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Chapter 254 Military and Political (Part 2)

When I returned to my room, I found that Yang Chengzhi was already waiting. Thick documents and books were divided into several piles according to different types of affairs and were placed on the table.

According to the imperial system, the Jiedushi was assisted by two judges. One of the Jiedu judges, a seventh-rank official, was in charge of the affairs of the town, and was responsible for judging military and horse affairs, as well as military, criminal, and engineering matters; and observing the judges.

One member, the seventh rank. He is in charge of discipline and observes all affairs, judges officials, households, etiquette matters, and conducts general inspections and recommends arranging books.

Guo Ning had previously appointed Yi La Chucai as the Jiedu judge, and Du Shisheng as the observation judge. However, Du Shisheng's official status was actually to facilitate his activities in Zhongdu and to control related affairs in Zhigu village.

Therefore, in fact, all military and political affairs are in the hands of Chu Cai.

At this time, every document placed in front of Guo Ning has been signed and approved by Yilan Chucai. It is rare for him to be so busy, and his handwriting is still strict... Guo Ning guessed that Yilan Chucai was worried that if he wrote

If it is scrawled, the Jiedushi Master will not be able to recognize it.

Guo Ning flipped through the documents, glanced at them briefly, and then read them carefully, occasionally asking a few questions. After Yang Chengzhi confirmed it, he took out the square Yangwen Jiedushi bronze seal from his waist.

, dipped in ink and struck hard.

According to the story of Yizai Chucai, in recent years, the imperial court has appointed officials with ten sheep and nine shepherds, and their work has become increasingly difficult. Even the official seals are not as good as they used to be. The official seal of Guo Ning, a dignified military envoy, has "Nei Shaofu" engraved on the back of the seal.

There were actually quite a few sand holes next to the model, but they were finally polished smooth, which makes sense at first glance.

After typing more than a dozen copies, Guo Ning paused, pulled out a few documents and asked again. Yang Chengzhi answered fluently at first, but occasionally hesitated a little, and said with sweat on his forehead: "I have to ask Brother Jin Qing."

Guo Ning didn't mind either: "Jin Qing is busy, so don't bother me."

He put the documents aside and asked Ni Cong to go directly to the corresponding person in charge and read the others first.

When the person in charge arrived, Guo Ning made a brief inquiry and compared it with what was stated in the document before making a decision.

In less than half an hour, dozens of documents were all dealt with, and most of them were handled according to the intention of moving Chu Cai, but Guo Ning did not let go completely.

Although he is not familiar with those literary allusions or administrative vocabulary, so he often consults Yang Chengzhi. But he is an experienced soldier. Even in his current position, he has been in and out of the army and maintained a harmonious attitude.

The close relationship between soldiers has never been isolated. Therefore, he is very aware of all the details of the military and even the various matters derived from military affairs, and there is nothing he does not know.

Some of them were so biased that even Chucai and Yang Chengzhi didn't notice them. He wrote about them on the spot and wrote down his own opinions. The opinions he put forward were practical and feasible, whether to prevent the slightest change or to take advantage of the situation.

On that day, Yang Chengzhi joined Guo Ning's subordinates along with Yi Ya Chu Cai. Because he was a relative of Yi Ya Chu Cai's mother's family, his ancestor had produced the famous Hanlin Yang Boren, and he also passed the imperial examination of Ci Fu Jinshi, so he treated ordinary warriors vaguely.

Somewhat arrogant, even towards Guo Ning, he was occasionally a little bit aggressive.

As a result, after several exchanges of documents, Yang Chengzhi realized that although Guo Ning did not learn, he seemed to have some talents given by heaven, and he became particularly respectful.

Guo Ning was also very kind to this right-hand man who had slandered Chu materials. Seeing Yang Chengzhi holding the book and going out, Guo Ning thought for a moment and waved: "It's lunch time. Chengzhi might as well join me for a simple meal."


In a moment, Meng Cong brought lunch.

Normally, Guo Ning would be in the military camp, having lunch with the soldiers. It was rare for him to eat at home, and there was nothing particularly good or exquisite. It was just pancakes, pickles and the like, and a large plate of roast mutton, which was quite generous, but

It was not roasted well and the cook was very careless. There were burnt spots and bloody spots.

Yang Chengzhi would not treat himself so slowly on weekdays, but he was a smart man. He ate three scones with gusto, and together with Guo Ning, they also shared the mutton. Finally, he patted his belly with satisfaction: "Thank you, Jieshuai!"

Guo Ning raised his tea cup and signaled to him: "Chengzhi was detained in Yidu before, and it was not easy. Drinking is not suitable in the army. I will drink tea instead of wine and propose a toast to you."

Yang Chengzhi stood up in panic and clinked glasses with Guo Ning: "Jie Shuai, these documents can't be delayed. I'm leaving now."

"Thank you for your hard work, Chengzhi. Please do it."

After seeing Yang Chengzhi off, Guo Ning was a little tired, but continued to look at various documents.

What is still left with him are some documents that are important but not urgent.

For example, Dengzhou promised to send civil servants to serve in Laizhou, but it listed many difficulties in this place in bits and pieces. It seems that the war of words will have to go back and forth three or five times.

Another example is the people of Jing'an in Ye County. On the one hand, they built additional facilities in the city to prepare for the relocation of the Jiedu envoys. In addition, they also set up six forts in the surrounding area based on the scale of 3,000 military households and more than 10,000 shady households.

, set aside land that can be cultivated, and taking advantage of the drought in winter, the water diversion project from Hantong Mountain to Ye County has also started. They are stationed in Ye County and seize the money and grain from the local tyrants. For this purpose, they flow out like water, and Jing

An Min wrote a long article, but in reality he was asking for money.

There are also documents from Liu Cheng reporting the damage to the military and civilian books. Hao Duan at Sanshan Port accepted a group of documents from smugglers from the Southern Dynasties. Monk Luo proposed taking a boat to rob the documents from the Qingchi Granary in Cangzhou. Li Ting seconded the proposal and expressed

The idea of ​​​​robbery came to him first, and he asked for documents to pre-allocate food, military supplies...

When Guo Ning was in Wushabao, even if he had a hundred dreams, he would never dream that he would actually be able to sit on a chair and decide the fate of many people with a single stroke of his pen.

This feeling is completely different from the pleasure of drawing blood with a knife. Guo Ning once thought that he would fall asleep whenever he touched these things. But in fact, when he looked at the documents, although he was inevitably troubled, he also felt a little bit happy.

, slowly grew from it.

The trouble is that the boring business of rulers and tablets is not to his liking after all. He does not have a reliable copywriter around him who can help him write or consult, so he has to do everything by himself. Sometimes he asks Lu Han for help, and Lu Han

Letters may not necessarily be available.

The joy is that these documents represent that his little power is taking root and growing.

Guo Ning had a strong sense of crisis in Wushapu, Xijunhe, and even Zhigu Village. He instinctively knew that those places were too close to the Mongols and too dangerous.

And here in Laizhou, it's very good. The Mongolian army's cavalry has reached its limit here. Here, Guo Ning's methods can be spread and his power can be exerted. And many of the weird ideas and plans in his heart can be slowed down.

Slowly put it into practice, and then transformed into force, into something that can truly overwhelm the Mongols and choke the terrible craze.

As he watched, he began to concentrate, and time flew by.

Ni Yi coughed twice outside the door and knocked on the door again: "Jie Shuai, Jieshuai!"


"The soldiers and horses of the third and fourth command divisions have already gathered outside the fort."

Guo Ning responded. He was gathering several open books when footsteps hurriedly sounded outside. Yi Lai Chucai and Xu Wei came in front and back. Yi Lai Chucai's expression was a little strange, while Xu Wei was sweating profusely.

Breathing heavily.

Guo Ning immediately cheered up: "What happened?"


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