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Chapter 408 (Part 2)


What was this thing used for? Could it be that the coffin was filled with kerosene and firewood, and the navy was preparing to set fire to the city.

That's impossible. How can a city wall made of rammed earth burn?

Or, is that a large iron cannon?

Yidu Prefecture is an important town in Shandong. In the early years, when the military was not yet depleted, there were indeed several iron artillery pieces in the arsenal. Zhang Lin saw this with his own eyes.

I heard that the thing is made of iron cans containing medicine, and you only need to light it with fire. The cannon will fire, and its sound will be like thunder. You can hear it hundreds of miles away, and the thunder and fire will reach half an acre, and the fire will ignite all the armor and iron. It is transparent, so it has another name, called "Zhentian Lei".

However, that thing was produced by the Zhongdu Ordnance Prison. It was extremely expensive, and each one was used less. Therefore, after it was delivered to Yidu Mansion, it was kept in the arsenal, and no one really regarded it as a commonly used weapon. .

When Taihe conquered the Song Dynasty, because the Song Dynasty people used paper and cloth to burn fireballs to defeat the enemy, the Shandong Army Commander at that time sent people to open the arsenal and planned to take these things out to fight the enemy. It turned out that the collection was not good. It has been rusted beyond its appearance.

It would be interesting if the coffin in front of me was an iron cannon. I wonder how powerful it is...

Just when Zhang Lin thought of this, the rocket had already pierced the coffin. He saw something like a rope being ignited by the fire, and sparks flew out randomly.

The next moment, a deafening explosion sounded. The city wall shook violently. Zhang Lin couldn't stand and fell to the ground. He felt that the world was spinning in front of him. That was not an illusion. The ground was really shaking, as if it was about to break into countless small pieces. , like collapsing into an abyss!

Zhang Lin shouted loudly, using his hands and feet to maintain balance. He fell down several times and stood up several times.

One time, he fell down next to the captured cronies. Then he was even more horrified to find that blood was oozing out of some people's mouths, noses and ears.

A huge sense of fear suddenly grabbed Zhang Lin's heart, causing him to continue shouting subconsciously. Beside him, the soldiers under Heshi Lieya Wuta's command, Liu Qingfu and others were also shouting wildly. .But no matter how hard they shouted, they couldn't hear their own voices.

After the terrifying roar just now, there was only a sharp whistle in Zhang Lin's ears. This whistle covered everything and was accompanied by severe pain, as if someone was piercing his eardrum with a sharp knife. Stick it into your head.

Zhang Lin lay on the ground and dug around. He originally wanted to find a knife to separate the ropes that bound his men, but as he dug around, he suddenly became impatient, so he grabbed one person with both hands and pulled him towards the ramp to the city. Pull.

At this time, gravel and soil suddenly fell from the sky like dense raindrops. Several fist-sized bricks fell on Zhang Lin's head, knocking him to the ground.

He touched it with his backhand, and his hand was full of blood. His heart almost stopped for a moment, and he thought that his head was broken and he was about to die.

When I was desperate, the earth and rocks falling from the sky became sparse, and what continued to fall were replaced by many broken limbs, torsos, and even broken internal organs, including mutilated people!

Mixed in between these things is blood, which is like a waterfall blown away by the wind, spreading all over the sky.

It turned out that it was not my blood, but the blood of the people who were on that section of the city wall when the explosion occurred.

When this huge thunder exploded, at least three to five hundred defenders were gathered on that section of the city wall, including more than two hundred elite soldiers of the Hebei Jin Army. Most of these people were probably turned into minced meat.

, even if it is not shattered by luck, it will be buried by the collapsed city wall and crushed to pieces!

Zhang Lin suddenly understood. The strong sense of joy made him laugh like crying.

He still couldn't hear the sound, but the smoke and dust in the air, the irritating smell of burning gunpowder and the strong smell of blood immediately choked him and made him cough heartbreakingly.

Zhang Lin knelt on the ground and breathed for a while, then continued to pull his subordinates.

While going down the slope, he noticed the thick and long hammer that was once held in the hand of Heshi Lieya Wuta. At this moment, the hammer was thrown hundreds of steps away.

It fell under the city wall, and the hammer head penetrated deeply into the ground.

So, where is Heshi Lieya Wuta himself?

Zhang Lin looked around with bloodshot eyes.

Of course not found.

This position, located on the inside of the city wall, received much less impact than on the city tower. However, the defenders and soldiers who had originally gathered here were all stunned, standing or sitting, letting the mud and dust continue to pour on them.

Their heads and bodies turned them into clay figures.

While Zhang Lin was trying his best to save his companions, Guo Ning was trying his best to comfort the frightened and neighing war horses, constantly combing the horse's mane and whispering in the horse's ears.

War horses are very sensitive animals. Even if they have retreated more than 200 steps away, the roar is still too scary for the war horses.

Beside Guo Ning, many knights were equally busy. Some people could no longer control their horses, so they had no choice but to let the horses jump and stumble all the way, and ran far away from the military formation, starting from the infantry.

Go through the queue.

On normal days, the infantry would inevitably laugh at him.

But at this time, the infantry were all dumbfounded. Some people couldn't even hold the torch in their hands, and the torch fell to the ground and burned their own calves.

"Too much gunpowder was used!" Guo Ning said loudly: "The last time we did the experiment in Tushan, I didn't think it was so loud! Zhang Shengzhi must be more careful, how could he be so reckless! Look, he almost killed Zhao

Definitely injured by the explosion!"

Over the years, gunpowder weapons have been increasingly used in the military. When Guo Ning was in Zhongdu, he suffered losses from iron artillery. So he arrived in Laizhou and arranged for specialized personnel under the Ordnance Department to promote this aspect.

The Tushan he was talking about was a remote and barren mountain forty miles southeast of Laizhou. Because the mountain ridges surrounded it like a city, the Ordnance Department used it as a testing ground for gunpowder weapons. There were several Gao Daochang from Qixia, Dengzhou, who had studied external elixirs.

He was stationed there, and Zhang Shengzhi, as the chief official of the Tidian Ordnance Department, was specifically responsible there.

However, gunpowder weapons are difficult to manufacture, store, and transport. During the research process, there were several accidental explosions, resulting in deaths and injuries.

Until now, the Ordnance Department has not been able to produce the hand-held throwing weapons that Guo Ning needs. Instead, it has accumulated a lot of gunpowder of various qualities.

In the past few months, the Mine Supervisor and the Ordnance Department worked together to use these gunpowders in large quantities at once to dig mines. Later, the Ordnance Department saved some of the more explosive ones and carefully packed them in huge wooden blocks.

In the box, I plan to use it to attack the city later.

During this attack, Guo Ning brought two of them and used one in Yidu.

Xu Jin patted the ashes on his body and replied loudly: "Jie Shuai, we didn't use more gunpowder! The reason why it exploded like this is because part of it used the new formula tested by Taoist Priest Yuyangzi... It is very powerful.

A little more!"

"Damn... Is this a bit more powerful? A bit?"

Guo Ning couldn't help but cursed. After he finished cursing, he turned around and told Ni Yi: "We also have a Thunder Thunder. We have to be careful when transporting and storing it to make sure nothing goes wrong. Send someone to keep an eye on it!"

"As commanded."

Guo Ning turned to Xu Jin again: "I would like to record a great contribution to the Ordnance Department. In addition, when I go back, I will also remember to make additional offerings to the Quanzhen Sect, and give some gifts of thanks to Yuyangzi, in my own name."


Everyone continued to stare at the explosion site.

Just in front of the Dinghai navy formation, the dust raised was terrifying even in the night, like a yellow dragon rolling and flying with its teeth and claws.

Several brave Dinghai navy scouts braved the dust and moved forward with torches held high.

They passed over Zhao Jue, who was still stunned, holding a long bow, and walked to the vicinity of the city.

There was no defender on the city shooting arrows to stop it. But the fire was everywhere, and underneath the dust, a whole section of the city wall completely collapsed and collapsed, forming a gap that was high on both sides and low in the middle. In the middle of the gap, it was about ten paces wide.

Although there are broken bricks and broken walls, you can walk on foot and ride as if walking on flat ground!

it's time.

Guo Ning raised his whip and pointed his finger: "Beat the drum and march!"

Drums rumbled, and dozens of military flags representing various ministries were waved at the same time, like a sea of ​​rising flames. The soldiers followed the previous arrangement, and everyone shouted for kill. They started to move forward, as if they were in a sea of ​​fire.

Rising waves.

At this time, Wang Shixian had already returned to the west gate of Yidu. After hearing the order, he also urged his troops and horses to move forward and attack the city as a response.

He was an old soldier, and when he saw the situation at the top of the city from a distance, he knew that the defenders were frightened by the loud noise and were all in panic.

Wang Shixian laughed.

The momentum of the two armies was waxing and waning, and this battle was certain to be won. In at least half an hour, the navy would definitely capture Yidu and control this key town on the Shandong East Road.

He suddenly thought about the military report he received during the day. The military report said that Li Ting had led his army to invade Mizhou. But he didn't know what the situation was like with Li Ting at this moment.

The troops on the west route are overwhelmingly strong. If the progress of the army on the south route slows down, Li Erlang will be embarrassed when talking about it in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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