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Chapter 481 Chaos (Part 2)

 Naminfu turned his head and said hastily to his war slave: "Don't be afraid! As long as you are loyal, don't be afraid!"

When the Mongols moved to war, the Mongols lived in the open air, and the treatment given to the Khitans was naturally even worse.

Most of the Khitan people were confined to fences surrounded by logs, huddled around a dozen bonfires to keep warm.

Even the wounded could only cling to the cry in the cold environment, and only those who had committed crimes by fighting with knives had blankets.

When they saw smoke and fire everywhere outside, and heard many people shouting for the Khitans to escape, several Khitan camps became restless one after another.

After all, the Khitans are different from ordinary grassland peoples. The customs and habits of those grassland peoples who relied on the Mongols were mostly similar to the Mongols, and they themselves were also barbaric. The Mongols wanted to intimidate them and turn them into beasts immersed in massacre.

A gentle push is needed.

But this is not the case for the Khitan people.

They once had a glorious history, and generally had a very deep degree of Chineseization. Especially the Khitans who were moved to the hinterland of the Northeast, lived side by side with the Han people for decades, farmed and studied, and even went so far as to move people to move their clothes and move their Chu materials.

Such scholars with profound Confucianism.

When they joined the Dinghai Navy, they received really good treatment. At least, the leader who led them was the general under Yelvliu Ge at that time. The results of their hard work in logging, building houses, clearing wasteland, and building roads were mostly

They lived by themselves. Even if they were forced to fight with the Mongols for a while, they still had a vague idea of ​​​​escaping by chance.

What's more, although the Mongols threatened with force, why didn't Ding Haijun not use force? Four thousand households who were ordered to be consorts that day were trampled by Ding Haijun's cavalry, causing heavy casualties. Many Khitan people witnessed it with their own eyes!

At this moment, the navy's elite night attack was launched, and it created such a momentum, making it clear that bygones are bygones...

And the Mongolian army is still killing people violently!

What would the Khitans choose? They had no choice at all!

The noise in several camps increased from low to high, suddenly setting off a frenzy. The sound of hundreds of Khitan people overturning the wooden fence was so creaking that it made people's scalp numb. Before the wooden fence was completely overturned,

Someone ran out frantically. A Mongolian guard waved his whip and stepped forward to intercept, but was immediately overwhelmed by the crowd.

Under the fireworks, more and more Mongolians killed their own war slaves with their own hands, and then went out to fight in groups. The roars of the Khitans and Mongols rang in Naminfu's ears, almost overwhelming the previous enemies.

Cry to kill.

This time I am in trouble and I can't control it anymore.

Naminfu's eyes that couldn't be closed were blood red from the smoke. He looked around and felt that there were killings far and near, and there was chaos everywhere.

Fortunately, the captain had gathered a lot of people around him. At one point, enemies tried to use the cover of fireworks to attack, but they were all shot back by dense arrows.

That's all, that's all. The situation is now like this, we can't hesitate now.

The incoming enemies are still rushing back and forth. They never stay in one place, but try their best to cause turmoil. This approach is actually what the Mongols are good at. Those who are also good at this kind of tactics can only entangle with the Mongols in the northern boundary trench.

Elites of the Jin Army for many years...

That must be the main force of the navy!

Na Minfu had seen this before in Shandong. They were indeed powerful enemies!

We can no longer control the Khitans, so we must first gather our own troops to surround and kill the Dinghai navy who made the surprise attack. We must capture them one by one and trample them into pieces!

At this time, Naminfu was surrounded by dozens of people. Abul, Huga and others rushed back with bloody knives. Naminfu grabbed a torch and looked around, but for a while he could not find the remaining companions.

"Hurry up and join the captain!" he shouted, then turned around, wanting to comfort his war slave a few more words, but saw the young man retreating hesitantly, holding a short knife in his hand at some point.


Naminfu's hound was excited by the continuous noises around him, running around his master and the slave who had been feeding him these past few days, wagging his tail.

But at this time, Naminfu was more sensitive than a hound. He saw fear and shake in the eyes of the Khitans, as well as a little well-hidden hatred.

It's a pity that this person can't be kept!

Naminfu suddenly moved forward and slashed with his sword.

He was old, but his skills were still strong. Seeing that this sword was enough to cut off the Khitan people's heads, Abel suddenly grabbed Naminfu's shoulders, pushed him down hard, and at the same time raised the wicker shield in his hand.


At this moment, more than a dozen bones, spears and flying axes flew from the night.

The Mongols are also familiar with this method of throwing weapons, so they are quite experienced in predicting and dodging. Several people relied on instant intuition and physical instinct to dodge.

But there are always people who are unlucky.

A Mongolian was stabbed in the abdomen by a spear, and the heavy spear carried his body, pinning him to the ground, causing him to scream shrilly.

There was also a bone that hit another Mongolian on the side of his head. The Mongolian was looking around for the enemy, but unexpectedly the bone came fast and fierce, knocking off a whole piece of the bone in the back of his head, without any blood.

But the white bone stubble and gray brain matter sprayed far away.

Abel's wicker shield was hit by a throwing ax and a throwing spear one after another. The impact shattered the hard and tough dry wicker, causing him to stagger back.

His shield was pierced by a spear, and the sharp blade of the spear opened a long wound along his arm, and the fascia of the elbow joint could almost be seen.

Abel groaned twice and rolled to the ground.

Naminfu, however, remained in the same supine position as when he was pushed down, turned over his hand, took out a strong bow and arrow, and shot out an arrow.

Every centurion who has stood out in the brutal wars of the past few decades is a good fighter.

A knight from the Dinghai Navy held the horse's neck with his left hand and struck with a long flat-ended sword in his right hand. When he was about to stab Abel, the long arrow shot by Naminfu hit him in the chest.

The violent momentum caused the knight to fall back suddenly. Because the temporarily captured horse had no saddle, he immediately rolled off the horse and hit the ground heavily. The knight didn't even make a sound, and was swarmed up.

The Mongols hacked him to death with knives, and their flesh, flesh and bones were shattered into pieces.

The horses continued to gallop without stopping, passing by Naminfu and others. Several Mongolian warriors followed Naminfu back and opened their bows to shoot again. The arrows whizzed into the darkness, and it was not known whether they hit or not.

Most of the arrows missed, but one hit.

Han Xuan touched his shoulder with his backhand, then bit the bloody long knife in his mouth, pulled out the short knife from his waist, and cut off the exposed arrow shaft.

A subordinate who was riding beside him looked around and exclaimed: "General manager, you are seriously injured!"

"Shut up!"

During night attacks, metal weapons can be wrapped with cloth strips to avoid making noise, but metal armor, especially various types of ring armor and zha armor, cannot avoid the sound of knocking against each other.

A single piece of armor is not enough, but hundreds of soldiers move at the same time, and the sound of metal collision is like a tidal wave, which can be heard clearly from hundreds of steps away.

Therefore, all the Ding Navy officers who followed Han Xuan in the night attack only wore leather armor, including the general Han Xuan. As a result, when the battle became intense to a certain level, the casualties of the officers began to increase. Even the general

He was inevitably injured.

This night attack was specially prepared by Han Xuan.

At the beginning of the offensive and defensive changes between Mongolia and Jin, the Mongols often crossed the border to plunder, and the defenders always chose to send troops to intercept when they plundered several tribes in succession and seemed to have a prosperous population.

All because the more tribes were captured, the Mongols themselves were loosened and diluted, and their combat effectiveness plummeted. When they seemed to be the most powerful, that was when they were at their weakest.

It was normal at this moment. The Mongols held so many Khitans hostage, attacking villages and destroying strongholds along the way, but these Khitans also became an obvious weak point.

Han Xuan listened carefully and roughly guessed the movements of the other teams.

He was very satisfied with the current results, because the Khitan people had dispersed, and the strength that the Mongolian army had worked so hard to gather in the previous two days no longer existed.

But he was also very sorry, because the reaction speed of the Mongolian army headquarters was really fast. Except for the initial chaos, Han Xuan was unable to rush into the ranks of several thousand captains of the Mongolian army, let alone approach the camp that was closely guarded by the Mongolian army.


It's a pity that we don't have enough troops. If I had three thousand elite soldiers here...

Han Xuan shook his head.

Ding Haijun's territory is expanding too fast, and there is always a shortage of elite soldiers.

Han Xuan, the Liaohai defense envoy, has more than 6,000 troops. If Gai is deployed and the strong men of all ethnic groups in the two states are recruited, the number can be increased to 20,000. However, the standing force stationed in Jian'an County, Gaizhou at this time is only 3,000.

Five hundred people.

Among the 3,500 people, there are no more than 500 elites who can run long distances at night and fight on their own in a chaotic situation; and among these 500 people, many have already become first-level or first-level team members.

Officers with higher status cannot be transferred.

Han Xuan brought out two hundred people and tried his best.

He hoped to use this night attack to cause as much damage to the enemy as possible, while at the same time inflicting as little loss on himself as possible. This is because such elites are the courage of the army and the backbone of the army, and they really cannot afford to lose.

"Follow me... You don't have to wait until the next update. Let's rush for another round and retreat quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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