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Chapter 319 Life and Death (1)

Chapter 319 Life and Death (Part 1)

Li Yun bent down and tiptoed along a row of thorns.

The temperature in the forest was very high and very oppressive. After running fast for a while and suddenly slowing down, Li Yun felt as if he had been soaked in a water tank. He sweated profusely and soaked his clothes. .Every few steps he took, he would stop and wipe the sweat from his forehead, so as not to affect his vision at critical moments.

Their location was not far from the edge of the forest, so sometimes the sea breeze would blow in, making the dense bushes rustle. Every time the bushes rustled, Li Yun took this opportunity to move forward. Take a few quick steps.

The sound of dead branches and leaves beneath his feet was muffled.

This is a skill that Li Yun learned after struggling in northern Xinjiang for several years. Although Li Yun's skill is far inferior to that of his brother Li Ting, he is still accustomed to fighting. When he was in Zhigu Village, he had several lives in his hands. Laizhou has not neglected his martial arts practice. If he can make a sudden attack at this moment, he will have no problem killing two or three savages.

When the wind stopped for a moment, Li Yun looked at a stone wall two feet away. Wang Bao'er was slightly behind the stone wall.

After a while, Li Yun made the first move, and even though he was entangled, Wang Bao'er snatched him out from behind and killed each one with a knife.

Wang Bao'er is also a ruthless character, and Li Yun has no doubts about his sword skills.

Just when I was thinking of this, I heard heavy footsteps in front of the narrow road in the forest.

Li Yun held his breath and concentrated on lying on the ground again. His face was almost touching the ground, and he was accumulating strength with his feet forward and backward. His right hand holding the short knife was placed behind his back so that he could swing it when he jumped out.

Then he heard a wheezing sound.

What a bad luck, what a bad luck, Li Yun said to himself.

That's a hound panting! I was chased by a dog!

He had no time to wait for the opportunity and jumped up with a roar.

After crossing the thorn bush, while still in mid-air, I saw a strong hound, and a strange man wearing dirty grass clothes, with hair all over his head, standing next to the hound, looking up in surprise. Look at Li Yun.

Where did this person come from? What did he want to do? Li Yun had a thought in his mind, but he also knew that he could not hesitate at the moment of life and death!

Li Yun strode forward, ready to slash with his sword, but the weirdo took two steps back and raised his hands. He was holding the same thing in both hands.

It was a small gift that Li Yun had prepared before, a red box with cakes and a colorful pottery figurine inside.

"You are not here to fight, you are not evil people." The weirdo said every word.

When he spoke, his pronunciation was a bit slurred, as if he hadn't spoken in Chinese for a long time. It was definitely Chinese! He also had an accent that Li Yun was very familiar with. It was either Zhongdu Road or Beijing Road!

Li Yun carefully raised the knife and pointed it at the weirdo: "We are from Shandong! We are here to give gifts to repair it! We are not the Jurchens from Liaodong! Why are you, a man, in Hesihan Pass? What the hell? Are you here to hunt us down, or are you here to help? Are you and those yellow-headed girls just now really in the same group?"

The weirdo opened his mouth, probably not thinking of how to answer this series of questions.

Not far behind him, a ten-year-old child ran up. This child was wearing a swaying leather jacket on a hot day, and his hair was tied into a bun with a thick rope. He seemed to be well taken care of. , Li Yun glanced at him, and then saw the worried look in the weird-haired man's eyes.

"Is this your child?" Li Yun asked.

Just as the wild-haired weirdo was about to reply, the kid saw Li Yun threatening him with a knife and rushed forward, screaming wildly. No one knew what slogan he shouted, and the big dog sitting in front of the weirdo also got angry in vain.

Li Yun was knocked down by the big fluffy dog, and then his arms were hugged by the child. He pinched the dog's neck with one hand, rolled over with all his strength, and threw the child away without even taking a breath.

Then I saw Wang Bao'er jumping out from behind the stone wall with a knife.

"Don't do anything!" Li Yun and the weird man with wild hair shouted at the same time.

At the same time, the direction of the camp.

The savages' attack was no longer in waves, but hundreds of people pressed directly in front of the car camp.

On top of the vehicle, more than a dozen archers were firing their bows and arrows almost wildly. The savages were crowded together and had no armor or shields. The archers were almost always hitting the target, and many of the savages in front were shot by bows and arrows.

Wounded and shot to death.

Someone was hit by an arrow in the arm, so they abandoned their crude weapons and continued to rush forward. Someone was shot through the leg and rolled to the ground on the spot, and then was trampled by many people behind without any scruples, and was trampled into mud.

Same thing.

There were also people who were hit by arrows, and the fine arrow clusters penetrated deep into the belly, or penetrated from the back of the body. With such an arrow shooting method, they were dead, but the person who was hit by the arrow didn't care at all, and didn't even look at the injury.

Keep pushing forward until your life force suddenly disappears and you suddenly collapse.

In comparison, the person with the arrow in the head suffered the least.

But it's useless, there are too many savages.

Zheng Rui estimated that with another hundred archers, he might be able to suppress the savages' offensive.

It's a pity he didn't.

Li Yun had no intention of causing trouble in Fuzhou, so his previous plan was to find a seaside meadow where no barbarian tribes were inhabited as a pasture. Before the group came here, they had estimated the number of yellow-headed Jurchens south of Hesihan Pass.

It's about two to three thousand, including some that were mistaken for the Shiwei branch of the Yellow-headed Jurchens, and the Jurchen branch of the Huli, there would probably be more, so there must be a lot of open space.

But who would have thought that these people would come and kill them as if they were all crazy?

These days, there are so many people who are not afraid of death. Zheng Rui himself grew up in a military family, and his memories of growing up were rarely warm and happy. The adults he met were not well fed or clothed.

They were bullied and had to go into battle and die in batches. People who have been soaked in bitter water, how can they like bitter water very much?

It wasn't until he joined the Dinghai Navy that he had land, a home, and the hope of living a good life. Zheng Rui was thinking about repaying Guo Jieshuai. In fact, before that, he fought bravely every time, so that he could die early and save trouble, so that he could surrender in the next life.

Good tire idea.

Zheng Rui is like this. Looking at the appearance of these savages in front of him, they can only live a more miserable life than Zheng Rui. Of course, they are less afraid of death.

But Zheng Rui doesn't understand how big a hatred this is? What do they want?

Dozens, hundreds, and then hundreds of Jurchens continued to press forward, and the car formation was crumbling. Zheng Rui didn't care to turn around, and only relied on his hearing to hear the long screams of several companions who were guarding the gaps between the cars.

And right next to him, a large cart was being pushed and screamed by dozens of savages, slowly overturning inside. The archer who was shooting arrows on the cart fell to the ground, and he was afraid of being crushed by the falling vehicle.

Die, scroll backwards like crazy.

Zheng Rui kept shouting, trying to get someone to come over and help the vehicle to make sure it didn't tip over. Once the vehicle tipped over, the formation would be broken!

But where will the manpower come from now? Where will there be anything to secure the vehicle?

Li Yun and his group came to discuss business, not to fight, so they didn't make all that much preparation!

He was slightly distracted when a skinny yellow-headed Jurchen suddenly jumped up from below and almost bumped heads with Zheng Rui.

The man crawled closer. Zheng Rui was busy dealing with the enemy in front of him and did not pay attention. The two of them suddenly bumped into each other. Zheng Rui had no time to retract his sword. He could only roar and hit the yellow-headed man with his forehead.

Jurchen bumped into her.

Hearing a muffled bang, the yellow-headed girl stumbled to the ground, and Zheng Rui couldn't stand still and kept retreating.

As soon as he retreated, more yellow-headed Jurchens swarmed in.

Zheng Rui screamed, and then yelled: "Ah Duo, you idiot! Your stupid idea is going to kill us all!"

If there were still a group of people fighting around him, why would he be in such a mess? Even if there were only five more people, the situation could be maintained for a long time!

But there was no one around him. Instead, it was Ah Duo, with a few of his companions, busy in the car formation, not knowing what he was doing.

This kid is Guo Jieshuai's follower and has an extraordinary status. That's why Zheng Rui didn't stop him when he proposed that bad idea.

But at this moment, Zheng Rui was filled with regret... I really shouldn't have listened to this idiot!

Zheng Rui roared with all his strength, but felt his head was getting dizzy. He held the knife to support the ground and wanted to fight forward, but right in front of him...

Several savages who rushed into the inner circle of the car formation stared wide-eyed and stopped. Their dirty faces showed incredible expressions, and some were so scared that they trembled and fell to their knees.

This look of surprise or extreme horror quickly spread backwards. Inside the car formation, outside the car formation, and even further away, ferocious savages were screaming and killing each other one moment, and were stunned the next.


Most of the people stood blankly, and some dropped their weapons and began to retreat. Some savages with strange accessories on their heads, who looked like leaders, were particularly excited. Their eyes kept moving upward, and then they danced weird dances, like

It's praying.

Zheng Rui took a knife and took a few steps forward, assuming a threatening posture.

The savages didn't notice him at all at first, but when they noticed him walking in, they started to retreat in fear. The first few savages who rushed into the car formation even crawled out of the car formation using their hands and feet.

Zheng Rui himself was also stunned.

He turned around and looked back, only to see several officials holding a thick and long rope.

The rope continued to extend into the air, and Zheng Rui followed the rope and kept looking up.

At the end of the rope, about seven or eight feet above the ground, a huge and colorful round object was slowly flying.

"This is a hot air balloon... The one I saw last time couldn't hold people, right? This is the latest one? Is it so big?"

Zheng Rui has some knowledge. When he was in the military academy, he saw the little kids playing with this thing several times. At the moment, he just muttered, rubbed his eyes and looked again.

There is a basket hanging under the round object. If Zheng Rui remembers correctly, there should be a special coal stove in the center of the basket.

And Ado was standing in the basket, leaning out and laughing.

The colorful patterns painted on the surface of the hot air balloon clearly represent a god general wearing armor, with a majestic appearance, and clouds floating around him. In the hand of the god general, he is holding a huge and ferocious iron bone flower.

This Tieguduo was too exaggerated. Zheng Rui couldn't hold himself tight and burst into laughter.

The sea breeze blew again, and the few people who were holding on to the ropes at the center of the car formation were staggered.

"Get some help and hold on to the rope! Don't let the balloon float away!" Zheng Rui shouted.

Above his head, the hot air balloon was spinning in the wind.

Wherever the statue faced, the savages knelt down in awe one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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