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Chapter 35 Precursor (Part 1)

After forcing Yang An'er to retreat that day, Guo Ning asked Wang Shixian to go to Xinqiao Camp in Anzhou and ask the Yu clan chief who was familiar with him if he could choose among the five prefectures of Xiong, An, Bao, Sui and Ansu.

The place where the troops were abandoned and the strong men fled was where Guo Ning's troops came from.

The day after Guo Ning met with Jing'anmin, Wang Shixian rode an old horse back to the Xijunhe camp, covered with dust.

Within a few days of going back and forth, the entire camp had expanded to several times its original size. The entire highland originally on the west bank of the Xiangjun River and close to Bianwudian had been included in the scope of the camp.

The long moat outside the camp has been excavated. The long moat is about one foot wide and more than two feet deep. One end is close to the Xiangjun River and the other end is close to Bianwudian, forming an irregular arc.

Han Xuan was patrolling along the long chasm. Along the way, he ordered his subordinates to place thin and sharp reed sticks densely at the bottom of the long chasm. It was obvious that he was a little impatient, because the two ends of the connecting water area had not yet been opened, but the groundwater continued to seep up and was already submerged.

After a while, it will not be easy to arrange the soldiers' calves.

The excavated silt and sand have been piled up on the inside of the long trench. Many soldiers were divided into groups of three to five people, using ropes to pull the large rocks, pounding the sand and compacting it into an earth mound. The preparations were to be placed at the top of the earth mound.

The fence has not been started yet, and there are only a lot of wooden stakes piled behind it. There are a few craftsman-looking men who are slowly sharpening one end of the wooden stakes.

After Wang Shixian entered the camp, he saw that the camps in each capital were basically completed. Each camp gate was flying its own identification flag, capital flag and small flag used to convey orders. Each camp was clearly divided into

The area where soldiers live and the area where ordnance, food, and supplies are stored. Sentries outside the camp are in place, and well-equipped patrols patrol everywhere in turn.

There is also a separate area in the corner of the entire camp, which seems to be a designated place for defecation. Zhang Xin's men are divided into several groups and are working hard to dig holes there. They are digging and complaining to each other, seemingly because

Why did you suffer a loss in the trial and was sent to do this?

Seven camps, roughly arranged in a triangle, surround Guo Ning's base camp on the central high ground.

Wang Shixian went to his own camp first, asked about the situation, and handled a few military affairs, and then returned to the main camp.

There was no flag set up in the camp, but a full set of drum horns were lined up on both sides of the camp gate, which must have been preserved by a defeated army. Further outside the camp gate, there were several upright wooden poles. Two wooden poles were tied with two

This shirtless man probably violated military law and was punished.

Wang Shixian knew that when the army first gathered, reputation alone could not convince others, they had to get grace and power. Fortunately, the two men were in good spirits and were not severely beaten. Apparently they had not made any serious mistakes, they were just showing off to the public. After two days,

He escaped naturally within an hour. Wang Shixian looked at the top of the wooden pole again to make sure that there was no unlucky guy's head stuck on top.

When I walked into Zhongjun, I didn't see Guo Ning.

After asking Zhao Jue, I found out that Guo Ning was at the craftsman camp on the edge of the highland.

Wang Shixian hurriedly headed towards the craftsmen's camp, and sure enough he bumped into Guo Ning. He was squatting on the ground, carefully examining the row of armor plates spread out in front of him.

Not far from him, there was a hastily built iron-making furnace. The current conditions were limited, and the furnace was inevitably rough. They just dug a rectangular pit in the ground, then mixed mud with ashes and grass to form the top of the furnace, leaving the furnace door.

and chimney.

The stove is still burning, the charcoal inside is red, and sparks pop out from the stove door from time to time. There are pliers, sledge hammers, and small hammers on the edge of the big table.

This kind of stove can be built by an experienced person in two or three days. It is economical and simple. However, it can only make iron, not steel, and is usually used in villages and towns to make farm tools. However, Guo Ning does not have high requirements at present.

He only hoped to melt the discarded armor pieces and weapons into molten iron as soon as possible, and then repair the armor.

Just then the leader of the craftsmen reported that it was successful, and then Guo Ning hurried over.

The nails in front of him all showed traces of being filled with iron and beaten again. The craftsmanship was not exquisite, but it was enough for use. He weighed the nails one by one, estimated the weight, and roughly compared the specifications.

Behind Guo Ning, a dozen craftsmen were sitting uneasily on stools, waiting for Guo Ning's decision.

These pieces of armor were harvested from the previous ambush of Ji Junli's headquarters of the Tiewagan warriors. After melting some of the severely damaged armor pieces and weapons, it is expected that more than 40 sets of armor can be repaired. At this time, Guo Ning

What I was looking at were some of the earliest repaired beetle leaves.

Guo Ning planned to use half to arm his own troops, and the other half to award soldiers who performed outstandingly in training as rewards.

Since the Song Dynasty, Hebei has been the center of mining, metallurgy, textiles, ceramics and other industries. As for Dajin, the ironware of Zhending, the fabrics of Xiangzhou and Zhuozhou, and the pottery of Dingzhou are all famous. There are many craftsmen in these places.

They were all displaced due to the war. While gathering up the defeated troops, Guo Ning also paid attention to recruiting a group.

If the craftsmen cooperate tacitly and repair the armor quickly enough, they can then provide services to many soldiers.

According to the system of the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Meng An Mo Ke prepared his own weapons and armor for his subordinate soldiers. Therefore, many of the soldiers' armors were handed down from their ancestors, and even some of the Song Army armors captured during the Tianfu and Tianhui years have been used for many years.

During the first battle, even if it was damaged to the point of being unusable, he was not willing to throw it away, so he packed it into a package and carried it with him.

If these armors can also be repaired, the confidence of the soldiers in each department will be even greater.

"Very good, that's it. Please don't bother!" Guo Ning stood up with satisfaction.

According to Guo Ning's request, the craftsmen who were resting on the stools quickly stood up and saluted. Some people came up and tried to get close to each other, and some people moved too much, knocking over several stools, and it became a mess for a while.

Wang Shixian took advantage of this opportunity and rushed forward: "Liu Lang!"

Guo Ning had a brief chat with some of the master craftsmen, and then walked out of the crowd. It was very hot in the shed, so he took off his short shirt and was still covered in sweat. As he walked out, he had to put on his military robe again.

Put it on again.

"How did the Yu family respond?" he asked.

Wang Shixian's face looked a little heavy and he shook his head slightly: "I sent two more carts of grain and supplies, but the others..."

Guo Ning laughed: "They don't agree? How can Yu Jingchun, looking at the fat in front of him, hold back his mouth?"

Yu Jingchun is Wang Shixian's close friend. Hearing Guo Ning say this, Wang Shixian's face turned a little red.

He lowered his voice slightly: "Rokuro, they are helpless..."

"how to say?"

"Liu Lang's suggestion is that the Yu family and other Anzhou surnames come forward to recruit people and reset the security forces to restore local agriculture and mulberry trees, and we are responsible for the security of these security forces, including patrols and thieves. This is important to us and to

The Yu family and other big surnames are a good thing that can benefit both sides. But the Yu family has always been hesitant because our identities are ambiguous and the limelight is too strong, which will definitely arouse the jealousy of the court."

Someone on the side spat and sneered: "Thousands of soldiers were wandering in various states without food and clothing, like walking zombies. These people just pretended to be invisible. Now that we have gathered into an army, we have to find our own way. They

Are you worried that we will offend the imperial court?"

It turned out that Li Ting was here.

The two met, and Wang Shixian continued: "Although the Yu family and other wealthy families were at odds with Tu Shanhang, they did not openly fall out. They all have families and businesses and have many worries. Without the permission of the court, they would not

Dare to entangle us too deeply. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless... ahem, Liulang and brothers Yu Jingchun have a suggestion. They said that if Liulang can't get along with Anzhou's Tudan governor, then maybe he can seek a name from officials in Xiongzhou, Baozhou and other places. As long as Liulang can't get along with the governor of Anzhou.

If you have a name in hand, then..."

Guo Ning smiled and shook his head.

He raised his hand and scratched his chin, and his short, hard stubble made a rustling sound: "The reason why Mr. Yu dare not openly cooperate with us is simply because he is afraid of the court, and is worried that getting close to us will cause the court to be angry. However,

Today or tomorrow, they should understand that the court has nothing to care about and their worries are unnecessary."

"Today? Tomorrow?" Wang Shixian suddenly cheered up: "Liu Lang, are you sure?"

"Yang An'er is going to take action, not today, but tomorrow!" Guo Ning nodded.

Wang Shixian thought for a while, clapped his palms, and laughed loudly: "Then, I'll set off right away and go to Xinqiao Camp again!"

Li Ting asked in confusion: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Why are Yang An'er involved again?"

Guo Ning said: "Previously, Jing'an Min pretended to be here alone, but later we found out that he had hundreds of subordinates stationed in Suizhou, ready to respond at any time. Master Huifeng led people to monitor this unit all the way, just in case.

1. After the people of Jing'an left, the hundreds of people also retreated with him, but instead of returning to Dafang Mountain in Zhuozhou, they went due north and stationed themselves at Langshan Village in Yizhou."

"Yes, but what does Jing Anmin's movements have to do with Yang An'er?"

Yesterday, Guo Ning and Jing Anmin had reached a tacit understanding. There was no need to say anything, they both understood. Guo Ning glanced at Wang Shixian, and Wang Shixian reacted very quickly and immediately came forward to explain:

"When Jing'an was in Dexing Mansion, he had an old friendship with Yang An'er who was stationed in Jiming Mountain. Jing'an must know what Yang An'er planned. He took his subordinates to Langshan Village in Yizhou because he didn't want to get involved in Zhuozhou

There will be great chaos after that, so Yang An'er will undoubtedly rebel, and he will cause great turmoil in Zhuozhou!"

"Then Yang An'er rebelled, and what you said to Liu Lang..." At this point, Li Ting also figured it out.

Who is Yang An'er? He is the most famous rebel thief in the Dajin territory since Taihe. When it comes to rebellion, no one is better and more experienced than him! Guo Ning has long said that this person should be

The best tool to clean up the power of the imperial court!

If Yang An'er suddenly raises his troops, the momentum will surely be earth-shattering. The states south of Zhongdu Road will definitely fall into chaos. The Tiewagang army will also attack the surrounding officers and soldiers, loot the treasuries of various places to their heart's content, and then set off southward in a swaggering way.

As a result, the power of the imperial court will be swept away again. If the military states could barely maintain their dignity and maintain a majestic posture before, then after Yang An'er raised his troops, the military states have completely become empty-headed military states.

.What the imperial court can still control in this area is probably within the walls of the city where the governors and governors are located.

When the states fall into chaos, anyone who wants to protect themselves must first expand their own strength. The already powerful families will definitely join forces and work endlessly. At that time, who will care about the imperial court?

idea? Isn’t that extremely pedantic?

"Okay! Okay!" Li Ting waved his fist and laughed ferociously: "After Yang An'er takes action, what should we do? Such a good opportunity cannot be missed. If you ask me, I might as well..."

Guo Ning saw Liu Chengzheng walking towards the camp gate in a hurry, and quickly shook his head at Li Ting.

While the leaders of the defeated army were discussing, Tang Kuo, who was in Dingxing County, was inspecting the city defense.

The Laishui River outside the city flows quietly, and greenery has grown on both sides of the river. There are sporadic farmers walking around in the fields to prepare for spring plowing. Although Hebei has been hit by severe droughts, the fields around Laishui are still very busy.

That's right. Tang Kuo and his father managed to seize hundreds of acres last year, and then used the land to cultivate and establish tenants, using the original owners of the land to farm the land for their own family.

Among the Jurchens, Tang Kuohe was considered to be good at business operations. Therefore, he often climbed to the top of the city to look at his family farm and figure out how much profit he could make from this land.

But when he went to the city today, he had no such intention. Instead, in the name of the commander of Tiewa Ganzhan Army, he seriously summoned the grain shooting army in Dingxing County and carefully inspected their weapons and equipment.

Then he took them to the city and sent them to guard the city in teams.

This was an experience that Tang Kuo had not experienced in a long time. He was too fat and weak. Now he was wearing light armor, which became heavier. When he came from the horse road to the city, he felt sore in his knees;

After walking more than half a circle along the city wall, I was sweating profusely.

He had to find a pier to rest.

After sitting for a while, he asked the attendant next to him: "Why hasn't Yang An'er arrived yet? He sent someone to remind him again, and said, I have something important to ask, please ask him as soon as possible!"

Before Tong Cong could think of agreeing, a gust of wind came from nowhere and suddenly hit Tang Kuo Heda, causing him to shiver.

This chapter has been completed!
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