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Chapter 439 Hatred (1)

 Around Shen Shi in the afternoon, Pusan ​​Anzhen left Tieling and ended the negotiation with Guo Ning. However, because he did not get any benefits in the negotiation, Pusan ​​Anzhen could not lose face no matter what, so he returned to his army.

, immediately ordered all the troops to break camp and withdraw their troops to the north overnight.

His orders were issued in a hurry, and the soldiers seemed particularly panicked. Among the more than 20,000 troops, some were noisy, some were dejected, some were grateful, and some were irritable. What can be confirmed is that this experience of escaping from death

, it was a huge shock to each of them.

Because the troops were withdrawn too quickly, many supplies and equipment in the entire camp were discarded, which the navy could use. So Guo Ning led his troops to the camp honestly and politely, saving his own troops the time to set up camp.

Before dark, bonfires were lit everywhere on both sides of the Beiqing River, like a vast sea of ​​stars. The Dinghai navy light cavalry who had been sent out to capture prisoners and monitor the battlefield were now returning one after another with torches.

Around the bonfire, the officers and soldiers of the Ding Navy gathered in tens of thousands, taking off their armor, sitting or lying down.

The Alixi people had a harder time at this time. They needed to clean the battlefield, prepare food for the main army, and clean up the tents.

The army traveled long distances with light equipment and carried very simple food. However, the weather was getting cold and the soldiers wanted to eat something hot. So many Alixi poured cold water into their iron helmets and put the baked wheat cakes into their helmets.

Or break the rice cake into pieces and cook it into a paste.

During the battle, Ali wanted to follow the main army forward, which was not necessarily easy, so the iron helmets placed on the campfire were probably stained with sweat, salt, frost, and even blood. But no one cared, that was just fine

Add a little flavor to the paste.

The Jin army in Hebei had already fled far away, and since Li Quan died, all his troops were in despair. Ding Haijun only arranged a small number of light cavalry on duty, which was enough to ensure their own safety. Therefore, the soldiers were very relaxed, and many soldiers were lying next to the campfire.

, smelling the aroma of the food being cooked, I ate it with satisfaction, then leaned over and fell asleep directly.

Guo Alin did not fall asleep.

During the afternoon fighting, he was at the front line the whole time and did not take turns to rest, so he suffered many injuries on his body. Although it had been diagnosed and treated by a medical officer and it was determined that it was not fatal, the pain was really severe.

Especially the area where the bamboo pole was stabbed on the chest seemed to have no wounds, but in fact the bones were bruised and a large amount of blood accumulated. Every time he took a breath, he felt pain. However, the night wind was getting stronger at this moment.

The blowing makes people want to cough, and every time they cough, it is as uncomfortable as if they are tearing out the heart and lungs.

When the pain was severe, someone handed me a felt blanket and said, "It will feel better if you wrap it in a blanket."

Guo Alin subconsciously took it. He didn't shake it off and just hugged it. The blanket was a bit heavy but very soft. It was really comfortable when pressed against his chest.

He sighed with contentment, looked up and saw that it was the generals who were inspecting the camp.

Wang Shixian brought several people with him, each of them holding a thick pile of felt blankets in their arms, and they just gave him one. Behind Guo Zhongyuan, several generals carried a large pot filled with cooked horse meat.


Guo Alin's attention was instantly attracted by horse meat. He grunted, swallowed, and ignored the pain in his chest, he quickly called to his companions: "Wake up, there is meat to eat! Hurry up and put the helmet on..."

Just as he was shouting, someone kicked him lightly: "Don't worry, everyone has it. I heard that you fought bravely today, and you deserve a big reward!"

Guo Alin turned his head and saw Guo Ning's tall figure. He couldn't help but laugh: "Jie Shuai, I want it with the skin on! Only the skin on it is delicious!"

As the size of the Dinghai Navy continues to expand, Guo Ning can no longer get to know all the soldiers like he did at the Xijunhe camp. However, almost all officers including lieutenants and generals have been trained in military academies. These people like Guo Ning

He is familiar with each of his disciples and talks to them very casually.

Guo Ning was also aware of Guo Alin's hard work today, so he immediately called the gang leader and personally used a waist knife to pierce a piece of flesh with the skin on. It was particularly fat and steaming and put it into Guo Alin's helmet.

Now that the food is delicious, Guo Alin is no longer afraid of pain or burning. He holds his helmet between his legs with a smile on his face, grabs the piece of meat and bites it.

As soon as I took a bite, Tang Jiuyu and the others were all booing, saying that you and Guo Dujiang were not the only ones who would not retreat during the fight. Everyone was following closely. Why should one person enjoy such a large piece of horse meat? Hurry up.

After handing it over, everyone shared it in one bite.

Guo A-lin swallowed the meat in his mouth whole and put on a reasonable face; then he took another big bite off guard.

Guo Ning couldn't help but smile when he saw them making noise.

Guo Zhongyuan didn't see Guo Ning's face clearly, so he came closer and explained: "Guo Alin is younger, and the soldiers under his command are just joking with him. This is not the case on the battlefield."

"It's obvious that this guy has great military morale."

Guo Ning nodded slightly.

Officers above the general level were treated much better than ordinary soldiers, and everyone had blankets and mattresses. Guo Alin lay directly on the ground, and his own blankets and mattresses were given to the more seriously injured subordinates. Guo Ning

You will understand it at a glance.

He turned to the officers in the army: "It's getting cold. It's okay to lie down on the ground for a while, but not for one night. The Hebei Jin Army camp must be cleaned up quickly, and all the soldiers will be accommodated in tents tonight."

Several generals obeyed the orders.

As the group walked further forward, moans and screams could be heard one after another, becoming one continuous sound.

That was the sound made by all of Li Quan's wounded soldiers.

After each department set up camp, dozens of medical officers accompanying the army and hundreds of soldiers with first-aid training immediately took action. They first treated the officers of the navy headquarters, but they were pleased to find that the casualties in this scene were very limited. The main reason was that

When breaking through the five trenches of the camp in Anding Town, more than 700 people were injured, including more than 200 dead and more than 200 seriously injured.

They defeated tens of thousands of people in one camp and scared away more than 20,000 people in another camp. They only paid such a price, which is simply insignificant.

On the other hand, as Li Quan's defense line was broken through again and again, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, so the medical officers allocated a lot of manpower to treat them.

Because there were too many people with minor or serious injuries, and many people tried their best to flee to the wilderness after being injured, and they were only being recovered one after another by the cavalry, the rescue work was not over yet.

From Guo Ning's point of view, the effect of treatment may not be very good. Many soldiers who have lost their hands or feet, or whose internal organs are injured will almost certainly suffer a lot and then die from blood loss or the poison of metal wounds. According to the system of the Ding Navy

, the medical officers still disinfected their wounds and applied drugs to stop bleeding and eliminate wind. Then, they could only wait and wait for a miracle to happen.

However, regardless of whether a miracle will occur or not, this large-scale rescue operation itself comforted the rest of Li Quan's family.

After Guo Ning took control of the Anding town camp, he allowed the women and children in the old and small camps to come out and stay with their sons, husbands or fathers. As a result, the soldiers may be uneasy, sad, and violently hostile, but in the

Slowly disappearing.

From a distance, Tian Si watched Guo Ning patrolling and distributing food.

He sighed and said to his companions: "Isn't Guo Jiedu of the Ding Navy as fierce as the legend says? He seems to be reasonable."

How come everyone didn't know what he meant? So they all nodded and said, "Yes, yes, he looks very kind and reasonable."

Some people said: "Now, Guo Jiedu can't take ten military states in one go? The territory has increased several times, the people have increased several times, it's the right time to hire people. Maybe it would be good for us to follow Guo Jiedu.


In fact, Guo Ning doesn't care about the thoughts of these key officers under Li Quan. Li Quan's remaining troops number nearly 10,000 people, including powerful men from the countryside and tough bandits from the green forest. Many of them have identities and styles that are not consistent with the requirements for recruitment of navy soldiers.

Not the same. These people lower their bodies at all costs in order to survive. What will happen next?

Guo Ning himself was a thief in Tangluo, Hebei Province, and he knew the characters of these characters very well. He knew that although they were good at fighting, they also had a cruel, cunning and wanton side. It was easy to subdue them, but to digest them completely

, but difficult.

In this process, there are still many things to do and many means to be used.

With this thought in mind, Guo Ning deliberately avoided the place where Tian Si and other officers were sitting. Because he turned a corner, neither he nor his subordinates noticed a young man named Yu Maner, who was staring at him.

The direction in which people are walking.

The light of the bonfire flashed by, and the light of hatred also flashed in Yu's eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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