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Chapter 289

In mid-March, the ice and snow melted across Shandong.

The turmoil and war that began in the second half of last year seemed to have come to an end during this period. Now that the weather has warmed up, people everywhere have begun to start spring plowing, and those who have been included in the military household system have started earlier.

.After all, they have more land in their hands, but most of them lack servants. They have to pay close attention to many things such as plowing and ridging.

For a time, crowds of ants could be seen running around in the fields all over Laizhou, which made people feel like there was new smoke in the countryside.

At this time, Ding Haijun Mansion was also quite busy.

No matter how well prepared we have been in winter, when the farming season comes, we always feel that something is not right here and there is not enough. Some counties have more cattle but not enough grain; some counties have grain but not enough farm tools.

Some counties began to cultivate land, but found that the previously dug ditches did not work at all.

It is inevitable that some warriors would complain that most of their farmers were old and weak and could not do anything. They were about to miss the farming season, so they had no time to train.

The staff in the military government had a special discussion and they all felt that the situation was not difficult to adjust, but the people were all going to farm, and they lacked some manpower that could be dispatched.

Fortunately, after a whole winter, Ding Haijun's control over the local area has become stronger and stronger, his family wealth is stronger, and he has more methods.

Previously, the Ding Navy reorganized the soldiers from Deng, Lai, and Ninghai Prefectures, and uniformly screened the prison forces in Deng Prefecture and Ninghai Prefecture. There is no doubt that the Ding Navy is elite, and the requirements for selecting soldiers are also high. Those who have been eliminated

There are two to three thousand soldiers. However, many of them have left the army and have no home at all. They are only temporarily under the control of the people of Jing'an.

This time, the military government simply deregistered all of them, and the Secretary of Government made unified arrangements and distributed them to various places. A small amount assisted in the transportation of materials, and most of them directly assisted in spring plowing. After the spring plowing, they were assigned to shade houses on the spot, which was also considered as giving them a


The so-called prison army was inherited from the Song Dynasty system. As the name suggests, it was people who committed crimes and committed crimes, and was used for defense and construction.

However, the people in Dajin's prison army were not actually guilty people, but unidentified people kidnapped from various places by local officials when the court was in a hurry to sign military contracts.

Since their identities are unknown, it is inevitable that they will commit crimes and commit crimes. To prevent them from committing crimes and committing crimes, it is natural and normal to tattoo their faces in advance and send them to the prison. As for the soldiers of the prison army,

Everyone says that he is innocent and has never committed any crime, so how can he be trusted? How can any of the thieves in the prison be trusted?

Local officials always found a way to smooth things over, and the soldiers of the Prison Army became the lowest level cannon fodder of the Jin Kingdom, with a status worse than that of the Food Shooting Army.

Wang Erbai is a prison soldier who was eliminated.

He was originally a fisherman from Wandu Village in Haizhou. When he was born, his father harvested 200 kilograms of fish in one net at sea, so he got this name.

In the summer of the year before last, Wang Erbai and the young men from his village went out to sea to fish, and they were hit by a storm at sea. Wang Erbai relied on his outstanding water skills to rescue his companions who fell into the water in the violent storm. However, his own family was in bad luck and was cut off.

The mast was blown off and fell into the water.

He held the mast and drifted on the sea for six full days, relying on raw fish to replenish his strength, and finally landed in the Chengshan area of ​​Ninghai Prefecture. After surviving the disaster, he shouted twice wildly with joy, and then died.

Immortal was discovered by the officials who signed the army.

When the officials saw it, they thought, oh, what a big man. They couldn't help but gathered around him, knocked him over with a stick, and took him back to the city with big ties.

After some confusion, Wang Erbai's identity became a pirate of unknown origin, and then he got a gold seal on his face, and from then on he became a prison sergeant in Wendeng County.

In the next two years, he did not fight, but he saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield several times. This made Wang Erbai miss his family even more.

He tried one after another to find a way to escape, but he had no luck. He was caught several times and was severely punished by his superiors. Once, he was hit hard by a military stick and injured his hip. Now he walks with a slight limp.

When Ding Haijun reorganized his troops, Wang Erbai still wanted to go back to Haizhou, so he cheated and performed poorly in every assessment.

Sure enough, he was eliminated.

Unexpectedly, Ding Haijun treated these eliminated soldiers well and continued to provide food and drink. For half a month, they could eat two half-full meals every day and sleep peacefully at night.

When he was selected and came to Tunbao in Yifeng Town, he was a little scared, thinking that the military men in the Ding Navy armed with swords and guns would make them work hard until they died, so he was planning to escape along the way.

It wasn't until he heard that the strongmen in Haizhou were rebelling and the war was in chaos that he gave up in despair.

Of course, some people did take advantage of the chaos to escape, but there must be a lot of cavalry in the navy, so most of the people who escaped were captured. Those captured the first time were each given twenty military sticks; those captured the second time

, beheaded directly.

The severed heads were hung on bamboo poles and stood outside the camp. It is said that this was the preference of Dingjun Guo Jiedu.

How could a normal person have such a preference? Then Guo Jiedu must have a green face and fangs, and he was very vicious.

When Wang Erbai was a boy in the fishing village, he had heard that the high-ranking officials of the Kingdom of Jin were all Jurchens from the mountains in the north. They were different from Han'er in that they were ruthless, eating human flesh and drinking human blood!

But after spending more than ten timid days in Yifeng Town, Wang Erbai didn't want to leave.

Life in Tunpu, Yifeng Town, is much better than that in Ninghai Prefecture. You can eat scones every day, including cereals, and occasionally some salted vegetables and fish. This is really good, scones as big as your face,

It’s so hard and substantial that you could only eat it during the Chinese New Year in the fishing village!

If I have to say there's something I'm unhappy about, it's that I'm a little tired from working.

The prison army was originally engaged in miscellaneous defense and construction work. Wang Erbai did not work as a coolie in Wendeng County. But working for the government, who is not making do? It is different here in Ding Haijun. The weather is still cold.

We have to dig trenches, build walls, and build houses.

Wang Erbai dug the ditch for three to five days, and then was sent to dig adobe. There is a special point in this matter: the adobe used to build the wall does not just have to be tamped. It must be sieved before tamping to remove the grass seeds in the soil.

, all grass roots must be removed, otherwise the adobe will not be stable.

It’s true that Wang Erbai didn’t want to be a soldier, but he was a kind man. He felt that since he had good food, he had to do good work, so he took a few people who were familiar with his family from the Wendeng prison camp with him. The soldiers carefully sifted the soil every day and pounded it solidly.

He was very strong. When tamping, he could be used as two people, and the progress of making adobe was also fast. Therefore, he was praised several times by the officials above him, and he soon became the leader of more than 20 people. Boss, when you eat every day, there is an extra pancake.

There is a team leader in the camp, it is said that he is a fellow from Changzhou of Guo Jiedu, and he is called Zhao Bin.

Zhao Bin really likes Wang Erbai, who is tall and powerful. He asked Wang Erbai why he was not selected by the military government, and then asked Wang Erbai if he was interested in being his disciple. If he became his disciple, there would be many benefit.

When he was recruiting troops before, Wang Erbai thought a lot, but now for some reason, he was too lazy to think about it.

He said, okay.

Zhao Bin laughed.

I heard from others that many people who have been eliminated by Sha now regret it, but it is not that easy to rejoin the army.

But since Zhao Bin boasted that he and Ding Haijun Guo Jiedu were from the same hometown...this may be true, and he was really confident. For this matter, Zhao Bin took Wang Erbai and made a special trip to Laizhou Ye County. .

Because he took a large truck transporting supplies from the military government, it took only three days to cover a hundred miles. Wang Erbai sat on the roof of the car and felt that the road was straight and solid, with fields and canals on both sides. Every dozen or so There is a small Tunbao similar to Yifeng Town.

After arriving in Ye County, Zhao Bin was indeed very familiar with the government offices. The government office he went to directly was said to be the newly established Laizhou Capital Commandery Department.

After walking through several small courtyards and handing in documents, Zhao Bin asked Wang Erbai to put his fingerprints on the book at the last place.

He said: "Hey kid, press it quickly. Once you finish pressing it, you will be my Alixi! Hahaha!"

Since he had to press his fingerprints, Wang Erbai bit his finger honestly. Thinking of being able to divide the land in the future, he was a little happy, and his mind was full of thinking about how he could bring over all his family members and villagers from Wandu Village in Haizhou. Good day. Thinking of a good thing, he bit down a little harder. When his upper and lower teeth touched, blood dripped from his mouth and flowed out from the corners of his mouth.

After biting it, I found that several officers around me were dumbfounded and kept saying that there was red cinnabar available on the table, so brothers don't need to be so cruel.

This chapter has been completed!
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