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Chapter 317 Savage (Part 2)

"Go quickly! Go quickly!"

Li Yun shouted loudly and ran past Wang Bao'er.

Wang Bao'er only glanced briefly and saw the seriously injured person being carried by Li Yun, and quickly asked: "Are there two more?"

Li Yun slammed into a bush of thorns and shouted in reply: "Dead! Let's go!"

Wang Bao'er cursed. Just as he was about to pull out, an arrow shot diagonally from the woodland where Li Yun ran out, hitting his inner left thigh.

The arrows were very crude and the bow power was not strong enough. If Wang Baoer wore armor and rode on horseback to fight, with seventeen or eight arrows like this on his body, nothing would happen. He would use his spear and his horse to kill these poorly equipped barbarians.

It's more like killing chickens and dogs. But today he followed Li Yun to explore the pasture. How could he have expected that he would suddenly bump into such a weirdo who looked like a ghost?

He was only wearing light leather armor, and the leg skirts didn't reach to the top of his feet. Suddenly, he was hit by an arrow in his leg, and he staggered to one side in an instant.

Several savages in front of them howled with joy and rushed forward.

These people held a variety of weapons in their hands, including sharpened sticks, black and rusty knives, and broken iron guns. As they moved quickly, their black or gray hair, shabby

The clothes were spread out, revealing lean black limbs, exuding a foul odor.

Wang Bao'er stood on the ground with one hand, swung the knife and raised it to a higher place. The well-made long knife burst out with a silver light, broke the stick, and then split the left hip of a savage, and cut a foot long slice to the upper right.

of wounds.

It felt like cutting open a leather bag filled with soup, water, water, and food. The pressure in the body cavity violently squeezed many organs and blood out of the savage's wound, and fell to the ground with a crash, submerging a large area.

Grass leaves.

The savage lost strength instantly, his legs began to tremble, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Wang Bao'er roared and jumped up, pushing the disemboweled savage back.

Another savage wielding a machete subconsciously stopped and stretched out his hand to help his companion.

As soon as his movements slowed down, Wang Bao'er had already stepped forward. When there was only a dying body between the two, face to face and eyes to eyes, Wang Bao'er shook hands with the long knife, and from

The side of his neck below his left ear was stabbed hard, and the sharp blade penetrated from below his right ear.

Along with the sharp blade, there was hissing blood. The savage reached out to grab the long knife and held the blade with both hands. As a result, the blade stirred twice horizontally in his neck. The savage's eyes were instantly lost.

Lost his energy, raised his head and fell down.

But Wang Bao'er used too much force. His knife was embedded in his neck bone and he couldn't pull it out for a while.

At least four or five savages were forced in front of Wang Bao'er. The weapons in their hands only made a shadow in front of Wang Bao'er. Their ferocious faces and yellow-black teeth were getting closer and closer to Wang Bao'er!

How to fight with bare hands? Wang Bao'er stepped back and dodged. However, he was hit by an arrow in the thigh, and it was difficult to exert force. His movements were a bit slow, and he was hit several times in a split second. Even though he was covered by leather armor, he was still injured.

There was bleeding in several places.

Wang Baoer cursed repeatedly in his heart.

It’s time to die! It’s a frustrating death!

After Guo Ning established his foothold in Shandong, many heroes came to seek refuge with them. Guo Ning treated them very well, gave them high-ranking officials and generous salaries, allocated them fields, trained them rigorously, and equipped them with sophisticated weapons. At the same time, he also naturally

They broke up to avoid a situation where the tail was too big to fall off.

It's not that no one saw Guo Ning's intentions, but Guo Ning also treated the soldiers who came from the defeated army in Hebei in the same way, and a written system was specially formed in the Dinghai navy military mansion, so no one could complain.

Because of this system, Wang Bao'er was transferred from Yan Ning's subordinates at the beginning of the year and went to the military academy for three months.

According to the military academy, a young and experienced officer like him can graduate with simple training. Then he will be incorporated into a certain department based on his expertise and performance during study. He will first serve as a commander, and then be promoted to a captain depending on the situation.

.If he still performs well during this process, he will be transferred again to become a guard around Ding Haijiedu. After that, it will not be the military government that limits his future.

Everything was arranged very well, and Wang Baoer had a smooth journey.

However, when he graduated from the military academy, he happened to hear about one thing: the military government used certain means to obtain the power to control the Qunmu Station from the court, and was planning to send people to Liaodong to build a Dinghai Navy in Liaodong.

of herds.

This news immediately touched Wang Bao'er.

His ancestors were horse dealers in Linhuang Prefecture. He and his family had been selling horses in Linhuang Prefecture since he was a child. Later, the family encountered changes in Zhongdu and was framed by a noble official in the court. At that time, he happened to be alone.

Only then did he escape, and then fled all the way to Shandong, where by chance he became the leader of Yanning's bodyguard.

Over in Zhongdu, Wang Baoer could no longer find out whether his brother, niece and others who were selling horses together were dead or alive, but he always felt that if he could go back to Linhuang Mansion to have a look, he might find other tribesmen.

, then at least I will no longer be a homeless person.

Once this thought is generated, it can no longer be contained.

What's more, although he is not good at raising horses, he has been exposed to it since he was a child, and he feels that he still knows a little bit about horse selling and horse photography!

So Wang Bao'er specially went to register with Yousi, successfully joined this small team that was urgently formed, and followed Li Yun to Liaodong.

It's a pity that my luck is a bit bad!

It has only been two days since I set foot on the land of Liaodong, and I am about to die at the hands of these savage Jurchens!

He roared at the top of his lungs, and just as he was about to rush forward, risking his life to gain one, he suddenly heard someone next to him yell loudly, and he raised his knife and dropped it.

The nearest savage was stabbing, and his outstretched arm was swung by a knife and severed at the elbow.

The savage screamed, and when his forearm holding the knife fell to the ground, the torn crimson blood vessels in the wound twitched and flew, shooting blood everywhere. Wang Baer was sprayed all over his face, and he quickly wiped his eyes, but his shoulders

He was grabbed by someone forcefully.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Yun's voice shouted in his ear: "Go back, go back!"

"Boy, are you looking for death?" Wang Bao'er cursed and fell backwards in the direction of Li Yun's force.

It turned out that not far behind him, there was a slope. The slope was piled with hundreds of fallen leaves and branches that had been blown by the wind for thousands of years. The two of them leaned back at the same time and rolled down the slope, their bodies withered.

It rolled rapidly among the branches and leaves, occasionally bumping into tree trunks, carrying mud, gravel, and rotten wood along the way, and finally rolled farther and farther with a rumble.

After rolling for an unknown number of times, the two of them fell straight down again, and it turned out that they fell into a fast-flowing stream.

The two shouted, choked, coughed, and splashed wildly in the stream for a long time before finally stopping at a beach.

The shouts of the savages on the high slope seemed to be suddenly far away, faint and almost inaudible.

Li Yun's forehead was hit with a big hole at some point, blood was flowing gurglingly, and half of his face was dyed red. He shook his head, retched a few times, then touched the ground beside him, and grinned.

He grinned: "The soft soil is all good land! I'm lucky this time. The land around Hesihan Pass is indeed good. Haha, this soil is much softer than the gravel in Xin'an Hainan!"

Wang Bao'er ignored Li Yun and just groaned.

It turned out that he was so focused on fighting that he never had time to pull out the arrow that was stuck in the root of his thigh. As a result, when it rolled down, the back part of the arrow broke off, but the front end pierced deeper into his flesh.

Fortunately, no blood vessels were injured, but they were stuck deep in the muscles.

Wang Bao'er gritted his teeth with a pale face, and with trembling fingers, he forcefully pulled out the arrow cluster from the depths of the wound. He didn't bother to bandage it to stop the bleeding, so he first raised his bloody hand and held the arrow cluster in front of his eyes for a look.

As luck would have it, this thing is made of ground bones. Even if the bone arrow clusters are poorly maintained, they will not rust and will not easily cause metal wounds.

"Why are you back?" Wang Bao'er breathed slowly and asked, "Where is Lao Huang?"

"He's dead, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to come back to take care of him?" Li Yundao said.

Lao Huang was the one who was injured in the chest and was carried away by Li Yun. He was originally a scholar in Dengzhou. Because he spoke Jurchen and Khitan well and could write Khitan characters, he was selected by the Chief Secretary.

Winner of a peer.

In the end, he died without doing anything.

"Every time I take orders alone, it always doesn't go well." Li Yun sighed, feeling a little worried.

With such bad luck, there must be something wrong.

Li Yun thought about it carefully and planned to go to Donglai Mountain as soon as possible to find a reliable Taoist priest and perform any kind of ceremony to remove bad luck.

But thinking of this, he thought of another troublesome matter: "I don't know what's going on over there in the camp... That silly boy named A'duo is Jie Shuai's valet. If there is anything wrong with him, we can't handle it."


This chapter has been completed!
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