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Chapter 380: Mercy (Part 2)

 Before he finished speaking, the rear courtyard door closed. Dozens of wolf-like soldiers rushed in from the side doors on both sides of the courtyard.

Everyone stared at Du Shisheng with burning eyes, and raised their swords and guns simultaneously, the sharp blades pressed against Du Shisheng's face, and the cold air penetrated into his skin.

Du Shisheng stood still. The attendant next to him was so frightened that he sat on the ground and cried, "Spare my life!"

Qingshan Nu didn't even look at him and waved his hand gently. Two soldiers lifted him up and dragged him to a corner of the yard. They raised the knife and dropped it. In the blink of an eye, a bloody human head was placed on a wooden tray and presented to Qingshan Nu.


Qingshan Nu took out the silk and covered his mouth and nose, saying: "Show him! Show him!"

The soldier held the wooden tray and came back to Du Shisheng.

Du Shisheng was held against him by more than a dozen swords and could not move around. He only lowered his eyelids slightly and saw that the young face of his entourage was twisted and his eyes were bursting with tears.

This follower has been with Du Shisheng for a year. Although he is young, he is very smart. Originally, Du Shisheng had gradually introduced him to the important official duties of the Ding Navy, and planned to take advantage of the opportunity to go to Shandong next time to recommend him to the military government.

, practice with Guo Ning.

But I never thought that when the critical moment comes, I will be timid. And timid people are eager to survive, but they will actually die faster than others.

"Okay! Brother Xianfu, I've been around in Zhongdu for decades, and I know all the tricks. If you have anything to say, just say it. There's no need to kill a servant first to intimidate." Du Shisheng sighed: "These days

, there are so many dead people in Zhongdu, aren’t you and I tired of seeing them?”

He raised his hand and used his fingertips to move a short gun against his face: "Tell me first what happened. If I can explain it, I will explain it clearly. If I can't explain it, you can make next plans.

Okay? Even if you chop me into pieces, you only need to give an order, why do you need to be so nervous?"

Qingshan Nu is the son of a Jurchen nobleman. His father, Wanyan Guishan, served as an envoy to the army, and his elder brother, Wanyan Baisa, served as a subordinate of Tongzhongshu. Like other Jurchen nobles, Qingshannu also has a Chinese name.

He is called Wanyan Chengli, and his courtesy name is Xianfu.

On the same day, Guo Ning met Qingshan Nu at Sanshan Port in Laizhou, paid several boxes of gold beads and treasures, and asked Qingshan Nu to help him obtain a ticket to Liaodong. He also said that if he succeeded, his reward would be doubled.

Later, Qingshan Slave used some special means, and as expected, he managed to get through the joints without being detected, and gave Guo Ning a fourth-grade official position to control the herdsmen. And Guo Ning did what he said, and doubled the number.

The reward was promptly delivered, and it was handed over to Qingshan Nu in Du Shisheng's hands.

Because of this financial friendship, although Qingshan slaves became more and more powerful, they were not too much towards Du Shisheng. And Du Shisheng also treated Du Shisheng as a prostitute every day to show his closeness.

However, both of them also understood that this closeness was based on the court's need for Ding Haijun.

Ever since King Sui took control of Nanjing Road, the imperial court had been put on the back foot and had to fight to the death with the Mongols in Daxing Mansion, Zhongdu. If they wanted to fight to the death, they could not do without Ding Haijun.

The food and supplies obtained by the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty. Not to mention, Yang An'er, who proclaimed himself king and emperor, would make more noise sooner or later, and the navy would also need to be behind to contain it.

For these two reasons, the imperial court actually pinched its nose and showed favor to Guo Ning.

The appointment of Shandong's Xuanfu envoy was a surprise; he turned a blind eye and gave out the accusations of various herdsmen. He even allowed Du Shisheng to pretend to be a naval judge, but in fact he was engaged in all kinds of smuggling in Zhongdu.

Business, making lots of money, is also a success.

But if something happened that made the court unable to tolerate Ding Haijun, the friendship between Qingshan Nu and Du Shisheng would naturally be severed instantly.

What Du Shisheng wanted to ask was what happened.

Qingshan Nu's face was ashen: "What happened to you in Liaodong! You are not doing business, you are sending troops to Liaodong! How dare you do this before you have received an edict!"

Du Shisheng was stunned for a long time.

When Qingshan Nu was about to become impatient, he laughed out loud and said, "What are you talking about! Xianfu, are you stupid?"

"How did I become stupid?"

"The Liao land is bitterly cold, the people are fierce, and the various ministries rely on their strength to fight fiercely. This has been a long-standing disadvantage for decades. Wherever the imperial court sends a local official, it must select a strong general who has prestige, or is good at fighting. My commander-in-chief sends people to Liaodong.

Are you going to sell horses empty-handed? Isn't this like stretching your neck under a sharp knife, lest you not be killed?"

Du Shisheng raised his voice and said sternly: "It doesn't matter whether it's three hundred or five hundred. Since we want to control the herds, how can my commander-in-chief not have soldiers and horses accompanying him? Isn't this clear from the beginning? These days

, who dares to do business without a knife at hand?"


"But what?" Du Shisheng used all his strength to continue shouting: "If you can't do business, where will the horses come from? Without horses, how can you exchange food from the Song Dynasty people! Without food, the people in Zhongdu who starve to death will still be there.

Twice as much! Even those fierce Anmou Ke will starve to death! This is the benefit that my Jieshuai has spent so much effort to earn for the court! Now you tell me, my Jieshuai will use troops and horses in the future.

Got an edict? Do the whole court think that I have eaten too much?"

Qingshan Nu was so shocked by his series of shouts that he shrank his head, and then became angry again: "That's not what you said!"

"What do you mean? Come and listen to it?" Du Shisheng asked.

Qingshan Nu was silent for a long time.

"A month ago, the imperial court appointed Wulin Daqizhu as the eastern military envoy to gather the people of Linhuang Mansion and Quan and Qing Prefectures to share Pingzhou. Today he sent an urgent memorial from Pingzhou, saying that the Mongolian army

Wanhu Muhuali suddenly mobilized his troops, and within a few days, he captured Dading Prefecture in Beijing and the 22nd City of Beijing Road! At this time, the generals in the Northeast were led by Guo Ning, and they fought with Liaodong's Xuanfu envoy Pu

Thousands of slaves are fighting!"

Qingshan Nu stared at Du Shisheng with bloodshot eyes and said word by word: "The Dading Mansion in Beijing has been lost! The Liaohai Passage is cut off. This is a major event that shakes the foundation of Jinyuan! Why did Guo Ning get involved?

The fighting in Liaodong? Why did he start a fight with Pu Xianwannu? How many people did he send to Liaodong? What did he want to do? Your Majesty is furious at this moment, and you need to find out clearly! If you don’t know clearly, this Zhongdu City

Someone here is going to lose his head!"

Du Shisheng only replied with one word: "Oh."

Seeing the frivolous look of the middle-aged scholar, Qingshan slave became even more angry and was about to give orders. But he heard Du Shisheng say again: "The Dading Mansion in Beijing is lost, I know it."


"My commander-in-chief is currently in Xianping Prefecture. He actually participated in the fight with Pu Xianwannu and witnessed the movements of the Mongolian army. The messenger he sent boarded the ship from Fuzhou and arrived in Zhigu in a day and night with favorable winds.

Village, and then send the news to me. Therefore, I know the situation in Dading Mansion. Brother Xianfu, the purpose of my coming here is different from the last two times I asked for an audience. This time, it is just to tell you.

This thing."

Qingshan Nu's face changed: "What tricks can you tell me?"

"It's not a trick. In fact, it doesn't matter if brother Xianfu doesn't listen. You'll find out when you wait until tomorrow. Because tomorrow morning, Marshal Wanyan Chengchong, the left-behind marshal, will go to Beijing to learn about the affairs of Liaoyang Prefecture, Wen Dihan Qing Gou, and Zhaozhou Defense Envoy He

The four envoys, Shi Liede and Shi Liehuanduan, the governor of Fuzhou, will rush to Zhongdu to brief His Majesty on the situation in Liaodong."

Qingshannu can take on a big responsibility in the bureau, so he is by no means an incompetent person. He is familiar with these four names, and he is very aware of the weight of these four people together.

He pondered for a moment and then immediately asked: "There is no Liaodong Xuanfu envoy Pu Xianwannu? There is no Northeastern unified army envoy Wanyan Tiege?"

Du Shisheng said: "No, it won't happen."

"It seems like nothing good happened over there in Xianping Prefecture."

"That's not the case, there is still good news."

"how to say?"

"Brother Yelvliu's troops were defeated, and the so-called Liao Kingdom in Guangping Prefecture was no longer in danger."

"Oh?" Qingshan Nu took two steps back and forth excitedly: "In that case, Your Majesty, I think it can be explained! But..."

"If you have any difficulties, just tell me, brother."

Qingshannu waved his hand and told the soldiers to retreat.

When there was silence in the hall, he stepped forward, took Du Shisheng's hand, and said sincerely: "Mr. Jinzhi, don't blame me for being rude. That matter was really embarrassing. I was so anxious that I just thought about...


Du Shisheng's mind changed, and he suddenly thought of a possibility: "Could it be that my family's commander-in-chief was appointed to control all the herdsmen..."

Qingshan Nu nodded slightly.

"The emperor doesn't know? You did it alone and in private?"

Qingshan Nu nodded again.

Du Shisheng took a breath of air and felt his teeth sore.

According to Guo Ning's original idea, he used money to bribe the emperor's servants and asked them to say good things to push the emperor to make this appointment. Therefore, he prepared a huge amount of funds. These were not only for Qingshan slaves, but also for Qingshan slaves.

The slave used it to bribe other servants and officials to handle this matter properly!

As for whether the emperor would regret it or be jealous after it was done, that was not within Guo Ning's consideration.

As a result, Qingshan Nu was so blinded by the money that he swallowed it all by himself, and then deceived a fourth-grade Zhengzong to control all the herdsmen?

This official was originally shady? Has the imperial system of the Kingdom of Jin been corrupted to this extent?

Well, no wonder the emperor heard that Guo Ning's headquarters was in Liaodong, and this Qingshan slave was more anxious than his own parents were dead. The soldiers came out when they met today. Is this an attempt to coerce a confession? Or maybe he was prepared to see something was wrong,

Kill them immediately!

This chapter has been completed!
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