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Chapter 40 Side by Side (Part 2)

The fighting between the two armies began quickly.

As expected, it was Hu Shahu's troops who attacked first, and the first ones to achieve victory were the Jurchen archers.

"Boom boom" The sound of the bow strings suddenly merged into a continuous muffled sound. The arrows with heavy arrow clusters jumped into the air, and then turned and fell. The arrows almost formed a dense row of arrows one after another.


The arrows kept falling, hitting targets one after another, hitting people's heads, necks, chests, abdomens, arms, and legs. Wherever they touched, bright red blood immediately began to appear. The soldiers who were hit made a sound of formation.

Guo Ning and others could hear the screams clearly from a long distance away.

Those short cries came from people who were shot in vital parts and died immediately. And those long and miserable sounds came from people who were seriously injured... Whether their internal organs were injured or their major blood vessels were cut, sooner or later they would also

They were going to die. There were more people who were slightly injured. They just let out a muffled grunt, staggered, and continued to stand among their companions.

The soldiers listed by Yang An'er in the front line were not elite, and they lacked combat experience. However, these people could be coerced into rebelling, and everyone dared to die. Under the leadership of the officers, they began to shrink and move closer, trying to form a larger formation.

The tight ranks used shields to defend against the arrows falling from high places. Others took out their own bows and arrows and shot at the Jurchens.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and when they kept firing at each other, the Jurchen infantry also began to scream and fall to the ground.

At this time, there was no longer a need to projectile, and most of the archers began to directly aim at the enemy and shoot, with a very high hit rate. Several Jurchen warriors who shouted for command were targeted by more than ten archers, and were hit by five or six bullets at once.

Arrows. Some arrows were deflected by the blades of the armor, while others penetrated through the weak points or unarmored parts of the armor, killing the armor immediately.

The queue of Jurchen infantry continued to move forward without wavering.

This unit is indeed an elite private soldier that has been supported by Hu Shahu for a long time. It is top-notch in terms of fighting will and fighting discipline!

At a distance of thirty steps, the Jurchen archers fired the last round of arrows and put away their long bows.

When the distance was close to twenty steps, the Jurchen elites wearing Zha armor, wearing combat boots, and holding heavy iron spears one to two feet howled loudly, and took the lead to quicken their pace. Hundreds of iron spears pierced out like a steel jungle.

At the same time, the Jurchen archers in the back row threw the throwing weapons they carried.

Daggers, hand axes, throwing spears, and small hammers were thrown at them like raindrops. With the intensive clanging sound, Yang An'er's troops in front, who were ready for the collision, were suddenly beaten thin again. The next moment,

The iron spears stabbed wildly, while more Jurchen warriors armed with heavy weapons such as maces and eight-sided sticks rushed towards the opened gap.

The two armies were engaged in intensive battle, with weapons adding up, and life or death could be decided in an instant. At that moment, everyone's roars rose to the sky, but they were replaced by metal collisions and the horrifying sound of blocking.

The grinding of teeth, and the next moment, all the sounds were replaced by the dull sound of a blade piercing the human body.

Judging from the position of Guo Ning and others from a distance, it only took a short time for the formations of the two armies to go from orderly to chaotic. The front formations of both sides went from being clearly separated to being intertwined, while the rear formations of the Jurchens were still like a surge.

Generally moving forward, the battle lines become closer and closer and more entangled.

Some of the Jurchens' iron spearmen stabbed several enemies in succession, then let go of their hands, letting the enemies who were continuously penetrated by the iron spears wail and fall to the ground, and then pulled out their sabers and continued to fight.

Their knives are all good. Hu Shahu is very careful about the equipment of his men. When he swings it, he can even cut the enemy's weapon in two. Those sharp blades are flipping and cutting in the blood spray everywhere.

Limbs, cut off the body, chop bones into pieces, turning every battle line into a hell of flesh and blood.

Hu Shahu is undoubtedly a famous general. His elite troops followed him in the south and north, and used such swords to chop down the Song people and even more rebels. They were used to easily dispersing the enemy and arousing fear in the hearts of the enemy with massacres.

The army of the Jin Dynasty was always good at this.

However, Yang An'er's troops did not collapse.

These people are just a mob. Many of them were just ordinary people just a few days ago. But over the years, what kind of hell have the people lived under the rule of Dai Jin? Every year, every month

, every day, people died. Some froze to death, some starved to death, some were signed to the front line to fight, and some were forced to death by the government.

So many people can no longer survive, so many people are filled with resentment and resentment!

In the past, they were used to kneeling down and kowtowing under the power of the imperial court. Just like their fathers and ancestors, they also felt that they would spend their lives like this and die at a certain point in time. But one day, they crossed

After crossing that line...then I realized that there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to care about. Rebellion means nothing more than death! But even if you die, you have to find someone to support you!

Thousands of people rushed up like a wave to face death. In their queue, some were even singing and some were laughing!

In the eyes of experienced warriors, their fighting skills were insignificant. But the terrifying momentum they gathered together moved even Guo Ning.

Monk Luo couldn't help but touched his head and sighed: "What a Yang An'er, what a group of rebels!"

Guo Ning took the horse and took two steps back into the depression. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head again.

Amidst the sounds of fighting, he said in a deep voice: "According to the agreement between me and Jing'an Min, in the future the three states of Zhuo, Yi and Ding will completely become the sphere of influence of Jing'an Min, Zhang Rou and Miao Daorun. Jing'an Min

He has always acted cautiously and did not want to get blood on his hands easily, so he hoped that Yang An'er would invade Zhuozhou, kill those damned people, and then march south; while he could safely clean up the mess and win over people's hearts..."

Monk Luo nodded solemnly: "The Sa family believes that the people of Jing'an hope that everyone who attempts to resist in Zhuozhou City will die, and the people in the city are all there, which is a good business with no capital and huge profits!"

"As the master said."

Guo Ning nodded and looked around the crowd: "We worked so hard to come here. On the one hand, we want to help the people of Jing'an to intimidate Yang An'er so that Yang An'er cannot stay in Zhuozhou for a long time; on the other hand, we want to block Yang An'er's way to the west and show our

By using our military power, we can ensure our territory, that is, Xiong, An, Ansu, Sui, and ensure the stability of the five states. The meaning of this is very subtle... You can understand it if you think about it."

Several generals looked at each other and nodded.

When they served in the army, they were used to a state of clear distinction between the enemy and ourselves. However, after living in Hebei for two years, both their own identities and the criteria for judging friends and foes slowly fell into chaos. In this world, human life is the lowest value.

People's hearts are fickle, former leaders will fall out, and enemies who have had blood feud with each other will stand together again for the common interests.

Just like Yang An'er, Guo Ning, Jing Anmin and other local powerful men, they seemed to be enemies, but they were also poaching the Jin court, and there was some collusion.

Yang An'er wanted to enjoy the joy of a dragon swimming in the sea. Guo Ning, Jing Anmin and others took this opportunity to show their strength and gain local support, thereby overriding the local officials stationed by the imperial court in Hebei states.

Most of this operation was based on Jing Anmin's idea. With Guo Ning's temperament, he was not patient with such detailed planning. But who among the people present was not smart and capable? Guo Ning mentioned it a little, and everyone understood it.

"But..." Wang Shixian thought for a while: "Although Hu Shahu is a despicable person, he is a strong soldier and a brave general. Now that he is here, Yang An'er has no chance to invade Fan Yang. Not only that, if he is not careful in dealing with it, Immediate death and defeat! In this way, Jing'an people's subsequent plans for Zhuozhou will certainly come to nothing, and the situation we face will also be greatly unfavorable."

Li Ting sneered: "It's the people of Jing'an who want Zhuozhou, but we don't want it. How does the situation disadvantage us? Now we withdraw our troops and return to Junhe. How can that dog Hu Shahu catch up and bite my bird?"

Wang Shixian explained patiently: "Before Hu Shahu was demoted, he was the right deputy marshal, Quan Shangshu Zuo Cheng, a real important general of the imperial court. If Yang An'er is a wolf, this person is ten times more terrifying than a wolf. Such a person suddenly comes. It was really strange to arrive in Zhuozhou... Who knows what he had planned? As long as he stopped for a moment in Zhuozhou, it would be like a bloodthirsty tiger walking out of thin air next to his bed. Our full vigilance was still not enough. The local officials in Anzhou and other places... What will be the attitude towards us?”

Liu Cheng laughed twice: "The local officials just paid it back. Our food and supplies are about to run out. If the Yu family and other wealthy families continue to hesitate and continue to consume like this...the team will be dispersed next month!"

Hearing what he said, everyone was dejected.

Li Ting glanced at Liu Cheng: "What's the use of saying this? Do you have any way to deal with it? How about we join forces with Yang An'er and have a big fight here and kill Hu Shahu?"

When these words came out, the hearts of everyone present jumped instantly. The next moment, they all felt ridiculous. For a moment, everyone looked strange and didn't know how to answer. Zhang Xin laughed twice and said in a huff: "That's not... after all. This is a big shot in the court! Let's... ahem, don't think wildly! Otherwise, let's set our banner and help Hu Shahu fight in a fight to wipe out Yang An'er... With this credit, can't we ask for some benefits from Hu Shahu? "

Everyone didn't care what happened to Yang An'er. But these words sounded depressing, and several people immediately glared at Zhang Xin.

At this time, Guo Ning made up his mind.

"We want the support of food and crops, we want to win the respect of the local area, and we want a land where we can recuperate and train soldiers and martial arts. There are many things we want, and in the final analysis, we have to rely on the sword in our hands to obtain them, rather than praying for them. He said slowly: "Besides, since you are holding a sword in your hand, what's the harm in getting a little blood on it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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