


Injuries on the feet are different from those on the hands and body. As long as you move, you will bear force, and the heavy force of the entire body is added to it, so the injury can easily worsen.

However, Monk Luo was the stronger one. When the fleet was halfway through, he led a surprise attack on Zouping. He jumped and ran to fight with the enemy the whole way, and then he took a big step to intimidate the Mongols. When the Mongols were around, he could still maintain his power.

At this moment, there was some blood seeping from the boots, and the pain on the toe was excruciating... He could hardly stand still.

Hearing Monk Luo speak like this, Zhao Xuan nodded, turned around and called two soldiers back to carry Monk Luo's jiaochu from the bow of the boat.

At this time, the Mongols were far away. Except for a small number of cavalry who were sent to look out in the distance, most of the soldiers were relaxed. The two soldiers hurriedly boarded the boat, each holding a handrail and were about to turn back, but they saw that their companions on the boat were older.

He opened his mouth and looked towards the ravine not far away to the south.

Looking back, a wisp of smoke rose.

The black smoke billows like an ominous omen.

The people who had not yet boarded the ship suddenly became confused. They rushed onto the narrow pier, trying to board the ship as soon as possible, and then their houses collided with each other. Some people were constantly squeezed into the shallow water and mud. Some people were so frightened that they simply jumped into the river.

Swim to catch up with a ship that has set sail.

Liu Yue, who was responsible for maintaining order, kept yelling and scolding, but it was completely useless, so he led his trusted subordinates to whip and beat them randomly. But the people were all frightened, and Liu Yue was not good at killing people to establish his authority. How could he be cured for a while?

Among the two Tongzhou ships moored next to the trestle, one of the boats was occupied by Monk Luo and his elite soldiers. The soldiers kept shouting and not allowing the people to rush onto the ship, but Monk Luo's beloved Jiaozhu could not be sent aboard.

There were many people on board the other ship. The people who boarded the ship did not obey the command and moved arbitrarily. The whole ship tilted to the side visibly. Seeing that something was wrong, the captain repeatedly ordered the anchor to be raised and the sails to be raised. As a result, more people came to the ship.

He walked to the trestle in fear.

The weight of too many people finally caused the entire trestle to collapse, and the wood suddenly fell into the water. Dozens of people on the trestle also fell with it, and they all fell to pieces and groaned.

"What's going on?" Monk Luo was furious and pointed in the direction of the smoke with an iron rod: "Go to a group of people and check clearly. If there are any enemies or people with ulterior motives, don't hold back!"

A group of heavily armed soldiers immediately rushed over.

Liu Yue had given up on controlling the people and shouted to the officers and men on the ship: "Be on guard! Be on guard! Archers in position! Sailors in position!"

When everyone was nervous, on the other side of the fence left by the Mongols, a man with his head wrapped in linen ran quickly and waved his hands: "Misunderstanding! Military gentlemen, there is a misunderstanding!"

"What kind of monster is this?" Monk Luo was surprised.

A smart soldier thought for a while and said: "Just now the Mongols threatened to kill all the old and weak. This man rushed out from the forest behind and confronted the Mongolian cavalry. He has been standing there in a daze since then..."

"Bring him here and ask the Sa family!"

After a long fuss, Zhang Rong finally made things clear.

I heard that he gathered thousands of people to protect themselves right under the eyes of the Mongols. I also heard that he ordered to light up the smoke in order to lead his troops to fight to the death with the Mongols and create an opportunity for the people to escape. Monk Luo

I can't help but be moved.

"What a man! What a man!"

Looking at Zhang Rong again, his face had clearly been poked by an arrow, but he was talking to Monk Luo without any fear of pain. Monk Luo nodded repeatedly and said with satisfaction: "He is still a tough guy!"

"How shameless!" Zhang Rong said very sincerely: "We were just private salt traders before, gathering the people to fight against the Mongols, but we were just indignant. This master is compassionate and please give us some food and a name.

, it would be much better for us to come forward to recruit people for Guo Jiedu than to allow the Mongols to plunder everywhere."

Zhang Rong has a rough appearance and is even more embarrassed now, but he is actually very considerate.

In just a few sentences, he defined his own family, complimented Monk Luo, and tactfully requested material support and recognition of his position. Finally, he vaguely mentioned that the operation of the designated navy might promote the Mongols' plundering.

The danger.

This was a bit beyond Monk Luo's expectations. Monk Luo thought about it for a moment and decided that it would be better to pretend to be stupid.

"This is a great idea, but the Sa family can't decide."

At this time, the people finally settled down again, and the two soldiers came over carrying the jiaozuo. Monk Luo sat down in the large jiaozuo, and put his feet on the newly built shelf in front of the jiaozuo: "You come back with me

I went to Laizhou and met Guo Jiedu, and everything will be explained."

Zhang Rong bowed and saluted: "Yes!"

Before the sun sets, the fleet is reorganized and embarks on its return journey.

Although they were sailing along the current, the northeast wind was blowing and the waterways in autumn and winter were shallower after all. The fleet was not traveling fast. Some sections of the river needed to be hauled through, so Zhang Rong helped organize the people and organized them.

A temporary team of trackers.

As a private salt dealer, he has quite a reputation among the people. Among the more than 6,000 people in the fleet, at least a hundred people recognize him, and many others have heard of him. With his help, many things can be done.


There was also a scholar father and son among the people. The father was called Li Shibi and the son was called Li Chang.

The journey was uneventful, and the fleet turned out of the river within a few days, and then followed the coast straight to Laizhou.

During the voyage, the common people inquired one after another about what the situation was like in Laizhou today, and whether they could live and work in peace. The soldiers proudly told about Guo Ning's move of giving the soldiers shelter and then dividing the fields. Everyone speculated that their family was

If you make a successful trip, you will probably get more land, and the treatment the people will get this time will be roughly the same as last time.

There is nothing wrong with being a shady householder. In the early years, the Jurchens were expropriating land, and many people worked as tenants for the Jurchens, and their status was not as good as that of a shady householder. If you can really get a hundred acres of land, and have many military lords covering your head, maybe it will be the opposite.

It's a good thing.

Most of the people are looking forward to this, and some are worried that Guo Ning just talked and tricked these soldiers into fighting. Now that he has won, there may be another theory.

Whenever someone raised doubts, the soldiers were very unhappy and immediately refuted them.

Soldiers think about problems from a different perspective than ordinary people. They don't have to think about what is available and what is not available, they just say one thing.

That was when they were fighting against the Mongolian army. The generals of the Ding Navy, including Guo Jiedu, all took the lead, and many senior officers above them were killed in the battle.

Throughout the war, the risks taken by the generals were no different from those of ordinary soldiers, or even more. When Guo Ning himself captured Tuo Lei, he only had to be a little slower and was trampled into a pulp by thousands of troops.

It's light.

Who would doubt the general who lived and died with his soldiers? The friendship and trust gained from the battlefield are solidified with blood and made of steel, which is worth a thousand words!

"Haicang Town has arrived!" the sailor in charge of the lookout shouted.

So the people who had been sitting in the bilge chatting rushed to the bow of the ship.

The fleet rounded a rugged reef that plunged into the sea, and they saw the port.

The natural conditions of the port in Haicang Town are very average, far inferior to the Sanshan Port in Xiyou Town to the north. Therefore, the port is not spectacular, but when everyone sees it, it feels vibrant. They see the dense crowds inside and outside; when they hear here and there,

Occasionally, a short and powerful sound of a brass horn is heard.

They saw people following the instructions of the trumpet, rushing back and forth, carrying stones and wood; they saw that the port was clearly divided into different functional areas; they saw that outside the port, roads, barracks, trenches, watchtowers, and high-rise buildings were being expanded.

A majestic military fortress.

As a private salt dealer, Zhang Rong has seen many private ports on the seaside. In his early years, his family also came to the port in Haicang Town and did several cross-border smuggling transactions. But now, the scale of the port he saw was larger than what he remembered.

Many, and several trestles that go deep into the sea are being built.

When the fleet slowly approached the shore, he even noticed that there were many soldiers patrolling and sentrying inside and outside the port. Most of these soldiers were lazy and seemed to have no energy, but their posture was similar to that of ordinary soldiers.

The feeling of laziness is completely different.

Zhang Rong didn't know before, but he had led his people to fight several times in the past few days, and he could tell that it was clearly the bloody warriors resting contentedly after the war. How relaxed they were at this time, and how brave and fearless they were during the previous fights.


Just when we were about to take a closer look, the ship came to the pier.

Zhang Rong's boat was ranked second in the fleet, second only to Monk Luo's boat. At this moment, Monk Luo was sitting carelessly on the crossbar raised by four people, with his feet raised very high.

We have already landed along the trestle.

Several officers who looked like officers came to greet him on the shore and chatted happily. None of them were dignified or aloof, they were just colleagues.

The young man Li Chang ran over and shouted: "Uncle Zhang! Get off the boat!"

"Come on, come on!" Zhang Rong straightened his clothes and quickly followed.

This chapter has been completed!
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