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Chapter 348 Going smoothly (2)

When this group of people finally reached the bottom of the city gate, the sun was already close to the mountains in the west, dyeing the clouds on the horizon red, which was very bright and lovely.

Under the setting sun, the soldiers walking along the road were all shining with armor, and they looked extremely powerful. Pu Xian pressed his head out and took a closer look. With the light of a burning cloud, he saw that one of the generals was in his thirties. He was old, tall and tall, with a short cloak tied behind his back, and an obviously thick and straight-backed sword hanging from his waist... It was Shi Liehuanduan, the commander-in-chief of Fuzhou, whom Pu Xian had seen before.

Such a figure is worthy of being the pillar of the imperial court in the Northeast. He led troops to help twice, which shows his sincerity in helping each other. Unfortunately, the more sincerity, the faster he dies. Brother Wanyan Tiege is already dead, and the same is true for Heshi Liehuanduan.

Pu Xian carefully pushed back to the inside of the city gate, raised his arms, and the archers on the city tower stood up one after another and drew their bows into the city. Behind the left and right courtyard walls on the inside of the city gate, a small flag was stretched out on the left and right. He waved, indicating that he could take action at any time.

The city gate is only two feet or four feet deep, so it only takes about ten steps for a group of people to enter in the blink of an eye.

But what about people? Why don’t they come in?

what happened?

Pu Xian was a little confused, and he suddenly broke out in sweat inside his armor. He quickly returned to the outside of the tower and stretched out half of his head to take a look.

But I heard a primary school student in front of Heshi Liehuanduan complaining loudly: "Are your subordinates of Pu Xianxuan of Xianping Prefecture so ignorant of etiquette? My family is very handsome... Oh no, my family is all here to help you!" It's natural that you want to invite me to drink. But we are all standing at the city gate, and there is no one with enough weight to greet us?"

The twenty or thirty people standing on both sides of the city gate, pretending to be ordinary soldiers on duty, were also specially selected soldiers from Xianping Prefecture. Their mission was to wait until the Fuzhou officers entered the city and immediately block the city gate opening so that they could not be released. Run one. Those who can take on this role are all brave and good warriors, but they may not be outstanding in eloquence.

Hearing the small school's complaints, twenty or thirty people were all speechless and didn't know how to answer.

Pu Xian was a little dazed for a moment when he pressed it.

Pu Xian Wan Nu does not like to use officials appointed by the Kingdom of Jin, but prefers to promote warriors from the northeastern hinterland. Therefore, even if Pu Xian presses such a somewhat clever man, he started his career in the wilderness of the Northeast, fighting and killing. You can kill, you can use conspiracy, but you are really not familiar with the etiquette of official interactions.

After listening to the complaint, he suddenly thought that Pu Xianwannu had invited the officers of the Fuzhou Army to leave the city in person with the title of Xuanfu Envoy.

But Xuanfu is not in the city at the moment, and I am the only person of sufficient importance in the city?

So, should I go out of the city to welcome him?

When you get out of the city, hurry up, otherwise your secret may be revealed.

However, once you leave the city, you will have to meet He Shi Liehuan Duan, and you must be careful with your words. In addition, you must escape quickly after entering the city to avoid becoming a target for the archers in the city...

Just as I was thinking about this, I suddenly heard someone from the group behind me shouting loudly: "Yes, yes, there should be someone to greet you, let's go and invite him!"

Amidst the shouting, the gang leader army, who had been lagging behind, sped up and headed towards the city.

Those gang leaders were all Pu Xianchu's subordinates. Their sudden words were actually a bit abrupt. But their original intention was obviously to rescue their own side. Moreover, Pu Xianchu himself was in the queue, and he wanted to get out as soon as possible.

This is also normal.

Pu Xian realized that he just wanted to invite He Shi Liehuanduan and others into the city as soon as possible. Without thinking much, he held his hand on the battlement and shouted down: "Let them come in!"

After shouting, he didn't pay much attention, pointed at a few followers, and walked quickly down along the horse path to the city.

He planned to immediately go to the city gate and put up a welcoming posture, lest Heshi Liehuan would be dissatisfied, so he walked quickly.

Just halfway through, I heard the rumble of footsteps in the direction of the gate. It turned out that the group of gangsters rushed into the city gate in a chaotic manner, and then made a sharp turn. Dozens of people walked non-stop towards the horse path where Pu Xian was performing.

The direction is coming.

At dusk, the light in the city gate was dim. When these people were in the city gate, they could not see their appearance or dress clearly.

When they came out, the environment was a little brighter. On the walls on both sides of the city gate, some soldiers asked doubtfully: "Didn't you go out to eat and drink? Why are you in such a mess? What's with all this mud? Your home will be ruined."

What? Where is your Pu Xian coming out with Meng'an?"

These people ignored them all and just walked away with their heads covered. After a few steps, they ran onto the horse path.

In the blink of an eye, the two groups of people collided on the horse track.

Pu Xian pressed the button but did not say anything. The man next to him was a little annoyed and stood up and shouted: "Pu Xian pressed the button and stayed here! No more collisions!"

The gang leaders suddenly stopped.

A young man blinked and asked with a grin: "Pu Xian came out of Meng'an? Is he the left-behind general who was appointed by Pu Xianwannu and stationed in Xianping Mansion?"

What does this mean? They are all the subordinates of Pu Xian who came out to launch a fierce security. Don't they know the garrison arrangements of Xianping Prefecture?

For a moment, even Pu Xian's mind went blank, and he was stunned, let alone the obedience around him.

Na Ming replied subconsciously: "It's my Meng'an."

The young man smiled with his white teeth showing: "I, Li Erlang, am so lucky! Haha..."

Pu Xian had just finished listening to half of the words when Pu Xian realized what he was saying.

This group of people are fakes! They are not Pu Xian's subordinates at all! They are... Who knows who they are, maybe they are the subordinates of He Shi Liehuanduan, or they are the subordinates of anyone else. Anyway, they are enemies, not friends.

, and I, Pu Xian, have revealed myself and will be in big trouble now!

Pu Xian drew the knife with his backhand and roared loudly: "Kill them!"

At the same time as the roar, dozens of bones, flying axes, broad knives, and throwing spears came roaring towards him.

The man who had previously answered the question bore the brunt of the attack and was hit by a spear right in front of his face. The tip of the spear penetrated deeply between his eyes and above the bridge of his nose. The huge pressure caused both eyeballs to pop out.

He howled loudly and held the wooden pole of the spear with both hands, wanting to pull it out but not daring to pull it out. When he howled for the second time, he suddenly lost his strength, staggered and fell from the side of the horse path.

The distance between the two sides was so close, less than ten steps, how could the selected experts from the navy fail? The flying throwing weapons took away seven or eight lives almost instantly.

Blood splattered on the horse road, and screams came and went and then stopped suddenly.

Heavy throwing weapons are different from arrows, and the damage caused is much more severe. If it hits the arm or leg, the broken arm or leg will fall to the ground immediately; if it hits the head or face, the person will lose consciousness in an instant; even iron armor cannot

Completely avoiding damage, throwing axes and throwing spears penetrate the armor, causing a large amount of blood to flow, while the bones will smash the entire armor leaf to deformation, and the bones under the armor will also be broken.

Pu Xian pressed the sword and most of them died in an instant. The remaining people quickly drew their swords and fought with the enemies who rushed up. But the enemies were really fierce. The young man at the head dodged a flying sword.

Then, he stabbed him in the stomach with a knife, and then kicked him off the city wall with a flying kick.

The remaining four or five men never dared to step forward, but stood shoulder to shoulder, dancing their swords and guns so that water would not penetrate them, trying to stop the enemy's offensive.

When dozens of throwing weapons flew towards him, Pu Xian found himself hit in the chest with a broad knife.

This broad knife was specially weighted, and the huge impact made half of his body numb. When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw that the armor on his chest had been dented, and the blade passed between his left rib and left arm.

A gash nearly a foot long appeared in the muscles of his left arm, and blood poured out of his body.

"It's good that you're not dead!" Pu Xian pressed it and said to himself.

He turned around and ran back, continuing to shout: "Kill them! Kill them! The archers fired arrows! The soldiers attacked! They are the enemy and they are here to capture the city!"

Just around the city gate, Pu Xian deployed thousands of people, and Pu Xianbing's 300 cavalry were on standby at the east gate. As long as the reaction was fast enough, Xianping City would never be lost... and maybe even He Shi Liehuanduan could be killed.

Woolen cloth!

Pu Xian gasped and stood on the city platform, murmuring: "Even if we can't kill him, there is no problem in defending the city! When his adoptive father turns back with his army and crushes He Shi Liehuanduan to death, it will be like crushing him to death.

An ant!"

Following his order, the archers began to fire arrows. Although the angle was not right and it was almost impossible to shoot accurately, they instantly pinned the enemy group disguised as a gang leader against the wall of the horse path.

And inside the city gate, the soldiers who had been waiting with bated breath also rushed out.

As if in response to him, the next moment, someone in Xianping City was shouting loudly.

Li Yun pulled out the dagger from a soldier's chest. Facing the soldier's angry eyes, he said apologetically: "Actually, I don't like drinking."

Behind him, Wang Bao'er and other companions, donning armor and armed with swords and guns, poured out of the courtyard. They stepped over the corpses scattered everywhere, and while running, they shouted: "Ding Haijun Guo Jiedu has entered the city! Jiedu has entered the city!"

The commander has an order, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

Li Yun called them.

"What's wrong?" Wang Bao'er asked.

"What's the use of reporting Guo Jiedu's name here? Go to the east military camp and report He Shilie's name to Huanduan! Let's just say that He Shilie, the commander of Fuzhou, has entered the city!"

Wang Bao'er understood instantly, so the group of people shouted at the top of their lungs: "Fuzhou Heshilie Commandery has entered the city! Everyone has an order, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

A large number of elites from Xianping Prefecture were concentrated in the direction of the city gate. Although there were soldiers and horses in the city, how could they react immediately? This group of people yelled wildly, breaking up several waves of obstacles along the way, and quickly ran towards the east.

In the military camp to the east of the city, a total of two thousand Fuzhou soldiers who had been stripped of their weapons and imprisoned all heard this cry.

So, they stared at the guard in front of them, their eyes gradually becoming unkind.

This chapter has been completed!
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