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Chapter 330 Battle Cloud (2)

Chapter 330 War Cloud (Part 2)

The interior of Northeast China has always been bitterly cold and has extremely long winters. Even the tribesmen in the northern Xinjiang who are accustomed to this climate have complained about it.

During the Dading period, the imperial court envoy to the Song Dynasty sent Yelu Zijing, Minister of War, to congratulate the Southern Emperor on his birthday. It was still in mid-October, and the minister of the Southern Dynasty expressed condolences that it was extremely cold in the north at this time. Yelu Zijing said frankly that it was very cold.


October is already extremely cold, and by the time the ground thaws and turns to mud in February and March of the following year, you can’t do anything for six months of the year. You can only hide in a shack filled with urala grass and shiver. What can you really do with it?

Yes, only six months in summer and autumn.

Li Yun wanted to quickly expand the business network belonging to Ding Haijun in such a vast land, so he would naturally not delay.

He was really a bold man and did not take the previous attack by the wild Jurchens to heart. Now that he had reached an agreement with Heshi Liehuanduan, he left Zheng Rui to garrison Hesihan Pass and wait for Guo Ning's successor.

The dispatched support immediately loaded several carriages with the goods they planned to sell, and still only led dozens of subordinates to continue heading north.

Wang Bao'er, on the other hand, worried about this for a while. In the end, in addition to carrying an extra armor and strong bow, he also felt that Ado's hot air balloon was really useful, so he prepared a car and took Ado and the entire set of parts with him.

, always ready to play tricks.

The group first went to Gaizhou to meet Wendy Hanqing Dog, who was stationed here, and the guests and hosts had a pleasant conversation.

Although this gentleman had lost his knowledge of Guangning Prefecture, he was born in the 30th Jurchen surname. He had been active in the Northeast for a long time and had a high reputation. Li Yun saw with his own eyes that he only brought a few followers with him, and he could freely go in and out of many surrounding places.

Jurchens, wild Jurchens, and even Xi, Shiwei, and other tribes of Bohai people.

Even the chiefs or powerful leaders of other tribes were respectful in front of him and did not dare to cross.

After meeting Wendy Hanqing Dog, the group went to Chengzhou.

Here in Chengzhou, there have been no military and political officials guarding it since last year. However, there is a Bohai man named Meng'an who is still strong. Meng'an Bojilie is named Gao, and he has a good relationship with Wendy Hanqingu. Of course, he can stay here.

Being so close to Guangning Mansion, he certainly had friendships with the Khitan people.

When the Liao Dynasty fell, the Han people in Tokyo and the Bohai people had grudges and massacred each other. However, after the killings, both the Han people and the Bohai people became obedient subjects of the Jurchens, and no one mentioned the past events.

Chengzhou was depleted of resources due to the war, and the shortage of materials became even more urgent. They even exchanged one ingot of silver for four or five stones of rice. Li Yun and others stayed in Chengzhou for several days, promising several carts of grain and rice for the next month, and they were quite successful.

He was entertained with good wine and meat, negotiated some business deals with Bohai people, and recruited several Bohai people to protect him.

As we continued our journey, we saw fewer and fewer people, more and more ruins of villages, and the roads became less and less like roads. After the road surface collapsed, knee-deep grass grew from time to time.

According to the premise agreed with Heshi Liehuanduan, the navy would not do business with the Khitan people, so the caravan had to avoid being discovered by the Khitan sentries. The group of people rested for three extra hours during the day and rushed on their journey in the morning and evening.

As far as the eye can see, there are either grasslands, swamps, overgrown shrubs, or continuous dense forests, and across them are complex terrains intertwined with mountains, river beds, and valleys. Sometimes it takes two or three hours to walk,

There are not many residents in sight.

Occasionally, we can see a few relics of the city left over from the Liao Dynasty. The Tucheng is dozens of miles in circumference, with hundreds of houses and official buildings with three rafters, which is less than that of a small town in Shandong. And outside the Tucheng, there is almost no visible

Traces of farming can be seen in some places. In some places, ridges and ash piles can be vaguely distinguished, and stone mortars and stone mills can also be found. However, covering these are only wood that has been burnt black, or has been chewed to pieces by wild beasts.

The dense bones.

Along with the caravan, there were several scribes who were responsible for drawing maps and recording the surrounding environment. At this point, they could only sigh and draw a mark representing abandonment on the map.

Normally speaking, the next journey would take two journeys to Xianping Prefecture, and then eleven journeys to Huining Prefecture in Shangjing. Counting the rest on the way, it would take a month.

However, also because of the agreement with He Shi Liehuanduan, the group chose the longer route on the east route. They turned east in Shenzhou, and expected to enter Guidezhou first, then Posu Road, and go upstream along the Huifa River.

Cross the eastern pass of Qingling Mountain, go north along the Huolun River, and enter Shangjing.

This route requires a total of twenty-one miles, which is much further than the previous one, and the road is also difficult to walk.

But Heshi Liehuanduan had already said it before: Pu Xianwannu of Xianping Prefecture was very ambitious and was completely rebellious. He would not allow the navy to interact with Pu Xianwannu under any circumstances to increase his strength. Therefore, he

A Qianhu monk named Monk Aotuma was specially sent to accompany him to ensure that Li Yun's whereabouts would not get out of control.

Li Yun had already found out that this monk Otunma was the one who led the army to burn and kill the wild Jurchen village. Later, the wild Jurchens besieged the caravan station and killed many people. Monk Otunma was the culprit.

But Heshi Liehuanduan didn't take this seriously. Li Yun was in Liaodong and he just wanted to do business and make profits. Apart from that, he couldn't be too demanding. Then, Monk Aotuma came as soon as he came.

After staring at it, Li Yun worked harder and headed east.

As a result, a group of people trudged for half a day through the mountain ravines in Guizhou Province. Before they had gone twenty miles, the wheel hub of a large vehicle fell into the ravine and burst open on the spot.

Li Yun and others tried to repair it and thought of many ways, but all failed in the end. In desperation, he had no choice but to lead people to unload the goods and spread the materials on the large truck to other vehicles.

Those supplies are quite delicate and cannot be thrown away casually. Many items need to be re-weighed according to weight and size. Sometimes they are arranged and bundled inappropriately and have to be untied and rearranged.

This work was not easy. The group of people worked hard for half an hour. Everyone was sweating profusely, but they couldn't take off their clothes and fan themselves... The mountains were full of mosquitoes, and the sound of flapping wings was like thunder. When everyone was on their way,

Everyone is wearing heavy clothes. Once the clothes are taken off, the blood will be sucked dry!

They were hot, tired, and irritable, and several people's faces were getting uglier and uglier. However, Monk Otunma and a few cavalry were wandering around leisurely, and sometimes they even looked at the caravan.

People are busy and show a mocking expression.

Today's Dinghai navy is considered a strong force in Shandong. The soldiers think it is enough to be called a strong force in the world. However, most of the Jurchens in the Northeast are rough and violent, and their vision is very narrow, like a frog in a well.

, looking at the eyes of everyone, there is always a little contempt.

Previously, everyone had only tolerated the important matter of arranging horses and making money, and allowed this man to be arrogant for the time being. Seeing that he was still so arrogant, the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the soldiers was hard to suppress.

A young soldier believed that he was standing far away from a cart full of supplies, so he flexed his hands and made a secret gesture of drawing a bow and shooting an arrow. Then he opened his hand and blew a whistle in his mouth, simulating an arrow.

The cluster flew through the air and shot the Jurchen Qianhu to death.

This action was a bit funny, and everyone including Li Yun laughed.

Li Yun smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, just pretend, don't take it seriously."

The young soldier was a little proud, so he whistled extra loudly.

But no one expected that his whistle was still lingering, and the air actually erupted with a violent whistling of arrows streaking through the air!

"Get down! Avoid the arrow!" Wang Bao'er shouted, holding down Li Yun and A Duo with both hands, and pushed them both under the car.

And right in front of Wang Bao'er, Monk Aotunma's head suddenly sank, and his body fell crookedly on the saddle. He was hit by an arrow in the back of his neck, and the arrow penetrated straight into his brain. Blood flowed from the corners of Monk Aotunma's mouth.

, his hands and feet twitched slightly for two times, and then he died of breath.

At the same time, the several cavalrymen accompanying Monk Otunma were even worse. Almost all of them were hit by seventeen or eighteen arrows. They were like hedgehogs sprouting blood out of thin air. They staggered on their horses for a long time, and slowly...

Rolled to the ground.

When they fell to the ground, the footsteps of hundreds of people sounded loudly. Behind the high slope where these cavalry were standing, several rows of archers appeared, everyone with their bows and arrows ready, looking down at the convoy.

Li Yun struggled, stood up straight from under the car, and asked: "Who is coming?"

A military attache came out of the archer queue: "When the men of the Xuanfu Envoy from Shandong arrived in Liaodong, they deliberately avoided the Xuanfu Envoy from Liaodong. This is not the etiquette of a guest. The Xuanfu Envoy from Liaodong, Pu Xian, and Wannu's subordinates were all under the command of Pu Xianjian.

Come out, I am specially here to welcome the distinguished guests, and invite them to go to Xianpingfu."

"It turned out to be the subordinates of Ambassador Pu Xian? How disrespectful!" Li Yun's expression remained unchanged: "We are in a hurry to go to Beijing. Can we meet with Ambassador Pu Xian on our way back?"

"No." The man bowed slightly.


"Judge Li learned that three days ago, the Khitan army Yelvliu Ge raised 100,000 troops and went out to attack and plunder. They will fight with other armies from all over the country. The front of the Khitan army has arrived in Shenzhou and will continue to advance eastward at any time.

Cut off the waterway of Huibapcheon. For everyone’s safety, please come with me to Hampyeong Province for temporary refuge. Otherwise, I’m afraid an unspeakable tragedy will occur.”

This chapter has been completed!
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