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Chapter 482 Chaos (Part 2)

 Han Xuan gave the order, and his knights immediately blew their horns.

Immediately, horns sounded in several directions. In the dark night, the firelight flashed and repeatedly obscured the sight, as if thousands of troops and horses were charging into the vicinity of the fifth village of C.

Because of the random collision of the Khitan people, another horse pen guarded by the Mongolian Wu Lachi was washed away. Hundreds of horses rushed out. The sound of horse hooves, shouts and coughs were heard everywhere.

At this time, several thousand-man Mongolian troops who had already mounted their horses and were ready to fight did not dare to attack easily. They only kept giving orders to their subordinates, adjusting the cavalry queue, and from time to time used a dense cloud of arrows to repel the approaching attempts in the light and shadow.

A naval officer.

When the Dinghai navy broke into the camp, they continuously dispersed into small groups in order to cause the greatest chaos to the Mongolian army in the shortest time. However, due to the pressure of the Mongolian army, the small groups continued to gather and kill.

At this moment, there were three teams that were charging forward, each with more than 40 riders and over 60 riders.

The two Mongolian thousands-man troops that were once dispersed gathered faster.

The Mongols went from a team of a few people to a team of dozens of people, and gradually changed from gravel that hindered the Ding navy's assault to bricks and rocks blocking everywhere.

Both sides wandered back and forth in the night and fireworks. Once they encountered each other, they immediately fought fiercely.

The elite veteran soldiers of the Ding Navy were clearly revealed in this short and fierce battle. They either charged on horseback, or dismounted and slashed with swords to kill indiscriminately. Some soldiers peeled off the armor from the corpses of the Mongolians, roaring and shouting.

Rush and kill like a wild beast, attacking enemies everywhere.

The Mongolian army is also a beast.

Unlike Ding Haijun, who followed the elite combat style of the Jin Army and received rigorous training for a long time, each Mongolian warrior had different combat skills, and their combat experience also came from countless tribes fighting on the grassland year after year.

Their bravery and ferocity were even higher than that of Ding Haijun. Twenty or thirty Mongolian warriors stood side by side, and when they tried to entangle them, Han Xuan could only take a detour to avoid them.

The Mongols gradually gathered and pressed forward layer by layer.

Throughout the camp, in addition to the corpses of the Khitans, there were gradually more corpses of Mongolians and Han people. There were also injured people who fell from their horses and were struggling to crawl on the grass while trying to stab the injured people next to them with their short knives.


Such a well-matched battle in a short period of time has never been encountered by Zhebie's troops since they broke into the Northeast.

Zhebie had never encountered this when he led a partial division to attack Liaoyang the year before and last.

But after all, the number of the Mongolian army was much greater. When they stabilized their position, it became increasingly difficult for Han Xuan's bluff to work. The Khitan people who were running around on the battlefield gradually went into the wilderness, so

It becomes increasingly difficult for small cavalry teams to fish in troubled waters.

The Mongols overwhelmed Ding Haijun's offensive and restricted their cavalry. The initiative in the battle fell into the hands of the Mongols.

This momentary change is extremely subtle. Under the cover of the deep night, not everyone can feel the decline of Ding Haijun. Only generals with rich battlefield experience and superior talents can immediately feel this subtlety.

The change.

Zhebie is such a general.

Earlier when the camp was closed and there was chaos, Zhebie and many Mongolian Batu'ers were watching the Khitan's wrestling performance in the village. When the Batu'ers heard about the turmoil outside, they all became furious and shouted that they wanted to go out and fight with the enemy.

, but Zhebie was very peaceful, and even calmed down two frightened Khitan warriors, let them sit under him, and gave them wine to drink.

When others were called to lead the troops, Batu'er from all walks of life would have been furious and might have drawn his sword to threaten him. But since Zhebie gave the order, the Mongols had no choice but to obey.

In terms of origin, Zhebie was only a subordinate of the leader of a small Mongolian tribe, and was insignificant on the grasslands that focused on lineage inheritance. However, he shot one of Genghis Khan's eight horses "Chahan suddenly lost Wen Yaoli" on the battlefield and was killed by Zhamu.

He was praised as "a forehead of bronze and a heart of iron". With his sharp shooting and bravery, he was called the first of Genghis Khan's four dogs.

He is Jebe, the arrow of Genghis Khan. No one dares to question Jebe's order!

On several occasions, Han Xuan led a small group of particularly brave men to the edge of the camp and fired arrows through the earthen wall. Zhebie still ordered his troops to stay still.

Until then, Zhebie suddenly stood up.

"The Dinghai navy in the depression area to the south are all pretending, like foxes that can only wag their tails, don't worry about them!"

"There are no more than twenty people in the Dinghai navy in the forest on the north slope. They are all pretending to be like bleating yellow sheep. Don't worry about them!"

"Around the camp, there are three groups of Dinghai navy cavalry still active. One of them is constantly using horns to contact all parties and deliver orders. That must be the Dinghai navy general here in Gaizhou! Which group is worthy of us?

Go catch the prey!”

The black-robed general jumped on his horse and said with high spirits: "Catch him! Kill him! Pull out the backbone of the wolf, and all the enemies will become timid!"

The Batuers cheered loudly, then got on their horses and roared in unison: "Catch him! Kill him! Cut off the head wolf's neck, and all the enemies will die!"

The main entrance of the village had collapsed, and the only two remaining wooden piles shook violently. The most skilled warriors of the Mongolian army swept out of the ground like a black wind.

At this time, Han Xuan failed to charge for another round. He had just rushed from the east side of the camp to the north side and had already given up the idea of ​​continuing the attack.

The Mongols' reaction was too fast. If the fight continued, it would become a dogfight, and they would really risk their lives... They had to leave immediately!

But it’s not that easy to leave.

The moment a group of cavalry reined in their horses at the same time, Han Xuan heard the sound of intensive bow strings. In front of him and behind him, several cavalrymen were hit by arrows.

The snake-bone arrows with large and heavy arrow clusters can break armor at close range. After piercing the human body, they quickly caused terrible injuries. The servant who had just cared about Han Xuan covered his stomach and tried to stay on the horse, but his intestines

and internal organs flowed out from the gap created by the arrow, falling softly and slippery to the ground.

Amidst the horrifying screams, the slave fell from his horse.

Han Xuan continued to urge his horse, and he vaguely heard that the young servant seemed to be calling his mother.

The father of this concubine was Han Xuan's comrade. He died in Zhongdu earlier, leaving mother and son to depend on each other. Han Xuan has been taking care of them and introduced his eldest son as his concubine. Before that, Han Xuan took office

Liaohai Defense Envoy, this obedient mother also specifically asked Han Xuan to take care of her son.

But on the fierce battlefield, no one can take care of others, and no one can be taken care of by others. Kill the enemy when the opportunity comes; die in battle when your life is exhausted. There is no other choice.

Fortunately, the obedient younger brother is almost an adult and can support himself. They have a shelter at home, and his mother does not have to worry about a difficult life.

This thought flashed past, and Han Xuan continued to rein in his horse, forcing the horse to neigh violently. He had already heard the sound of Mongolian light cavalry arriving in large numbers. The rapid and intensive sound of hoofbeats was the Mongolian cavalry brigade that had not been dispatched before!

This game has been won, right?

Gotta leave now!

You can't stop, you'll die if you stop!

He and the other knights turned their horses back with all their strength and began to run away.

Not long after urging his horse to speed up, Han Xuan saw a Mongolian on foot not far ahead looking towards him.

The two gray eyes on that big round face seemed completely lifeless. Looking at Han Xuan was like looking at a dead man. His arrow had been placed on the bow and he had been aiming for a while. At this time, he suddenly pulled

The string was clicked and the heavy arrow roared.

Han Xuan subconsciously pounced forward, hiding his body behind the horse's neck, and then he felt the horse suddenly neigh and jump, jumping like a madman.

Han Xuan hugged the horse's neck tightly, forcing the horse to continue running forward.

After two breaths, the horse ran past the Mongolian who was shooting an arrow. Han Xuan's right shoulder had been hit by an arrow before, and just now he controlled the horse with all his strength. The arrow cluster rolled between the tight muscles of the shoulder, and blood flowed continuously.


His right arm was almost out of strength, but it didn't take much strength to gallop a horse to kill people. He held the long knife flat, held it tightly with all his strength, and rushed past with the horse.

An instant later, Han Xuan's wrist shook, and he took off his long knife. Looking back quickly, he saw the Mongolian head flying into the air, and the blood in his cavity splashed out in a bright arc under the light of the fire from far and near.

At the same time as he turned back, his horse's jumping and neighing turned into a whine. Its two front legs gave out and rolled down.

Han Xuan followed the momentum of the horse's overturning and rolled several times on the ground. Only then did he find that the neck of the war horse was pierced by a snake bone arrow, and blood gushed out, forming a small lake on the grass.

"Steward! Mount your horse quickly!"

Fortunately, the battlefield was chaotic, but there was no shortage of horses. A clever subordinate immediately brought the empty horses.

Han Xuan's shoulder was so painful that it was difficult to support him. He relied on only one arm and tried twice before he was pushed onto the horse by his companions and continued running.

But this short setback slowed down everyone.

The Mongolian cavalry suddenly appeared, approaching a distance of less than thirty steps, and both sides could clearly distinguish each other's figures!

The arrows fired by the pursuers suddenly became denser, like rain.

One of the soldiers who struggled to lift Han Xuan had no time to get on his horse. He was hit by an arrow in the leg, then in the back, and then in the head. In the blink of an eye, he was shot like a hedgehog, lying motionless.

This was at night! And it was a night covered with thick clouds and snowflakes flying, and there were only firelights around. Those Mongolian cavalry chasing after them were actually able to shoot so accurately on the galloping horses!

This chapter has been completed!
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