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Chapter 402: Two Ways (Part 2)

Li Ting stared at Gao Xin and said nothing for a long time.

On the side, Qiu Huiluo held back his laughter and asked, "How is this person?"

Li Ting held his chin in his hand and answered the question: "Lao Wang is quite capable and can judge people very accurately!"

"Haha, Lao Wang is certainly capable. Speaking of which, he was the first to spot our commander."

Qiu Huiluo responded, took two steps toward the stairs, and looked north from the window at the other end. In the night, he saw many people crowded in various shops, shipyards, docks and warehouses, and many lights flickered.

People were alarmed by the fighting on the other side of the river, and they came out to talk among themselves.

Immediately, the drums in the military fort were rumbling, and the soldiers lined up and rushed out of the military fort to attack in many places. The drums stopped after three passes, and the originally noisy market became silent, and every household stayed behind closed doors. It seemed that

, Gao Xin was also good at running the army.

"Let's go!"

Qiu Huiluo greeted Li Ting: "It's so easy to capture Guanchang Army, how can we waste the time? Let's move our troops across the river and go to Zhucheng overnight?"

"good idea!"

Li Ting immediately stepped forward.

After taking two steps, he explained: "Recently, there have been a number of military school students among the personal guards around Commander-in-Chief. I think their actual military experience is only this, but when it comes to the theory of art of war, they are really one after another. Listen to Lao Wang

He said that Gao Xin also came out of the military academy, and I thought he was an armchair military figure..."

Qiu Huiluo was dumbfounded: "Not to mention that Gao Xin is a famous strongman in Juzhou and Mizhou, and he has a lot of experience in fighting. How come the batch of military school students used by the Commander-in-Chief are no longer just armies on paper? Li Erlang, you will talk later.

Can you use your brain?"

Li Ting looked up to the sky and shouted, haha, and quickened his pace.

After walking a few steps, he said: "Send the order, Gao Xin selects the elite men to follow the army. Just let Hao Duan keep an eye on this side of the hunting ground!"

As the fleet traveled back and forth between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, it took only an hour for Li Ting and Qiu Huiluo's more than 7,000 men to get through the water.

One hundred and eighty miles south of Zanshui are the cities in Mizhou that Yang An'er has managed for a long time.

According to Gao Xin's introduction, this place was originally commanded by Yang An'er's trusted general Guo Jie'er, with nearly 10,000 troops stationed at most.

When the Red Coat Army first rose up, they relied on their hatred of the Jurchens. Later, after taking control of Shandong, some people became generals and prime ministers, with gold and silver and gold and silver seas, while others were always miserable and miserable. The difference is clear.

, many of Guo Yao'er's subordinates in Mizhou had friendship with Gao Xin.

In addition, there was a maritime merchant named Zhou Keshan sent by Guo Ning. He traveled to Mizhou on a daily basis and had a lot of money. He also secretly attracted a group of people.

The combined efforts of the two men can be said to have penetrated the cities like a sieve.

Unexpectedly, Yang An'er and Wanyan Heda fought fiercely and repeatedly transferred the elite of their headquarters. All the good warriors from Guo Yao'er's unit were transferred to Pizhou two months ago, and they escorted the stored military supplies to prepare to support Huaishang.


The person who succeeded Guo Yao'er in charge of Mizhou's defense was another partial general in the Red Coat Army named Yao Yun.

Yao Yun was very wary of the trade between the Red Coat Army and Ding Haijun, and he had a team of his own, so he no longer settled in Zhucheng, but instead set up a military camp by the bank of the Lu River east of Zhucheng.

Li Ting and other troops did not follow the official route and followed Gao Xin through the low mountains and hills carefully. After two days of march, Shi Poli led the infantry and fell behind thirty miles away, while the front cavalry approached Yao Yun's camp.

military camp.

This Yao Yun was also a member of the Tiewa Gan fighting army that followed Yang An'er to northern Xinjiang. In his early years, he had participated in fierce battles with the Song people as a Puchan of the Jin army.

Although he does not have a special reputation for bravery, he has been on the battlefield for many years and has rich combat experience. After Yang An'er suddenly raised his army, he was the vanguard who invaded Dongping Prefecture. Later, he also fought fiercely with the Henan Jin Army in Jeju. Li Ting

Heqiu Huiluo did not despise him.

Moreover, the soldiers set out from Dengzhou and Ninghai Prefecture, marched for five days to reach Jiaoxi, and then drove for two full days. Even if the men could still hold on, the horses were extremely tired. Even if they reluctantly launched an attack, the horses would not make an impact.

His strength was negligible. Therefore, Li Ting did not alert the defenders of the barracks. Instead, he separated them twenty miles away and Gao Xin found a hidden place in the mountains. He ordered the horses to be clamped, take a good rest, and recuperate their energy.

While the soldiers were resting, Li Ting, Qiu Huiluo, and Gao Xin held a military meeting and decided that after two hours, until dusk, Qiu Huiluo's troops would first go around the Changcheng ruins northeast of Zhucheng and pretend to be

Attack the cities.

Yao Yun must lead his troops to rescue, so Li Ting intercepts horizontally and defeats his army together with Qiu Huiluo. After that, it is Gao Xin's task to contact Nei Ying to capture Zhucheng. Of course, if he can capture Yao Yun, he can find a way to persuade him to surrender.

It's Shi Puli's task.

The three of them discussed it and each took the time to eat and rest.

Li Ting took a few mouthfuls of dry food, and with the last mouthful still in his mouth, he leaned back, rested his head on the guard's belly, and fell asleep.

In a moment, twilight gradually began to dawn. Occasionally, people snored around him. Some people turned over, slapped themselves in the face to drive away mosquitoes, and talked a few words in their sleep. The voices became louder, and the soldiers on duty stood across the room.

After a dozen steps, a small stone was thrown at his face.

Those who were talking in their sleep immediately shut up. There were only war horses chewing hay and breathing loudly around them.

It seemed that everything was going smoothly. After the soldiers recovered their strength, Li Ting was fully confident about sending troops to attack.

But when the army moves, all kinds of accidents will always happen.

At this moment, the scout leader galloped back on his horse and hurriedly rolled off the saddle.

He put his hand on Li Ting's shoulder, intending to shake his general awake. Before he could exert any force, Li Ting suddenly opened his eyes, his body remained motionless, and his hand was already on the handle of the knife: "What's wrong?"

"General, our scout cavalry collided with Yao Yun's patrol soldiers."

The cavalry had to rest and had to be on guard at the periphery. Li Ting specially sent fine knights, coupled with Gao Xin's troops who were proficient in geography, to patrol in groups of ten cavalry.

When sending them out, Gao Xin also specifically gave instructions that there are few people in this area. If they bump into outsiders, they are most likely to be wandering sentries of the Red Coat Army. They must not hold back, they must be killed immediately to prevent their own troops.

trends leaked.

But I never thought that my luck today would be so bad.

After Yao Yun received the news of Yang An'er's death, he was worried that the situation would worsen, so he sent extra patrol soldiers and extended the patrol area to more than 20 miles outside the camp.

A group of scout cavalry under Li Ting marched along the hilly valley, but they were negligent and did not send anyone to the mountain ridge to check. As a result, in the parallel valley across the mountain ridge, there were fifty people from Yao Yun's unit patrolling on foot.

Neither side knew about it, and they didn't discover the other's existence until they reached the dense water beach at the end of the valley.

The distance between the two sides was so close that the infantry and cavalry were even separated from each other. The scouts and cavalry had no time to draw their bows and arrows, so they directly drew their swords, charged and slashed with their horses. The patrols of the Red Coat Army also rose up to fight.

The fierce battle ended in an instant. Three of the scout cavalry were dead, and five of the Red Coat Army patrols were dead. The remaining dozens of people dispersed and ran separately towards the dense forest on the hillside.

The scouts tried to pursue them, but the forest was full of shrubs and vines, and it was difficult for the war horses to move after entering. Instead, they were attacked by the red coat army, injuring another person and killing a horse. They had to rush back and report to Li Ting.

Hearing this, Li Ting stood up with a grim face.

"Has the leader of the scout cavalry returned?"

"I'm back, just waiting outside."

"Why don't you come back!" Li Ting cursed and waved his hand: "Trail him away and chop him!"

That leader was an old subordinate who had followed Li Ting for some time. Not long ago, he followed Li Ting to Liaodong, pretending to be Pu Xianwannu's subordinate, and captured the south gate of Xianping Prefecture.

But in the army, there were generous rewards and severe punishments, so there was no room for maneuver. Li Ting gave the order, and the attendants on the left and right ran out like wolves and tigers. They immediately beheaded him and reported back with his head.

At this time Qiu Huiluo and Gao Xin also arrived.

Qiu Huiluo asked a few questions and said in a deep voice: "The opportunity is fleeting, so we might as well attack immediately."

Li Ting nodded and drew his sword in his hand: "Beat the drum!"

This chapter has been completed!
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