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Chapter 392 Life and Death (Part 2)

"What's going on? How could he die?" Guo Ning asked again.

The messenger opened his mouth repeatedly, only to make a "ho ho" sound from his throat. Accompanying his breath was a stench that Guo Ning was familiar with. It was the smell caused by the decay of the wounds of the dying man, mixed with

The smell of blood is very choking.

"Jie Shuai, let me ask you in detail." Xu Jin said.

Guo Ning nodded, stood up from the messenger, waved to the medical officer: "I will clean up a quiet room in my courtyard, place the messenger properly, and be sure to take care of it."

The medical officer was an acquaintance, and he was the one who poured cold water on Tu Shanhang at the Xijunhe camp that day. After listening to Guo Ning's instructions, he stepped forward and whispered: "Commander, don't bother, this man is alive."

It’s not possible.”


"When he came, he had already suffered several serious injuries from swords and guns, and some of the injuries went straight to his organs... We gave him a thick soup made from ginseng and aconite, which lifted his spirits. It was for the patient to regain his senses.

If Xu Canjun asks a few more questions about the powerful medicine, he is afraid that it will not work..."

"Hey!" Guo Ning was immediately angry.

Just as he was about to scold, he remembered what he had just said, asking the medical officer to revive the person first, so he could only sigh: "You really, really did it..."

The medical officer's face was filled with fear, but Guo Ning said a few words of comfort and returned to the study.

"I feel a little stuffy, so open the window."

The subordinates opened the windows on both sides of the study room, and the evening breeze blew in. Everyone was speechless, waiting for Xu Jin to ask about the situation.

After a while, Xu Jin came back with a frown.

"How about it?"

"He said that he was Yang An'er's guard. After Yang An'er led his troops into Huaishang, he fought several times with Wanyan Congtan, a close general under King Sui's tent, but was unable to penetrate deep. One day, he led his own Qingqi and went to Linhuan.

Longshan Temple explored the terrain and was ambushed by Wanyan Congtan's Qingqi. Yang An'er died on the spot, and then the army collapsed. The messenger came with a few subordinates to report, hoping to ask General Qinjie to send troops to help them. Because they were attacked along the way

They were robbed and killed, which is why they ended up in such a miserable situation."

The questions were detailed enough, and it seemed that the strong medicine really worked.

In the silence, someone wondered: "What kind of person is Wanyan Congtan? Does he have such ability?"

Someone else asked: "The military report said before that there were about ten thousand elite soldiers brought to Huaishang by Yang An'er, right? Even if all these ten thousand people died, there would still be at least hundreds of thousands under the leaders of the red coat army."

We may not have enough troops to attack, but we have more than enough to defend ourselves. Why are you so anxious to come to our door?"

Xu Yan replied: "We still need to wait for further information on the specific battle situation. But when it comes to why this person turned to our commander for help... the huge power of the Red Coat Army was completely united by Yang An'er's personal prestige. On weekdays,

There are still internal strife and fires. As soon as Yang An'er dies, the various ministries will immediately fall apart. The weak ones will either take risks to protect themselves, or they will be eliminated and annexed, while the strong ones will fight and attack each other."

The man still didn't understand and continued to ask: "Xu Canjun, what I mean is that we have no friendship with Yang An'er. What does his bodyguard ask us to do? And who sent him here? I don't think so..."

This official had not been involved in Ding Haijun for a long time, and he was still unclear about the complicated friend-enemy involvement between Ding Haijun and the Red Coat Army. Monk Luo coughed twice, stood up and said: "Since the next news will have to wait for two days, Jieduan

Handsome, would you like to put all the troops on alert for now?"

Guo Ning stood behind the desk and looked up at a map of Shandong on the wall.

Yang Aner is dead?

He gathered hundreds of thousands of troops and occupied most of Shandong. As a result, he launched a vigorous attack on Nanjing Road. He died before even achieving any results? He was always a heroic figure. How could he die so easily?

This change came so suddenly that Guo Ning was caught off guard.

Guo Ning was never optimistic about the future of the Red Coat Army. He and his subordinates all believed that although the Red Coat Army was powerful, it had no foundation, and the internal factions were complex and difficult to control. Therefore, all the previous plans made by the navy were in vain.

It was based on the failure of the Red Coat Army.

But everyone also felt that such a huge force was not enough to attack, but it was more than enough to protect itself. Considering that many soldiers in the Red Coat Army had deep hatred against the Jin Dynasty court, even if they suffered consecutive defeats on the battlefield, relying on them

The business can be sustained for a long time even in remote and dangerous locations in the mountains.

At least, hold on until after this autumn harvest.

By that time, Ding Haijun's strength has expanded again, and Guo Ning will have enough strength to support any decision he makes.

But what now?

Over in Liaodong, the territory of the two states has just been acquired and still needs to be digested and absorbed. Heavy troops need to be deployed from Shandong to stabilize it. Contacts with various warlords in the Northeast have just begun, and the benefits have not yet been seen, so investment is needed.

There are many resources.

From a certain perspective, the power Guo Ning can mobilize in Shandong has actually been weakened in the past two months.

It happened that Yang An'er died at this time.

Once he dies, the Red Coat Army will definitely be in chaos. King Sui on the Nanjing Road side and the servant San Anzhen of the new Xuanfu Envoy on the other side of Hebei will immediately go all out to reach out to Shandong.

Can the leaders of the Red Coat Army, who are falling apart and fighting among themselves, be able to withstand it?

Guo Ning was not familiar with Sui Wang Wanyan Shouxu and Hebei Xuanfu's envoy Pu San Anzhen. But Guo Ning knew how much Tu Shan Yi valued King Sui when he was still alive. Tu Shan Yi regarded Pu San Anzhen as

Guo Ning also knows about this important ally.

There will be no problem with Tu Danyi's vision, and these two people must also have means and talents.

Perhaps in this month or two months, the forces of these two parties will penetrate deep into Shandong. And the Red Coat Army, which Guo Ning originally regarded as a treasure, is likely to be divided and devoured by these two families!

Once the Red Coat Army is defeated and the power of the imperial court is forced under the eyes of Ding Haijun, it will be a serious threat that is far more dangerous than the Red Coat Army.

Of course, servant San Anzhen, who came from the Zhongdu court, and Sui Wang, who controlled Henan, were not from the same family. If the forces of these two families came into contact in Shandong, they would be in conflict with each other. Ding Haijun would advance and retreat between the two, and it might not be possible to open up a new

new situation.

But Ding Haijun itself is already a behemoth that encompasses the five states. How can it be so easy to stay humble and remain small? The body of a certain close servant who served as the Imperial Guard is still floating in the sea!

If you remain low and do nothing, the Jin army will have its neck cut off. How will you deal with it then?

Guo Ning has always been fierce in tactics, but in terms of strategy, he was influenced by that big dream and likes to play steadily and step by step. However, step by step does not mean sitting back and watching the situation change, one ebbing and the other ebbing.

According to what Monk Luo meant, just putting the troops on alert would definitely not be enough and would not scare people.

After all, Guo Ning has long been interested in Shandong territory. No matter what, he cannot allow others to interfere.

Whoever dares to reach out will have his hand chopped off!

Guo Ning sighed, turned around and said to everyone: "It's only been a few days since the comfortable days, and it's time to get busy again! As the saying goes, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Although we strive to be steady, when things happen, we have to face difficulties.

That's the only way. Everyone, please spare no effort and help me."

All the civil and military officials bowed: "Please give me your orders, Commander-in-Chief."

"On my way to Zhongdu and Liaodong for the grain and fodder business, I will stop for a moment. I will use all the grain. The Secretary for Civil Affairs will do his best to arrange the grain and fodder baggage."


"The arrangements of Han Xuan and other ministries remain unchanged. However, the five armies directly under the Dinghaijunjiedushifu were immediately organized and ready to be dispatched at any time. The aforementioned arrangements for winning the lottery of 5,000 troops in Yinhu were completed within ten days in advance.


"As commanded."

"The subordinates of the envoys of the three prefectures in Denglai should have a reserve of about 9,000 troops, and they will mobilize 5,000 troops to supplement the five armies. At the same time, they are allowed to sign local troops of 5,000 to make up for the vacancies."


"In addition, please invite Mr. Liang Xunyi to come. He is a serious doctor from Taichang, and his literary talent must be good. Ask him to write a decent letter for me. Well, the letter says that I am a Shandong propaganda man.

Envoy, we are about to raise troops to attack the Red Coat Army."

Several civil servants immediately knew that Commander-in-Chief had the knife in his hand, ready to see blood, but not ready to fight openly.

The cover of Shandong Xuanfu Envoy is about to be used.

Yi La Chucai responded respectfully: "Understood, I'll go ask Mr. Liang."

This chapter has been completed!
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