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Chapter 395 Collapse (Part 2)

 The days in early September were obviously shorter. Yang Miaozhen was on the battlefield where the two armies were chasing each other, and felt that time passed too slowly.

When Yang Miaozhen was retreating to the south toward Liuzi Town, he was recognized by a cavalry commander among the pursuers. So more than a hundred pursuers began to bite and pursue him like mad dogs.

Yang Miaozhen once again led a counterattack, intending to push the dogs back a little distance, but they only fought for a moment, then pretended to be unable to withstand the enemy and retreated. Yang Miaozhen did not see the trick at first and followed a few more steps.

, when she was about to rein in her horse, Xie Lie Mingding personally led his elite cavalry and came shouting for kill, flying arrows like rain.

The fierce sound of fighting attracted the attention of the Jin troops scattered around.

The officers of the Jin Army had always had various speculations about the famous Fourth Lady in the Red Coat Army, and now they were even more excited. They urged troops from all directions to kill her, intending to cut off her retreat. They all shouted, "Capture the Fourth Lady alive, capture Yang Miaozhen alive."


Yang Miaozhen rushed to kill her several times, but her horse suddenly lost its front hoof and fell forward, knocking her off.

The world was spinning before her eyes, and she felt severe pain in her left arm. The spear was thrown out, and she didn't know where it landed.

Just as he rolled to his feet, a Jin soldier suddenly sprang out from the nearby bushes and slashed with his sword.

Yang Miaozhen pulled out her dagger and blocked the big knife, then took a step forward and stabbed the Jin Jun to death. But she was extremely exhausted, so she used all her strength. As a result, after slicing the enemy's throat with the dagger, she continued to swing it diagonally.

, staggering forward with her body, the dagger plunged into the tree.

In an instant, another enemy stabbed him with a spear. Yang Miaozhen did not even bother to draw his sword, dodged to avoid the stabbing, then grabbed the barrel of the gun and tried to use it.

Unexpectedly, perhaps because the gun-wielding Jin Jun was too strong, she couldn't take it away, and another Jin Jun rushed out from behind the bushes.

In a hurry, she released her right hand that had grabbed the gun barrel. The Jin Jun who was trying to snatch the gun from her couldn't stand and fell to the sky.

She turned sideways and punched the advancing Jin soldier in the face, and was about to step forward to snatch his sword when another Jin soldier suddenly rushed from behind and hugged her around the waist.

At the same time, several more soldiers ran towards her, cheering repeatedly: "Caught a bitch! Caught Yang Miaozhen!"

Yang Miaozhen struggled several times, unable to get away. In her panic, she suddenly gained strength and could move her left hand. She twisted her waist suddenly, backhand, and stabbed into Sergeant Jin's eye socket with the index and middle fingers of her left hand.

Her fingers felt slightly cold, as if something like tofu had been smashed, and wetness flowed into the palm of her hand. The Jin Jun screamed loudly, covering his face and rolling around on the ground.

Several Jin soldiers who had planned to pounce on her were startled by this scene and stopped and cursed: "You bitch is so vicious!"

They stopped for a moment, and several of Yang Miaozhen's men came up behind them. Someone led an ownerless war horse on the battlefield and shouted: "Four ladies, get on your horse quickly! Let's go quickly!"

Yang Miaozhen jumped on his horse and whipped his whip repeatedly.

The red-coated soldier who led Yang Miaozhen's horse followed closely behind him. He ran a few steps before being shot to death by a stray arrow.

Yang Miaozhen galloped for a while, but perhaps because the enemy troops were gathering from all sides, he relaxed his pursuit on the outside and could only hear the shouts of the pursuers behind him gradually moving away.

The sun finally set, and within two or three miles nearby, there began to be heard the sound of birds flying into the forest, the evening smoke flowed between the mountains, and the dusk suddenly became dim.

With the last dim light, Yang Miaozhen saw in a gorge, his own soldiers wearing red military jackets were jumping to their feet and waving their hands.

She had no strength at all, so she held the saddle and headed towards the valley. Before she entered the valley, she fell into a drowsy state and lost consciousness.

When I woke up, it was already midnight. There were thick shadows in the mountains, and it was so dark that I couldn't tell which was the vegetation, which was the bamboo, which was the rocks, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and sweat.

Yang Miaozhen felt a splitting headache. She had no strength at all, and could hardly lift her arms and legs. She reluctantly adjusted her stiff sitting posture, and hard lumps of plaster and blood formed on her face and body. The movements fell slowly.

The good news is that there is no broken bone in the left arm. It may be a muscle contusion. Be careful not to move it anymore. It may be possible to recover tomorrow or the next day.

She reluctantly raised her head and looked at the heights, where she found a soldier carefully guarding the place, so she relaxed a little.

Just as he was about to get up, he heard a young soldier crying non-stop not far away. Someone kept trying to persuade him: "Okay, okay. I'm still alive at last. Isn't it good to be alive?".

The one crying was probably a recruit who had been drafted recently.

Before the Red Coat Army invaded Henan, they gathered volunteers near Dongping Prefecture on the East and West Road of Shandong. Many men who relied on their bravery or poor people who had deep hatred against the Jin Dynasty's court joined the army at that time.

However, the real cruelty of the killing field far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people. Yang Miaozhen saw with his own eyes that some people who are usually brave are so frightened that they collapse to the ground and urinate and urinate when they are faced with a sword-to-knife fight.

Although the soldier beside him was crying, he still persisted in this defeat for a long time, and Yang Miaozhen did not despise him.

She wanted to say a few words of comfort, but she heard the soldier push away the companion who was comforting him and shouted: "I'm not afraid of death! I'm hateful! It's hate!"

The soldier's helmet was crooked, his shoulders and legs were hit by several arrows, and his body was stained with blood. He pushed his companion away and immediately fell to the ground, hissing to himself:

"Those who have been fighting with us these days are all Han children! Did you see? Those are all Han children! The Jurchens are our enemies, but the soldiers on the Henan Road, those Han children, came to kill us! They are just for If you have a mouthful of food, you will become a dog for the Jurchens! Come and kill us!"

Yang Miaozhen sighed and walked to the other side of the valley.

Yang Miaozhen had been thinking about the issue that made this soldier furious for a long time, and many soldiers in the Red Coat Army had also thought about it.

In this world, some people always remember their hatred against the Kingdom of Jin, thinking that the days will be lost and that they will all perish; others do not remember those blood feuds and just want to live. The former is certainly a hero, and the latter is not necessarily wrong.

However, as the world continues to be in chaos day by day, how can we live as long as we want? Do those men really think that they can live a good life after repelling the red coat army? Do they really think that those Jurchens in the Dajin court can live a good life?

Sir, do you have a conscience?

Thinking of this, Yang Miaozhen only felt ridiculous.

She stepped on the gravel at the bottom of the valley and walked slowly and aimlessly. Not long after walking, there was a flash of fire in front of her. She moved to the side of the cliff covered by vines, and then she saw a group of soldiers holding pine torches.

Hurrying forward along the narrow road in the mountains, the two leading generals turned out to be Guo Yao'er and Liu Quan.

Guo Yao'er was Yang An'er's personal general, and was later transferred to Mizhou as the commander-in-chief. When Yang An'er sent his army to Huaishang, he was worried about the insufficient supply of grain and fodder, so he asked Guo Yao'er to escort a batch of supplies from Mizhou to

Pizhou, send to the front line at any time.

Liu Quan was Yang An'er, Yang Miaozhen's uncle. After Yang An'er became king, he was the commander of the pro-army army. After Yang An'er was attacked at Longshan Temple, Liu Quan led his people to respond and covered the seriously injured Yang An'er as he retreated.

Yang Miaozhen had previously agreed with him that the two parties should meet at Shuanggou Town at the junction of Xuzhou and Pizhou, and then lead the troops to retreat together.

How did the second general get here?

Yang Miaozhen followed quietly behind the soldiers' queue. He saw the second general rushing all the way to the west side of the canyon. When he saw someone, he asked: "Is the Fourth Lady here? Have you seen the Fourth Lady?"

The shocked soldiers could not answer at all, but some people complained and made noise, and almost had a conflict with the soldiers.

The second general asked around and found out that Yang Miaozhen once rested here, but now he had gone somewhere.

Liu Quan was old. After running for a while, he fell down on a stone, stroking his chest and unable to stand up for a while.

But Guo Yao'er was still unwilling to give in. He sent his soldiers to explore the front of the canyon. He followed the way he came and asked the soldiers one by one.

Step by step as we walked into the back side of the canyon, a person suddenly appeared in front of us, which startled Guo Jie'er.

The man asked: "Uncle Biter, why are you here?"

Guo Yao'er recognized Yang Miaozhen's face through the moonlight, laughed twice, and suddenly shed tears. He took Yang Miaozhen's arm and walked forward. As he walked, he shouted: "Old Liu,

I found your niece!"

Yang Miaozhen followed Guo Jie'er, walking one step deeper than the other, and asked hurriedly: "You haven't said anything yet, Uncle Jie'er, why are you here?"

"This defeat was too sudden. At this moment, all the armies collapsed, and all parts of Shandong collapsed! It was reported yesterday that Fang Guosanna had occupied Dongping Mansion and was merging with Zhan Hui; Li Quan seized

Yidu, Binzhou and other places surrendered the Jin Kingdom's Hebei Xuanfu envoys; Shi Qing and others gathered in Tengzhou and plundered the Xupei area. Liu Erzu originally gathered troops in Jizhou, but now he took his Taishan tribe and went directly to

Gone deep into the mountains!"

Guo Yao'er took a few anxious breaths and continued: "I have very few troops in Pizhou, and I don't dare to confront Shi Qing's fellow, so I led my troops westward to try to meet you, and then go to the district... We don't want to

If you get entangled with Jin Jun again, you have to leave quickly, otherwise you will be in big trouble!"

Yang Miaozhen suddenly heard this series of bad news and felt her head buzzing.

She murmured: "My brother just lost the battle, why are they so eager to rebel? What will they look like when my brother returns..."

Having said this, Guo Yao'er stomped on his feet.

Looking ahead, Liu Quan came over in a hurry. Yang Miaozhen didn't see clearly just now, but now he realized that the veteran looked extremely haggard, and his hair and beard were all white.

Guo Jie'er said in a bitter voice: "So the fourth lady... doesn't she know?"


"Marshal Yang died of his injuries a few days ago. Our red coat army has been dispersed."

Yang Miaozhen felt that the ground beneath her feet was shaking. She held onto the cliff and asked in confusion, "What?"

This chapter has been completed!
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