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Chapter 328 Battle Cloud (1)

Chapter 328 War Cloud (Part 1)

Since Hailing moved south, the center of Jin Dynasty's control gradually tilted southward, closer to its economic center. However, due to political inertia, it still regarded the Northeast as its fundamental place and did not allow any turmoil here.

Since ancient times, border management has involved nothing more than hard and soft tactics.

Either support it economically, first to ensure that everyone can keep warm, and every family has enough food, and then promote cultural recognition and integration, so that the people will naturally tend to and identify with the imperial court; or they can suppress it militarily and rely on absolute force.

The advantage is to attack any sign of unrest as soon as it appears, and would rather kill until rivers of blood flow than to guard against the slightest glitches.

The problem is that the Dajin court did neither of these things well.

Economically, after the large-scale migration of the Jurchen men An Mooke to the south, the agriculture and animal husbandry in the Northeast interior fell into a long-term decline, and many Jurchen nobles left the Northeast, causing the once abnormally developed handicraft industry to rapidly collapse. As a result, the remaining

Many ethnic groups or tribes only make a living by fishing and hunting. In the eyes of these tribes, hundreds of years before the establishment of Daijin, I was fishing and hunting, and after the establishment of Daikin, I was still fishing and hunting. In this case, why do you flatter me?

Not to mention the military aspect. The internal migration of the Jurchens made it difficult for them to overwhelm many foreign tribes in terms of population. For this reason, local officials had to be extra vigilant and take precautions against various tribes. However, this kind of vigilance and prevention

, itself is the focus of conflict.

Especially the Khitan people in the northeast had a particularly delicate relationship with the imperial court.

The Khitans were outsiders who were forced to move to the Northeast by the Jin State after the fall of the Liao Kingdom. In order to gain a foothold here, they had to rely on the court, cooperate with the Jurchens, and be driven by the Jurchens. Therefore, the Northeast Recruitment Division and the Jiehao Great Wall along the

The so-called Chi army and Yi army were all filled with Khitan people, and there were even many Khitan people who were the key officers of more than a thousand households.

However, with the Jin and Liao dynasty's hatred for the destruction of the country, the Jurchens' distrust of the Khitan people was deep-rooted.

Starting from the third year of Da'an, Mongolia launched a large-scale attack on the Jin Dynasty and repeatedly sent partial troops to attack the northeast as a response. From Linhuang to Liaodong, there was chaos and chaos.

Under this situation, the military and political officials of the Jin Kingdom in the northeast were unable to resist the might of the Mongolian army. Instead, they used more stringent means to govern the subordinate ethnic groups in order to stabilize the situation and wait for the Mongolian army to retreat.

But this idea is completely wrong.

The Mongolian army advanced and retreated, burning, killing, and looting, and ignored them. The Khitan people rebelled first. Their leader, Yelvliu Ge, was originally a member of the Jin army. After fleeing, he recruited his tribe and gathered ten people in just a few months.

More than ten thousand.

At this time, Mongol commander Chen Nayan was ordered by Genghis Khan to lead more than a thousand cavalry from Boduhuan, Aruduhan and other tribes to conquer Liaodong, and met Yelvliu Ge's troops.

According to Chen Nayan, he asked Brother Yeluliu who he was and where he wanted to go. Brother Yeluliu replied: I am a member of the Khitan army, and I am going to a large country. The road is blocked and the horses are tired, so I stay here.

According to Chen Nayan, he and Yeluliu Ge climbed the Jinshan Mountain, tortured the white horses and white oxen, climbed up to look north, and broke the arrows to form an alliance.

This move made the Jin Kingdom very angry. Regardless of the previous defeats in northern Xinjiang and the loss of troops and territory, they forcibly launched an army to attack.

This crusade army gathered all the elites of the Jin Kingdom in Linhuang Mansion in Shangjing and Dading Mansion in Beijing. It was led by Marshal Youdu Superintendent and General Manager of Xianping Road Soldiers and Horses Department Wanyan Chengyu. It was known as six hundred thousand, and preached

, get one or two pieces of Yeluliu brother's bones, and get one or two taels of reward, and get one or two pieces of Yeluliu brother's flesh, and get one or two taels of silver, so as to attract the tribes from all over the Northeast to fight together.

Unexpectedly, after Brother Yeluliu received the support of the Mongolian cavalry, he became even more powerful. During the battle of Dijinaoer, Brother Yeluliu's nephew Annu led the warriors to rampage through the enemy formation, and Wanyan Chengyu's army collapsed.

Within two years, Wanyan Chengyu was defeated by the Mongols and the Khitan, each time with a loss of 600,000 troops. In all dynasties, he was a defeated general who would be beheaded and punished.

As a result, because he conveyed his sincerity to the new emperor in time while awaiting his sentence, the position of Marshal Youdujian was not changed, and he was also transferred to the post of left guard in Beijing... Even if the generals of the Jin Kingdom were short of talent, the imperial court was not willing to deal with the great generals easily.

It can be said to be a spectacle that has never been seen in history.

After this battle, the momentum of the Khitan people increased greatly. Brother Yelvliu was supported by everyone as the king of Liao and changed the Yuan Dynasty. After that, he successively attacked Liaoyang Prefecture in Tokyo several times and firmly occupied western Liaoning, cutting off the northeastern hinterland and the Jin Dynasty.

direct contact.

However, it is not easy for Brother Yeluliu to maintain such a situation.

The Khitans are not an ignorant barbaric people. They once established a great country with their own unique system, culture and history. Even if the country is destroyed, there are still high-ranking men in the ethnic group, and their strength is passed down from generation to generation.

Brother Yeluliu certainly has outstanding talents. However, he was promoted as the leader by many Khitan rebels because he was the first to start the rebellion and had the greatest influence, not because he was the strongest.

The confidants he summoned were only his wife Yao Lishi, his eldest son Yelvxuezhen and his younger brother Yelusi. There were more than 100,000 Khitan people, and those who really only obeyed the King of Liao were only 10,000.

And under him, the King of Liao, there were Posha, Sengjianu, Yelu's, Li Jianu and others as prime ministers, marshals, ministers, and Tongguyu, who were in charge of the affairs of the marshal's government. All of these people were Khitan people.

A strong man. In the final analysis, Yelvliu Ge was an elected leader, not a natural leader.

But at this time, he was sitting at the bottom, and his attitude of respectfully toasting to Muhuali was not even half heroic. His overly submissive look was more like those people on the grassland who rarely saw Genghis Khan, so they were afraid that they would not be able to show their loyalty.

The face of Qianhu.

Mu Huali raised his glass and drank it in one gulp, thinking in his heart: "According to what Chen Nayan once said, Brother Yeluliu is in his prime, handsome and high-spirited. Even if he is a hero in the Mongolian army,

I think he is a handsome man. But when I saw him today, his face was covered with frost and his temples were already snow-white... It can be seen that this king of Liao is really not that easy to be!"

However, this is good.

Precisely because Brother Yeluliu had extraordinary control over the Khitan tribe, he had to rely on the Great Mongolia. And what the Great Mongolia needed in the Northeast was exactly such a loyal but lack of strength spokesperson.

Thinking in his mind, Mu Huali's face only looked dizzy and intoxicated. He touched his beard dripping with wine with one hand and raised the wine glass in the air with his other hand.

Before the maid who was serving behind her could react, Brother Yeluliu had already stood up, took the wine jug from the maid's hand, and filled it with Mu Huali.

Mu Huali laughed loudly, swung his wine glass and said to Brother Yeluliu: "Brother Liu, I drank it. It's your turn, so you drink too!"

Even if Muhuali is the left-wing commander of the Great Mongolia, a confidant praised by Genghis Khan as "like a chariot with a shaft and a body with arms", and the commander of the Mongolian army who was ordered by Genghis Khan to take charge of the situation in the Northeast,

It would be too rude to call the King of Liao by his real name!

While saying impolite words, Mu Huali shook the wine glass too much, spilling a lot of wine and making a large area of ​​Brother Yelvliu's head, face and chest robe wet.

Several Khitan warriors in the hall immediately showed unhappy expressions.

Brother Yelvliu didn't seem to care at all. He didn't even raise his hand to wipe his face. He first took the wine bottle and refilled it for Mu Huali, and then poured himself a glass of wine slowly: "My drinking capacity

Not good, but General Mu Huali wants me to drink, no matter what, I will drink to my heart's content."

After saying that, he drank up his neck and turned to the other people in the hall with a laugh: "Everyone, you guys should drink too! Today the noble man is visiting, so everyone should enjoy themselves to the fullest!"

At that time, everyone was drinking and eating meat, watching singing and dancing. Some Mongolians saw the beauty of the maid serving the wine, so they immediately arrested them and openly had fun at the table. Some Mongolians drank to their heart's content and got up to sing and dance. Then there were some Khitan people.

Senior officials went down to the hall to accompany him, and several people applauded each other and circled around, causing bursts of applause from the surrounding people.

The banquet lasted until the third watch, and the Mongolian guests were still in high spirits.

Mu Huali noticed that Brother Yeluliu had to leave the table every half an hour, probably to vomit and sober up. Even so, he was obviously in low spirits, and his upper and lower eyelids were almost touching each other, and he continued to act violently.

Cup of toast.

Mu Huali put down the wine glass and said softly: "King of Liao?"

Amid the noisy singing and dancing, Brother Yeluliu cheered up instantly: "General Muhuali, please tell me something."

"Since I'm here, I'm going to fight, a big fight!"

Brother Yeluliu did not hesitate: "I immediately mobilized the clan's soldiers and generals and let General Muhuali drive them."

"Is it okay to ask for 50,000 people?"

The Khitans are no longer the overlords of the Northern Kingdom. The Khitans gathered in Guangning by Brother Yelvliu, including men, women, old and young, total no more than 150,000. Mu Huali asked for 50,000 as soon as he opened his mouth. He simply wanted to kill the Khitans.

All the men took time out.

But Brother Yeluliu still didn’t hesitate: “Yes! I’ll do it tomorrow!”

Mu Huali looked at Brother Yeluliu and said with a smile: "The King of Liao is indeed loyal to Genghis Khan."

Brother Yeluliu patted his chest hard, and when he was about to speak, Mu Huali said: "Don't worry, King Liao, you will win this battle, and no one will die."

This chapter has been completed!
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