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Chapter 264 Flying (Part 1)

He said this cheerfully, and everyone laughed, whether in the mountains or on the seaside. Some people laughed and shouted, "Thieves are thieves, and officials are also thieves!"

It has been more than seventy years since Shandong fell into the territory of Dajin during the Jingkang period of the Southern Dynasties.

Everyone does not miss the emperors of the Song Dynasty. In the early years when Emperor Shizong of the Jin Dynasty was around, no matter how good life was for everyone, they could always get by and occasionally have a little hope, which was good.

But after the Zhang Zong Dynasty, firstly, there were constant natural disasters, and secondly, the imperial court was encroaching on the land and fields, and officials colluded with each other. Many fierce people took advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, and their behavior was uglier than a mad dog. In just a few years, the grassroots people of Guizhou and Li were really like this.

The weeds were cut again and again by the dignitaries above, and they were cut again and again, one crop after another, as if they would not stop until the roots were cut.

This is a natural way to survive. Facing such officials and thieves, the people are like fish in a pot. They can only be steamed and overcooked, and they will die.

In this case, what about officials and what about thieves? Why bother to worry about it? Although the hatred between officials and thieves is as deep as the sea, in fact, the styles have long been unclear. If you are too obsessed with this, it will seem to be those dog officials.

Look too high.

Yang An'er looked at everyone with a smile. When everyone's voices gradually stopped, he immediately asked: "Since officials are all thieves, why don't we thieves act like officials?"

He turned around and pointed at the many flags that were getting closer, and pointed at the intimidating-looking positions on the flags: "Since the officials have become thieves, then we thieves will be replaced by officials! This time we raise the army,

I’m about to let everyone have a taste of what it’s like to be an official! Everyone! Everyone!”

Yang An'er raised her hand to signal to everyone: "Those ceremonial guards and flags are not only from Mi, Ju, Yi, Hai and other prefectures, there are also heroes from Taishan and Lushan who are willing to join the army. There are not only ceremonial guards and flags, but also the general's ceremonial guard."

, the official uniform of the Jiedu Envoy, the corresponding official position, and power! When the Jin army is defeated and Shandong is captured, the generals will report their achievements and return home in fine clothes. We take care of the people of our hometown, and everyone

If we all live a good life, wouldn't it be a hundred times or a thousand times better than those Jurchen dog officials?"

Many leaders and village owners behind Liu Erzu, although they have always followed Liu Erzu, have always respected Yang An'er. Now they were excited to hear what he said, and they looked at the poor appearance of their own family, and at the many things behind Yang An'er.

The generals' uniforms are distinctive, their armor is dazzling, and their tall horses are lined up...

In fact, everyone came to Moqishan to discuss the rebellion. From what Yang An'er said, this big thing can really be done!

Many people went to see Liu Erzu.

Liu Erzu still looked like an old farmer with gray hair on his temples, with deep wrinkles on his face, like cracks on a rock. He sat cross-legged and looked up at Yang An'er: "Having said that, the battle is not easy to fight."

Yang An'er laughed loudly: "Old Liu, have you been timid after staying in the mountains for a long time?"

"It's not that you are timid." Liu Erzu shook his head and said: "The people in the mountains are very poor and difficult, and life is not easy. But I don't want them to die. I will always think more and worry more."

"Old Liu, who are you worried about?"

Yang An'er laughed out loud: "Wan Yan Sala? Huang Slap Wudian? Or who? In Shandong, there are only these two generals who command tens of thousands of troops. No matter what others say, there is an extra state capital at hand, with thousands of soldiers...

...Those are just stones blocking the road. Our army is like a surging tide. Are we still afraid of two stones? In the final analysis, the battle can be fought slowly, and it doesn’t matter if we lose two games. In the end, it will always be us.


Liu Erzu sighed: "I think something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Liu Erzu smashed his leg with his fist and stood up slowly: "When we first rebelled, none of us knew how to use soldiers, and we didn't have any weapons and equipment at hand, so when we met the soldiers and horses sent by the imperial court to suppress them, we were always defeated. Later.

There have been more fights, everyone has gained experience, and the imperial troops are gradually not as good as before, so occasionally they can put their posture into practice, fight a few big battles, and still win."

"That's right."

"At that time, the most skilled soldiers were Marshal Yang and your troops. Later, you were recruited by the imperial court, and your troops went to Northern Xinjiang, known as the Tiewa Dare Fighting Army. I have also heard of it."

This statement was a bit too short, and the faces of all the generals behind Yang An'er darkened. Yang An'er was kind-hearted and continued to ask: "What next?"

"I think Marshal Yang's soldiers and horses are at least as elite as the imperial army. But now, the Mongolian army has invaded one after another and killed hundreds of thousands of imperial troops. It's like killing chickens and slaughtering sheep. And you,

Neither I nor my men dare to act arrogantly in front of the Mongols. It seems that Marshal Yang’s troops are probably not as good as the Mongolian army.”

Liu Erzu pondered and said: "But in this Shandong territory, there is an army that defeated ten thousand Mongolian troops in one battle. How are these soldiers and horses better than the Mongolian army? How are they compared to Marshal Yang's Tiewagang Army? No.

There is no proper way to fight against this army. I am afraid that after we raise our troops, we will suffer a heavy setback."

Yang An'er was about to speak, but Liu Erzu raised his hand to stop him: "Marshal Yang, you are a good leader of soldiers. You regard the lives of soldiers as numbers. Do you think that no matter how strong the enemy is, as long as endless waves of soldiers press forward?

, there is always a time to win. In my eyes, so many soldiers are brothers, but I am not willing to waste their lives."

Yang An'er shook her head repeatedly: "Old Liu, you are overthinking. I never meant this."

When he heard what Liu Erzu said, he knew it was not good.

Someone had said this in the mountain school before, and the meaning of the words was similar to that of Liu Erzu. At that time, Yang An'er just didn't hear clearly and was confused.

In fact, he himself is a long-standing bandit ancestor, so how can he not know the thoughts of the village owners and leaders? And he is more afraid of Guo Ning than others.

That day at the gate of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, even though Yang An'er was temporarily defeated by Hu Shahu's ferocious power, it was obvious that he was powerful after all, far superior to the group of defeated soldiers that Guo Ning struggled with, so when he retreated, he could still say a few nice words.

But a few months later, when Guo Ning pursued him to Shandong, his military strength had more than doubled?

Yang An'er specially instructed Li Quan to make way for the Mongolian army, and wanted the Mongolian army to get rid of this powerful neighbor for him, but the Mongolian army actually lost!

How can such a strong army win by relying on huge numbers of people? Liu Erzu actually guessed my thoughts like this. It can be seen that he has not made any progress after more than ten years of fighting, and he still doesn't know how to fight.

Yang An'er thought of a way to deal with Guo Ning. But this method...not to mention whether it works or not, first of all, it relies on the friendship between the two families who fought side by side in Zhuozhou. It is definitely not a big deal to rely on Guo Ning.

The premise of being a loyal minister also relies on... ahem, it's hard to say this in public.

Yang An'er saw that many people were paying attention to her, waiting for her to tell her how to deal with Guo Ning.

This is a bit troublesome.

"Old Liu, you are talking about Ding Hai Guo Ning, right? Guo Ning? That Guo Ning... Hahahaha!" He laughed with all his strength and looked up to the sky. While laughing, he was thinking about it, trying to come up with something.


The laughter rumbled and reverberated in the distant mountains, causing echoes. Yang An'er was indeed the number one rebel in Shandong, full of power, and his laughter could not hide his heroic spirit and confidence in victory.

But after laughing for a long time, I started to feel a little less energetic than at the beginning.

Yang An'er's neck felt a little tight, her face started to turn a little red, and the thoughts that were spinning in her head began to become a little unsteady...

At this moment, a dusty sentinel cavalry rushed from a distance and knelt down in front of Yang An'er: "Report to Marshal, urgent military situation!"

Yang An'er was relieved and her laughter stopped.

In any case, when this sentry horse came and rescued me, I wanted a heavy reward.

Yang An'er asked calmly: "What's the military information? Report it quickly!"

"Marshal, yes, a cavalry suddenly came over, and it was too fast to stop them! Zuoshanzhai Pass, Puqingzhen Pass, Wulianchuan Pass didn't stop them! Even Leigushan Pass..." The cavalry galloped on horseback.

For a long time, his lips were withered and turned white. He opened his mouth several times, but could not finish his words.

The pass of Leigu Mountain is an important barrier to the north of Moqi Mountain. After passing Leigu Mountain and bypassing Hehuading, you will find the Zhaigu Mountain platform where everyone is gathering at this time!

"What cavalry? What happened to Leigushan Pass?" Yang An'er grabbed the robe of the sentry cavalry and shook it repeatedly: "Speak quickly!"

The sentry knight was shaken so hard that he almost vomited out his eyes. How could he speak anymore?

Next to him, Liu Erzu was much calmer.

"Marshal Yang! Marshal Yang! Old Yang!"

"Ah, what do you say?"

"Look over there!"

In the direction pointed by Liu Erzu, a group of light cavalry rolled over the ground like a strong wind. Thousands of horse hooves trampled on it, causing the ground to tremble slightly, and the sound of hoofbeats was approaching like thunder.

There were several places where Yang An'er had set up checkpoints, and some cavalrymen tried to run out to intercept them. However, this cavalry was galloping like lightning, how could they stop it? Most of the cavalrymen could only follow behind and eat dust. Occasionally, there were a few brave ones.

Those who bravely stood in front were no longer visible for just a moment. And the speed of the cavalry did not slow down at all!

The cavalry kept approaching, but they saw people like tigers, horses like dragons, and swords and guns flashing with cold light like lightning. Although there were only two or three hundred cavalry, they looked like thousands of troops rushing forward!

Even the Leigu Mountain Pass didn’t stop them!

How is this possible? This is Moqi Mountain, the base where our family has been operating for a long time! The surrounding areas of Moqi Mountain are all the territory where our family has been rooted for a long time. There are reliable subordinates at every access point and important checkpoint.

Guard carefully.

What's more, in addition to the fortresses and checkpoints, there are also dangerous mountains and crisscrossed waterways... Why did someone get so far into it?

Where did this cavalry come from?

What are they going to do?

Yang An'er was in a daze for a moment. He looked around and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

"It's Guo Ning." Yang Miaozhen rode over from the side and said coldly.

"Wha, what?"

"Didn't you just laugh and shout about Guo Ning? Now Guo Ning is here. Look clearly, the tall man riding a green horse in front of the cavalry is Guo Ning!"

What is this guy doing here at Moqishan? Is there going to be a fight right now?

Yang An'er felt a bit bitter in her mouth. He kept his majestic posture unchanged and asked in a deep voice: "What, how to deal with it?"

Yang Miaozhen glared at his brother, screamed, and urged his horse forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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