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Chapter 417 Hard and Soft (Part 2)

 A soldier lowered his head and looked at the blood hole on his flank, his face turned a little pale. After touching it, he found that it was just a flesh wound, and it would be fine just to bandage it, so he shouted happily: "What a fool! I almost stabbed him."

Broke my belly!"

"Be careful!" Gao Xin shouted: "Next, let's turn to the east. That's Zhou Keshan's house. Hold on there, climb over the two walls, and you can enter the Dutong Mansion!"

"General, there is no need for us to take a detour and charge again! Just once will do!" a sign leader shouted loudly.

While shouting, he stabbed straight with the knife, knocking a red-coated soldier running towards him to the ground.

He used a lot of force, and the long, thick-backed sword penetrated the belly of the opponent's thin iron robe that was loosely tied, and penetrated straight into the internal organs. The tip of the knife almost came out from behind. The red-coated soldier immediately fell to the ground.

Obviously he won't survive.

The brand leader boasted and turned around to say something to Gao Xin, but an arrow flew from not far away and hit him in the neck. He immediately sat down on the ground.

Probably when the arrow penetrated, it didn't hit any blood vessels, so the wound didn't bleed out. However, the arrow cluster propped up a large piece of skin from a distance of four or five inches.

Gao Xin pulled a pine torch and took a closer look. He saw a bright red blood bag bulging under the skin, getting bigger and bigger.

The head of the brand was breathing heavily, trying to reach out and pull out the arrow.

A soldier nearby shouted: "Don't move, you will die if you pull it out!"

As soon as he said this sentence, Baizi's eyes widened and he began to twitch in pain. He continued to raise his hand, but he lost the strength.

"I'll do it." Gao Xin grabbed half of the arrow shaft and pulled it out hard.

The blood accumulated deep in the neck suddenly spurted onto Gao Xin's hand. The head of the brand tilted his head and his eyes lost their sparkle.

The leader of this brand is Gao Xin's old subordinate in Jiuxian Mountain. The two of them are close friends. In the spring of this year, they also got married and married. However, it is inevitable for a warrior to die on the battlefield, let alone as an officer of the Ding Navy.

After death, the land can be passed on to the wife and family, and the pension will be generous. That would be great, and it would be worthwhile to die.

Gao Xin straightened the corpse of the sign leader and waved his hand: "Hurry up, let's go east! Li Erlang has already washed his feet at the city gate. Now only Dutong Mansion is left to be captured... I don't want to see him

He looks like he’s going into battle to kill the enemy with bare feet!”

At that moment, everyone followed Gao Xin and continued to rush forward. Half a moment later, they passed through Zhou Keshan's house, and then climbed over the wall and crashed into the Dutong Mansion, where they started slashing and killing.

In mid-September, Shandong can be said to be the end of summer, because the temperature during the day is still very warm, and you will sweat if you move even a little bit. But it can also be said to be late autumn, because the temperature drops significantly at the moment of day and night transition.

According to the celestial predictions of the past few years, it is very likely that the north wind will come suddenly overnight, and then winter will follow.

Tonight, at this moment, is the day when the north wind comes.

Amid the passionate roars of countless soldiers, the weather suddenly turned cold. In the howling north wind, Yang Miaozhen looked at the people around him, watching them shivering in the wind, even some who had just returned from the battle at the front and were boiling with blood and sweat.

The soldiers in red shirts also turned pale, as if the cold wind had driven away the heat from their bodies.

Yang Miaozhen also felt that an unspeakable chill was sweeping over him.

In the past year, Yang Miaozhen viewed the Ding Navy as an army that, although capable, acted extremely cautiously.

That's right, just be cautious.

Although Guo Ning's style was unspeakably bold in the eyes of the emperor and ministers in the Zhongdu court. But in the eyes of Yang Miaozhen, Ding Haijun's actions were still too cautious. In other words, they took human life too seriously.

I don't want to pay the price of casualties.

Yang Miaozhen thought about it, if she commanded elite soldiers like Ding Haijun, not even 10,000 people, but even 5,000 people, she would dare to break into Zhongdu and turn the entire Kingdom of Jin upside down.

But in fact, the Ding Navy had such a powerful force that it did nothing for a whole year after repelling the Mongolian army. By the way, it only fought a battle with the rebellious local general in Liaodong... That was nothing.

Being a dog for the imperial court, there is nothing to brag about.

Yang Miaozhen didn't understand why Guo Ning was like this. But because of this strong impression, she always felt that as long as she fought a fierce battle, a tough battle, she could deter Guo Ning's ambitions. At least, she could make Guo Ning's ambitions be frightened.

Guo Ning felt that it was not worthwhile to be an enemy of the Red Coat Army.

Now she understood that this idea was completely wrong.

The attack launched by Ding Haijun this time was completely different from the previous skirmish between Guo Yaoer and Ding Haijun in Mizhou. This time, they were completely determined to tear the Red Coat Army into pieces and then in one fell swoop

Seize Shandong.

In this process, one or two losses will not deter them, but will arouse their ferocity. Yang Miaozhen felt like he was holding a weapon and stabbing a wound on some extremely terrifying beast. The wound made

The beast felt pain, and as a result, it shed its disguise and fully displayed its bloodthirsty and madness.

The Red Coat Army could not withstand this level of fierce fighting.

The Red Coat Army could not bear this kind of severe loss.

Compared with this high-intensity investment in combat effectiveness, the fight between the Red Coat Army and the Nanjing Road Jin Army in the past year was like child's play. Perhaps only the Mongolian Army can compare with it.

At this time, even the elite group that Yang Miaozhen gathered first were unable to maintain the situation. They could only follow Yang Miaozhen, running quickly through the streets and alleys of the city, and retreating towards the city gate that had not yet changed hands.

When the Ding navy poured into the city, the entire city was like a pot of boiling water. There were battles everywhere, fires everywhere, and panicked people everywhere. Even the soldiers who had followed Yang Miaozhen in a field ambush a few days ago were lying on the ground.

He didn't dare to move, probably waiting to surrender.

Yang Miaozhen himself was targeted several times by Ding Haijun who invaded the city.

Fortunately, the scene was too chaotic. Most of the first batch of Dinghai navy cavalry who rushed into the city were wearing iron armor and full belts. Wearing such heavy equipment is certainly helpful for protecting yourself, but it is difficult to survive in the chaotic crowd.

Chasing specific targets. The enemies that continued to pour in later focused on targets such as the Tutong Mansion, arsenals, and grain depots.

Yang Miaozhen became fierce, holding a long spear, sometimes cutting off the rear, sometimes moving forward, even the red-coated soldiers blocking the way were knocked over several times by her. A group of more than ten people finally caught up with the Ding navy officers who were ascending the city.

Before reaching the south gate, grab the door and go out.

Standing outside the city, looking back at the shadows and firelight inside the city gate, I heard the sound of arrows piercing the air from time to time in the doorway, and the angry roars of the soldiers. There were also arrows flying out of the city, hitting people in the city.

On the masonry of the city gate, debris flew away and passed by Yang Miaozhen.

Yang Miaozhen sighed deeply.

A stronger wind blew from the doorway, making the sweat and tears on her face become as cold as ice.

The huge sense of frustration and loss made her stagger back a few steps without any strength. Then her subordinates helped her: "Fourth lady, get on your horse quickly! Let's go quickly!"

The war horse whinnied and neighed, urging Yang Miaozhen repeatedly.

Yang Miaozhen got on his horse, but hesitated and refused to swing his whip, feeling a little dazed.

Yang Miaozhen herself has no political experience, let alone political beliefs. She is well aware of the suffering of Han'er under the rule of the Jurchens, but when she comes forward, she just wants to try her best to maintain the foundation earned by her brother and does not want to take advantage of the Jurchens.


Yang Miaozhen is determined to keep working hard for this and will never give up as long as there is a chance. Unfortunately, the facts here in Michigan tell her that it is time to give up.

Did you give up too quickly? It's a bit ridiculous.

However, it is absolutely impossible for the Red Coat Army forces in Mizhou and Juzhou to survive such a fierce offensive by Ding Haijun. Those who are fighting for the heritage of the Red Coat Army in Haizhou, Pizhou, Tengzhou, and Yizhou, such as Shi Qing

, Xia Quan, Huo Yi, Shi Gui and others cannot hold on.

The subordinates shouted to leave quickly, and Yang Miaozhen heard them.

But where can I go?

How many more failures can the soldiers of the Red Coat Army endure?

And in the process of repeated failures, who can be intimidated by the name of the four ladies of the Red Coat Army? After all, the entire rebel army has dispersed, and the remaining people are just holding together.

Perhaps, we should go to Mount Tai and seek refuge with Second Ancestor Liu? Second Ancestor Liu’s daughter, Miss Liu, has some friendship with me. And Peng Yibin is indeed a good man.

But the conditions in Mount Tai are too harsh to raise many soldiers. I don’t like the days of eating chaffy vegetables, let alone the soldiers under my command.

Then, we can only continue to go south and try to...

The companions whipped the horse's butts hard, causing the horse to scatter its hooves and run wildly into the night.

This chapter has been completed!
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