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Chapter 349 All Movements (Part 1)

 Pu Xianwannu is good at planning and has courage. In his opinion, the Jurchens have been in the Central Plains for decades, and now the rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer. People's hearts are separated and the morals are weak. They no longer have the power in the unified field.

Strong military strength. That's why he decided to base himself in the Northeast and use the many tribes east of the Liaohai Sea as the foundation to rebuild a great country with strong and brave folk customs.

For this reason, he used heroes from various tribes as adopted sons to declare his political views. In the process of seizing the strength of the Jin army from various tribes, he made such sophisticated plans to avoid too much bloodshed and to form an immortal bond with various tribes.

Unending hatred.

Since he had such an idea, Pu Xianwannu had the intention of reusing the Fuzhou soldiers and did not abuse them. After removing the Fuzhou generals, he detained the remaining ordinary soldiers in the military camp for future reorganization and digestion.

Before leading his troops out of the city, he also specifically ordered the officers in custody not to treat these Fuzhou soldiers harshly, but to be gentle and win over them.

But what the leader thinks is one thing, and the actual implementation methods and results are another.

The officers and soldiers below did not understand Pu Xianwannu's ambition, nor did they have the resources to be gentle and win over, nor were they too lazy to do so. They only knew that compared to the captives in front of them, they were direct descendants and superior to them. They only thought about,

When dealing with prisoners, they must be severely suppressed and killed at any time to suppress their disobedient arrogance.

Since all the leaders of the Fuzhou soldiers were killed, they were detained in the military camp, stripped of their weapons and armor, and became like prisoners. They were beaten, scolded, and even massacred from time to time. Sometimes the companions who were killed were even tortured and screamed all night long.


This is a common scene in troubled times. Fuzhou soldiers used to show off their power in various parts of southern Liaoning and kill rebellious tribes with the same method. But one day such methods will be used on themselves, how can they endure it? Not to mention,

Our side was not defeated in battle, but lost to conspiracy and tricks!

After more than ten days, most of the prisoners in the prison camp seemed docile on the surface, but in fact there was a turbulent undercurrent. Various rumors continued. Some people suspected that Pu Xianwannu wanted to send all the prisoners into death camps, while others thought that they might be expelled.

Go and work hard until you die.

However, there was nothing that could be done. In the past few years, the northeastern hinterland had not been stable. The generals, including He Shi Liehuanduan, had to step on the corpses and flesh of many local tribes to control the situation. And the soldiers under their command were both

After signing up to join the army, who has no blood on their hands? Who is the bad guy? No matter what the ending is, it is all retribution and you can only suffer it. Within a few days, most people expect only

You won't die. Of course, there are also people who want to die quickly.

Until then.

The Xianping Prefecture soldiers who were in charge of guarding also heard the noise outside. Someone in the city shouted loudly, saying that He Shi Liehuan had entered the city. This may be false, but the shouts of killing suddenly started from the direction of the city gate, which was true.


These soldiers all knew that Heshi Liehuanduan had indeed come to Xianping Mansion, and they had devised a plan to deal with it... Could something go wrong?

The soldiers looked at each other, and they all noticed a look of surprise on each other's faces.

The prisoners who were trapped in the fence came out of the barracks one after another, looking around and whispering:

"Did you hear that?"

"Captain He Shilie has entered the city! He is shouting!"

"There's a fight over there at the city gate! There's really a fight!"

Heshi Liehuanduan was able to gather his troops and secure Fuzhou when Liaoyang Prefecture in Tokyo was lost several times. If nothing else, he was really good at controlling the morale of the army. When the prisoners heard that their commander had arrived, they seemed to have

With strength, the suppressed anger and resentment began to rise even more.

The whispered words of hundreds of people merged into ripples, trickles, and loud noises like a tidal wave. The weight of many people leaned on the fence, making the fence across the military camp creak, as if it would

Like collapse.

An officer from Xianping Prefecture was so anxious that he stepped to the fence and shouted sternly: "Back off! Back off!"

After shouting twice, the prisoners did not move. Some even stared at the officer coldly and clenched their fists.

"Are you looking for death?" The officer drew his sword and struck.

The long knife fell, blood splashed, and the prisoner who had been stabbed groaned and staggered. The officer tried to draw the knife through the fence, but the wounded man grabbed the knife tightly with both hands. The blade scratched the palm of his hand, and blood spurted out.

More hands immediately grabbed the blade and the officer's arm holding the knife.

The officer exclaimed and was dragged into the fence, and was instantly out of sight.

The officers and soldiers of the Hampyeong Prefecture who were responsible for guarding the prisoners were all frightened. Those armed with swords and guns rushed to the rescue one after another, and those armed with bows and arrows opened their bows and shot arrows indiscriminately.

At this moment, the entire fence collapsed, and the prisoners poured out like a tidal wave.

Someone took two steps forward and was hit by an arrow, but he staggered and did not slow down at all until he bumped into an enemy. His hands and feet were intertwined and he rolled to the ground. Some people used their bare hands to block the sword and gun, and immediately

The severed limbs flew up and blood and flesh splattered, but he seemed to be unaware of it as he rushed forward and opened his mouth to bite the enemy.

When one of the guarding soldiers fell, the prisoners had one more sword and gun in their hands, killing the enemy a little faster. They couldn't even wait to climb up the watchtower where the archers were entrenched, and directly gathered dozens of people below and pushed hard, killing the enemy a little faster.

The watchtower was completely knocked down, causing the archers to fall to the ground, bloody and bloody.

Not long after, the corpses of both sides were piled all over the ground, and the military camp was cleared.

Someone shouted: "Kill out! Fight out! Meet with He Shilie!"

Someone shouted: "Enter the handsome man's house! I'm going to kill Pu Xianwannu's whole family!"

More people just shouted: "Kill, kill, kill!"

After all, without a leader, everyone has their own opinions and ideas. But every opinion carries the word "kill".

Then keep fighting.

More than 2,000 prisoners were all howling, wearing the captured armor, holding the captured spears and swords, and rushed out. They suffered losses, suffered, were covered in blood and filth, and they were filled with anger.

, in urgent need of venting.

After all, Xianping Mansion was the stronghold of Pu Xianwannu. Li Yun and others rushed to the east of the city, shouting and yelling along the way, and naturally became the target of public criticism. They ran less than half the way, and they bumped into each other one after another.

Four or five groups rushed to suppress the blocking enemy.

Li Yun shouted so many times that his voice became hoarse and his throat felt like it was on fire. He took a breath and looked back and forth on the road. He saw more and more torches being lit under the dim sky, as if there were several held high.

The torchlight team is gathering.

And in front of the road, at the entrance of the south alley not far away from them, another group of soldiers rushed out with swords and guns raised.

There were only seven or eight people, so they could not stop Li Yun and others. But if they were delayed for a moment, the pursuers would arrive, and they would inevitably get entangled in one place, resulting in serious casualties.

While he was hesitating, in the alleyway to the north on the other side of the road, hundreds of people's footsteps rumbled, and countless soldiers rushed in like angry beasts, as if they could engulf Li Yun and others in an instant.

Li Yun is not afraid of the enemy. He has followed his brother since he was a child. He has done it as a ruffian, a ranger, a soldier, and a bandit. He is most familiar with fighting and killing. Although he has become a civil servant in the past year, he wields a knife tonight.

While fighting, his sword skills are still skillful.

He waved his sword and was about to move forward, but was suddenly pushed back by Wang Bao'er.

"You go south, I'll hold you back for a while!" Wang Hao'er shouted sternly.

However, Li Yun did not leave. Instead, he pulled Wang Bao'er's arm and turned back to the front. He shouted in a hoarse voice: "I am Li Yun of Ding Haijun! I am a friend of Dutong He Shi Lie! You should

Recognize me!"

The soldiers coming from the north hesitated for a moment, and Li Yun continued to shout: "He Shilie, the commander of the army, and my Dinghai navy, Guo Jiedu, have led 50,000 troops and have entered the city! He wants you and other soldiers to divide into two groups and go all the way north.

, attack the Marshal's Mansion! Go all the way south to meet the army! Everyone sets fire along the way! We will definitely win this battle. If we take Xianping Mansion, everyone will get a big reward!"

The group of people running over were the captives who had just rushed out of the camp and were rushing around the city like wild boars. Seeing Li Yun holding a long knife and shouting fiercely, and hearing that he had led an army of fifty thousand, many people instantly became angry.

The backbone of the heart was extremely happy, and subconsciously said: "I obey!"

The sky dimmed in the blink of an eye, and time passed very slowly, yet also seemed to pass very quickly.

At the south gate of Xianping City, Pu Xian pressed forward and was still directing the fighting at the top of the city.

Heshi Liehuanduan and several generals were blocked in the city gate. He tried to rush out several times, but was forced back by a hail of arrows from inside the city gate.

Guo Ning, who was outside the city, moved his troops closer and looked closely. He saw that the torches on top of the city were densely packed and steady, but the offensive below the city still failed to achieve a breakthrough. It is not easy to capture such a big city, even if there is

A clever plan is used to open the way, and in the process it is inevitable to rush and kill, relying on human lives to pile up.

Once you have taken action, you must work hard, no matter the cost, and never waver or hesitate.

"Li Erlang... I don't know what's going on."

Guo Ning suddenly thought that brothers Li Ting and Li Yun were both in the city at the moment. He murmured something, tightened his grip on Tie Gu Duo, and planned to use his best skills to lead the army to attack the city himself.

Zhao Jue and Zhang Qian spurred their horses forward at the same time, shouting angrily: "Commander Jiejie, I'll go!"

Guo Ning glanced at the two of them, waiting for words. A raging fire broke out in the city, countless people shouted to kill, and the originally orderly arrangement of pine torches on the city wall suddenly became chaotic.

There was a sudden loud cheer around Guo Ning. It turned out that in the midst of this chaos, a general finally dispersed the enemy troops and climbed to the top of the city. Under the firelight, everyone could see clearly that it was Li Ting!

This chapter has been completed!
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