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Chapter 381: Mercy (Part 2)

Qingshan Nu, this bastard, is really capable of seeking death.

And his attempt to commit suicide will really cause extra trouble for Guo Jiedu! It will still be big trouble!

For a moment, the clothes on Du Shisheng's back were soaked with sweat.

Du Shisheng was a disciple of Xu Zhiguo in his early years. He stayed in Zhongdu for decades and knew the thoughts of these big figures in Zhongdu.

The loss of Dading Mansion in Beijing and the cutoff of the Liaohai Sea Passage were really a huge event for the Jin Dynasty, and the entire court was shaken by it.

If the Dajin court is united, the most important and urgent task at this moment is to immediately inquire about the size of the Mongolian army in the direction of Dading Prefecture, and contact the generals in the Northeast. Regardless of coercion or inducement, we must make them

Put aside the past grudges, gather forces to counterattack, and reconnect the Jinyuan hinterland with the Central Plains.

Anything else can be put on hold.

But the problem is that in the past few years, the Jin Kingdom has no idea what it means to be united. As several old ministers who suppressed the court died of illness one after another, the people were even more confused and confused. No matter the emperor or ministers, their calculations were not on this point.

For example, as Wulin Daqizhu, the eastern military envoy in charge of the military and political affairs east of Zhongdu, a military report came out, saying first that there were fighting and disturbances in the northeastern hinterland for some reason. This was actually to absolve himself of the crime of failing to support Beijing in time.

When this military report was presented to the emperor, the emperor's habit of thinking about trivial details must be the first thing he considered. Why was the fighting in the northeastern hinterland so that the Mongols took advantage of the opportunity to enter? How could this fighting end up with Guo Ning, the Ding navy?

Got involved.

That day when the emperor ascended the throne, he relied on Tu Danyi's political appeal and Guo Ning's military force. After Tu Danyi came to the throne, he still controlled all government affairs, which caused a lot of trouble to the emperor. Since Tu Danyi

Yi is dead, and the emperor's concerns rest solely with Guo Ning.

However, Guo Ning acted unscrupulously and was worthy of the emperor's suspicion.

Du Shisheng could almost imagine what the emperor was roaring in the palace at this moment.

The imperial court has already given Shandong the Xuanfu envoy, but you still think it is not enough? You are reaching out to Liaodong again? How dare you?

What? This Guo Ning went to Liaodong in the name of raising and controlling various pastoral sites? That’s okay, he finally has a name, not completely... hmm? No! When was this position promised to him? I am the mighty Emperor of Jin

, you don’t know? This guy is just supporting his own troops in the local area, but he is still covering the emperor’s eyes and ears in the court?

The current emperor was elected by the ministers after Hu Shahu usurped the throne. From the first day he ascended the throne, he was most worried about the abuse of powerful officials in the court and the loss of the imperial authority. Therefore, he promoted many people in one go

The importance of generals divides the military and political power into small pieces, and the importance of close servants is used to control internal forces and external forces.

There is no doubt that the emperor's attention will immediately focus on the appointment of various pastoral officials, and the anger at the loss of Beijing will greatly strengthen the emperor's motivation to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Now, first of all, Qingshan Nu is in big trouble.

From the emperor's point of view, it doesn't matter if the staff of the Internal Affairs Bureau acted a little out of line, or they were corrupt and perverted the law. The important thing is to be loyal to the emperor. Is Qingshan Nu's move considered loyalty?

If this matter is revealed to be related to him, the emperor will behead him immediately. And many people who can't stand the behavior of the Chamber of Commerce these days will never let go of the opportunity to add insult to injury. No wonder this guy is so manic. , even thought of threatening with force.

But even if Du Shisheng takes the responsibility, it won't help?

In the final analysis, Guo Ning, the military governor of the Dinghai Navy, was a foreign official. Whatever he wanted to do, he had to collude with the inside and outside. And collusion with the inside and outside, wouldn't this make the emperor more angry than a close servant who monopolizes power?

Of course, if Qingshan Nu is unlucky, Ding Haijun will also be affected.

For Ding Haijun, there is absolutely no reason to divulge the benefits gained from this battle in Liaodong. Not to mention him, even He Shi Liehuanduan and others sent envoys to report, just for a nominal post-mortem recognition. Since the imperial court was beyond reach of Liaodong, it just followed the trend and everyone was happy.

But if the emperor confirms that Guo Ning is colluding with his trusted servant, what will he do?

With his temperament, will he break up with Guo Ning and start causing trouble for the navy? Will he use the opportunity of the generals to send envoys to retaliate and support someone to suppress Guo Ning?

Perhaps, even if he sits back and watches the Liaohai channel being cut off and the situation in Northeast China worsening, he will still use the political power of Zhongdu to force Guo Ning to return to Shandong?

Falling out with Ding Haijun is not in the interest of the Jin court at this moment. But what if the emperor does not consider the interests of the Jin country, but only considers the stability of his own power? As an emperor, this is a natural choice, and it cannot be more legitimate.

The emperor is always the emperor. No matter how little he succeeds, he always fails.

He has many ways to create trouble for the navy!

The reason why Du Shisheng is willing to join Guo Ning's disciples is because Guo Ning seems to have a talent given by nature. Although he seems to be ruthless in his actions, he has always had a very good sense of proportion, and every step is stuck on the opponent's bottom line. Outsiders You might think that he would flip the table over at any time, but in fact the table was placed in a stable position from beginning to end, and Guo Ning took away no shortage of benefits from the table.

But what if the emperor is determined to overturn the table?

Will Ding Haijun spit out his interests, bow to the emperor, and keep the table still? Don't think too much, Guo Ning will never allow such a situation to occur.

So, what other options are there?

Du Shisheng frowned and walked back and forth in the courtyard for a long time. He turned around and saw that Qingshan Nu was sweating profusely.

"The military report was sent to the palace an hour ago. His Majesty must have seen it by now. Ahem, Mr. Jinzhi, do you have any good suggestions to remedy it?"

Du Shisheng was in a hurry and couldn't do anything.

He walked around the courtyard twice more and sighed.

After all, I, Mr. Du, am not the kind of person who is full of clever ideas. At such a critical moment, I can't come up with any good ideas to turn things around. Fortunately, I have been hanging out in Zhongdu for a long enough time and I know a lot of old acquaintances. Now, I can only ask an old acquaintance to come forward.

He hooked his fingers towards Qingshan Nu, who took two steps closer.

"I've heard that it's better to plan for a rainy day than to fix the situation before it's too late."

Qingshan Nu smiled bitterly: "What kind of plan is there to prepare for a rainy day? Is it possible to turn back time and make the memorial disappear?"

"No, no. You go back to the palace immediately. If His Majesty asks, don't say anything first. Grit your teeth and hold on for half an hour. After half an hour, someone will go to see Your Majesty and ask Your Majesty to have mercy and spare your life.


Qingshan Nuhu asked: "Really? Are you trying to trick me? If I am beaten to death by the emperor, your family's Jiedu will be..."

Du Shisheng laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

"why are you laughing?"

"Brother Xianfu, do you think my Jieshuai will care about the court's punishment? It's just a matter of saving some face on both sides! My idea is just to save your life; even without my idea, do you still want to live?"

Qingshan Nu's expression changed again and again, and finally he just sighed: "That's fine..."

At that moment, the two of them dispersed, each running in a hurry.

In the evening, news came from the palace that the emperor was extremely irritable because of the loss of Dading Palace in Beijing. The deputy envoy of Wuwei, who was in the red, reminded Wanyan Qingshannu of the Internal Affairs Bureau to offend the emperor and was ordered to be dragged out and beaten.

Unless Xu Ding, the minister of the current dynasty, You Cheng, happened to ask for an audience, the Qingshan slaves would probably not survive.

This chapter has been completed!
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